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The EO in OBM     

Olson, Laraway, and Austin (2001) propose an increased emphasis on the establishing operation in organizational behavior management. Their proposal raises interesting questions about theory, science, and practice. (1) What should be the role of theory in behavior analysis? (2) Should we try to find problems that match our solutions or vice versa ? (3) What is the relative importance of the establishing operation and the performance-management contingency in managing organizational behavior? (4) Should theory and basic research be more informed by the issues raised in applied settings?  相似文献   


Applications of behavior analysis in the private sector became visible in the late 1960s and early 1970s. By the 1980s, the field of Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) was a well established discipline. This article chronicles the people, events and publications that contributed to the formation of the field, beginning with the precursors in the 1950s and ending in the early 1980s. The contributions of individuals who have been honored by the OBM Network are detailed and emphasized. Although some historical accounts attribute the development of OBM to influences from traditional management fields, the present account, through documentation of the formative events, argues that the field developed in relative isolation from such influences, emanating primarily from Skinner's development of programmed instruction and the advent of behavioral applications in other settings. While application of psychology to the work place predated behavioral involvement, the primary force for the development and growth of OBM came from within the field of behavior analysis.  相似文献   

A case study is presented of a life and health insurance company that undertook a reorganization of work flow, management practices and structure following the implementation of automation. With the adoption of an on-line computer system, there was the potential for a competent, rapidly responsive and adaptive organization. However, the functionally organized, highly specialized business was operating as a white-collar assembly line. It was unable to respond to market demands and financial market changes in a creative, timely manner. The organizational potential created by the total processing system could not be realized until the social system, the organization of the people, was adapted to take full advantages of new technical capabilities. An assessment involving all of top management was conducted in which managers were allowed to determine the problems, goals, and potential solutions. Management developed a long range, overall approach to the organizational change. The decision was made to phase in experimental self managed work teams and to restructure organizational contingencies to support achievement or organizational rather than unit goals. This paper presents the intial twenty-four month period in the process.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   


Uniqueness of person, organization, and environmental situation is a fact of life. Imitating practices that occurred in a different unique environment does not work well. Improving organizational performance requires managing within the constraints of two sets of variables that are specific to each organization: variables that connect the organization to the environment and variables that support individual human performances. Organizational variables include those relevant to two specific categories of value-adding outputs (the financial marketplace and the consumer service marketplace), and four specific categories of costly but necessary inputs (money, technology, materials and labor). The paper specifies ten guidelines for understanding and managing the interplay between the organizational variables and psychological variables. The guidelines permit systemic organizational and performance management which enables organizational improvement.  相似文献   


This article presents an objective review and analysis of every article published in the Journal of Organizational Behavior Management (JOBM) between 1987 and 1997. The purpose of this review was to replicate and extend the research conducted by Balcazar, Shup-ert, Daniels, Mawhinney, and Hopkins (1989) by providing an objective review and analysis of the second decade of JOBM publications. In doing so, we analyzed several noteworthy trends and patterns occurring within the second decade of the Journal and compared them with the first decade, where applicable. Additionally, we discussed the extent to which the Journal has continued to meet its objectives, and we offered recommendations for future JOBM publications. In general, we found evidence that the Journal has continued to grow in meaningful ways, and we report data that indicate it continues, to some extent, to meet its original objectives. Author affiliation remains largely in academe, although there is evidence that more collaboration is occurring with non-academic authors. The variety of topics addressed by JOBM researchers continues to grow, and the frequency of work simulation studies has increased as well. We also identified areas where future JOBM research could be improved. In particular, more studies should include information on the reliability and social validity of the independent and dependent variables, cost/benefit analyses, and follow-up data.  相似文献   

We develop an individual behavioral model that integrates the role of top management and organizational culture into the theory of planned behavior in an attempt to better understand how top management can influence security compliance behavior of employees. Using survey data and structural equation modeling, we test hypotheses on the relationships among top management participation, organizational culture, and key determinants of employee compliance with information security policies. We find that top management participation in information security initiatives has significant direct and indirect influences on employees’ attitudes towards, subjective norm of, and perceived behavioral control over compliance with information security policies. We also find that the top management participation strongly influences organizational culture which in turn impacts employees’ attitudes towards and perceived behavioral control over compliance with information security policies. Furthermore, we find that the effects of top management participation and organizational culture on employee behavioral intentions are fully mediated by employee cognitive beliefs about compliance with information security policies. Our findings extend information security research literature by showing how top management can play a proactive role in shaping employee compliance behavior in addition to the deterrence oriented remedies advocated in the extant literature. Our findings also refine the theories about the role of organizational culture in shaping employee compliance behavior. Significant theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Two studies were carried out in family-style restaurants to increase suggestive selling by waitstaff and to assess some of the natural contingencies that may influence suggestive selling. In the first study a combination of goal setting, feedback, and positive reinforcement was presented to waitstaff for suggestive selling of cocktails, appetizers, and desserts. Increases were not uniform across the three categories with desserts showing the greatest increase. The second study was designed to assess some of the possible controlling variables for selling by observing when waitstaff typically suggested cocktails, appetizers, and desserts in over 50 restaurants. Suggestions were more probable after dinner than after lunch and waitstaff were more likely to suggest dessert when the restaurant was not crowded than when it was full and busy. Suggestive selling appears to differ across individual waitstaff and may be differentially reinforced during non-peak times during the day.  相似文献   


