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This article traces the development of the field of organizational behavior management (OBM) from its origins in early behavior modification studies, the development of a technology for modifying staff behavior, to recent developments in the evolution of cultures. An ecological model of staff behavior is outlined using Bronfenbrenner's (1979) ecological model of human development. The technology used to modify staff behavior is briefly reviewed. In the final section recommendations for managers and researchers are made. Managers should be aware that there is an effective technology for modifying a wide range of staff behaviors that can be implemented both in response to crises and during routine management. Future research on OBM should address three major concerns. First, OBM should broaden the scope of its enquiry beyond the immediate staff and consumer dyad to include analysis of and intervention upon the entire ecosystem within which the consumer's behavior occurs. Second, the issue of integrating theory with practice should be pursued more vigorously through fundamental research on supervisor behavior and through basing interventions on an analysis of the variables maintaining current supervisory behavior. Third, greater attention should be paid to developing training for middle managers as general ist users of the principles of OBM.  相似文献   


A review of the empirical OBM literature on quality improvement systems in organizations serving persons with developmental disabilities (DD) suggests the current literature offers a small but growing number of studies of large-scale, long-term, applications of behavioral supervision to improve targeted areas of staff performance. One conclusion offered is that it may be possible to expand the scope of OBM interventions in DD organizations by integrating OBM into the development of total quality management (TQM) approaches to quality improvement. To illustrate how such an integration might be accomplished, the current paper discusses OBM research in four areas that are important in implementing TQM (organizational systems analysis, team effectiveness, measuring consumer responses, and data analysis). Recommendations for practice and future research in OBM within DD organizations are discussed.  相似文献   


Recent research on productivity finds that best management practices are a crucial but neglected element in explaining firm productivity. This stream of research also focuses on why a large number of firms may not implement best management practices despite their apparent benefits. In this paper, we examine the adoption of best management practices in small leveraged buyout (LBO) firms. Our choice of small LBO is motivated by the fact that these firms undergo extensive restructuring and, therefore, there is an opportunity to study the adoption process of best management practices. The findings show that buyout companies introduce best management practices (operations, monitoring, targets and incentive-related practices) at different stages of their development, and more importantly, these practices evolve in response to changes in various firm-level characteristics. For example, companies emphasizing cost leadership tend to follow targets and monitoring related practices while firms following a differentiation strategy are more likely to implement incentives and operations related management practices. Buyout sponsors’ board representatives and new CEO also play a critical role in the adoption of these best management practices which are linked to superior firm performance, measured as growth in revenues, productivity and return on assets.  相似文献   


A common perspective is that behavior-based and person-based approaches to behavior change represent opposite poles of an intervention continuum. However, an integration of these approaches might not only be possible but necessary to develop optimal behavior-change interventions. A better understanding of person factors may help define the most appropriate intervention for a particular situation. Focusing on person factors such as employee perceptions and personality states will be accepted to the extent we can explain these factors in behavioral terms and demonstrate objective benefits with their application. This article attempts to integrate certain person factors into a behavioral framework for the purpose of both increasing behavioral intervention effectiveness as well as broadening the scope of OBM research.  相似文献   

The utility of organizational behavior management (OBM) for improving the delivery of special education and related services in public school districts was investigated in three experimental studies. Each study employed a multiple baseline design to judge the efficacy of an OBM intervention on service delivery problems common to most public school organizations. The problems and OBM interventions were: (1) expanding the range of functioning of school psychologists through performance feedback; (2) training special service teams to develop valuable individual education programs (IEPs) with a behavioral, in-service training program; and (3) ensuring the implementation of a special education resource room program by means of program consultation. All interventions were implemented by public school program managers and staff. In each study, the particular intervention resulted in improvement in service delivery performance. Results of the studies are discussed within the context of the recently enacted legislation for the education of handicapped children and in terms of generality to mental health, business, and industrial settings.  相似文献   


The American Psychological Association (APA) has defined the years 2000 to 2010 as the “Decade of Behavior,” and has been promoting this designation in convention materials, newsletters, media briefs, and professional publications. But APA seems to be avoiding the leading discipline in analyzing and changing behaviors in industrial settings-organizational behavior management (OBM). Furthermore, with only a few exceptions, OBM does not receive the attention it deserves in university psychology departments, including graduate programs in industrial/organizational (I/O) Psychology. This paper entertains reasons for the low and decreasing academic attention to OBM, and offers some possible solutions. It is proposed that OBM is generally discussed in overly simplistic terms; and unlike I/O Psychology, OBM does not draw on the wealth of relevant concepts and principles in other areas, especially cognitive and social psychology. Specific examples are given for expanding the typical boundaries of the OBM curriculum in order to improve organization-based interventions and realize greater opportunities to demonstrate the unique qualities of a behavior analysis approach to real-world problem solving.  相似文献   


