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兰鲜凤 《创新》2010,4(3):127-128,F0003
广西是一个少数民族集聚区,有丰富多样的少数民族文化。开发少数民族文化产业,使之成为拉动县域经济发展的动力之一,是广西各级政府应该重视的一项工作。政府要与企业共同研究民族文化消费趋向,明确民族文化产品的市场定位,把少数民族文化资源优势转化为现实的产业优势和经济优势。在实施过程中还要注意营销理念,要坚持可持续发展战略,实现县域经济与少数民族文化的共赢。  相似文献   

造物设计就是治国;治国就是设计。设计从来没有像汉代社会这样突出而富有意义。在中央,有少府掌管各种造物部门、工艺作坊与工场。在地方,有郡县工官设置;造物设计被纳入封建伦理与礼乐制度的范围之中。就造物设计在当时社会中的地位作初步论述,以期探明汉代设计艺术兴盛与辉煌背后的社会历史要素,以期唤醒当代社会对设计艺术的高度重视。  相似文献   

John Lawler, University of Bradford Management Centre, Emm Lane, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD9 4JL Summary The article draws on the results of a research project whichexplored management in social services departments from theperspective of third tier managers within those organizations.The article outlines some of the major current debates withinsocial services management and discusses the experiences andidentifications of those managers who were part of the study.The results indicate a fragmentation at this level of management—afragmentation of experience, attitudes and management approaches.The implications of this and other findings are considered asthey affect the areas of: research development; policy development;social work management; social work practice; and social workeducation.  相似文献   

Residential Treatment Centres (RTCs) provide 24-hour care and mental health services to young people, many of whom are referred from county departments that oversee services to young people involved with child welfare services, mental health services and corrections. While RTCs are required to provide mental health services to young people, the regulations governing these programmes have few specific requirements about the process, content or duration of treatment. Therefore, many questions have arisen about what a typical RTC day looks like and whether it differs among providers or differs based on the severity or type of the young person's mental-health related behaviours and symptoms. This study conducted interviews with RTC providers in the State of Colorado on this topic. Most RTC services were relatively uniform across case types within each RTC. It appears that with a few exceptions, a similar set of services is provided to all young people, regardless of their problems.  相似文献   

吴炜 《创新》2008,2(6):8-11
以科学发展观指导县域经济社会发展,具有重要的战略意义。横县要发展成为广西强县,就必须从践行科学发展的角度出发,培育特色产业,积极融入广西北部湾经济区开放开发建设,大力拓展横县对外开放发展空间,促进社会全面进步和人的全面发展。  相似文献   

杜庆余 《唐都学刊》2009,25(3):21-25
私有土地和依附人口是汉代田庄形成、存在和发展的物质基础。田庄主通过国家的授田、赐田、继承、买卖或强取豪夺获得了大量土地,并依靠其控制的宗族、奴婢、宾客、徒附等依附人口建立起了自己的田庄。土地和人口的流动性使得以土地和人口为基础的田庄不能在某一个家族中长久地延续下去。  相似文献   

程刚 《阅江学刊》2014,(6):94-99
东晋襄阳地区军府扼长江中上游北鄙门户,政治地位十分突出,其沿革与各政治集团势力的消长关系密切。咸和七年,陶侃以桓宣镇襄阳,以其淮南部曲置侨义成郡。襄阳地区军府的沿革,与义成郡统辖权的归属紧密相关。义成郡统辖权在不同名号的襄阳地区军府和其他军府间频繁地转换,关键在于义成郡军事化的"乡族集团"是襄阳地区军府所仰仗的重要力量,而其他军府(主要是荆州都督府)欲削弱或省废襄阳军府时,则往往先将义成郡的统辖权收归己有。义成郡统辖权的转换,见证了襄阳地区军府的沿革和各政治集团斗争的经过。  相似文献   

通过对广西县域金融的现状研究发现,广西县域金融发展悖论关系主要有县域经济快速发展与县域金融规模收缩相悖,县域企业弱质与金融机构风险控制强化相悖,以及县域资金供给不足与大量信贷资金外流相悖等三个方面。解决这些问题应从发挥政策性金融支持功能,深化农村金融改革,鼓励民营银行进军县域金融市场以及规范民间金融和完善金融生态等方面考虑。  相似文献   

崔琰 《唐都学刊》2014,(3):107-110
在实地勘察、收集资料的基础上,从定性和定量两个方面对陕西宜君县旅游资源进行了较为全面的评价.宜君县的生态环境、自然风光、历史、民俗、文化艺术等旅游资源具有特色,在旅游资源评价的基础上,梳理出宜君旅游发展的功能分区和形象定位,并提出相关旅游形象推广的建议,力求促进宜君旅游业发展.  相似文献   


This secondary data analysis examined the impacts of human capital, child care, fringe benefits, child support, ethnicity, county economy, and county minority-population size on participation in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) by parents living at or below the federal poverty threshold. Longitudinal records of 1,789 such parents were extracted from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (1996–2008). Multilevel mixed-effects linear regression showed that having personal/family problems, being African American, and residing in a county with widespread unemployment were associated positively with TANF receipt. TANF receipt was associated negatively with employment offering a retirement plan, full-time employment, part-time employment, and residence in a county with a large Hispanic population. Future research might explore the relationship between subpopulations’ sizes and states’ TANF policies.  相似文献   

Legislation in New Zealand dealing with Maori land, though well intentioned, has given rise to the twin problems of alienation and fragmentation. Legislation proposed by the Aboriginal Land Rights Commission for the Northern Territory of Australia basically avoids these pitfalls, but there are some clauses that could give rise to some forms of alienation and fragmentation.  相似文献   