The authors make a reasonable point, that behavior analysis should be concerned with effective behavior in its own right and not only as a replacement for ineffective behavior. But positive psychology is then described as “a science of positive subjective experience, positive individual traits, and positive institutions …” based largely on correlations among self-report inventories; a science which has the goal of identifying traits that function as the explanations of the behavior of interest. An effort is made to justify this move in a nonbehavioral direction by reference to the distinction between positive and negative reinforcement and an exhortation that OBM practitioners emphasize the former. But this rationale is seriously flawed by either a clearly erroneous or a drastically oversimplified understanding of this distinction. Furthermore, all of the more specific recommendations can be easily justified in terms of ordinary behavioral advantages without recourse to the achievement motivation literature or such concepts as self-efficacy.  相似文献   

In Vroom's [45] original formulation of expectancy theory, the relationship between affect and perceived instrumentality was assumed to be linear. Others have suggested that such a relationship may be better modeled by a nonlinear, utility-type function [30]. The current research contrasts the predictive ability of two linear and four nonlinear functions. Using four levels of McClelland's [26] needs for achievement, affiliation, and power as instrumentalities, 101 subjects provided more than 12,900 decisions on the valences of jobs in a behavioral decision-making experiment. Nearly 40 percent of the subjects exhibited nonlinear valence functions. The results emphasize the need to specify the appropriate functional form of the valence component to enhance predictive accuracy and to prevent misspecification problems.  相似文献   

Providing proper incentives to firm managers is increasingly important in the current competitive environment. Analytical research has suggested that evaluating a manager's performance relative to that of a peer group, in conjunction with standard-based pay, can induce efficient risk-sharing between firm owners and managers while maintaining the latter's incentives to exert effort. To date, direct empirical tests of this proposition have not been reported. This study uses a laboratory experiment to test the effect of relative performance evaluation on the risk-aversion of delegated investment decisions. Project-specific risk is operationalized using operating leverage, in part because the variability of a project's operating profits generally increases with this variable, and in part because many of the new manufacturing approaches held to be important to competitive advantage require significant capital investments and attendant increases in operating leverage. Across two levels of environmental uncertainty, subjects under a relative (as opposed to absolute) performance standard selected investments with significantly higher project-specific risk. Also, as environmental uncertainty increased, subjects under an absolute standard significantly reduced the riskiness of their investments. In contrast, subjects shielded from environmental uncertainty by a relative standard chose investments of about equal riskiness under both low and high uncertainty conditions. If supported by future research, these findings would suggest that relative performance evaluation may reduce managers' reluctance to adopt risky capital investments, especially in firms operating in high-risk economic or technological environments.  相似文献   

We reviewed all issues of the Journal of Organizational Behavior Management (JOBM) from 2000 through 2015 to identify the percentage of empirical articles, which utilized some form of preintervention assessment. In addition, we categorized five types of assessment used and compared the number of assessments conducted in each category. Finally, because assessment is considered to be particularly important in the subdiscipline of behavioral safety (McSween, 2003), and prior research has not examined the commonality of assessment in this area, we also analyzed the frequency and type of assessment procedures used in behavioral safety and compared this to the use of assessment in OBM in general. Results indicated that 28% of the empirical articles in JOBM used some form of preintervention assessment. Indirect methods were the most often used type of assessment. In addition, 48% percent of the articles in JOBM, which employed a safety-related dependent variable, included some form of assessment. The most frequently used type of assessment in behavioral safety was historical assessment. Based on these data, the use of some form of preintervention assessment in OBM appears to be occurring with some regularity, and assessment in behavioral safety is more common relative to assessment in OBM in general.  相似文献   

