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The banquet staff at a north Texas hotel were responsible for setting up 11 different functions for conferences and meetings. The functions were often set up late and items were often omitted. An analysis suggested that performance problems were Ihe result of weak antecedents, inefficient work procedures, inadequate training, and weak performance contingencies. A treatment package consisting of task checklists, feedback, goal setting, monetary bonuses for quality performance, training and job aids was designed to enhance the accuracy and timeliness of function setups. Performance increased from an average of 68.8% on a quality measure (accuracy plus timeliness of setups) in baseline to 99.7% during the treatment phase. Performance decreased to 82.3% during a second baseline phase in which the intervention was discontinued by hotel management. Performance increased to 99.3% with the reintroduction of the treatment package. Customer satisfaction ratings of banquet setups and service were high during the interventions. Treatment effects are discussed with respect to rule-governed behavior.  相似文献   

Several decades of research into innovation management have failed to provide clear and consistent findings or coherent advice to managers. In this paper, I argue that this is because innovation management 'best practice' is contingent on a range of factors, and that we need better characterizations of the technological and market contingencies which affect the opportunity for, and constraints on, innovation. I review research on innovation together with relevant studies from organizational behaviour and strategic management, and develop a model which may help to guide future innovation research on the relationships between environmental contingencies, organization configurations and performance. I identify uncertainty and complexity as the key environmental contingencies that influence organizational structure and management processes for innovation.  相似文献   


Based on the three-contingency model of performance management, I make the following argument: (1) Often, we fail to behave as we should because the natural contingencies supporting appropriate behavior are ineffective; the natural contingencies involve outcomes for each individual response that are either too small, though of cumulative significance, or outcomes that are too improbable. The delay of the outcome is essentially irrelevant. The psychodynamic model of the cognitive motivational theorists provides a poor explanation for why we fail to behave as we should. (2) The performance-management contingencies in organizational behavior management (OBM) must usually involve deadline-induced aversive control, even when they are based on powerful reinforcers. Furthermore, such performance management succeeds only to the extent that the person's behavioral history, “Jewish mother,” has inculcated an appropriate value system. Wiegand and Geller's critique of the necessity of the use of aversive control fails to take into account the necessity of deadlines and the difference between instrumental and hedonic reinforcers; furthermore, it greatly over values the power of intrinsic reinforcement contingencies in OBM.  相似文献   

This article focuses on an important and emergent standard for sustainable operations management: the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification. Unlike similar certifications, its focus is on the entire upstream supply chain, reflecting the criticality of supply chain management to ensure sustainable products. We investigate the financial impact from FSC certification, offering valuable decision support for managers considering this certification. Taking a contingency perspective, we view a firm's supply chain position and its prior certification to the ISO 14001 standard as influencing the results. Drawing on signaling theory, we suggest that firms farther downstream in the supply chain realize significantly greater abnormal financial performance benefits than firms upstream in the supply chain. We further hypothesize that firms that were not ISO 14001 certified at the time of FSC certification realize significantly greater abnormal financial performance benefits than firms that did have the ISO 14001 certification. To test these hypotheses, we utilize financial data of all publicly traded firms in the United States that have obtained the FSC certification, and assess whether FSC certification leads to abnormal performance benefits considering the above contingencies. Data collected from the FSC Certificate Database and Compustat, employed in an event study, provide support for our hypotheses. Overall, our findings contribute to research on decision making in the context of sustainable operations management, and offer a plausible explanation for contradictory results in prior studies. We highlight the applicability of signaling theory to decision sciences research, and stress the need to consider contingencies in sustainability management research.  相似文献   

