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曹学恩 《唐都学刊》2010,26(4):95-99
改革开放以来我国婚姻习俗发生了巨大变化,表现为择偶标准的变化、男女结缘形式的变化、婚姻礼仪形式的变化、恋爱年龄与结婚年龄的变化、离婚率升高、老年再婚等。婚姻习俗表现出个性化、多元化的特点。婚姻习俗的变化缘于社会变革,由此必然带来相应的婚恋文化与婚恋观念的变化,导致婚姻观念与行为的多元化。婚姻习俗的变化,既有积极意义,也有消极影响,如何将满足个人两性情感需要和履行婚姻社会责任完美地结合在现实的婚姻生活当中,是现代人需要认真解决的问题。  相似文献   

杨居让 《唐都学刊》2010,26(5):108-110
安吴寡妇周莹因家产丰厚、年轻守寡而得名,因慈禧西逃西安认其为干女儿而名噪。诸多演绎和说法就此展开,超出了文献资料的真实。甚至有些以讹传讹,使人难辨真伪。笔者通过资料的研究和比对,缕析脉络,情理结合,还安吴寡妇历史本真。  相似文献   

Trends in the remarriage of divorced persons in New Zealand since World War Two are examined with special attention to the period since 1968 during which the divorce rate has risen rapidly. While remarrying divorcees have formed increasing proportions of marriage cohorts since the late 1960s the remarriage rate, especially for females, has risen only because the divorced population has become more youthful. Comparison of the remarriage experience of synthetic divorce cohorts for 1961 and 1976 suggests that the likelihood of remarriage has fallen for both sexes where divorce occurs at ages below forty, but in particular for females divorced in their thirties.  相似文献   

王麦巧 《唐都学刊》2012,28(3):18-22
《史记》记载了西汉时期的婚俗形式:聘娶婚、政治联姻、离婚、再婚、自由婚、重亲婚、媵妾婚等。这些婚俗形式的出现与西汉时的思想观念、经济状况、人口政策、社会环境不无关系。西汉初年,经济凋敝,人口离散,社会环境相对宽松,贞节观念比较淡薄;为了发展经济,政府"与民休息",鼓励再婚、媵妾婚、重亲婚等。  相似文献   

Altered Roles     
Elderly individuals whose partners have been placed in long term care experience unique problems as they attempt to cope with the drastic changes in their lives. The "community spouses" in this study expressed loneliness, an inability to get on with their lives, and difficulties related to the placement itself as major problems areas in adjusting to a new role. The uniqueness of their situation makes it difficult for family and friends to fully understand issues related to being a community spouse. This paper discusses these issues as well as social work intervention strategies that may help community spouses cope with their difficult role.  相似文献   

秦敏 《社会工作》2009,(8):40-42
进入21世纪,全球老龄化趋势正在加速发展,诸多老年人问题当中老年妇女再婚问题尤当引起关注。本文从当前我国老年妇女生存及婚姻现状出发,就老年妇女再婚的心理生理特征进行分析,进而运用社会工作理论与实务进行介入,以期达到对老年妇女再婚问题的新视角剖析,从而实现助其自助,促进社会和谐与健康发展。  相似文献   

本文主要围绕印度遗孀的殉葬和再婚问题展开论述,分析了萨蒂的起因以及废除这种习俗的过程,讨论了《印度教遗孀再婚法》的内容及其社会效果,阐明了在印度遗孀法律地位的变革过程中各派别的不同主张。本文认为,殖民时期法律的建构确实为印度社会的变革打开了门扉,但是它与印度人民的生活存在着不小的疏离感。对于印度人民来说,法律与社会生活的融合仍然是有待努力的。  相似文献   

Objective. Previous research suggests that bereavement and adjustment to widowhood are long term and should be studied as processes rather than as static outcomes. We analyze how spousal care giving affects survivors' depressive symptoms 18 and 48 months into widowhood. Method. We use three waves of data from the Changing Lives of Older Couples (CLOC) Survey and estimate OLS regression equations to determine the long‐term effects of spousal care giving on widow(er)s' well‐being. Results. At 18 months, more burdensome spousal care giving predicted higher levels of depressive symptoms, while greater caregiver stress predicted lower levels. Specific characteristics of the caregiving situation were no longer significant predictors of well‐being 48 months into widowhood, although care giving itself had an ameliorative effect on level of symptoms. Conclusions. The results highlight the dynamic nature of bereavement and suggest that the effects of spousal care and characteristics of the care situation on depressive symptoms during widowhood are not linear over time. We discuss the implications of our findings for the conceptualization of the relationship between care giving and bereavement.  相似文献   

申建平 《求是学刊》2012,39(4):69-74
我国《继承法》在配偶继承利益保护中存在制度性设计缺陷,与当代各国逐步提高配偶的继承地位、扩大配偶的继承份额的继承法发展趋势不符.两大法系很多国家的立法都规定配偶对婚姻住房享有居住权或优先权.法国、美国关于配偶居住权的规定对配偶生存利益的保护较为周全,值得我国借鉴.我国继承法修改过程中,应明确配偶对婚姻住房享有法定居住权,并对生存配偶法定居住权的成立要件、必要限度、权利丧失情形等方面作出详细规定,从而在切实保护配偶继承利益的同时实现继承人利益的平衡.  相似文献   

韦璞 《社会工作》2012,(10):71-74
文章利用调查数据分析贵阳市不同老年群体孤独感的差异状况,考察了个人特征、家庭关系和社会关系三个层面对老年人孤独感的影响。结果发现:在老年人孤独感差异方面,有配偶与无配偶老年人之间的差异最为明显,城乡之间及不同年龄、收入和文化程度之间的差异也较为明显,但男女性老年人之间的差异不明显;在回归分析结果中,家庭关系变量对老年人孤独感的影响最强,社会关系变量其次,个人特征变量的影响强度最弱。  相似文献   

