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薛小荣  何慧丽 《创新》2010,4(3):118-120
传统住宅建设给生态环境带来很大影响,绿色生态住宅目前已成为住宅发展的必然趋势。针对目前住宅建设各个阶段缺少内在联系,应基于全寿命周期管理的绿色生态住宅小区建设模式和支撑体系,大力推广绿色生态住宅小区建设,实现人、环境与住宅的共生共容的永续发展。  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Matthew Colton, Department of Social and Administrative Studies, Barnett House, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2ER Summary This paper reports what is, remarkably, the first systematic,in-depth, comparative study of foster and residential care practices.The overall research objectives were: (1) to delineate and comparecare practice in special foster homes (i.e., homes accommodatingchildren traditionally considered too old or disturbed for fosterplacement) and Children's Homes for older children in localauthority care; and (2) if possible, ascertain whether the responsesmanifested by children in such settings can be related to thecare practices they experience. The approach adopted was essentially sociological. A lengthyperiod of field-work in two local authorities featured the useof a range of research instruments and included the collectionof data on the following: the management of recurrent–mainlydaily–social events; children's community contacts; theprovision of physical amenities; the controls and sanctionsused by caretakers vis-à-vis children; the roles of caretakersand their behaviour and attitudes towards children; and thecharacteristics of children, their behaviour towards caretakers,perceptions of their social environments and progress duringplacement. Quantitative methods were used in data analysis becausethey provide a useful guide to the import of observed differencesbetween foster homes and Children's Homes. Care practice in the foster homes was, overall, significantlymore child-oriented than in the Children's Homes. Moreover,the responses of residential children appeared to fall shortof offering justification for the ways that the lives of suchchildren seemed to differ from those of foster children.  相似文献   

Residential group care workers are frequently required to support children with extremely challenging and aggressive behaviour. Our knowledge about the tensions that may exist for workers that manage difficult behaviour is theoretically and empirically underdeveloped. The aim of this exploratory study was to contribute to our understanding of the dynamics of behaviour management in the residential environment by identifying the worker‐reported tensions involved in the management of challenging and disruptive behaviour. Seventeen South Australian residential group care workers participated in semi‐structured interviews in which they were asked to describe their management of behaviour. These interviews were subjected to thematic analysis. The analysis revealed several dynamics that influence workers' management of challenging behaviour: the sense of parenting at a distance, the pressure for consistency, the desire for balance between control and connection, the desire for normality and the inconsistent nature of relationships. These findings contribute to our knowledge about the interpersonal context in which behaviour is addressed in the residential group home and enhance our understanding of the unique tensions that workers' experience in managing behaviour in the residential environment. The findings have implications for the development of staff training and the support of residential care workers managing challenging behaviour.  相似文献   

转型时期居委会的社区权力及声望研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
闵学勤 《社会》2009,29(6):22-38
在中国城市社会变迁的转型时期,社区居民委员会的权力与声望正在经受前所未有的挑战。对南京BX区61个社区居民的随机抽样调查及分析表明:居委会目前的社区权力结构中仍以政府赋予的行政权为主,而在社区居民对其期待颇多的自治权、协管与监督权、突发事件处理权等的运用方面,居委会并未拥有足够的资源存量;社区其他营利及非营利组织在直接参与社区服务和管理的过程中多少瓜分了居委会的权力,从而影响了居委会的声望,并且随着社区居民群体在经济、社会及文化层面的进一步分化,居委会在不同社区成员中的权力与声望呈现差异化的格局。  相似文献   

Correspondence to: Julia Johnson, Senior Lecturer, School of Health and Social Welfare, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, UK. E-mail: j.s.johnson{at}open.ac.uk Summary This paper reviews current policies and practices regardingthe provision of long-term care for older people. In particularit focuses on three aspects which are central to social workand care management: current developments in residential andnursing home care; charging for care; and the shifting boundarybetween health and social care. It argues that, in all respects,these policies and the ways in which they are being implementedare incompatible with the notion of social justice. Over thelast fifty years, the older generation has invested heavilyin the welfare state and continues to make a significant contributionto it. The security and well-being of those in need of long-termcare is, however, being threatened by the marketization andcommodification of care provision.  相似文献   