Turbulence and rapid change in the business environment have been associated for some time with the development of new network organizational forms which put various types of strategic alliance and other inter-organizational collaborations into effect. This paper traces the rationale for the formation of such networks and the associated vertical disaggregation of functions and implications for internal organizational design. This leads to the proposal of a classification framework for network forms. Using the dimensions of volatility of environmental change on the one hand, and the type of inter-organizational relationship involved (collaborative or transactional) on the other hand, network forms are classified as: hollow networks, flexible networks, value-added networks and virtual networks. In each case it is possible to identify the environmental and organizational contingencies most likely to be associated with the emergence and adoption of a particular type of network arrangement. This argument leads to the identification of a new research agenda which has the goals of developing more robust conceptualizations of network characteristics; better understanding the contingencies surrounding the emergence of network forms and their relative efficiencies and specifying some of the major implications of network formation for internal organizational design. In parallel the paper identifies a number of managerial implications for setting strategic priorities and developing appropriate management systems in these new organizational contexts.  相似文献   

This paper extends current understanding of organizational temporariness. The life of a temporary British trade union branch established to recruit Eastern European migrant workers reveals ‘precarious temporariness’, which is less predictable than the ‘planned temporariness’ typically portrayed in the literature. This different type of temporariness was associated with four key contingencies affecting the branch: dispersed governance; bottom‐up initiatives; uncertain resourcing; and an effectuation logic. Analysis of the case extends existing understanding of organizational temporariness and points to an extension of existing theorizing by highlighting the contingent nature of temporariness. The broader managerial implication of the findings is that, for projects facing contingencies of the kind studied, the conventional linear approach of target setting and performance management will be less effective than an ongoing process of communication and consultation.  相似文献   

Interlocking contingencies that exist between a customer and sales representatives (SRs) may contribute to buying decisions. Verbal behaviors related to closing sales were identified by analyzing these contingencies statistically. Self-observation checklists were then implemented. On average, the six targeted verbal behaviors related to sales increased 12 percentage points over baseline, compared to a 2% point increase in the comparison group. These changes were associated with 126% more sales for the experimental group compared with 36% more sales for the comparison group. For each SR, this increase in sales translates into $1,094,444 more in annualized revenue.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the research on training and management of inpatient psychiatric aides conceptualized in an operant conditioning paradigm. The training techniques reviewed include in-service training, modeling, prompting, and role playing. The management techniques reviewed include the use of posted feedback, money, trading stamps, supervisor approval, and days off. Recommendations for future research emphasize the use of direct and indirect approaches, analysis of reinforcers, group and individual data, social validity of training goals, teaching client skills, group contingencies, and the relationship between management and community, institutional and client goals.  相似文献   


In designing and practicing behavioral management methods effectively, both the finely directed focus of the worm and the broad perspective of the eagle are essential. Early successes of behavioral applications were constrained by failure to see the big picture, in terms of what the problem really was, what explained its evolution and persistence and from where the sources of the most powerful contingencies stemmed. A number of examples in education, human services, industry and other organizations are supplied to demonstrate that when the larger picture is examined first, it is possible to discover those powerful sources and intervene to optimize their influence in support of productive and durable change.  相似文献   

Lotteries (i.e., probabilistic bonus contingencies) are an established intervention in Organizational Behavior Management. Although common, there are many permutations of lotteries used in literature and they are often combined with other interventions. One key variable that may influence the effectiveness of lotteries are the odds that the lottery will pay out to those who earn entry. The current investigation evaluated a lottery intervention with varied payout chances (25%, 12%, 6%, or 3%). A 6% chance of winning was the lowest odds of winning where responding was reliably maintained across two participants. Implications of these results and future direction for research are discussed below.  相似文献   

Antecedent-only and discriminated operant interventions were used to increase the return rate of surveys measuring smoking behavior and attitudes toward a smoke-free policy in low SES employees. Subjects in four groups were exposed to antecedent only interventions (Reduced Response Cost or Repeated Prompting) or discriminated operant interventions (Promised Punishment or Promised Reward). The discriminated operant interventions yielded a higher percentage of surveys returned, with the Promised Reward intervention resulting in the highest percentage of surveys returned (89.84%). These results are consistent with recent organizational behavior management research comparing the relative efficacy of antecedent interventions and discriminated operant interventions, as well as with research comparing the relative efficacy of behavior maintained by aversive and positively reinforcing contingencies.  相似文献   