This article examined the theoretical meanings of pension rights and analyzed their effects on women's economic risks in developed countries. First, based on the status of a citizen, worker, parent, and spouse, this study investigated how pension benefits are guaranteed as a citizen regardless of work history, the degree to which women's disadvantageous situations in the labor market and unpaid work are compensated by public pension as workers and parents, and how marital status is treated in the different pension systems. Second, analysis of the effect of pension rights showed that individual rights is a significant factor to prevent economic risks of elderly women. Derived rights did not seem to secure the economic welfare of elderly women, at least in a comparative context. This finding suggested that developing individual rights, rather than derived rights, is the way to guarantee long‐term elderly women's economic welfare.  相似文献   


Using the strengths-based Caregiver Well-Being Scale, this research provides social workers with strategies for assessing and promoting caregiver well-being. One hundred eighteen family caregivers (64 spouse and 54 adult child caregivers) are used to examine caregiver relationship to the care-recipient and 138 caregivers are included in the analyses for coresidential arrangement with the care-recipient. Predictors of well-being are highlighted for each group. Caregiver competence and depression predict well-being for spouse, adult child and non-co-resident caregivers. Depression is the only predictor for co-resident caregivers. Using the activities of living sub-scale, depression predicts wellbeing for all groups. Additionally, caregiver strain relates to spouse wellbeing. Implications for social work practice with family caregivers are highlighted.  相似文献   

This paper explores public policy in relation to war widows. The effects of public policy are rarely analysed from an individual's perspective. The paper draws on interview data to analyse the case study of a 51 year old Vietnam War widow and compares this to the experiences of six other war widows. Findings are part of a larger study on widowhood. Life histories were gained through unstructured interviews and then constructed as case studies that enabled an analysis of the relationship between the individual lived experience of the women and broader social forces that influence this. The findings suggest that women may feel differently about being categorised as ‘war widows’ in public policy and the reasons for this are varied. The paper suggests that an extension of this study be conducted to more fully explore the reasons for the differences in war widows to inform future policy review/revision.  相似文献   

Older Couples     
This study examines the degree to which older, noninstitutionalized husbands and wives are involved in providing various types of assistance, the likelihood of providing assistance to one's spouse and to others, and the characteristics associated with giving more forms of help. The findings suggest that older wives are more likely than older husbands to provide most of these forms of assistance. Furthermore, husbands are more likely to help their spouses, while wives are more likely to report helping people outside the conjugal pair. Multiple regression analysis suggests that the ability of the potential recipient spouse to perform daily living tasks is a key factor in determining number of forms of help provided by the potential helping spouse.  相似文献   

Married individuals are healthier than single individuals though the reasons are not well understood. Individuals with spouses/or partners are less likely to smoke. We explore the relationship between health and marital status by analyzing three potential channels through which marriage affects smoking, i.e., consumption externalities (one spouse's smoking affects the other spouse's welfare), altruism (one spouse reduces smoking in response to the other spouse's bad health), and learning about risks of smoking from the health experience of one's spouse. We find spousal health does not affect smoking due to altruism or learning within the household but do find evidence for consumption externalities.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of social ties (with spouse, children, friends, neighbors, other relatives, and community groups) on depressive symptom levels in U.S. and Japanese adults aged 60 and over. Nationally representative survey data from the United States ( N = 1,419) and Japan ( N = 2,200) indicate that having a spouse, or increased contacts with friends, neighbors and relatives was associated with fewer depressive symptoms in both samples. The effects of spousal presence were significantly larger in the United States than in Japan. The presence of children was associated with fewer depressive symptoms in Japan only, and this effect was significantly stronger among those currently unmarried as opposed to those who are currently married. We discuss these similarities and differences between countries.  相似文献   

From the symbolic interaction perspective, the study examined the effect of loss of spouse on 30 rural widows in three Montana counties at 6 and 12 months after death of spouse. Participants were given a measure of psychological husband presence, a coping inventory, a health measure, and a measure of self-esteem. The results revealed a high level of adjustment among the rural widows at both 6 and 12 months after death of spouse, and a qualitative shift in the focus of the coping behaviors from 6 to 12 months after the husband's death. These results suggest that within this select sampleit is possible for widows to adjust to their new status and develop a positive and satisfying life as a single woman.  相似文献   

I derive alternative measures of maximum willingness to pay (WTP) and value of statistical life (VSL) for selfish members of two-person households who bargain efficiently over consumption of individual and household goods. There is then no systematic bias in letting one member conduct the valuation on behalf of the household. Public-good VSL may exceed private-good VSL when each member attaches (selfish) preferences to survival of the spouse, and to any income from a surviving spouse in period 2. When period 2 is a retirement period and household members’ incomes are fixed, interview surveys tend to overvalue VSL due to ignored negative effects of own survival on private of public pension budgets.JEL Classification: I12, G22, J17  相似文献   

冯晓燕 《社会工作》2008,(10):55-58
本文通过个案研究,深人了解再婚家庭的婚姻生活,探讨再婚家庭中原“第三者”在婚姻中社会支持网络和婚姻适应问题。笔者希望通过此研究,能让那些已经进人婚姻的原“第三者”或目前还徜徉在别人婚姻中的“第三者”,对再婚所面临的各种困难和前景有一个充分的心理准备,促使他们思考并把握自己在两性关系中的定位。  相似文献   

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