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In 1997, the government of Québec instituted a low‐cost and universal childcare services program most commonly available through the “centres de la petite enfance (CPE)” (early chilldhood centers). Since 2003, this model is being slowly dismantled on account of an explosion in the number of commercial daycare centers and, since 2015, an adjustment of rates according to family revenues. This research article gathers scattered information about the childcare services offer changes in Québec to demonstrate that tearing down a section of the Québécois family policy lowers the collectivization of social reproductive work.  相似文献   

How has the problem of solid waste and its management become a major socio-political issue in Quebec? Our research identifies the main dimensions of this social question. It presents, on the one hand, quantitative data concerning this subject and, on the other, an analysis of certain recent collective actions that have taken place in Montreal and elsewhere in Quebec. Our study shows how such collective actions characterize social conflict and become part of a socio-political issue—that surrounding solid waste and its management. Our research demonstrates that the socio-political issue of waste management is not only a question revolving around the actions of pressure groups, but that it extends to collective action characteristic of social movements. That is why Quebec's garbage cans represent a socio-political issue capable of profoundly influencing society in the near future. Comment le problème des déchets solides et celui de leur gestion sociale sont-ils devenus un enjeu sociopolitique d'envergure au Québec? Notre recherche précise les principales dimensions de cette question sociale en présentant d'une part les données quantitatives sur le sujet et, d'autre part, une analyse de certaines actions collectives récentes, à Montréal et ailleurs au Québec, qui constituent en luttes sociales, puis en enjeu sociopolitique, le problème des déchets solides et de leur gestion. La recherche démontre que l'enjeu sociopolitique que constituent les déchets n'est alors plus une question relevant uniquement de différents groupes de pression, mais qu'il s'étend plutôt à des pratiques caractéristiques d'un mouvement social. C'est pourquoi les poubelles du Québec représentent, à plu-sieurs égards, un enjeu sociopolitique capable de marquer profondé-ment le devenir de notre société.  相似文献   

L'analyse de la production sociologique au Québec, de 1945 à 1980, ne saurait être entreprise sans faire référence à la transformation des conditions generates d'enonciation qu'a connue la société québécoise durant la période. On peut schématiquement regrouper cette sociographie en quatre courants distincts. Le premier, de 1945 à 1960, se donne comme un savoir critique dc l'adaptation illustrant l'inadéquation de la référence au traditionalisme. Le début des années soixante marque le passage à la dominance d'une forme de la représentation présentant désormais le Québec comme une société politique. Une sociologie fonctionnelle de l'adaptation se développe dés lors, liée à la mise en place de L'État keynésien. Les années soixante-dix voient au contraire l'affirmation d'une sociologie de l'émancipation. Divisée en deux courants antagonistes, culturaliste et politiste, cette sociologie travaille à la redéfinition d'une société québécoise dorénavant soumise aux pleines déterminations de la modernité. The modernity of sociological production in Québec from 1945 to 1980 cannot be attempted without referring to the transformation in the general conditions of Québec's expression of itself as a society during this period. We can regroup this sociography schematically into four distinct approaches: the first, from 1945 to 1960, presented itself as a form of critical knowledge of adaptation which illustrated the inadequacy of references to traditionalism. The beginning of the 1960s marked the transition towards the predominance of a representational form which thereafter presented Québec as a political society. In the third tendency a functionalist sociology, linked to the consolidation of the Keynesian state, took root. The 1970s saw in contradistinction the affirmation of a sociology of emanicipation. Divided between two mutually antagonistic approaches, culturalist and political, Québec sociology is working towards the redefinition of a Québecois society henceforth caught in the determining web of modernity.  相似文献   

In Québec, the 2004 survey Biographies et solidarités familiales (‘biographies and family solidarity in Québec’) was the first quantitative survey to deal with the question of the diverse forms of family solidarity as they have changed over time and in line with modifications in family, work, and public policies. Our purpose here is to present the survey itself along with a certain number of its results. The latter bear, on the one hand, on what we have termed Québec ‘family solidarity spaces’, referring by that to the structural data previous to forms of solidarity as we know them now and, on the other hand, on the changes in the provision of early childhood care over three generations.  相似文献   