Seven thoughtful and provocative commentaries were activated by one or both of two articles I authored or coauthored. One article (Geller, 2002) presented a case for broadening the content of organizational behavior management (OBM), while the other (Wiegand & Geller, 2004) discussed linkages between positive reinforcement, positive psychology, and achievement motivation. This rejoinder explains apparent misperceptions of the earlier papers, and adds to the case for expanding the language and scope of OBM, including a consideration of hypothetical constructs influenced reciprocally by environmental conditions and contingencies. A rationale for success seeking over failure avoiding is given with reference to Skinner's theorizing about freedom and dignity.  相似文献   

A case study is presented of a life and health insurance company that undertook a reorganization of work flow, management practices and structure following the implementation of automation. With the adoption of an on-line computer system, there was the potential for a competent, rapidly responsive and adaptive organization. However, the functionally organized, highly specialized business was operating as a white-collar assembly line. It was unable to respond to market demands and financial market changes in a creative, timely manner. The organizational potential created by the total processing system could not be realized until the social system, the organization of the people, was adapted to take full advantages of new technical capabilities. An assessment involving all of top management was conducted in which managers were allowed to determine the problems, goals, and potential solutions. Management developed a long range, overall approach to the organizational change. The decision was made to phase in experimental self managed work teams and to restructure organizational contingencies to support achievement or organizational rather than unit goals. This paper presents the intial twenty-four month period in the process.  相似文献   


Complacency inhibits safe behaviors of workers and managers. This is of concern to industries where process safety is needed to reduce the chance of catastrophic events such as fires and explosions. A behavioral definition of complacency is offered as trending behavioral variation that eventually exceeds safety boundaries. Behavioral processes that contribute to these patterns of variability are discussed and analyzed, including habituation, extinction, unprogrammed reinforcement, the avoidance paradox, rule-governed behavior, and competing contingencies of production. Solution strategies are suggested that address this analysis of behavioral variance, including pinpointing behavioral variation related to safety, changing training design, strengthening positive reinforcement for process-related behaviors of workers and management, reducing sources of unprogrammed reinforcement for dangerous variation, strengthening rule-governed behavior, and changing contingencies for managers and executives whose decisions affect behavior and process safety at many levels in the company.  相似文献   

针对航空安全中收集到的不安全信息,本文将安全检查发现的问题进行了分类,建立了民航安全检查的故障树模型,同时利用故障树模型进行了最小割集、结构重要度的定性分析。然后利用贝叶斯网络的学习能力结合故障树模型最终构建了民航安全检查贝叶斯网络模型,基于某航空公司安全检查发现问题的数据并利用贝叶斯网络的双向推理计算得到各影响因素对不安全事件的影响程度和不安全事件发生时各影响因素的重要程度。基于民航安全检查贝叶斯网络模型分析,本文得出个体原因、设施不完善、信息沟通因素最易导致工作流程管理中发现问题;管理流程、知识技能不足最易导致人员管理中发现问题;个体原因、培训、设备故障最易导致设备管理中发现问题。  相似文献   

在许多大陆法系国家,不断产生的新型法律关系使得成文法无法及时制定和修改的缺陷逐渐显现。与此同时,世界各国纠纷诉讼的数目也在急剧增长,所以,很多国家面临如何在保证审判质量的前提下提高司法系统审判效率的问题。因此,在进行制度改革的同时,建立决策支持系统将会有效地辅助司法判决。本文以中国的医疗损害诉讼文本为例,使用文本挖掘和自动分类技术提出了一个法院裁判决策支持系统(CJ-DSS),该系统可以依据以往判例预测新诉讼文本的判决结果:驳回与非驳回。结合案例,本文研究发现,组合特征提取法确实能够改进和提高分类器的分类性能,而且针对支持向量机(SVM)、人工神经网络(ANN)、K最近邻(KNN)三种不同的分类器,文档词频-卡方(DF-CHI)组合特征提取法对性能的改进程度有所差异,其中ANN的性能改进最高。除此之外,集成学习后该系统的分类性能更加稳定,显著优于单一分类器,F1值达到93.3%。  相似文献   

