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Research in spirituality, religion and aging   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Research on the concept of "spirituality" demonstrates its overlap with "religion," so for many purposes they need to be considered together as "spirituality/religion." Investigations of age differences point to the likelihood that spirituality tends to increase during later adulthood. It has important positive relationships with various measures of life satisfaction, psychosocial well-being, and both physical and mental health. It benefits therapy for recovery from illness and is a source of meaning and purpose in life. Spiritual interventions help to relieve psychological distress and death anxiety, as well as the stresses of caregiving. Because of its therapeutic value, prayer is an important resource for coping with problems experienced during the life course. The Spiritual Well-Being Scale and many other instruments have been developed to measure spirituality and related concepts. As in all other domains of research on people, they all have limits and must be applied with caution for both technical and ethical reasons. Nevertheless, applications of the research findings, which overwhelmingly demonstrate the importance of spirituality to human well-being, already are improving the effectiveness of clinical work and social services in all of the health and human service professions. As scientific knowledge of spirituality expands, so does awareness of the need for further research, including the refinement of methodological procedures, expansion to new topics, and extension to international cultures and diverse religions. The outlook for research on spirituality and the consequent practical applications to benefit humanity is very promising.  相似文献   

Applying cost/benefit techniques to issues of life and death generally requires a single index, comparable to gross domestic product, describing the welfare of any community in terms of the health, quality of life, wealth, and longevity of its population. While such indices, based on economic and multiattribute utility theory, do exist, they generally require detailed information on the preferences of the affected individuals. Since gathering such detailed information is often prohibitively expensive and time-consuming, this article derives a simpler index of community welfare. Our index evaluates any proposed government project using a weighted geometric average of the project's anticipated impact on
  • ?per capita wealth less the weighted proportion of individuals with various disabilities, and
  • ?per capita life expectancy adjusted to discount future years of life.
  • Since the criterion measures the overall utility of society, it can also be used to compare quality of life in various countries.  相似文献   

    孙飞宇 《社会》2017,37(1):1-32
    本文尝试通过讨论现代意义上的忏悔者,推进对于生活世界范畴的理解。文章从现象学的角度出发,首先清理了保罗·利科以现象学入精神分析的努力,试图在社会思想史中确立一种讨论忏悔的起点和框架。利科讨论了胡塞尔现象学和弗洛伊德的精神分析在理论和方法之间的亲和力,不过却并未将议题落实在社会理论的层面上。进而,本文通过对福柯关于忏悔的发生学研究的检讨,将对忏悔的理解集中在经典精神分析的理论传统之中。通过对于弗洛伊德谈话分析中自由联想法的理论背景分析,本文将谈话疗法与还原工作比观并照,互相证成,最后试图对于弗洛伊德式忏悔做一个现象学社会学式的理解。  相似文献   

    In this article, the authors report on a qualitative study that explored the use of narrative therapy with a diverse group of older adults dealing with mental health and substance misuse issues. Narrative therapy supports individuals to critically assess their lives and develop alternative and empowering life stories that aim to keep the problem in its place. Although the literature suggests this is a promising intervention for individuals, there is a lack of research on narrative therapy and group work. Aiming to address this gap, the authors developed and researched a narrative therapy group for older adults coping with mental health and substance misuse issues in Toronto, Canada. Taking an ethnographic approach, field notes and interviews provided rich data on how, when, and for whom, such a group could be beneficial. Findings contribute to the literature on group work, older adults, and narrative therapy.  相似文献   

    秦鹏飞 《社会》2005,40(3):58-87
    本文以儒家典籍中的“鬼神”为研究对象,借此对儒家思想的“理性主义”特征进行讨论。儒家思想对鬼神的理解,继承了巫术时代鬼神能影响现实之认识,又为其赋予了新的内涵。新的内涵以“形气论”为认识基础,一方面将鬼神世界与人间世界视作同质且可以互相沟通,极力强调鬼神尤其是“人鬼”与祭祀者之间固有的“父子”关系的重要性,形成了以“报本反始”为核心意义,以“格神”“敬飨”为直接目的的祭祀之礼;另一方面,儒家强调,“格神”的最关键条件是主祭者“事死如事生”的“诚敬之心”,而这一诚敬之心源自于“孝”的情感。  相似文献   

    弗洛伊德的案例剧场:忏悔者与生活世界(下)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    孙飞宇 《社会》2017,37(2):133-165
    在上篇所建立的理论框架的基础之上,本篇试图集中到弗洛伊德的五个经典案例,通过约翰·奥尼尔对于这五个案例的理论思考,将精神分析传统中的忏悔现象及其理论置于经典社会理论乃至西方文明的传统之中,并最终将讨论落实在生活世界中的理性与存在问题之上。文章最终回到黑格尔,主张理性必须落在此在之在(Da-sein)并因而是个体存在之意义世界中。与忏悔相关,既存在着一种作为存在之形式(form of being)的理性,又存在着一种作为生命意志(will of life)的理性。第二种理性,也即来自于此在之在的状态,可能是理性真正的困难所在。从这个角度来说,康德对于启蒙所提出的要求,或许正可以落实在弗洛伊德的诊所技术之上。  相似文献   

