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Across the United States, systems of care have emerged to provide mental health care to children and their families; fragmentation inhibiting the success of collaboration by stakeholders is common and compromises these systems of care. Survey data were collected from 1,428 respondents in a Midwestern state to examine problems that exist within systems of care from the perspective of the different stakeholder groups. Stakeholder group membership was based upon the respondent's employment or involvement within various child-serving systems and included those in child welfare, juvenile justice, and education, mental health providers, and consumers (i.e., caregivers/parents). Group differences revealed patterns of “finger pointing” by the stakeholder groups on where specific problems exist within systems of care. The findings provide insight into how the social construction of service delivery and practice emerges as stakeholder groups describe, understand, and evaluate problems within the system of care as a function of their own practice location within the system of care. Future research should consider exploring methods that might minimize the competitive nature of disparate child-serving systems and its potentially negative impact upon system performance and treatment outcomes.  相似文献   


This correlational study assessed how families of children with mental illness perceived the levels of support they received from informal and formal resource providers and the associations between perceived support and child outcomes. Adult caregivers (N = 904) of youth receiving public mental health care services were administered the Family Caregiver Perceptions of Support Scale developed by the authors to assess family caregiver perceptions of support prior to and at termination of services. Factor analysis identified three types of caregiver anticipated supports: informal support resources, support for treatment plan influence, and health care resources. The domains were significantly and positively associated with one another but did not uniformly correlate with youth mental health outcomes. The study provides preliminary evidence that treatment gains in youth mental health outcomes are observed when caregivers perceive support in treatment processes. Suggestions for future research are made, stressing the importance of caregivers and providers working together and describing needs related to future scale improvements.  相似文献   


In this article, we examine the different licensing and payment policies in the United States for kinship foster care and assess the potential impact of licensing policies on the likelihood that grandparents or other kin will become licensed as formal kinship foster care providers. With this information, discussion is presented that outlines possible barriers to formalized foster kinship care placement and identifies the need for changes in public policy that could lead to increased program access for kinship foster caregivers.  相似文献   


Objectives: Simulation-based training has been used in health care to increase clinical knowledge and skills and understanding the experience of others. There is a lack of research in exploring experiences of caregivers of people with dementia in a dementia simulation program and its potential benefits on caregivers. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore experiences of caregivers of people with dementia who participated in a dementia simulation program, called Dementia Live?.

Methods: Fourteen caregivers were interviewed after participation in DL, and thematic analysis using NVivo 11 software was used.

Results: Three themes emerged, including: (i) the Dementia Live? as an eye-opening experience; (ii) the perceived benefits of the Dementia Live? on themselves; and (iii) recommendation of the Dementia Live? to other caregivers.

Conclusions: Dementia simulation programs such as the Dementia Live? may help caregivers to have more empathy, understand better about the behaviors and feelings of people with dementia, and to use strategies that can help when working with people with dementia. Further experimental research is needed to examine effectiveness of the dementia simulation program on caregivers and people with dementia.  相似文献   


Gay men entering the health care system present with unique needs essential for health care providers to comprehend and address. While data indicate mental health and substance abuse disorders are more prevalent among gay men compared with their heterosexual counterparts, the literature assessing abuse of alcohol by gay men is conflicting. This article explores the conflicting research examining the use and abuse of alcohol by gay men, common findings and themes among studies addressing the issue, the theoretical concepts of internalized homophobia and heterosexism as they relate to alcohol abuse, and clinical strategies providers can implement when encountering this issue among their gay male patients. This comprehensive assessment of the literature will also provide direction for future critical inquiries and outline ways to improve the current methods of inquiry.  相似文献   


The professional literature has not adequately addressed the behavioral and social factors that contribute to different coping outcomes for African American elder caregivers as compared to non African Americans. Awareness and understanding of these unique experiences would better prepare professionals to work with such clients. This study examines the predictors of emotional distress among 46 African American women who provide care to dependent elderly parents. Multivariate statistical analyses show that elder caregivers' rating of quality of life, their years of caregiving, as well are their poor heath constitute significant predictors of risk for depression. The results of the study provide support for the inclusion of more culturally appropriate measures of caregiver distress, and provide insights to inform social work practice, policy and research concerning African American female elder caregivers in the 21st century.  相似文献   


Lesbian patients and their families may be exposed to discriminatory practices in the health care system. This qualitative study of 57 Midwestern lesbian parents used open- and closed-ended questions to examine the experiences the respondents had with their primary and secondary health care providers. Four themes emerged from the data: systemic barriers to health care, coming out to providers, seeking lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender-friendly health care providers, and concern about mistreatment and prejudice within the health care system. Implications for service delivery, health care education, and directions in policy and research are explored.  相似文献   


