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1949~1958年是中国制度大转型的时代,本文考察了此间北京市同业公会组织能量(结构、职能、人事、经费收入)丧失的过程,分析了其在此过程中的演变趋势。  相似文献   

The government's contracting out of foster care services in Guangzhou, China, introduced the possibility of partnerships between nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and government-led human services. To understand network governance among actors involved in contracting out foster care services, service funders, service providers, and service users were interviewed. A thematic analysis of interviews combined with a critical review of archival data was conducted. Drawing from the policy network governance analytic framework, we found that network governance conditions in contracting out foster care services were characterized by close interdependence among actors, moderate standardization in work duties, but nonreciprocal patterns of interactions, and low to modest levels of autonomy, along with strong power in the government but limited self-governance among NGOs and foster families. Our findings indicate that network governance was not fully achieved among actors involved in the contracting out of foster care services. Implications for practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

The Leading Group for Deepening Reform Comprehensively has been set up on the decision of the CPC Central Committee to be in charge of the overall planning of reform, taking a balanced and coordinated approach, advancing reform as a whole and supervising its implementation. This means that change management has become an important item on the agenda. Systematically reviewing and examining the course of the seven rounds of institutional reform introduced by the State Council since 1978 from the perspective of change management, we find that the reforms have advanced gradually and steadily, with functional transformation as the core feature and key to each round of reform. The transformation of government functions exhibits a marked two-phase character. The first phase focuses on change in government functions relating to economic management, while the second focuses on enhancing and improving macro-control systems to strengthen social management and public service functions. However, in terms of program design, the goals and measures of the past 10 years’ functional transformation have clearly not been specific enough to establish a clear relationship between the three rounds of institutional reform programs and the concrete measures and their effects. Therefore, the question of whether institutional reform itself needs reform has become a new proposition for practice, one that needs to be reviewed in terms of strategic orientation, mode of implementation, public responsibilities and overall design.  相似文献   

This research explores whether readiness to leave care mediates the association between social support – from peers, staff and biological parents – on the verge of leaving care and life satisfaction a year after among young people ageing out of care in Israel. The results represent two waves of a longitudinal study. Two hundred seventy‐two adolescents from residential settings in Israel completed a self‐administered questionnaire shortly before they left care, and one year later, 234 of them were interviewed to assess their life satisfaction. Readiness to leave care was found to mediate the relationship between most social support measurements and life satisfaction. At the same time, the findings also suggest that this mediating effect varies for different types of support and has a lesser amount of influence for profound emotional support than other types of support. These findings highlight the need to include both the preparation to leave care and the reinforcement of emotional support available to young people who aged out of care, before and throughout the transition from care to adulthood.  相似文献   

The working environment and workplace ecology of children's welfare agencies is important to the quality of their service provision. In the past, restructuring and professional development and training have been standard responses to changing needs and demands on children's services but have generally failed to improve the working environment. This research argues that concrete strategies can be developed from a detailed understanding of significant factors impacting on workers' satisfaction and morale. The specific stresses and rewards impacting on workers in three children's welfare services in Australia were investigated over a 12-month period to obtain preliminary information for the formulation of strategies likely to improve satisfaction and morale. The participating organizations were of different size, organizational structure, responsibilities and philosophy. Most factors identified in the study applied across the different organizations. Using a combination of journal writing, recording of critical incidents, relationship mapping and workshops, child welfare workers documented their day-to-day work experiences, outstanding events and networking activities. The narrative data were analysed using force field analysis and quasi-stationary equilibrium analysis based on a categorical framework of individual, team, organizational and political factors. Job satisfaction was strongly linked to intrinsic aspects of the work itself, that is, achieving outcomes for clients. Dissatisfaction with the job was strongly linked to organizational constraints, and strong team identification counterbalanced constraints. Largely unmentioned were political issues, professional practices and ideological and religious beliefs that undoubtedly impacted on practice. This research suggests some concrete steps to enhancing the quality of workplaces in children's welfare services.  相似文献   

In 2013, academics from a Scottish university came together with social work managers and practitioners from two local authorities (LAs) in Scotland to run a knowledge exchange (KE) project co‐sponsored by the Economic and Social Research Council and the LAs. The project's aim was an ambitious one: to contribute to culture change in the children and families' departments in the two partner agencies. The project grew out of an earlier KE venture that had explored ways of engaging better with involuntary service users in social work; it thus both anticipated and reflected wider concerns about services for children that were also demonstrated in Munro's Review of Child Protection. The KE project had three components: training for managers, practitioner research projects and critical reflection workshops. Whether, and to what degree, the KE project changed culture is not the focus of this paper, which is written jointly by academic researchers and practitioners. Instead, one element of the KE project, namely the critical reflection workshops, is discussed. Findings provide strong evidence of the pressures currently experienced by children and families' services in the UK public sector. They also indicate how important good relationships are in building meaningful KE.  相似文献   