Comparative studies on child protection decision-making highlight the implications and determinants of differences in child welfare systems internationally and reinforce discussions regarding child protection practices and family support when a child is exposed to inadequate parental care. To date, Italian child protection studies have highlighted a system characterised by a strong degree of variability related to the absence of practices shared nationally. Differently, this comparative study focuses more on similarities within the Italian context, seeking to understand how they influence practices. The opinions of 188 Italian social workers with respect to the substantiation of maltreatment, risk assessment and intervention recommendations were compared with the results of a recent study involving practitioners in Israel, Northern Ireland, Spain and the Netherlands. The main outcomes show that Italian social workers prefer a family support orientation, meaning that children are usually removed from their home only if necessary and generally with the aim of reunification with their families. The study also reveals that Italian professionals are more in favour of residential care than foster care.  相似文献   

Summary The author discusses the term institutionalization and attemptsto define it. From this point he examines residential socialwork from the premise that it must be treatment orientated ifit is to avoid the pitfalls of institutionalization. The needfor treatment to be contained within a flexible management structureis explored in detail and, following from this, five criteriafor the running of a therapeutic residential unit are outlined.The latter half of the article concentrates on how these theoreticalpoints have been developed in practice in the unit in whichhe works, amplifying their relevance by describing a typicalday of work for the author  相似文献   

在香港,"照顾长者"已成为政府的策略性政策目标之一。社区支援服务和院舍照顾服务成为香港安老服务体系的重要支柱。如今,香港院舍照顾服务已形成了规范化、标准化和专业化的特点,拥有较为成熟的运作机制。与其他学者对香港养老服务的探讨不同,本文从院舍照顾视角出发,将院舍照顾作为一个单独的子系统进行分析,对香港院舍照顾服务的发展、运营及管理等方面进行深入分析,并提出对内地机构养老服务发展的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Tweddle's Parenting Assessment and Skill Development Service (PASDS) is a 10-day residential programme for families at risk of child maltreatment. The service aims to conduct a comprehensive parenting capacity assessment to inform case management and improve parenting practices. The aims of the study were to (1) describe the psychosocial functioning of parents taking part in PASDS, (2) describe the key parenting assessment outcomes, and (3) explore parents' experiences of participation in PASDS including (a) perceived barriers and enablers of participation and (b) perceived outcomes for their family. Participants were 18 parents who participated in Tweddle's PASDS in Melbourne, Australia. A mixed methods study comprising a case file review and qualitative interviews was conducted. Parents accessing PASDS had experienced adverse childhood events, and many were experiencing mental health difficulties. Interviews with parents revealed perceived benefits of PASDS in improving parenting knowledge and skills, family relationships, and parenting confidence. At the time of discharge, 33% of families were assessed as unable to provide independent care for their child. The current findings have important implications for the further evaluation of evidenced-based services which can improve the accuracy of parenting capacity assessments, aiding in child protection decision-making related to child placement and safety.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Matthew Colton, Department of Social and Administrative Studies, Barnett House, Wellington Square, Oxford CX1 2ER Summary The first part of this paper attempts to examine the factorswhich help to define foster and residential care practices.The discussion is informed by a comparative study of fosterhomes and Children's Homes, which was reported in the previousissue of this journal (BJSW 18:1). Overall, care practices inthe foster homes compared very favourably with those observedin the Children's Homes. It is argued that this finding owesmuch to the bureaucratization of Children's Homes. The secondsection considers the implications of my work for policy andpractice in the field of substitute child care. Use is madeof the insights provided by the preceding section to suggestways by which the major shortcomings identified by empiricalresearch might be ameliorated. This statement includes an argumentin favour of a significant expansion of family placement forolder children in public care, and a proposal for a child-orientedalternative to the sorts of Children's Homes visited.  相似文献   

本文系统考察了建国前夕北平市区街建政的历史进程。根据政府体制的创建与调整,可将这一历史进程划分为如下两个阶段:废除城市保甲制度,创建区街政府;改区政府为区公所,撤销街政府。北平市在建国前和平解放、建国后被定都,其区街建政因北平和平解放、接管而创始,在建政观念和方式上大体经历了由延续乡村到适合城市特点的转变。其中,刘少奇这一时期关于城市工作特点及其管理方式要适应城市特点的论述,成为北平市实现建政转变重要的思想认识来源。  相似文献   

We analysed narratives of motherhood produced by 13 women who were involved with the welfare system or the justice system during adolescence. The original contribution of our study was its focus on mothers who were turning age 30, so they were not in that period of generalized instability that characterizes the transition from care and into adulthood. This qualitative study was part of a larger study on French‐Canadian adolescents with a history of residential care. Semi‐directed interviews were conducted with 13 women, more than 15 years after their admission to residential care. Our data highlights that motherhood can contribute to the vulnerability of women who were involved with the welfare or the justice system as adolescents. Our results suggest that in order to shed a perceived deviant label and to compensate for the adverse events they experienced, they pursue internalized ideals of “good motherhood” that translate into restrictions and strain. Furthermore, they tend to refrain from allowing people into their lives and asking for help for fear of being judged. Yet, as their children are getting older and exhibiting problem behaviors of their own, the questioning of their parental practices and skills only becomes more intense.  相似文献   

