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ABSTRACT Recent studies on elder abuse suggest that the pathology or impairment of the abuser may be a stronger predictor of elder abuse than characteristics of the victim. To examine the relationship between elder abuse, abuser pathology, and the criminal justice system, the New York City Department for the Aging (DFTA) undertook a survey of older victims of reported domestic abuse seeking assistance from the DFTA Elderly Crime Victims Resource Center. Preliminary findings from the survey indicate that impaired abusers were significantly younger than unimpaired abusers and more likely to live with their elderly victims, to be unemployed, and to have a history of involvement with the criminal justice system.  相似文献   


This paper summarizes results of a 1997 survey of adult protective services workers in 43 states. The survey yielded ratings of police and victim assistants in detecting and treating elder abuse and estimates of the likelihood that criminal justice professionals would provide ten forms of assistance in a case of elder abuse. Respondents also reported the most helpful services supplied by criminal justice professionals, the services that were most difficult to obtain, and overall ratings of criminal justice professionals in cases of elder abuse. Findings provide insights about relationships between adult protective services workers and criminal justice professionals.  相似文献   

Elder abuse is the newest form of intrafamilial violence to garner the attention of the public, policy makers, health officials, researchers, and the criminal justice system. Despite evidence that elder abuse is a growing problem, there is little known about the phenomenon because of persistent limitations in the extant empirical work. The present study examined a large cross-national sample of reported incidents (n = 87,422) collected as part of the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS), 2000–2005. Addressing limitations in prior works, this research employed a criminal justice oriented definition of elder abuse examining victim, offender, and incident characteristics using chi-square tests and logistic regression to establish baseline findings from a more comprehensive sample of data than previously existed. Results render a baseline profile of victims and abusers and suggest that gender differences prevail throughout elder abuse. This work both corroborates and contrasts past findings of elder abuse research, providing new insights and much needed baseline data.  相似文献   


Dozens of studies have examined how the press portrays crime. Most of these studies focus on some aspect of the criminal or the response to the event. Few have considered the portrayal of victims and even fewer have examined the way the media portrays older victims. To fill this void, this study examines (1) whether elder abuse coverage varies across newspapers and (2) how the extent of elder abuse coverage compares to child-abuse coverage. Results indicate that regional differences appear to exist and child abuse receives far more coverage than elder abuse. Implications are provided.  相似文献   

This study examined law enforcement and prosecution involvement in 71 cases of elder abuse where pure financial exploitation (PFE), physical abuse (PA), neglect (Neglect), or hybrid financial exploitation (HFE) (financial exploitation co-occurring with physical abuse and/or neglect) occurred in a domestic setting. Victims of elder abuse and assigned Adult Protective Services (APS) caseworkers were systematically interviewed. Law enforcement officials were involved in 54% of the cases, and 18% of the cases were prosecuted. PA was significantly more likely to trigger a law enforcement response and to be prosecuted than Neglect or PFE. HFE involved prosecution for assault rather than financial exploitation. Generally, the victims of elder abuse were not receptive to criminal justice involvement, which appears to have a significant impact upon the level of this involvement. The reasons for this reluctance are discussed, as well as the challenges and limitations of criminal justice system involvement and related implications for policy and practice.  相似文献   


A common claim found in the elder abuse literature is that different groups offer varying definitions of elder abuse. Very little research, however, has examined what these differences are and how the differences are manifested in various settings. To fill this void, this research examines the definitions of elder abuse provided by respondents from four groups in the Commonwealth of Virginia: nursing home directors (n = 54), nursing home employees (n = 132), police chiefs (n = 64), and students enrolled in upper-level sociology and criminal justice courses (n = 127). Results of standard thematic content analysis examining the elder abuse definitions show significant differences in several areas. Primarily, nursing home directors are more likely to define elder abuse from an ethical perspective whereas police chiefs and students are more likely to define elder abuse from a legalistic perspective. Implications are provided.  相似文献   


This study aims to investigate the prevalence of elder abuse and neglect in an urban Chinese population. A cross-sectional study was performed in a major urban medical center in NanJing, China. A total of 412 participants completed the survey and 145 (35%) participants screened positive for elder abuse and neglect. The mean age of the victims was 69 years and 59% were male. Caregiver neglect was the most common form of abuse, followed by financial exploitation, psychological abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and abandonment. Thirty-six percent of the victims suffered multiple forms of abuse and neglect. In the logistical regression analyses of the data, female gender, lower education and lower income were demographic risk factors associated with elder abuse and neglect. A better understanding of these and additional risk factors associated with elder abuse and neglect in older Chinese people is needed.  相似文献   