The present study examines social workers' beliefs about the prestige that outsiders (e.g., patients, suppliers, competitors, and the public) attribute to their organization and the way these beliefs influence the social workers' commitment to the organization they work for, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions (i.e., intentions to leave the organization). We collected two primary data sets (N = 160 and N = 489, respectively) from social workers in nonprofit social service organizations in Israel in 2001 and 2002. In general, the results show that perceived (construed) external prestige results in higher employee commitment and satisfaction, which, in turn, leads to lower levels of intention to leave the organization. The implications of these findings for research on organizational image and employee commitment are discussed, with particular emphasis on social workers in nonprofit social service organizations.  相似文献   

This study aims to identify whether the professional training of social workers has an effect on the attitudinal antecedents of turnover intention. This study investigated 395 trained and 353 non-trained social workers from the Integrated Family Service Centers in Guangzhou, China. It was found that professional education did not significantly alter the attitudinal antecedents to turnover intention. In both groups, a higher feeling of burnout or a lower level of organizational commitment produced a higher intention of turnover. Furthermore, the significant influences of burnout and organizational commitment were found to be respectively mediated by job satisfaction with professional association or job satisfaction with organizational environment. This study not only provides insights into the stabilization of the emerging workforce of Chinese social workers, but also poses serious questions about social work education.  相似文献   

The coordination of public services is an enduring challenge and an important policy priority. One way to achieve collaboration across organizational boundaries, which is being considered in public services such as the English National Health Service (NHS), is through the adoption of alliance contracting, prime provider contracting and outcome‐based contracting. This article reviews the cross‐sectoral literature concerning the characteristics of these new contractual models, how they function, their impact, and their relation to public sector governance objectives. These new contractual forms are characterized as models which, in line with the New Public Management (NPM)/post‐NPM agenda, seek to incentivize providers through the transfer of risk from the commissioners to the providers of services. Key findings are that the models are likely to incur high transaction costs relating to the negotiation and specification of outcomes and rely heavily on the relational aspects of contracting. There is also found to be a lack of convincing cross‐sectoral evidence of the impact of the models, particularly in relation to improving coordination across organizations. The article questions the reconciliation of the use of these new contractual models in settings such as the English NHS with the requirements of public sector governance for transparency and accountability. The models serve to highlight the problems inherent in the NPM/post‐NPM agenda of the transfer of risk away from commissioners of services in terms of transparency and accountability.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to explore the organizational factors that accelerate for turning BRAC into a sustainable Social Enterprise (SE). As such, using the organization BRAC as a case study, this study focused on two main objectives: first, to explore its organizational strategy or approach as SE and second, to evaluate the ability of the organization to maintain its organizational value as an NGO while operating SEs. This work constitutes exploratory research based on case study method. The data collection method is divided into two parts: in the first part the relevant literature was reviewed, and in the second part purposive sampling method was used in the form of an in‐depth interview. Findings suggests that BRAC generated some key organizational factors including addressing specific social and client's needs, introduced unique ‘BRAC Model’ and strategy for their SEs, visionary leadership and competent management with proper organizational foundation assist the organization in its capacity to become a sustainable and successful SE. This research has policy implications findings common elements yet innovative approaches for establishing SE among NGOs in Bangladesh, in order to come up with institutional regulations in informal economy and instable political system.  相似文献   

This paper argues that child protection organizations intent upon tackling low retention rates and enhancing the services they offer to children and families must pay greater attention to the emotional life of the organization and to enabling workers to manage the intrusiveness of the work. Findings from in-depth qualitative interviews with child protection workers and supervisors are reported in the form of a story about the insider's experience of the organization. The consequences of working in an organizational culture that denies opportunities for workers to understand and manage the emotional toll of the work are explored. While reporting on research and work undertaken with Australian child protection workers between 1997 and 2002, the view is expressed that these ideas have current relevance to many organizations in the health and welfare field whose core business involves workers coming into contact with individuals in complex, uncertain and ambiguous situations. The paper looks at what needs to change about organizational structures such as supervision to promote learning within a more healthy organizational culture. A clear message from senior managers and politicians to workers that the organization endorses the open expression of feelings, doubts and uncertainties is pivotal.  相似文献   