    王瑞静 《社会》2022,42(3):62-91
    本文通过考察云南哈尼族阿卡人家庭内部的祖孙关系及其在治疗祈福仪式“拴线礼”中的呈现,探索其建构社会的方式和过程。研究发现,阿卡父系家庭在强调丰产和家族延续的福气观念下,突出“老人大”和“孙子比老人大”的双向式等级结构。该结构经由辈分、性别、居住地、血亲、姻亲等差别变量的叠加互动,从家庭仪礼中扩展出卷动多个家系和村寨的人群等级关系,构建出更广大的社会世界,既体现了男/女性后代和姻亲对于家族延续的不同重要性,也表达了多姓村寨共同体内部的互助团结与整合精神。本文为等级、礼物和家庭研究拓宽了讨论空间。  相似文献   

    A modified form of "milestoning"-group-oriented positive reminiscence-is explored creatively in a nursing home setting with elderly clients. Specific challenges dealing with depressed, withdrawn, unsociable, or isolated individuals are discussed. An exploratory discussion group of nine members utilized creative sensory activities (seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, feeling and some "remember when" exercises) to encourage socialization skills and interaction among a sedentary group. A variety of visual aids with specific goals over 12 sessions were utilized. Findings indicate the milestoning technique is particularly effective with the cognitively impaired who may not be able to participate in life review reminiscence due to an inability to process and/or develop resolution. Implications suggest this technique may be beneficial for those doing group work with the elderly whose cognizance may fluctuate. The opportunity to focus on a given topic through sensory stimulation may provide positive and rewarding interactive experiences for participants.  相似文献   

    Until recently the health care professions gave little systematic attention to psychosocial needs of the dying person and his or her family. There seemed to be no place for death in the prevention and cure-oriented outlook of our health care systems. This situation is now undergoing rapid change. Analysis of our society's death system indicates that "comfort care" has started to take its place along with the more dominant death system functions of curing and killing. Particular attention is given to the emergence of the hospice movement. Improved care of the terminally ill person may not be enough, however, to meet rising expectations for a higher quality of life, in general, and in the dying situation in particular. It is suggested that our society will not be content with a terminal phase of life in which physical distress is well controlled and individual dignity maintained. Rather, we seem to be questing for a form of dying that is "healthier" than ordinary life and that actualizes values whose attainment had previously been frustrated. Pleasurable dying and glorious death may be major "consumer demands" in the future.  相似文献   

    This work examines the mental health problems faced by “old” elderly couples, and explores various interventions aimed at helping this group. The authors observe that although almost every couple that enters treatment appears to be in a state of crisis, problems tend to have a rather chronic underlay. This will be analyzed from several theoretical perspectives, with emphasis being placed upon how couples “negotiated” earlier life stages, transitions, and experiences. The authors' own practice style and objectives for treatment will be discussed; interventions outlined, Critical attention will be given to why therapy with this group is challenging, and where failures occurred. Suggestions will be offered as to how this therapy can be made more effective. Case examples will be used to highlight the points that are made.  相似文献   

    刘亚秋 《社会》2022,42(4):134-160
    哈布瓦赫集体记忆理论提供了“社会性”的视角,但没能深描个体创造社会的过程。普鲁斯特的记忆理论虽然也包含“社会性”维度,但并没有止步于此,而是呈现出社会与个体混融的社会形象,其中,不仅有社会的限制和引导二重性,还有个体的主动适应和创造:社会也内在于个体,个体也非纯粹的心理学意义上的个体,个体的创造离不开社会环境。这源于主客融合的立场,在这一视点下,普鲁斯特的社会形象不是二重性,而是多重的,甚至有无限可能。社会是在个体创造过程中的产物,在这一过程中,社会呈现出丰富的形象,社会的无限可能性蕴含在个体的创造过程中。  相似文献   

    Correspondence to Martin Dempster, School of Psychology, Queen's University Belfast, University Road, Belfast BT7 1NN, UK. E-mail: m.dempster{at}qub.ac.uk Summary The purpose of this research note is to demonstrate how an individualizedquality of life instrument could be adapted to provide a moreaccurate estimate of the impact of a social service on a person'squality of life. An increase in quality of life between thestart and end of a service is often taken as an indication thatthe service impacted positively on quality of life. The modificationsto the quality of life instrument suggested in this paper showthat this assumption is not always accurate and should be questioneddirectly.  相似文献   