In the fall of 2006, a self-administered Internet survey was made available to all kinship care group facilitators listed in the 2006 New York State Office for the Aging's directory for kinship care providers. The survey sought facilitators' views on the purpose and structural aspects of the groups and to understand whether and how mutual aid processes were occurring. A purposive sample of 16 participants (53% response rate) completed the online quantitative survey that included space for qualitative comments. Findings revealed that 75% of participants facilitated a kinship care group in the past 5 years, and they believed their group purposes primarily included support and growth. Additionally, participants reported that all mutual aid principles occurred in their groups, with the supportive mutual aid interventions occurring more frequently than the challenging ones. Finally, themes from open-ended responses included 1) an enhanced sense of solidarity developed among group members, 2) the importance of facilitators' show of compassion for group members, and 3) facilitators' need to have a working knowledge of and ability to maximize available resources. Implications for serving the needs of kinship care providers through groups and other practices are addressed.  相似文献   


Interviews were conducted with 228 African American and white caregivers seeking respite care. The two groups were compared in terms of their own functioning, that of their relative and their needs for assistance at the time of their requests for respite. After six months of use, a comparison of the effects of the program on the two groups was made. The findings indicate that although patients were comparable at the time of application, white caregivers were more anxious, depressed, felt less competent, and experienced less gain that the African-American group. Needs for assistance and the effects of the program on the two groups also varied.  相似文献   


Data from the Parent Health Supplement of the 1991 interview wave of the Panel Studies of Income Dynamics were used to examine the changes in care arrangements for elderly parents (N = 1,028). Following the onset of their dependency, more than 60% of elderly parents experienced at least one form of institutionalization (hospital or nursing home). A majority of those who remained in the community also experienced changes in living/care arrangements, often moving in with someone or having someone move in with them. The findings confirm those of previous studies that health-related need factors and race are significant determinants of institutionalization immediately following the onset of dependency. But availability of caregivers and other enabling factors are also significant determinants of care settings used following hospitalization.  相似文献   


Recent trends in medicine reflect an attempt to be more patient-centered and while this is progress from the disease- or provider-focused model familiar in healthcare, the experiences and contributions of family as caregivers continue to be overlooked in some settings. The family-centered care model, developed most notably in pediatrics, but emerging in HIV, cancer, and aging, is presented as a resource to increase family involvement at the end of life. In this paper, family-centered care is defined, caregiving trends including support needs of formal and informal caregivers are discussed, and barriers to family-centered services are identified. Reintroducing family into the focus of care at the end of life is the primary goal of this paper. The family-centered model of care offers an appropriate framework for understanding the value of family in end-of-life care and fits well with social work perspectives that understand individuals in the context of their family system and greater environment.  相似文献   


Increases in the foster child population, at a time when terminations in foster care placement have decreased along with a decline in the number of non‐related foster parents, has resulted in an increasing use of relative foster care placement. Relative care as an emerging trend in foster care placement, is not without controversy. Its merits, however, should be assessed in terms of its benefits to the children in care, the fiscal and organizational costs, and the problems it creates for the child welfare system. This paper reviews what is known about the characteristics of relative caregivers and the children in their care. Federal and state policies that affect the use of relatives as an alternative placement resource for children are described. The available data regarding the length of time in placement, number of placements, physical, mental health and educational and permanency outcomes for children placed with relatives are discussed. Implications for practice are drawn and areas for further research are suggested.  相似文献   


This study explores psychosocial factors related to the use of home modification among older adults with disabilities and their caregivers in Korea. Using in-depth interviews, this study elaborates specific socio-cognitive factors leading to home modification from the multiple perspectives of care recipients, family caregivers and home care helpers. The study findings are theoretically organised into four domains: structural factors, care recipients’ service needs, socio-cognitive factors, and enabling resources. Practice and policy implications are discussed in the context of underdeveloped housing policies for ageing-in-place in Korea.  相似文献   

This study examines the support services offered to informal caregivers, whether directly or indirectly, in Sweden over the period of a special investment initiative between 1999 and 2001. Data were collected in a Swedish county using two separate mail questionnaires in 1999 and 2001. The first questionnaire was addressed to each municipality in the region. The second questionnaire was sent to a random sample of voluntary organizations in the area. The findings showed that only the municipalities provided direct forms of relief service, day care and financial support. The voluntary organizations’ support for carers focused on support groups and training as well as services for older care users themselves. There was a significant increase between 1999 and 2001 in the number of municipalities providing information material and training for carers and using professional caregiver consultants. On the one hand, the Swedish public social care system appears to be following the international pattern in paying more attention to informal caregivers and investing in support services for them. On the other hand the findings did not show any growth in support provided by the voluntary organizations. Here Swedish welfare is dissimilar to other European countries, where it is increasingly common for voluntary organizations to play an important role as providers of support for carers.  相似文献   