Among the many different professionals who work to address elder and dependent adult mistreatment, the clinical psychologist performs a function that is not well documented. The experiences of a clinical psychologist attached to a medical response team and an elder abuse forensic center provide insight into this complex and multifaceted role. Case examples from an elder abuse forensic center illustrate the breadth of referral questions that a clinical psychologist addresses. This information may be of use to those who would argue that these services be made widely available to elder abuse professionals such as social workers, public guardians, and those in the criminal justice system. The case studies also may be useful for training purposes.  相似文献   


In contrast to work within the child-abuse field, polyvictimization of older adults did not become a focus of professional attention until this decade. Despite this lack of formal identification, a search of the research and practice literature revealed that prior research investigating single forms of or other elder abuse issues contained evidence of what was variously termed “multiple,” “multi-faceted,” “co-occurring,” or “hybrid” elder abuse. A wide range of victims (1.4%–89.7%) identified in existing elder abuse studies was found to have experienced what constitutes “polyvictimization.” This late-life polyvictimization evidence, the contexts in which victims are harmed, and information regarding the impact of multifaceted elder abuse are all presented and discussed in this article. Selected published cases illustrate the clinical dynamics operating in late-life polyvictimization situations.  相似文献   


This article reports on one of the first surveys of multi-disciplinary staff awareness of elder abuse in this region of the United Kingdom (UK). Forty staff from eight professional groups in the Southern Health and Services Board area were surveyed about their knowledge of elder abuse, the types of help they thought they could offer the abused and the abuser, and the level of abuse in their current caseload. Thirty-five per cent of respondents had cases of physical, psychological, financial, and sexual abuse as well as care-giver neglect of people aged 65 and over in their caseloads. The findings suggest that while staff had differing levels of awareness of elder abuse, further training is necessary.  相似文献   

Elder abuse is a multifaceted problemthat requires interdisciplinary prevention and intervention strategies. An important question that arises is whether professionals are adequately prepared to address elder abuse in this collaborative network. Unfortunately, no studies have been conducted to assess the varying levels of knowledge that preprofessionals enrolled in university courses possess with regard to elder abuse. To fill this void, this study assesses the levels of elder abuse awareness among social work, nursing, health professions, and criminal justice students. Specific attention is given to determining whether there are differences in the amount of exposure to elder abuse literature across the disciplines. The study involves the analysis of survey data collected from 202 students enrolled in health and human sciences classes at a large university. Results show that none of the preprofessional groups, on average, reported knowing enough about elder abuse. Implications for future practice and research are provided.  相似文献   


The United States legal system, both civil and criminal, has been underutilised in dealing with elder abuse and neglect. Social service and health practitioners have been unfamiliar with the language and procedures in legal settings. Legal remedies have been obscure or inadequate to address the problems. When elder abuse and neglect were first “discovered” in the late 1970s, efforts focused on safeguarding the victim through civil justice remedies, i.e., guardianships, mandatory reporting laws, adult protective services. The criminal justice system also became involved in order to hold the alleged wrongdoer accountable. Specialised units have developed in police departments and prosecutor offices to deal with the criminal behavior. New laws are providing more flexibility for the legal system, both civil and criminal. A multidisciplinary approach to elder abuse and neglect is needed because abused or neglected elders are frequently involved with many agencies. Attention to the legal aspects of the issue are apparent in the Summit Conference held by the National Center on Elder Abuse in 2001 and the development of the Elder Justice Act which was introduced into the U.S. Senate in 2003.  相似文献   


To investigate frequencies and types of elder abuse occurring in residential settings in two municipal areas of Sweden, nursing staff were asked to answer a questionnaire; 499 responded. The findings indicated that elder abuse involving the staff did occur. Eleven percent of the staff knew of situations of elder abuse and two percent admitted that they themselves had been abusive towards an elderly resident. Psychological and physical abuse related to caring activities were most common. In the specific situations reported, the abusers were mostly characterised as hot-tempered, exhausted, and burned out. The abused people were often mentally and/or physically handicapped and generally over 80 years old. Feelings such as powerlessness, anger towards the abuser, and compassion for the abused person were reported. To cope with the situation, they talked to each other or to the manager. They recommended more education and support as the main preventive strategy.  相似文献   


We aim to detail some of the ways that social policy and gendered practices put older men at risk of elder mistreatment. Research on the abuse and neglect that older adults experience has often focused on the characteristics of the victims and the dynamics within families, emphasizing factors such as the likelihood of an intergenerational cycle of violence, substance abuse and dependency, and older men's financial status as key risks in elder abuse. The effect on men from this type of analysis is that elder mistreatment remains an individual or family problem rather than being viewed as a larger societal concern. This article challenges the individualistic focus by outlining the importance of societal forces affecting older men's risk of mistreatment.  相似文献   


