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Correspondence to Karen Hardman, Department of Applied Social Studies, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX Summary Within British social work there is no model of good practicefor working with lesbian clients. As a prelude to the establishmentof such a model, this paper attempts to ascertain social workers'attitudes to lesbians using a thirty-item attitude (Likert)scale. The implications of social workers' attitudes for practicewith lesbian clients are considered from responses to case vignettes.  相似文献   

社会流动与流动者的关系网络   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张云武 《社会》2009,29(1):122-141
本研究通过对厦门市流入者的关系网络的实证考察,主要的发现是:农村出身者的网络总量以及邻居、同乡关系的量大于城市出身者,但是网络持续性较弱;流动距离对同乡关系产生正向影响;在关系网络的量以及同质性方面,到达阶层较低的流动者大于或强于到达阶层较高的流动者;流入年数对亲戚关系以及网络持续性、职业同质性产生正向影响;教育年数的增加可以促进同事、同学、朋友关系的形成,并导致网络选择性、扩大性增强,网络持续性减弱;政治身份的向上流动可以导致网络总量以及邻居、同学、同乡关系增多,并导致网络同质性增强。这些发现说明,国外学者的先行理论在中国社会的应用具有一定的局限性。作者认为,这是由在漫长的农业社会中形成的血缘、地缘意识被深深内化,以及城乡社会结构的差异、社会流动的特性、人口城市化与生活城市化的不一致性等中国社会独特的社会历史文化所导致的。  相似文献   

Correspondence to Martin Smith, EDT c/o Social Services Department, Easton Street, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP11 1NH. E-mail: msmith{at}buckscc.gov.uk Summary This paper follows on from the paper ‘Social workers’experiences of fear’, written by the same authors, reportingon a research study that showed how social workers interviewedexperienced fears of assault, death, losing control and rejectionfrom their seniors during their working hours. Now, from thesame study, examples are given that illustrate ways in whichparticipants were affected by, and responded to, these fears.Substantive quotations from in-depth interviews are providedshowing effects of fears as being physical, cognitive and emotionaland as manifesting themselves differently with the passing oftime. Also given are examples of what it was that participantsfound to be helpful, or unhelpful, when attempting to deal withtheir fears and particular attention is paid to supervisionin this respect. The paper argues that drama therapy literaturehas much relevance to the management of fear as participantsoften reported different parts of themselves performing roleswhen affected by and responding to fears. Implications for socialwork training are considered in this light. Generally, it isclaimed that the more social workers can learn about fear andits manifestations and implications in their work, the betterthey will be able to respond to it and deal with it.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine the relationship between nurses' and social worker'perceptions of the well-being of elderly nursing home residents. Four-hundred and eight residents were rated by both nurses and social workers in three areas: cognitive functioning, depression and the social network. Results showed that there was a strong relationship between the nurses' and social workers' ratings on all measures in the three domains of functioning. However, differences between nurses' and social workers' ratings were found on several measures. Nurses consistently rated the residents as more impaired than social workers on all measures of cognitive functioning. Nurses also rated the residents as being less depressed, having a lower activity level and having less frequent social interactions than did social workers. In the area of the social network, social workers thought residents had more frequent contacts with staff. However, nurses rated the residents as being more intimate with staff and visitors. The practical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of stimulus cues and social reinforcement on urinary incontinence of three wheel-chair bound, nursing home residents was investigated using a multiple-baseline across subjects. The residents included three seriously impaired elderly women who were offered the opportunity to use the toilet hourly and taken to the toilet on a 2-hour schedule. Praise and cookies were provided as a consequence for appropriate urination in the toilet. Following the intervention opportunities for toileting increased, and there was a decrease in urinary incontinence, and an increase in appropriate urinary toileting.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Professor Michael Preston-Shoot, School of Law and Applied Social Studies, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, L7 4DN, UK. E-mail: m.prestonshoot{at}livjm.ac.uk Summary This paper reports findings from a project which examined howinter-agency procedures on older age abuse in domestic settingswere used in one local authority. Observations about the useof procedures and about practice with older people who had beenabused are placed in the context of national policy developmentsand are reviewed alongside the available literature. The researchquestions the extent to which guidance is effective in providingdirection for practitioners who encounter older age abuse, andhow well guidance and practice combine to protect victims.  相似文献   