全球治理体系结构中存在着广泛的机制碎片化,构成了国际关系领域新的制度现象及结构特征。为此,需要对机制碎片化这一治理新情况给予重视,探讨治理机制碎片化的成因与后果,并就如何进行有效管理提出相应的对策。在当前新的世界政治经济环境背景下,面对全球治理机制碎片化的新挑战,中国作为全球治理体系的建设者,必须对日益显现的机制碎片化及其复杂性状况加强研究、有所应对,发挥中国自身应有的作用,并创造性参与,提升全球治理机制的有效性与合法性。  相似文献   

县域经济是国民经济的基础,县域经济结构的协调也是国民经济总体结构合理的基础.改革开放以来,黑龙江省县域经济有了长足的发展,但也应该看到,随着社会主义市场经济的不断深入发展和经济一体化趋势的日益加强,就总体讲,调整黑龙江县域经济结构的困难要更大些,特别是受传统的经济体制的惯性影响,一些长期累积而形成的局限性和深层矛盾日益显现,对县域经济发展和结构调整的影响十分不利.  相似文献   

唐本开 《创新》2009,3(2):58-60
大力发展县域经济与加快城镇建设、建设社会主义新农村是我国经济发展战略的重要组成部分。缩短城乡差距、转移农村剩余劳动力、建设社会主义新农村等方面都需要大力发展县域经济。新形势下,研究县域经济发展问题,具有深远的历史意义和现实指导意义。  相似文献   

Summary This study describes and analyses attitudes towards homosexualityamong faculty in departments of three helping professions: socialwork, psychology and education. The sample consists of 235 facultymembers in the five main universities in Israel. Out of 849questionnaires that were sent to all faculty members of therelevant departments of social work, psychology and education,103 were completed and returned from social work, 56 from psychologyand 76 from education, representing a 27.7 per cent total responserate. The instrument used was the Index of Homophobia (IHP)(Hudson and Ricketts, 1980) in addition to professional backgroundand demographic information. Findings show that, overall, membersof academic departments of the helping professions present 'low-gradehomophobic' attitudes (Hudson and Ricketts, 1980). Statisticallysignificant differences surfaced among the three departments,with faculty members in schools of education emerging as mosthomophobic, followed by social work and psychology. Severalexplanations are put forward in an attempt to account for suchdifferences, including the theoretical framework of marginality,the variables traditionally associated with homophobia, andprofessional training.  相似文献   

教育、宗族与地域社会——清中叶江西万载书院再考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地处江西省西北边陲的万载县,在清中叶的嘉庆道光年间出现了兴建书院的热潮,地方宗族也参与其中。宗族参与的方式是以创建族学书院为主以及购置学田、奖以花红盘费、创建试馆等助学措施。宗族创建书院的资料在县志和族谱中均有记载,但各有侧重。县志中收录的族学,强调的是作为书院教的一面,同时也是地方宗族实力兴替的一种体现。族谱中收录的族学,突显的是其养的一面,甚至因此纠缠于义学与义田的兼行分理纠纷之中。宗族组织的积极参与地方教育,与同时期活跃的族群、士绅等群体,使得地域社会的凸显成为清中叶的时代特征之一,有助于帮助理解19世纪以后大历史的发展演变。  相似文献   

詹双晖 《创新》2009,3(5):20-23
赛会演剧这一古代文化现象在粤东海陆丰地区至今延续。早在元明之际海陆丰民系形成之始,迎神赛会、演戏酬神习俗已随闽南移民带入,至明中后期及清初,在一些人口稠密经济较发达的通衢大邑,赛会演剧已经蔚然成风。所演之剧早期多为竹马戏、钱鼓舞、白字曲、英歌舞等民间歌舞小戏,后来随着外来南戏正字戏的流行以及白字戏的形成,祭祀演剧渐由正字戏、白字戏、西秦戏等职业戏班唱主角。  相似文献   

目前,横县的农业特色支柱产业已基本形成,农产品加工业也初具规模,但在发展农业特色产业方面仍存在许多困难和问题。因此,未来几年,应以党的十七届三中全会精神为指引,以创新为平台,以培育核心竞争力为主线,延伸产业链,构建产业集群,进一步整合资源,做强龙头,做大基地,推进"银、政、企、农"四位一体,加快发展横县农业特色产业。  相似文献   

When are health departments and ministers influential across policies? This article looks for an explanation in the variable ability of the French, German and UK health departments to influence their states' approaches to EU health policy‐making. It proposes that the extent of departmental power within government and the likelihood that the government imposes a single line across all its departments explain the variable success of the three health departments in influencing EU policy – some have voice in their government's overall stance on EU matters, as in the UK, some have the ability to escape central control and pursue their own agendas in Brussels, and some have neither, and sometimes find themselves pursuing overall strategies that conflict with their analyses and preferences, as in France. The framework, using exit and voice, should be generalizable to the overall influence of health or other ministries in general government policy.  相似文献   

环境污染已经严重制约我国经济和社会的发展。全社会对环境改善的期望与政府、企业、社会利益的矛盾日渐凸显,节能减排问题迫在眉睫。减排过程中的博弈者由三方利益相关者组成,分别是政府,企业和社会公众,三方都是追求自身利益最大化的完全理性个体。由此建立完美信息动态模型,分析博弈均衡解,以促进企业减排,遏制企业通过行贿等手段损害社会公众利益、政府部门为一己私利而收受贿赂等行为。社会组织应当在企业、政府部门和公众三者之间进行有效地协调,加强对政府部门的监管,加强信息沟通,促进减排目标的实现。  相似文献   

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