The first wave of the COVID pandemic was the most challenging for employed parents, and more specifically for women. In Québec, research has shown a deterioration in the psychological health of parents in the early weeks of the pandemic. In this research, we investigate how Québec parents who remained employed during the lockdown in 2020 perceived their work-family balance in the stressful context of new earning and caregiving constraints, drawing on survey data collected in May 2020. Our approach integrates insights from psychological, managerial and sociological literatures. We find that most parents who remained employed found their work-family balance “easy” in the first months of the pandemic, but women felt less satisfied with their work-family balance than men as well as those whose employers were less understanding and supportive, and those whose workloads increased. The implications of these results are discussed in the light of previous studies on work-family intersections, to show that gender continues to matter when family members are faced with extraordinary circumstances such as the closing of childcare and schools, even in the egalitarian context of Québec, where fathers are perceived as legitimate caregivers.  相似文献   

In 1976, the provincial parliament in Québec ratified the Charter of the French Language, or La Loi 101. The Charter is a collection of linguistic laws meant to promote the French language in Québec. Since its ratification, supporters of the Charter have called it a protection of “French‐Canadian identity”. The Charter has also come under scrutiny from Anglophones (English speakers) and Allophones (non‐native English or French speakers) in Québec. This paper analyzes one group of Allophones, Chinese‐Canadians, in Québec's largest city, Montréal. In particular, this analysis examines how the Chinese‐Canadian community in Montréal perceives their self‐identity as threatened by La Loi 101 and believes this law is a form of forced assimilation.  相似文献   

Is structural mobility stable in the Province of Québec? There is no unique answer to that question as many structural mobility models can be designed to fit the pattern of occupational distributions in the 1954, 1964, and 1974 occupational mobility tables in Québec. Each of these models drives the researcher to different conclusions concerning the stability of the intergenerational mobility structure. A secondary analysis of mobility data shows how difficult it is to conclude in this case on the basis of a statistical analysis only. Theoretical efforts are needed to disentangle the empirical snare. La structure de mobilité sociale inter-générationnelle du Québec est-elle stable depuis les années 50? Il n'y a pas de réponse unique à cette question puisque plusieurs modèles de mobilité peuvent expliquer les distributions d'occupations des fils selon les occupations des pères à chacune des périodes observées. Certains de ces modèles permettent de conclure à une certaine stabilité, d'autres indiquent plutôt le changement. Seule une théorie de la mobilité sociale et de son histoire contemporaine pourrait permettre de choisir entre ces modèles.  相似文献   

Despite a conducive environment, airline strike insurance did not significantly affect flight attendants’ and mechanics’ earnings and depressed pilots’ earnings by a barely statistically significant 3 percent. These results cast doubt on previous assertions that the demise of strike insurance, precipitated by the 1978 Airline Deregulation Act, improved unions’ relative bargaining power. Furthermore, the ineffectiveness of one of the most promising strike insurance pacts could explain the small number of such agreements in U.S. industries. The author may be contacted at the Department of Economics, Université du Québec à Montréal, CP 8888 Station A, Montréal, Québec, H3C 3P8, Canada. The author is grateful to Bill Dickens, Denise Jarvinen, Ted Keeler, Jonathan Leonard, James Peoples, Kenneth Train, and Marc Van Audenrode for many helpful comments. The author also thanks the Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California at Berkeley, and the PAFACC at the Université du Québec à Montréal for generous financial support.  相似文献   

The main objective of this article is to offer an alternative discursive framework for teaching history and citizenship education in Québec, Canada. Enabling a more inclusive discussion around how citizenship is constructed, thinking interculturally allows us begin thinking about practical ways in which citizenship and history education might detract from the exclusive form of inclusion that currently resides in Québec’s intercultural model (and, consequently, in history classrooms).  相似文献   