Globalization has played a major role in redefining the nature of the welfare state and the ways in which social work practice is being undertaken in a number of different countries. Moreover, its impact has been to exacerbate gendered and racialized social relations. In this article, I explore the changes that globalization has wrought on the social work profession. These have resulted in neo-liberialist policies that have contributed to the realization of a purchaser-provider split in service delivery, the commodification of inter-personal relationships embodied in caring work and the creation of a technicist cadre to deal with vulnerable people in need. I conclude by arguing that social workers need to engage in a public debate which challenges this state of affairs and form alliances with clients, professional associations, trade unions, politicians and other professional groupings in order to set a new welfare agenda which replaces profit-making with social justice to ensure that needs-led assessments and people are at the heart of their professional remit.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Ronit D. Leichtentritt, Bob Shapell School of Social Work, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel. E-mail: ronitl{at}post.tau.ac.il Summary Sixteen social workers in Israel were interviewed about theirexperiences with and attitudes towards various forms of euthanasia,as well as the meanings they ascribe to them. Using phenomenologicalanalysis, seven themes were identified, emphasizing individual,interpersonal, organizational, social and therapeutic considerations,and suggesting a holistic and integrative structure of the phenomenon.The themes were arrived at by identifying distinctions and similaritiesbetween different forms of euthanasia. Two themes suggestingsimilarities were revealed: ‘diminishing the value oflife’ and ‘a call for help’. Three themeswere found to distinguish between passive euthanasia (withholdingand withdrawing life-sustaining treatment) and active forms(active euthanasia and assisted suicide): ‘legality’,‘social acceptance’ and ‘concern for the sickand dying’. The last two themes distinguished betweenwithholding treatment and assisted suicide, on the one hand,and withdrawing treatment and active euthanasia, on the other:‘the involvement of others as executor’ and ‘thepublicity of the act’. Further research and training isrequired to better inform social workers in this ethical area.Given their unique position, social workers should activelyparticipate in legal, social and therapeutic discussions concerningend-of-life decisions, for the benefit of clients, their familiesand health-care providers.  相似文献   

采用二元逻辑斯蒂回归模型,从社会阶层与社会流动的视角对影响流动人口未婚先孕的因素进行分析.关于社会阶层的研究结果显示,育龄妇女的受教育程度与月均收入水平两因素的影响结果显著,受教育程度越高未婚先孕的比例越低,收入越高未婚先孕的比例越低.育龄妇女的户口对未婚先孕不产生显著性影响;关于社会流动的研究结果显示,育龄妇女婚姻的教育匹配与户口匹配对未婚先孕有着显著性影响,教育匹配的上向流动增加未婚先孕的比例,下向流动降低未婚先孕的比例.但户口匹配却显示出上向流动降低未婚先孕的比例,下向流动增加未婚先孕的比例.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr. R. Simpson, Family and Community Dispute Research Centre, Claremont Bridge, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU. Summary The present paper deals with one particular issue raised inthe course of a major piece of evaluation research into theeffectiveness of family conciliation in England and Wales. Fromaccounts of clients it became apparent that many of them wereexperiencing some confusion and misunderstanding regarding theprocesses they were undergoing. These confusions are describedand their implications for conciliation and the divorce processin general are discussed. The paper concludes with some suggestionsas to how this confusion may be minimized through the developmentof a broad-based and independent agency offering a comprehensiverange of services for those experiencing difficulties arisingfrom the break-down of an established relationship.  相似文献   

This article builds on literature from many helping disciplines supporting the use of simulated clients (sometimes referred to as standardized patients) in training professional students, explaining why the use of simulated clients is more effective in developing clinical skills as compared with student-to-student role-plays. Psychodynamic and Bowen intergenerational family theory, critical to the development of social work knowledge, is used to support the use of simulated clients to portray clients with challenging and complex lives. Risks and benefits of using simulated clients is discussed, along with recommendations to educational programs regarding ways to effectively use this experiential learning method.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes health policy development in Europe in response to economic instability, and describes agreements and declarations at a European level as well as commitments in some selected countries. One significant example is the European Health for All Strategy, which encompasses 38 operational targets agreed upon by all 32 member states of the European region. The Council of Europe and the Commission of the European Communities have instituted study groups on psychosocial and health effects of long-term unemployment, and on intervention measures taken or contemplated. This paper discusses interventions such as psychological and socio-pedagogic training schemes, measures for long-term unemployed, and a "social guarantee" of employment or training, as well as prevention of unemployment and empowerment of the unemployed. A local approach in a region of the Federal Republic of Germany illustrates the need for political involvement and strategies.  相似文献   