This article comments on the need to recognize that OBM already is a “positive psychology” for many more reasons than just that it embraces positive reinforce as a cornerstone of workplace improvement. This paper suggests there are at least 10 ways in which OBM constitutes a distinctly “positive” and humanizing approach to management practices. These ways are enumerated and briefly reviewed.  相似文献   


Organizational behavior management (OBM) is an effective strategy for managing staff in developmental disabilities. Most studies in OBM involve individual or small groups of direct-service staff and their performance with clients in a variety of applied settings. By contrast, few studies focus on the use of OBM with professional staff. This papeT reviews investigations conducted with professional staff, reveals gaps that exist in the current research, and discusses future directions that need further study. The paper concludes with case illustrations of system-wide OBM applications that produced performance improvements by professional staff and meaningful gains for clients.  相似文献   


In response to a debate concerning effectiveness of alternative data handling methods in the hands of experts, the exploratory research reported here was conducted. Experts worked individually except for the SPC expert who was assisted by another expert. Two equal interval graphing experts, two standard behavior or celeration charting experts, and one team of SPC experts were presented with four sets of data that they graphed one point at a time. Their task was to plot, analyze, and identify the location of an intervention within each data set. A total of N = 8 series were plotted and analyzed by each analyst. Average percent of interventions correctly identified by equal interval, celeration, and SPC chartists were respectively, 63%, 32%, and 25%. Rank order of mean hours spent on the exercises was from fewest to most hours, celeration chartists, equal interval chartists, and charting SPC charting team. Regardless of method used, poorer quality baseline data in data series resulted in poorer performances among chartists. Implications are discussed in terms of future research into charting behavior and practical consequences of establishing or failing to establish “good” baseline control prior to introducing interventions in the OBM tradition.  相似文献   

This paper develops rules for setting advertising budgets when long term effects of advertising and competitive promotional spending are considered in a market share model. In both deterministic and probabilistic cases, a firm's optimal advertising budget is shown to be relatively insensitive to the level of competitive advertising. The key determinant of the advertising level is long run expected profit, and the budgeting rule developed is to spend a constant percentage of long run profit on advertising. Reasons for this result are explored.  相似文献   


Based on the three-contingency model of performance management, I make the following argument: (1) Often, we fail to behave as we should because the natural contingencies supporting appropriate behavior are ineffective; the natural contingencies involve outcomes for each individual response that are either too small, though of cumulative significance, or outcomes that are too improbable. The delay of the outcome is essentially irrelevant. The psychodynamic model of the cognitive motivational theorists provides a poor explanation for why we fail to behave as we should. (2) The performance-management contingencies in organizational behavior management (OBM) must usually involve deadline-induced aversive control, even when they are based on powerful reinforcers. Furthermore, such performance management succeeds only to the extent that the person's behavioral history, “Jewish mother,” has inculcated an appropriate value system. Wiegand and Geller's critique of the necessity of the use of aversive control fails to take into account the necessity of deadlines and the difference between instrumental and hedonic reinforcers; furthermore, it greatly over values the power of intrinsic reinforcement contingencies in OBM.  相似文献   


While many studies of interventions have focused on their content and immediate effects, less research has focused on the processes that may explain these effects. The purpose of this study was to show how process evaluation can be used to interpret the results of an intervention study in four industrial canteens in Denmark. Two canteens acted as intervention groups and two as comparison groups. Effects were measured by surveys before and after interventions, and observations and interviews were conducted to provide an in-depth understanding of processes. Analyses were conducted based on the responses from 118 employees. Results showed, contrary to expectations, improvements in working conditions and well-being in one intervention group and in one comparison group, whereas no improvements were found in the two remaining groups. Data from the process evaluation enabled a meaningful interpretation of these results, raising the possibility programme failure rather than theory failure, and thereby constituting an example of how process evaluation can shed light over the factors that may influence outcomes in controlled intervention studies.  相似文献   


