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Due to the recent "discovery" of elder abuse and the failure of the battered women's movement to reach out to older persons, the physically abused older woman is not necessarily seen as a battered woman. Elder abuse has been viewed as more akin to child abuse, thus leading to a paternalistic approach to the problem. This article contrasts the prevalence, causal models, and effects of physical abuse amon young and older women. Interventions in the case of spouse and elder abuse are also compared. The author concludes by suggesting ways in which helpers might borrow from the battered women's movement in order to better serve older battered women.  相似文献   

《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(4):111-116
Drawing upon the available research literature, this article highlights the research and practice issues that must be addressed if we are to be responsive to the chronic health problems, and subsequent pain, that often codront individuals as they age. This list should by no means be 'seen as exhaustive, but rather as a starting point from which to further our understanding of chronic pain in the lives of older women.  相似文献   

《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(1-2):165-185
Many elderly women need long-term care assistance to help them remain independent. A stresscoping framework was used to test predictors of functional health in a sample of 110 community- residing, older women. The causal relationships among hardiness, self-esteem, social support, stress, coping, and service utilization were examined. Results from the regression analyses indicated that 36% of the variance in physical and independent health was explained by hardiness, stress, coping, and service utilization and 52% of the variance in psychosocial health was explained by hardiness, selfesteem, stress, and coping. The discussion is orgaruzed according to the stress-coping paradigm and explicates the various relationships found.  相似文献   

《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(1-3):265-290
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

As our population ages, the need for personal assistance services increases. Paid personal care is predominantly provided by women, often older women, and has been considered low-status, low-wage work. This article reports on a mixed-method, longitudinal study of 261 home care aides; study participants were 46 years old, on average. Predictors of termination included younger age and lack of health insurance. Study participants reported more rewarding than challenging aspects to the job, though low and inconsistent compensation often forced them to leave the work they loved. Implications of the study with regard to older women caring for older women are explored.  相似文献   

Preliminary research suggests that some active older women perceive that the personal benefits of exercise far outweigh the risks. This study aimed to identify sociodemographic and lifestyle explanations for variations In older women's risk perceptions for six fitness activities. A convenience sample of 43 women aged 52 to 73 responded to a survey questionnaire. Multiple regression analysis controlling for age, hearth, and education indicated that those women who were-mothers held lower levels of perceived risk for late life exercise than women who had never experienced the motherhood role. The motherhood variable, along with current activity level, accounted for some 40% of the variance In risk perceptions, an unexpected finding which will require future confirmation. Several possible explanations for this result are presented.  相似文献   

《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(3-4):55-73

The purpose of this study was to examine specific interactions between older women and multiple members of their close friend network. Ninety-four women, 65 years of age and older, described their interactions with 182 close friends. The women reported substantial social and emotional involvement with their close friends. Almost all of the women reported getting together with their close friends “just to talk.” For women with multiple close friends, the topics of these conversations differed depending on which friends the women described. Perceptions of equity and inequity in their relationships influenced the way in which the women described their friends and the feelings they expressed about their friendships.  相似文献   

《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(3-4):101-118
Heart disease has traditionally been thought of as a man's disease. However, one in three older women develop heart disease, making it the leading cause of death in older women. Current treatment for heart disease is based largely on studies using males as subjects. Doctors are just now beginning to learn about differences in men and women who have heart disease. The focus of this discussion is heart disease as it relates specifically to women. Risk factors considered are smoking, high blood pressure, elevated blood lipids, diabetes mellitus, obesity, stress, family history and physical inactivity. Diagnosis, treatment options and strategies for living productively with heart disease are presented.  相似文献   

《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(1-2):79-101

Anxiety is a problem for millions of Americans. It poses special challenges for women as they grow into advanced age. This paper provides a general overview of anxiety disorders, including panic disorder, agoraphobia, specific phobia, social phobia, obsessive compulsive disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder. Etiology, assessment and treatment strategies are then addressed. Special focus is directed at biological and psychosocial issues as they relate to older women in the development, experience, treatment and prevention of anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(3-4):139-154
The graying of America suggests that dementia will become "the epidemic of the 21st century." First described in 1907, Alzheimer's Disease (AD) accounts for an estimated two-thirds of all dementia. AD currently has no cure, thus causing a major drain on health care and family resources. Compared to men, women are uniquely affected by AD due to their gender-associated increased risk, longer life span, and roles as caregivers within families and institutions. Living successfully with dementia requires medical and behavioral interventions to manage disruptive symptoms, knowledge to optimize environmental conditions, and caregiver support and savvy to avoid burnout. Strategies for maximizing functioning in older women living with AD are provided.  相似文献   

Thirty unemployed female workers over the age of fifty were interviewed in order to examine the relationship between the quality of social support provided by family and friends for their job search efforts and their job search intensity. The fmdings indicate that receiving positive social support for job search activities was significantly related to job search intensity. In addition, these workers perceived the supportive messages provided by unemployed friends as more positive than the support messages provided by employed and retired family or friends. Implications of these fmdings for assessing the presence of positive social supports and for developing successful job search assistance programs for older unemployed women are discussed.  相似文献   