In what has become quite a turbulent quasi‐market for residential care for children and youth, providers now compete for public contracts. To create visibility and attract customers, many providers use marketing activities to project the desired impression of themselves to maintain or strengthen their market position. In this article, we analyse how companies that provide residential care for children manage the impressions they project on their websites and in advertisements. The results reveal that residential care providers use a range of impression management strategies to enhance their organizational image and to respond to potentially damaging or threatening images. The information providers choose to disclose leaves customers—in this case, the social workers responsible for choosing and purchasing care on behalf of clients—with rather limited opportunities to evaluate the quality of care. This is a significant problem considering other, more reliable, sources of information are difficult to access.  相似文献   


This paper examines the impact of a new and promising case-based management information system on child welfare case management practices in two California counties. The objectives were to measure the extent to which computerization affected casework practices and to identify factors that influenced the effects of computerization. An exploratory longitudinal one-group pre-post design was used. Contrary to expectations, few differences were found, although workers spent more time alone after implementation of the system. A key finding is that the amount of time that caseworkers spent with clients was not reduced by the computer system.  相似文献   

This qualitative study explored the interconnections among the phenomena of homelessness, family separation, and mental health and substance abuse issues within the social services, geographic, and infrastructure context of northern Ontario. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with thirteen participants. Findings revealed the effects of colonization in the form of poor and overcrowded housing conditions in the northern First Nations, difficulties in obtaining affordable and suitable housing in northern towns and cities, reliance on the scarce social services for survival, and valiant attempts to cope with the cold climate of northern Ontario. All participants reported multiple and intergenerational experiences of separation from family due to involvement of child welfare system, placement in residential schools, death of family member(s), flooding, and epidemics. Participants described their lifelong struggles with mental health and substance abuse issues. All three phenomena were tied together in various configurations of causes and consequences. The implications include the need for critical examination of the historical policies and practices, early intervention for mental health and substance abuse issues, greater support for youth transitioning out of care, creation of a continuum of housing options, collaboration across multiple social services sectors, and incorporation of Indigenous worldview and practices in the mainstream services.  相似文献   

The mentally retarded aged are a relatively small and little known subgroup of our rapidly growing older population, whose special circumstances and often unique human service needs have been largely ignored by the social work profession. As the absolute number of mentally retarded aged persons continues to grow, social workers will have increased opportunities to develop and deliver sorely needed services to these individuals and to their families. The article presents three case management practice models appropriate for providing social work services to three distinct residential subgroups of mentally retarded aged.  相似文献   

姜长青  李志伟 《创新》2012,6(6):12-17,126
中国是一个地区发展不平衡的多民族的发展中大国,中央与地方如何分权既是一个重大的理论问题,也是一个切实的实践问题。社会主义改造基本完成后,为了改变中央高度集权的管理体制,中央开始向地方分权,并在实践中形成了渐进式分权和激进式分权两种方式,各自取得了不同的成果,这为今天处理中央与地方分权问题提供了历史的经验教训。  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to understand coordination as it unfolds in case management practices in the context of integrated care networks devoted to frail elderly individuals. More specifically, my goal is to describe practical coordination processes. I conducted a qualitative exploratory study using an embedded case study design. My research covers three Health and Social Services Centres in Québec. I observed that case management is more frequently justified by a situation in which home care is precarious than by the intensity and multidimensionality present in a situation. In such instances, case management intervenes through a standby mode.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of a comprehensive, strengths-based model of case management for clients in drug abuse treatment. METHOD: 503 volunteers from residential or intensive outpatient treatment were randomly assigned to one of three conditions of Iowa Case Management (ICM) plus treatment as usual (TAU), or to a fourth condition of TAU only. All were assessed at intake and followed at 3, 6, and 12 months. RESULTS: Clients in all four conditions significantly decreased substance use by 3 months after intake and maintained most gains over time. However, the addition of ICM to TAU did not improve substance use outcomes. CONCLUSION: Overall, the addition of case management did not significantly improve drug treatment as hypothesized by both researchers and clinicians. Some results were mixed, possibly due to the heterogeneous sample, wide range of case management activities, or difficulty retaining participants over time.  相似文献   

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