This research surveyed 29 social workers to examine their personal death attitudes and experiences in relation to their advance directives communication practice behavior. The study measured death attitudes on 5 dimensions: fear, avoidance, neutral, approach, or escape acceptance of death. Participants' personal experiences with terminal illness and death were also assessed. Advance directive communication practices were operationalized as 7 phases: initiation of the topic, disclosure of information, identification of a surrogate decision-maker, discussion of treatment options, elicitation of patient values, interaction with family members, and collaboration with other health care professionals. Findings suggest that social workers' advance directive communication behavior differs by practitioners' death attitudes and experiences. Implications for social work education and professional development are discussed.  相似文献   

Machines and Mindlessness: Social Responses to Computers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Following Langer (1992), this article reviews a series of experimental studies that demonstrate that individuals mindlessly apply social rules and expectations to computers. The first set of studies illustrates how individuals overuse human social categories, applying gender stereotypes to computers and ethnically identifying with computer agents. The second set demonstrates thatpeople exhibit overlearned social behaviors such as politeness and reciprocity toward computers. In the third set of studies, premature cognitive commitments are demonstrated: A specialist television set is perceived as providing better content than a generalist television set. A final series of studies demonstrates the depth of social responses with respect to computer 'personality.' Alternative explanations for these findings, such asanthropomorphism and intentional social responses, cannot explain the results. We conclude with an agenda for future research.  相似文献   

This study reports the findings of interviews with fifty socialworkers who volunteered to describe their personal experiencesof depression in the workplace. The findings confirm the literatureon the stresses of social work and provide an account of theways in which the social workers sought to reconcile their mentalhealth needs with their role as professionals. The study suggeststhe potential for those working at all levels in social workagencies to support social workers who are experiencing depression.At a time of shortages in the profession in the UK, and of effortsto enable those with mental health problems to remain in orreturn to work, the experiences of those social workers interviewedillustrate the managerial, training and human resource imperativesto provide more supportive workplaces.  相似文献   

Objectives: The purpose of this study is to explore barriers to the use, maintenance, and expansion of social supports in older adult methadone clients. Methods: The data for this analysis were derived from a qualitative study of the needs of aging methadone clients. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews with 24 methadone clients over the age of 50. Results: A lack of trust was identified as a principal barrier to the use, maintenance, and expansion of the social supports of older adult methadone clients. Causes of this mistrust include issues associated with aging, past traumatic experiences, and difficult personal relationships. Implications: These findings imply that addressing the issue of self isolation and recognizing the reason older adult methadone clients engage in this behavior is a key element in getting this specific population to use, maintain, and foster healthy social supports. A common phrase echoed throughout the interviews is that a person cannot trust anybody. Because of this mistrust, some clients keep to themselves by electing to self-isolate and decline to use, maintain, or foster new relationships. As a result, these individuals are less likely foster and/or engage in healthy social relationships, which are a key component of substance abuse treatment and abstinence maintenance.  相似文献   

Seniors who feel powerless to effect change on their environment or who feel that their lives are controlled by external circumstances are said to have an external locus of control. This may adversely affect commitment to and participation in mental health treatment. This article presents the conce t of using the therapeutic relationship to encourage internal contro f' beliefs in elderly mental health clients, with the goal of promoting personal empowerment and improving the efficacy of therapy. Included is a review of litera- ture relevant to aging and locus of control. The develoament of an external locus of conbol is explained by the theories of self psychol- ogy and the social breakdown syndrome.  相似文献   


This study examined the glass ceiling phenomenon and its effects on Asian Americans' careers in social work. A model was tested that explored utilizing a national sample of 192 Asian American social workers. Structural equation modeling techniques were employed to evaluate the adequacy of the proposed model's appropriateness to the collected data. Results indicated that the model successfully explained the glass ceiling phenomenon and organizational fairness as mediating variables. This study adds to the literature by investigating the theoretical and observed (or not observed) link between the glass ceiling literature and social justice theory. Recommendations for further study are highlighted along with the call for theory development and empirical work on race and ethnic differences as they relate to organizational behavior, with special attention to the effects of ethnicity and gender.  相似文献   

Culture exerts powerful influences on each generations' responses to older members in declining health. Narratives, the stories people tell about their lives, depict the different the ways that the elderly and their children experience their world. Their personal narratives chronicle their connections to culture the past. They also illustrate the ways that the cultural values are transformed to accommodate the present and future. The stories are influenced by immigration, assimilation, development, interpersonal relationships, and life events. These differences between the cultural narratives of the elderly and the following generation are particularly apparent during times of chronic stress. One such situation occurs during chronic illness when the younger generation is called upon to provide for the elderly and chronically ill.  相似文献   

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