Aging for the older women in the 21st century is more than medical issues. In this study, 62 women (ages 51–81+) obtained a total of 97 permanent makeup procedures. Procurement cues included self-improvement and friend's appearance, consistent with internal, external, and appearance perspectives of body image. Poor eyesight was also of concern (14/23%). Actual benefits included saving makeup time and money (external), while achieving personal goals (internal). This study seems to confirm that for these older women, body image remains important, especially qualities of the face. They did not shed their internal, external, nor appearance concerns associated with body image, as they aged.  相似文献   

Our research has been aimed at understanding the experience, practice, and sexual life in a group of Spanish women over 50 years of age. We studied a sample of 729 women between 50 and 80 years old. Our results provide qualitative and quantitative information and important insights about the sexual life of Spanish women and identify differences in the experience and reality of sexual life after the age of 70. The status of having or lacking a partner, and a personal interest in emotional relationships and sexual practices, are elements that determine the possibility of enjoying a satisfying postmenopausal sexuality.  相似文献   

《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(1-2):103-117

This article examines the literature related to the identification and treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder in older women. From this review, several key findings emerge. Consistent in the research literature is the fact that American women are more at risk for PTSD than are men as a result of the high frequency of sexual and domestic physical abuse that women experience. Studies on older women and PTSD indicate that older women are under-diagnosed and are more typically perceived as suffering from depression, anxiety or poor physical health. It was found consistently that older women who present with age-related stressors may not be asked about earlier trauma history or it may not be understood within the context of trauma-related variables. In several research studies, trauma history was often not identified either as a result of current assessment practice or because women from certain age cohorts did not disclose trauma-related data to health professionals. Key researchers emphasize the necessity of clinicians, staff and medical personnel to attend to the historical variables present in trauma histories of older women. Researchers underscore the importance of understanding the impact of early and repeated trauma, especially interpersonal trauma, on the physical health and social functioning of older women–even though a significant amount of time may have elapsed since exposure. These findings indicate that further study of PTSD in older women is warranted. The paper concludes with a discussion of assessment and treatment options.  相似文献   


While the grief of older women is often assumed to result from recent losses associated with the aging process, the grief reaction of many older women may be influenced by much earlier losses which are unique to women. We propose the effect of these unique losses may complicate the grief process by intensifying both the emotional and physical reaction to recent losses. We encourage researchers to consider losses which are unique to women in the research on grieving in the later stages of life, so that we may understand the impact of such losses.  相似文献   

《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(2-3):29-47

There has been a striking increase in Americans' awareness and use of alternative therapies over the last decade. Women, in particular, have been drawn to explore these unconventional health practices, which include herbal medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, manual therapies, energy healing, and mind-body therapies. From a feminist perspective, the rise in alternative therapies' use in the United States represents a shift in cultural concepts of health from an outmoded patriarchical model which disempowers older women, to a more feminine, holistic model which can reempower older women. Throughout history, older women have developed, applied, and taught the principles and practices of what are now considered alternative healing modalities, in their roles as mothers, expert herbalists, midwives, wise women, and shaman. By becoming familiar with these therapies, older women can increase their control over their health, enhance prevention and self-care, and enjoy a health-care pathway that leads to wholeness in body, mind, and spirit.  相似文献   


The present study examined levels and correlates of knowledge about osteoporosis among 176 Israeli-Jewish (mean age = 55) and 80 Israeli-Arab (mean age = 51) women. Levels of knowledge about the disease were low among all women, especially regarding some of the risk factors. Knowledge and awareness about the disease were especially deficient among Arab women. Younger age and lower education were the main vulnerability factors among Jewish women, and lower desire to seek information from the medical establishment, higher religiosity, and the lack of extended medical insurance among Arab women. Educational programs, geared to the needs and capabilities of the different ethnic populations, should be encouraged.  相似文献   

《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(3-4):59-75

We sought to determine the performance and anthropometric correlates of physical self-concept and self-esteem and to observe whether long-term resistance training would alter these variables in postmenopausal women. Forty-four nonsmoking, community-dwelling, Caucasian women aged 50–75 years participated in the study. Half of the subjects participated in a 9-month regimen of weight-bearing exercises performed 3 times per week which emphasized lower body muscle strength and power development. At baseline, total body fat was negatively associated with physical self-concept and perception of physical appearance but not with self-esteem. Perception of physical appearance improved in both exercisers and controls after the 9-month trial but was most noticeable in exercisers who had low self-esteem at baseline. The only predictor of improvement in perception of physical appearance was a decrease in lower body fat mass. Minimal or nonsignificant change in psychological measures associated with the training may be due to high initial values.  相似文献   

《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(3-4):201-220
For the first time in history, long life has become a problem. The most serious problem facing the older generation is the availability and affordability of health care. While the life expectancy of both men and women cbntinues to increase, the older population of the U.S. is becoming increasingly feminine. In the last two decades there has been a dramatic fall in poverty among the aged, yet for many elderly persons and especially older women, Social Security benefits barely keep them above the poverty level. Access to medical care has improved with Medicaid and Medicare, but not to the extent the aging population had anticipated. Proposals for universal health care have been put forth by politicians, legislators and professional organizations, some of which acknowledge the unique health problems of aging women while others are discriminatory to the aged in general and women in particular. Many believe women must assert themselves if their health care needs are to be adequately and fairly addressed. To this end, more women than ever are becoming involved in the political process, running for and being elected to local, state and national offices. It is anticipated that these women will be sensitive to the health care needs of older women and put forth efforts to develop and implement policies which address these needs.  相似文献   

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