The sample for this exploratory qualitative study of Greek perceptions of elder abuse consisted of 43 Greek participants from urban centers and 28 Greeks from a small island village. Participants were asked to provide examples of extreme, moderate, and mild abuse from an adult child toward his/her aging parent. Half of the examples of extreme abuse were various forms of physical aggression. Predominant examples of moderate abuse were psychological abuse and neglect, and at the mild level neglect was the most highly cited category. The most frequently mentioned specific types of elder mistreatment were verbal abuse, psychological neglect, physical neglect, and hitting. There were no gender differences in the kinds of examples that participants gave or the severity they attributed to their examples. Females were more often presented as victims of abuse than males. A negative correlation was found between age and the number of physical abuse examples given overall, and as types of severe abuse.  相似文献   

The Elderly Abuse Support Project recruits, trains, and places volunteers with elderly victims of abuse. Volunteers provide assistance and advocacy to victims in the utilization of the criminal justice system as well as more general social support. The forty-two elder abuse cases handled by the Project in its first 18 months of operation are compared with a control group of cases investigated by the state's elder abuse unit but not referred to the Project. The findings indicate the the volunteer advocate program, in comparison with the conventional system, can lead to more ambitious goal-setting, greater achievement of goals and more extensive monitoring of cases.  相似文献   

Children who disclose sexual abuse, and the professionals working with them, continue to face a series of difficulties and dilemmas if the alleged abuser is to be brought before the criminal court. As part of a major study of 202 children who had been sexually abused, 35 were interviewed about their post-abuse experiences. The majority were positive about their contact with police. What the children wanted to happen to the abuser suggests that they did not always want imprisonment but that they required some form of redress, and above all that the abuser should be held accountable. However, accounts by the six children who were prosecution witnesses were all unequivocally negative about their experience of giving evidence and being cross-examined. The issues raised by the children's qualitative evaluations provide increased support for the view that further reform is still needed if the interests of children, as well as justice, are to be truly protected within the criminal legal system. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Elder abuse increases the likelihood of early mortality, but little is known regarding which types of abuse may be resulting in the greatest mortality risk. This study included N = 1,670 cases of substantiated elder abuse and estimated the 5-year all-cause mortality for five types of elder abuse (caregiver neglect, physical abuse, emotional abuse, financial exploitation, and polyvictimization). Statistically significant differences in 5-year mortality risks were found between abuse types and across gender. Caregiver neglect and financial exploitation had the lowest survival rates, underscoring the value of considering the long-term consequences associated with different forms of abuse. Likewise, mortality differences between genders and abuse types indicate the need to consider this interaction in elder abuse case investigations and responses. Further mortality studies are needed in this population to better understand these patterns and implications for public health and clinical management of community-dwelling elder abuse victims.  相似文献   


Studies on the scope and nature of Asian American elder abuse conducted with older immigrants are extremely limited. The overall purpose of this study was to examine the extent and type of elder abuse among older Korean immigrants, and to investigate critical predictors of elder abuse in this population. The sample consisted of 200 older Korean immigrants aged 60 to 90 years who resided in Los Angeles County in 2008. One of the key findings indicated that 58.3% of respondents experienced one or more types of elder abuse. Logistic regression indicated that the victims’ health status and educational level were statistically significant predictors of the likelihood of experiencing abuse. The present study, although limited in sample size, measures, sampling methods, and population representation, has contributed to this important area of knowledge. It is recommended that future studies conduct research on elder abuse with more representative national samples that can measure the extent of abuse and neglect more accurately.  相似文献   


This study aimed to develop and validate a brief tool for physician use to improve suspicion about the presence or absence of elder abuse. A literature review on elder abuse, obstacles to its identification, limitations of detection tools, and characteristics of screeners employed by physicians were used to generate elder abuse detection questions for critique by 31 doctors, nurses, and social workers in focus groups. Six resulting questions became the Elder Abuse Suspicion Index (EASI) administered by 104 family doctors to 953 cognitively intact seniors in ambulatory-care settings. Findings were compared to a recognized, detailed elder abuse Social Work Evaluation (SWE) later administered to participants by social workers blinded to the results of the EASI. The EASI had an estimated sensitivity and specificity of 0.47 and 0.75, usually took less than 2 minutes to ask, and 97.2% of doctors felt it would have some or big practice impact. This research is a first phase in the development and validation of a user-friendly tool that might sensitize physicians to elder abuse and promote referrals of possible victims for in-depth assessment by specialized professionals.  相似文献   

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