This paper examines the processes by which the senior police officers in England and Wales are chosen and prepared for their role. Based upon research interviews with a sample of chief constables and assistant chief constables, it develops a critical assessment of the quality of each of the three key stages in this respect: the selection of those considered to have the potential to become senior officers, senior management training, and the appointments process at police authority level. In the light of the assessments made, the paper considers alternative schemes to those which currently operate at each stage of the process.  相似文献   

进入新世纪以来,由土地开发、征地纠纷等引发的农民维权现象较为普遍,有些甚至升级为重大群体性事件,给人民生命财产造成了重大损失。面对这些冲突,农民维权方式先后经历了"日常抵抗"、"依法抗争"和"以法抗争"三种行为模式的演变。作为转型期农民维权的新方式,"以舆抗争"有其自己独特的产生原因和维权步骤,也有自身其正、负两方面的社会效应,需要全面把握。"以舆抗争"的出现并不会完全取代传统维权方式,而是会在特定的维权情境中以最优的效果和其他维权方式进行组合,成为今后一段时期内越来越常见的维权方式,更加有力地表达农民的权利诉求,实现权利的维护。  相似文献   

郎菁 《唐都学刊》2010,26(3):83-87
根据陕西方志、《登科记考》和近年出版的有关状元研究专著等资料进行比对查考,历代陕西状元计有21人,包括现籍陕西或祖籍陕西的状元,但不含居地在陕的4位李氏宗室子弟。从总数看,陕西状元不比号称状元大省的江浙地区,但在唐代,可考的陕西状元数量是位列前茅的,且陕西状元或政绩卓著,或才华出众,大多史册有载,作为陕西人物中一个特殊的群体,值得进一步挖掘、整理和研究。  相似文献   

袁红涛 《唐都学刊》2003,19(2):31-34
同是陕西作家奉献给当代文坛的三部现实主义力作 ,从《创业史》到《平凡的世界》 ,到《白鹿原》 ,其艺术风貌却有很大差异。现实主义对现实的反映与作家看取现实的角度 ,与作家对政治、人性乃至历史等“现实”形态的认识、理解和态度密切相关。作家身处的文学时代变化了 ,作家的“现实观”改变了 ,“现实主义”的创作就会表现出很大的不同 ,同时在经典文本的歧义和缝隙之间也显示了现实主义生生不息的活力  相似文献   

石庆环  高岳 《求是学刊》2002,29(6):125-130
文章从勾勒美国建立文官高级行政职位的过程入手 ,比较了艾森豪威尔总统建议建立的“高级文官职位”、尼克松总统提出设立的“联邦行政职位”、卡特总统建立的“高级行政职位”的区别和共同点 ,分析了三位总统在改革美国文官制度方面成功和失败的原因。作者认为 ,美国“高级行政职位”的设立 ,实际上涉及到两个非常敏感的关系 ,即 :总统与高级文官之间的关系以及在这一关系背后发挥潜在影响的政治与行政的关系。“高级行政职位”(SES)的设立 ,无论是从行政或政治的角度 ,都加强了总统对文官的控制与监督  相似文献   

Contracting of services has become increasingly important over the last few decades. Against this background, public contracts play an indispensable role in setting standards for services as well as in the regulation of labour. This article explores public tendering strategies for a specific service, interpretation in the context of asylum and international protection. Based on an empirical study of tendering strategies of two public agencies in Greece, it analyses core issues related to working conditions and service quality, namely, the importance given to the price and the use of stipulations relating to working conditions and qualifications. The findings reveal that even under high budgetary constraints, individual agencies may seek to strategically counteract a price‐driven competition and point to the importance of the structure of the market as an external constraint.  相似文献   

王洪伟 《社会》2010,30(2):215-234
通过对鄂豫两省艾滋疫情高发区“艾滋村民”抗争的考察,笔者提出了当代中国底层社会抗争的两种社会学逻辑:求助于外的“合法抗争”和求助于内的“以身抗争”,一起形成了当代中国底层社会抗争的具有解释力、却又不同逻辑的社会学分析框架。本文考察了“以身抗争”模式的形成机理和运转规则,发现中国底层农民抗争的“非政治性”、“弱组织性”和“具体利益性”取向,“有组织”的政治抗争乃至革命性转化是不太可能的。  相似文献   

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