Dans l'examen des problématiques de l«identité nationale» au Canada, la sociologie critique est de plus en plus tournée vers l'analyse discursive, aboutissant à des conclusions nuancées et complexes. Or, une telle approche risque d'escamoter d'autres analyses, tout aussi utiles, qui attribuent à la technologie un rôle central dans le processus de «nation-building» au Canada. Cet article explore la sociologie de la traduction, aussi appelée théorie d'acteur-réseau, et suggère que l'emprunt d'une telle approche se prêterait à une analyse plus complète des «questions nationales» du Canada et du Québec - analyse qui intégrerait les catégories du social et de la technique. Canadian critical sociology draws increasingly from discourse analysis to work out questions of national identity in Canada, yielding complex and nuanced results, but not sufficiently engaging with other work privileging technology as a central question in Canadian nation-building. This paper explores the sociology of translation, also known as actor-network theory, and suggests that such an approach might usefully be taken up in order to provide a more complete analysis of the “national questions” of Canada and Québec that integrates both social and technological categories.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: DAVID C. PITT (ed.). Development From Below: Anthropologists and Development Situations WILLIAMC. MCCORMACK and STEPHEN A. WURM (eds.). Language and Man: Anthropological Issues. AGEHANANDA BHARATI (ed.). The Realm of the Extra-Human: Agents and Audiences WILLIAM H. NEWELL (ed.) Ancestors MICHAEL W. EVERETT, JACK O. WADDELL, and DWIGHT B. HEATH (eds.)- Cross-Cultural Approaches to the Study of Alcohol: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. ESTELLE FUCHS (ed.). Youth in a Changing World: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Adolescence. AGEHANANDA BHARATI (ed.). The Realm of he Extra-Human: Ideas and Actions. SPENCER. ROBERT F. and JESSE D. JENNINGS, et al. The Native Americans. ARTHUR J. RAY. Indians in the Fur Trade: Their Role as Trappers, Hunters, and Middlemen in the Lands southwest of Hudson Bay 1660–1870. WSEVOLOD ISAJIW (ed.). Identities: The Impact of Ethnicity on Canadian Society. BAN SENG HOE. Structural Changes of Two Chinese Communities in Alberta, Canada. ANNE T. BRODZKY, ROSE DANESEWICH. and NICK JOHNSON, (eds.), Stones, Bone and Skin. C.J. RICHARDSON. Contemporary Social Mobility. STEWART CRYSDALE and LES WHEATCROFT (eds.) Religion in Canadian Society. JOHN HAGAN. The Disreputable Pleasures. gary d. bouma and wilma J. bouma. Fertility Control: Canada's Lively Social Problem. rémi savard. Le Rire Précolombien dans le Québec D'Anjourd hui. Les Cahiers du CRSR. No. 1. Québec: Centre de Recherches en Sociologie Religieuse, Univer-sité Laval, 1977, 183 pages MARIE-ODILE MÉTRAL. Le mariage: Les hésitations de l'Occident. Préface de Philippe Ariès. Collection Présence et Pensée. CHABOT, RICHARD. Le curé de campagne et la contestation locale au Québec de 1791 aux troubles de 1837–38. Cahiers du Québec. marc adélard tremblay (sous la direction de) Les facettes de l'identité amérindienne I The Patterns of “Amerindian” Identity. Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval, 1976, 316 pages FRANÇOIS-MARC GAGNON. La Conversion par l'Image: Un Aspect de la Mission des Jésuites auprès des Indiens du Canada an XVII siècle. PIERRE BEAUCAGE, JACQUES GOMILA. et Lionel vallée. Testes présentés par jacqueline fry. L'Expérience anthropologique. Série Collections et archives de l'Université de Montréal.  相似文献   

Dans cet article l'auteur clarifie la différence entre deux élements clés qui ont marqué le développement de la production agricole au Québec et au Canada au cours des quatre dernières décennies, à savoir la modernisation de l'agriculture et son insertion dans le modèle capitaliste. Elle examine comment chacun de ces facteurs respectifs affecte la participation des femmes à l'agriculture. Les données proviennent d'une petite paroisse du Québec: il s'agit d'entrevues semi-dirigées, realisées auprès des membres adultes de 63 families agricoles choisies au hasard. L'analyse indique que ni le développement de l'agriculture capitaliste, ni l'adoption de techniques modernes n'ont un effet independant (net) sur la participation des femmes. L'effet d'interaction entre ces deux facteurs est ce qui produit la plus forte variation quant au type et à la charge du travail que les femmes consacrent à l'agriculture. In this article, the author differentiates between two key elements in the development of agricultural production in Québec and Canada in the last four decades (the modernization of agriculture and the penetration of capitalist relations of production) and then tests the relative strength of each for producing change in women's participation level. Data were collected during a year of field work in a small Québec parish and consist of semi-structured interviews with the adult members of 63 randomly selected farm families. The findings indicate that neither the development of capitalist agriculture nor the adoption of modern methods have an independent effect on women's contribution. It is the interaction effect between the two that produces the greatest variation in the type and amount of work women devote to farming.  相似文献   


In the 21st century, one-fourth of the Japanese population will be 65 years and older. Not only is the duty to report elder abuse not defined by the law but there is no special organization with clinical facilities to respond to incidents of elder abuse. A report in 1994 by the Society for the Study of Elder Abuse (SSEA) showed the need for definitive social measures to prevent elder abuse. Based on that research, SSEA organized the Japan Elder Abuse Prevention Center and initiated a volunteer telephone counseling service “Help Line” that was available for several hours on Mondays. Within an 18 month period, 209 cases were handled of which 150 concerned abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation. Callers were more often the elder or the daughter than other relatives or outsiders. Sons were the more prevalent perpetrators, and financial abuse the most common type of mistreatment reported. Recommendations include new laws and social welfare policies that adapt to the changes in an aging society.  相似文献   