This study was designed to examine differences in care-giver and care recipient characteristics, caregiving and work demands and resources, and role strain among Black, Hispanic, Asian, and White employed family caregivers. Significant differences were found with respect to caregiver and care recipient characteristics, types of assistance provided, and workplace support. Minority caregivers were economically disadvantaged and provided higher levels of care. Whites reported higher levels of role strain than Black and Hispanic caregivers, after controlling for caregiver and care recipient characteristics, demands, and resources. The findings indicate that care giving policies and programs must be broadened to incorporate the strengths and needs of ethnically diverse caregivers. Family practitioners need to be able to assess the applicability and differential impact of particular interventions, policies, and benefits, and to design relevant programs for ethnically diverse care-givers and their families.  相似文献   

Human service agencies serve a growing number of adults with behavioural health needs. Despite these agencies' key role in identifying need and facilitating services, many individuals do not receive care or end services prematurely. Few studies have explored the experiences of families referred to behavioural health services by such agencies or the extent to which families' perceptions of service need align with those of treatment providers and frontline workers. This study presents findings from a qualitative study of caregivers involved with child welfare agencies who were referred to behavioural health services. Researchers reviewed agencies' case records and conducted in‐depth interviews with 16 caregivers, 9 child welfare caseworkers and 12 behavioural health treatment counsellors. Findings suggest that when deciding to engage in services, caregivers weigh not only their individual and family behavioural health needs but also potential agency intervention, including loss of child custody. Many professionals reported that involvement with a child welfare agency hindered the caregiver's disclosure of behavioural healthcare needs. Implications for managers and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   


This exploratory study investigated reasons why Filipinas in Hawai'i have become the primary caregivers of elders in residential care homes and if they thought their children would follow them in this profession. A random sample of 173 Filipina care home operators (CHO), of which 95% were first-generation immigrants, was interviewed using telephone survey methods. Data were collected: to profile caregivers; to identify motivations for becoming a care home operator; and to gauge if they or their children would continue in this line of work. The sample was composed of middle-aged Filipina CHO with training and experience in elder care who concurred that the job fit their cultural values. About a third also felt that this job was open to immigrants and helped them buy a house. Twenty percent or less felt discriminated against because of this work. Although half the sample felt that women were better caregivers than men, only 38% felt that caregiving was primarily the responsibility of women. Almost 90% planned to continue with this work, but only 12% said it was likely that their children or grandchildren would become CHO, supporting the notion that choosing this profession had less to do with cultural values and gender expectations than with economic opportunities available to the current cohort of CHO. Given these findings, Hawai'i's capacity to meet future residential long- term care needs is discussed.  相似文献   


By 2060, the number of Americans aged 65 and older is expected to more than double, while the number of Americans aged 85 and older is expected to nearly triple. As the nation's aging population grows, older adults will need to rely on social support services, such as transportation and housing services, in order to remain active and lead independent lives. In this study we use data collected from the elderly supplement of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Household Health Survey (SPHHS) (n = 3,042) to explore the relationship between the availability of elderly specific social service providers and utilization of social support services among older adults. We find that while the number of elderly specific social service providers can increase use of social support services among older adults, its impact is relatively minimal. We find that individual factors, instead, are stronger predictors of service use. This is a finding that should be particularly encouraging for elder care providers who may not have the resources needed to undertake large structural changes (like building new facilities). Still, future research should explore how the availability of a broader range of elderly specific social services (than explored in this study) impacts use.  相似文献   


Federal and state governments face a significant challenge in meeting the long-term care needs of an older population that will double in size between 2000 and 2020 and continue to increase through 2050. States have made significant improvements in their long-term care systems for the elderly. However, they are still spending a significant proportion of their long-term care funds on nursing homes. Any effort to improve long-term care for the elderly qualitatively, and not just on the margins, must be focused on developing a more flexible and balanced long-term care system that is responsive to consumer choice.

The Aging Services Network is poised to play a significant role in this transformation process. The strengths of the Network include the ability to develop and manage consumer-driven community-based programs; to assess the needs and resources of individual older persons and provide cost-effective community supports; to operate within fixed, capped budgets; and to identify and maintain roles for informal caregivers. Now is the time for national aging organizations, state units on aging, and area agencies on aging to use existing opportunities to move towards the establishment of a balanced system of long-term care.  相似文献   

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