Earlier research has suggested that diversity is a double-edged sword when achieving organizational ambidexterity. While it may contribute to the development of new combinations of exploration and exploitation, it may also lead to disagreements and potential conflict within top management teams (TMTs). To improve our understanding of the effectiveness of diversity in ambidextrous organizations, we develop a synergistic perspective on TMT diversity and examine how two types of diversity – functional and age diversity – affect the achievement of organizational ambidexterity. We also identify shared responsibility and CEO cognitive trust as important contingencies that may complement the effects of diversity within TMTs in terms of resolving potential conflicts and managing tensions between exploration and exploitation effectively. Based on multisource data, our study shows that CEO cognitive trust and shared responsibility moderate the relationship between different types of diversity and ambidexterity. Our study has important implications for research on organizational ambidexterity, diversity, and senior leadership.  相似文献   

How do firm-specific, demand-related factors influence the relationship between intra-industry diversification (IID) and performance? Recent findings regarding the performance effects of IID depict a complex picture with curvilinear relationships and several contingencies. However, firm-specific contingencies on the demand side have remained unexplored. We analyze how IID relates to firm performance (market share) in the German automotive industry using panel data between 1999 and 2008. We specifically focus on a firm's high-quality brand image as a demand-side contingency. We find support for our hypotheses of complex curvilinear relationships as well as for moderating effects of brand quality. Our results have significant theoretical implications for the IID literature.  相似文献   

In addition to being held accountable for judicial decision, courts, like other public agencies, can and should be evaluated in terms of their administrative efficiency. This paper illustrates how courts can be evaluated in terms of their relative administrative efficiency, using a new approach—data envelopment analysis (DEA)—first proposed by Charnes et al. [1]. The DEA is based upon the economic notion of Pareto optimality which states that a given decision making unit (DMU) is inefficient if some other DMU, or some combination of other DMUs, can produce at least the same amounts of all outputs with less of some resource input and not more of any other resource. Conversely a DMU is said to be efficient if the above is not possible. Charnes et al. [1] generalized the usual input/output ratio measure of efficiency for a given unit in terms of a fractional linear program with fractional constraints. In the case of courts, the efficiency of any particular court is calculated by forming the ratio of a weighted sum of outputs to a weighted sum of inputs, where the weights for both outputs and inputs are to be selected in a manner that calculates the Pareto-Koopmans efficiency of the court. This paper reviews the DEA method and illustrates its application to a data base for 100 criminal superior courts in North Carolina.  相似文献   

Category‐management models serve to assist in the development of plans for pricing and promotions of individual brands. Techniques to solve the models can have problems of accuracy and interpretability because they are susceptible to spurious regression problems due to nonstationary time‐series data. Improperly stated nonstationary systems can reduce the accuracy of the forecasts and undermine the interpretation of the results. This is problematic because recent studies indicate that sales are often a nonstationary time‐series. Newly developed correction techniques can account for nonstationarity by incorporating error‐correction terms into the model when using a Bayesian Vector Error‐Correction Model. The benefit of using such a technique is that shocks to control variates can be separated into permanent and temporary effects and allow cointegration of series for analysis purposes. Analysis of a brand data set indicates that this is important even at the brand level. Thus, additional information is generated that allows a decision maker to examine controllable variables in terms of whether they influence sales over a short or long duration. Only products that are nonstationary in sales volume can be manipulated for long‐term profit gain, and promotions must be cointegrated with brand sales volume. The brand data set is used to explore the capabilities and interpretation of cointegration.  相似文献   

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