    王瑞静 《社会》2020,40(1):45-74
    本文以云南省普洱市哈尼族阿卡人的整体宇宙秩序为观照,运用文化阐释方法剖析其病痛观及相应医疗实践,以理解其“药礼结合”的治病方式,并挖掘阿卡社会医疗体系的运作机制。研究发现,阿卡人认为人包括人体与人魂,有些病痛只是身体的病痛,可以用药物治疗;有些病痛则被视为人与不可见的灵、鬼、神、老天爷等非人存在物互动交流的渠道,是人违背宇宙秩序招致的惩罚,需诉诸献祭仪式以求病愈。社会—宇宙的集体道德通过这些病痛被内化到个体当中,后者在不确定的病痛及相应治疗仪式中反复确认和维护宇宙秩序的权威,维持了社会—宇宙的更新与延续。正是“药礼结合”的多元实践,保证了阿卡礼成功以病痛作为落点来整合社会—宇宙秩序,从而保证了阿卡礼的持续运作。  相似文献   

    李阿琳 《社会》2020,40(1):25-44
    本文采用社会学干预的研究方法,在北京大栅栏的院落空间调整中讨论了公共空间的含义与公共重建的问题。与西方将公共空间作为具有政治或社会意义的公共生活不同,大栅栏的居民从所有权出发将公共空间定义为国家财产,又在使用中逐渐侵占并瓜分了这些在管理上被忽视的国家空间。这既是住房等公共服务欠缺的结果,也被历史形成的国家与个人关系所建构,公共空间因此充满了各类行动者在日常生活与社会实践中的互动。本文将介绍两个强干预的社会行动案例,它们分别以“孵育社会生活”和“划分公私边界”为思路进行院落空间调整实验,但前者失败,后者成功。结论部分对此进行反思并指出,公共重建需要调整空间中的国家与个人关系,并建立公共空间使用的规则。  相似文献   

    "平等·参与·共享"是残疾人进入社会生活、参与社会生活的目标,对残疾人实行高等特殊教育是实现这一目标的途径。残疾人接受高等教育是社会发展的需要和人道主义精神、人的平等权利的体现。本文通过分析社会需要和残疾人权益与发展,探讨实行高等特殊教育的战略。  相似文献   

    荆学民 《求是学刊》2007,34(1):38-45
    道德信仰是一个生成的完整范畴。“道德”是其基础,信仰是其“着力点”。道德信仰是指道德的形而上学之基础,一是指道德形成的前提性的精神基础;二是指道德的终极向往即道德的最高目标和最高境界。对“人性”的理解及其相应的态度(信仰)是道德形成的精神基础;对“人生意义”的理解及其相应的态度是道德的最高目标和最高境界。道德信仰之所以是必要的,在于它依赖信仰实现道德中所谓动机与效果的统一。人们对“人性”与“人生意义”有相当不同的理解,现实生活中的道德信仰也据此产生两种不同的指向:一是世俗的现实生活指向;一是超俗的宗教生活指向。深化道德信仰研究,有利于明晰社会主义道德的精神基础,有利于强化社会主义道德的凝聚功能,有利于改善社会主义道德的教育方式。  相似文献   

    王福友 《求是学刊》2007,34(3):82-88
    现代社会人的生存环境与状态发生了改变,不但面临着更广泛的风险,而且经济生活不再成为生活的全部,体现一种多元的价值追求。和谐社会不仅仅是一种单纯的思想理论创新,而是对现代社会的一种必然回应,也从微观与宏观两个层面对侵权行为法提出了新的要求。与之相适应,侵权行为法需要进行理念的转变,以满足调整和谐人际关系的需要。理念转变主要表现为,从行为归责转向“不利益”资源的配置;从裁判规范转向行为规范;从救济人转向关心人。  相似文献   

    王德胜 《求是学刊》2002,29(4):83-89
    对于生活的创造力量、永恒生命运动原则的热情肯定 ,同宗白华对于自然的深情渴望、生命直觉的感动联系在一起 ,并从歌德的文学创作中获得进一步的确认。而无限创造的生命欲求 ,则催生了“人生艺术化”的理想热情。正是在歌德式“唯动主义”的创造性生命人格启示下 ,会合中国老庄的人格理想、魏晋时代的人生实践 ,宗白华完美地构造出了一个情深于中、静处于外的人生世界———“超世入世”的人生态度和生活实践的统一  相似文献   

    周泽鹏  肖索未 《社会》2022,42(4):104-133
    通过对A青年空间的案例研究,本文力图呈现制度性个体化背景下中产阶层北漂青年所经历的双重生活。在高度竞争性的制度环境中,北漂青年一方面形成了适应功利型人生模式的奋斗自我,另一方面却对制度化的生活感到怀疑和失落,在制度依赖与自主需求之间挣扎。在青年空间中建构社会交往成为他们探寻“本真性自我”的方式。然而,青年空间中的社会交往以“反日常”为前提,本真性自我的建构往往成为一种悬置性体验,并且悖论式地遵循着制度化生活的逻辑。本文反思了现有文献对中国社会个体化的讨论中功利型取向的“奋斗个体”范式,丰富了对个体化进程中当代青年生活处境与主观世界的理解。  相似文献   

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