Evidence concerning effects of graphed data on the verbal behavior of data analysts was reviewed and revealed the fact that no verbal protocol analyses of this behavior appears in the OBM literature. A task analysis of data analysts' verbal behavior was conducted, verbal responses of two expert and two novice data analysts were collected as they viewed time-series data one data point at a time from three data sets, and these data were subjected to protocol analyses. Results were the following: (1) experienced data analysts made considerably more frequent references to data points in addition to the most recently presented data point for all three data sets than did novices, (2) experienced data analysts took more time to complete the task than did novice analysts, and (3) experienced data analysts were somewhat more accurate at identifying onset (location in time) of interventions. These results were discussed in terms of their implications for future research concerning analysis and development of visual inspection skills among data analysts. It was concluded that there exists a need to develop data sets or tasks that more reliably discriminate among expert and novice performances if verbal protocol methodology is to be fully exploited by OBM researchers.  相似文献   


Occupational stress research continues to grow, and is increasingly being used to inform national policy on worker health and well-being. Most models of occupational stress emphasize notions of person-environment fit. Two approaches for intervention to minimize adverse consequences of occupational stress follow from such models. One emphasizes the strengthening and enhancement of indwiduals and their resources, the other emphasizes the reduction ofcommon workplace-based sources ofoccupational stress. This paper reviews 10 organizational-level interventions to reduce stress at work which have been examined in various field studies. These interventions were generally found to have positive effects, and, given the limited success of individual-level interventions in addressing occupational sources of stress, should be encouraged.  相似文献   

An intervention was introduced for truck loaders that used wireless vehicle mount computers that included auditory, visual feedback, and immediate data delivery. The implementation reliably reduced pallets from being loaded out of sequence for all outbound trucks in multistop routes. The role of the organizational behavior management (OBM) practitioner in designing work procedure changes using technical solutions, requiring a minimum of training, to accelerate key operational processes was examined.  相似文献   


The current study used a multiple baseline design to investigate the effects of graphic feedback, goal setting, and manager praise on customer service behaviors in a large retail setting. Direct observation of customer greeting, eye contact, and smiling was used to collect data. After baseline data were collected feedback graphs were posted twice each week in the employee break room. A second intervention phase included goal setting and manager praise. Goals were developed based on employees' prior performance and were posted on the graphs. Managers then delivered immediate, verbal praise to employees. Graphic feedback produced slight increases in the customer interaction variables in the front of stores 1 and 2. Another small increase in performance was seen in the back of store 1 and the front and back of store 2 with the implementation of the interventions.  相似文献   


Six scholars in applied psychology wrote thoughtful and provocative reactions to a paper written by the author that presented a case for broadening the content and language of organizational behavior management (OBM) in order to enhance appreciation for OBM in organizational settings and among university faculty and students in mainstream psychology programs. This paper summarizes the follow-up commentaries and adds justification for key points made in the target article. Five topics are addressed: (1) critical distinctions between OBM and industrial/organizational psychology, (2) disadvantages of using negative over positive reinforcement to motivate behavior change, (3) the need to after OBM language in order to increase interest and application, (4) the use of unobservable person state vs. personality traits to explain behavior, and (5) the challenge of improving the education and training of students in OBM programs.  相似文献   


Despite the documented benefits Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) applications can have on service provision for people with developmental disabilities, OBM is not widely practiced in service systems. One variable that may impact the utilization of OBM is how acceptable the associated procedures are to staff. The research on procedural acceptability in OBM is summarized in terms of two primary methods for determining consumer satisfaction with management procedures-rating scales and discrete choices. Results of acceptability assessments utilizing ratings scales have repeatedly indicated high degrees of staff acceptance for virtually all OBM procedures. However, when staff have been asked to choose among management procedures, clear and consistent differences in acceptability have been apparent. Suggested directions for future research focus on improving acceptability assessment methodology, developing guidelines for implementing effective OBM procedures in a manner that is most acceptable to staff, and involving supervisory and professional staff in acceptability evaluations.  相似文献   

Issues like police-community relations, violence—from neighborhood to global levels, economic inequality, and climate change have been only minimally addressed within behavior analysis, despite the oft repeated mantra that they are all at root behavioral. Disciplines determine the scope of their interests; behavior analysis and behavioral systems analysis have long claimed at least potential expertise in changing not only individual behavior, but also the collective and interlocking functioning of larger institutions and systems. In this paper we note that standard organizational behavior management (OBM) practices primarily emphasizing centralized leadership are unlikely to be adequate for such work. We therefore argue that collective leadership, a strategy that has not been emphasized in OBM, will be required to operationalize behavioral systems interventions in situations where centralized leadership is impossible or dangerous, and suggest circle processes as one behaviorally specifiable approach to constructing collective leadership, an approach that behavioral systems analysts are well-positioned to test and refine.  相似文献   

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