本文是一项对中国国有企业与中外合资企业的比较研究,我们用组织行为学和人力资源管理中的两个重要指标——领导风格和异化来比较两类企业的管理和社会效益。对相关企业员工所回答的问卷的统计分析显示出国有企业和中外合资企业不同的领导风格和员工异化状态,文章讨论了差别的原因及其对于国有企业管理变革的启示。  相似文献   

Every article published in the Journal of Organizational Behavior Management from 1982 through 2012 that contained the term motivating operation (or a related term) was examined. Seventy-six articles used a relevant term. Authors used the term in attempts to categorize and explain the behavioral effects of many aspects of interventions (e.g., rules, feedback, goal-setting), everyday occurrences in organizations (e.g., nicotine deprivation, top management support), and characteristics of behaving individuals (e.g., optimism, personality state), which on the one hand suggests that the motivating operation concept has been of value in organizational behavior management research as published in the journal. On the other hand, none of the articles demonstrated the successful use of a motivating operation as the term was initially defined, which suggests that the MO concept has been substantially expanded or widely misused by authors of the evaluated articles.  相似文献   

基于新消费者行为理论的供应链应急预案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用应急管理中的分级思想和新消费者行为理论,提出了应急事件下,估计供应链损失的新方法.通过该方法能够比较容易地算出供应链应急损失值,然后把该值与应急预案的阀值进行比较,从而确定供应链应急预案的启动时机.  相似文献   

齐善鸿  程江  焦彦 《管理学报》2011,(9):1298-1305
在社会科学领域中,如果理论的基础性假设存在问题,其后续的展开就可能将问题进一步放大。西方传统管理理论隐含着"管理者是管理的唯一主体,被管理者是管理的客体"的前提性假设,表现为管理主体对客体的单向指挥和控制。后来的参与式民主管理对此虽有修补,但本质并没有改变。由于剥夺了被管理者的主体性,导致了现实管理主客体间的恶性互动和双方主体性的扭曲和异化,并制造了管理中的一系列悖论。道本管理在认识和尊重主体性和管理规律的基础上,提出了管理"四主体论",对管理主体及其关系进行了重新认识和定位,破解了错误假设所导致的悖论,并通过机制设计实现了管理各主体之间良性关系的构筑,论证了管理从控制转向服务的必要。  相似文献   

席酉民  刘鹏 《管理科学》2019,22(9):1-11
管理学在中国的突破有赖于中国企业的强大和企业家的实践创新,也需要具有较高学识和理论构建造诣的研究者进行理论总结.管理学在中国可能从以下两方面进行突破:一方面,借助于方法论的突破,挖掘出中国人在管理实践中应对复杂性问题的智慧并进行理论构建,另一方面,提炼数字化、智能化时代多种智能并存互动的实践,构建出具有包容性和自反性的治理与管理架构或机制.和谐管理的探索为此提供了例示.管理学在中国的突破是中国管理学者与实践者对自身、对传统智慧的超越,并将为世界贡献有价值的新知识.  相似文献   

The importance of knowledge management (KM) processes for organizational performance is now well recognized. Seeking to better understand the short‐term impact of KM on firm value, this article focuses on public announcements of information technology (IT)‐based KM efforts, and uses cumulative abnormal return (CAR) associated with an announcement as the dependent variable. This article employs a contingency approach, arguing that the KM announcement would have a positive short‐term impact on firm value in some conditions but not in others. Thus, it pursues the following research question: What are the effects of contextual factors on the CAR associated with the announcement of an IT‐based KM effort? Specific hypotheses are proposed based on information‐processing theory, organizational learning theory, the knowledge‐based theory of the firm, and the theory of knowledge creation. These hypotheses link CARs to alignment between industry innovativeness and the KM process, alignment between firm efficiency and the KM process, firm‐specific instability, and firm diversification. The empirical study utilizes secondary data on 89 KM announcements from 1995 to 2002. The results largely support the hypotheses. Overall, this article provides empirical support for the theory‐based arguments, and helps develop a contingency framework of the effectiveness of KM efforts.  相似文献   

This study clarifies how dynamic capabilities work in modifying operational capabilities at different organizational levels. While there is good understanding that routines that make up operational capabilities possess ostensive and performative aspects, whether the same applies to dynamic capabilities is unclear. In addition, there is only a limited understanding of how dynamic capabilities link to operational capabilities in terms of these two routine aspects, in general, and at different organizational levels, in particular. Our findings suggest that ostensive and performative routine aspects explain the way in which dynamic capabilities work in modifying operational capabilities. They also reveal that the pattern of the ostensive or performative routine aspects in dynamic capability deployment at a selected organizational level correspond with that associated with operational capabilities at the same level.  相似文献   

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