Only relatively recently has the issue of elder abuse come to prominence in Australia. Until the late 1980s it was a hidden problem with little knowledge of its presence. Attention was drawn to elder abuse after the publication of a number of reports and research projects, allowing the development of responses at national and state levels. This paper gives an overview of the development of elder abuse as a social, legal and medical issue in Australia, and describes the diverse range of responses from the national, state and territory governments.  相似文献   


The aim of this review was to describe trends and patterns in elder abuse literature and research. All citations in PUB MED, CINAHL, and PsycINFO databases located using the search term “elder abuse” were retrieved (3,059 citations) and 2,418 unique references were identified. Using manifest content analysis, non-research material (1,986 references) was sorted by type and research references (34 dissertations and 398 research articles) were categorized. Research article references most commonly: (1) investigated prevalence, typology, and definitions of elder abuse; (2) utilized quantitative methodology; (3) had first author affiliations to medicine, nursing, and social sciences; and (4) sampled populations of professionals, personnel, cases, or charts. The USA was most frequently listed of 24 identified countries of origin. Elder abuse research shows lack of diversity, slow increase of qualitative research, limited involvement of older persons and family members as participants, and minimal research from developing countries. This review contributes to knowledge valuable for researchers and experts planning future studies or elder abuse projects.  相似文献   

Elder abuse is a multifaceted problemthat requires interdisciplinary prevention and intervention strategies. An important question that arises is whether professionals are adequately prepared to address elder abuse in this collaborative network. Unfortunately, no studies have been conducted to assess the varying levels of knowledge that preprofessionals enrolled in university courses possess with regard to elder abuse. To fill this void, this study assesses the levels of elder abuse awareness among social work, nursing, health professions, and criminal justice students. Specific attention is given to determining whether there are differences in the amount of exposure to elder abuse literature across the disciplines. The study involves the analysis of survey data collected from 202 students enrolled in health and human sciences classes at a large university. Results show that none of the preprofessional groups, on average, reported knowing enough about elder abuse. Implications for future practice and research are provided.  相似文献   

The aim of this review was to describe trends and patterns in elder abuse literature and research. All citations in PUB MED, CINAHL, and PsycINFO databases located using the search term "elder abuse" were retrieved (3,059 citations) and 2,418 unique references were identified. Using manifest content analysis, non-research material (1,986 references) was sorted by type and research references (34 dissertations and 398 research articles) were categorized. Research article references most commonly: (1) investigated prevalence, typology, and definitions of elder abuse; (2) utilized quantitative methodology; (3) had first author affiliations to medicine, nursing, and social sciences; and (4) sampled populations of professionals, personnel, cases, or charts. The USA was most frequently listed of 24 identified countries of origin. Elder abuse research shows lack of diversity, slow increase of qualitative research, limited involvement of older persons and family members as participants, and minimal research from developing countries. This review contributes to knowledge valuable for researchers and experts planning future studies or elder abuse projects.  相似文献   

Only relatively recently has the issue of elder abuse come to prominence in Australia. Until the late 1980s it was a hidden problem with little knowledge of its presence. Attention was drawn to elder abuse after the publication of a number of reports and research projects, allowing the development of responses at national and state levels. This paper gives an overview of the development of elder abuse as a social, legal and medical issue in Australia, and describes the diverse range of responses from the national, state and territory governments.  相似文献   

Abstract This article emphasises the role of empire in explaining the emergence of “liberal nationalism” in Scotland and Québec in the early twentieth century. That period witnessed a relative decline in the British Empire's geopolitical standing. In response British governments implemented policies which sought to redress its decline. The article focuses on three policies – the South African War, tariff reform and imperial defence – and the response of the Young Scots' Society and the self‐ascribed Nationalistes. Both groups espoused a “liberal nationalism”. Yet their liberal nationalism was expressed differently: emphasis was placed on “liberal” in Scotland, and on “nationalism” in Québec, reflecting contrasting relationships with empire.  相似文献   

Elder abuse is acknowledged to be a significant social problem in Australia, but Australia's elder abuse responses have significant limitations. These responses, as evidenced by state and territory elder abuse strategies, voice important principles and typically seek to improve the knowledge of service providers, potential victims, and the general public about elder abuse. But they tend only to identify and draw upon existing service and community care responses in their attempts to address elder abuse. This article provides a policy analysis of existing elder abuse response strategies and argues that reforms are needed to ensure that the strategies: prioritise the wishes and wellbeing of the person in question; identify and empower lead agencies; and drive collaborative responses.  相似文献   

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