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Divorced mothers and their school-aged children in 50 single-mother families and 37 stepfather families reported on mothers' ex-partner relationships, children's relationships with both parents, and children's well-being. A 2 (family structure) × 2 (gender) multivariate analysis of variance revealed a main effect of gender: Mothers with sons report higher levels of ex-partner relationship satisfaction. An interaction effect was also found: Boys in single-mother families report more acceptance and fewer conflicts than boys in stepfather families. Multiple regression analysis revealed that mother–ex-partner relationships are associated with children's problem behavior, whereas child–nonresidential father relationships are associated with positive aspects of children's well-being. The results indicate that family structure itself is not associated with child adjustment. What matters most is the quality of family relationships.  相似文献   

Stable coparenting relationships postdivorce have been shown to combat the negative effects on child development. There are three types of coparental relationships postdivorce: stable, conflicted and cut off. Each type of interaction has different effects on the children and other family members, with the stable coparent relationship being the most functional. Attachment theory explains the differences between the coparenting styles. Individuals in stable coparent relationships are more likely to have a secure internal working model; conflicted coparents are more likely to have an anxious-ambivalent internal working model; and disengaged coparents are more likely to have an avoidant internal working model.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of communication skills training on adjustment to divorce and separation among women. Divorcees in the experimental group (N = 13) received 15 hours of training in interpersonal communication skills, along with didactic information regarding various aspects of the postdivorce adjustment process. Divorcees in the control group (N = 15) received no treatment. Results indicated that the experimental group, relative to the control group, significantly increased in overall divorce adjustment and in empathy skills. Although the experimental group, relative to the control group, showed some increase in selfesteem, the results were not conclusive. No significant differences were found between the experimental group and the control group in either perceived social support or selfdisclosure skill. Discussion centered on the advantages of structured skills training as a strategy for intervention in the postdivorce adjustment process.  相似文献   


A sample of 260 Australian men were surveyed about their experience as nonresident fathers and their contact with their children. Most reported having little input into decisions concerning children's postseparation living arrangements, the amount of child support they paid, and the spending of their child support payments. Many claimed to have very limited say in any parenting decisions, and little or no involvement in children's schools. Fathers' limited parental role was found to be negatively correlated with their ongoing contact and involvement with children, and positively with their reported level of interparental hostility. Many respondents viewed their marginalization as parents as an impediment to their capacity to develop meaningful relationships with their children.  相似文献   

Two hundred thirty two remarried couple members supplied information on their relationships with their own and with their mates' former spouses. Discriminant analysis was used to identify characteristics differentiating between those with continuing relationships and those without, and between those having more and less positive ex-spousal relationships. These differentiating characteristics were found to be quite different for husbands and wives in respect to relationships with their own former mate, but not in respect to relationships with mates' former spouse. The findings are interpreted in terms of the contrasting situations of remarried mothers and fathers.  相似文献   

In this article, I suggest that postdivorce paternal disengagement may be rooted in the father's tendency to link his children and ex-wife as a single entity in consequence of his failure to adequately mourn the loss of his ex-wife and to redefine his paternal role and identity in distinction from his spousal role and identity. I also suggest that the ex-spousal conflict that disengaged fathers often blame for their disengagement is the product of these failures and shows the progress from conflict through disengagement. These claims are developed on the basis of findings of other authors and illustrated though a case analysis of an absent father.  相似文献   

Research indicates that closeness of the father‐child bond following parental divorce is associated with better outcomes for children and adolescents. Unlike other investigations, this study takes a long‐term developmental approach to understanding stability and change in postdivorce father‐adolescent relationship closeness. Drawing on Add Health data (n = 483), we examine factors that explain (a) why some high‐quality father‐adolescent relationships remain the same after divorce whereas others decline, and (b) why some low‐quality relationships are stable following divorce whereas others improve. High mother‐offspring relationship quality and offspring feelings of well‐being prevented close father‐offspring relationships from deteriorating. Offspring’s childbearing and cohabitation following parental divorce increase closeness in father‐offspring relationships that were not close prior to divorce. Although a majority of offspring experienced a decline in closeness following divorce, results from this study show that some very close father‐offspring relationships are maintained and some poor relationships become closer.  相似文献   

To examine nonresponse effects on variable relationships, datafrom a panel study of 1,870 older Iowa residents are reported.When data are accumulated by wave of response, differences areminor on variable distributions (percentage, mean, standarddeviation), bivariate relationships (correlation), and multivariaterelationships (regression), suggesting that the assumed impactof nonresponse bias on variable relationships has been overstated.  相似文献   

Interviews with 41 divorced parents who have court-awarded joint custody reveal several characteristics of shared parenting arrangements. Although some parents divided parenting responsibilities fairly equally, most exhibited a varietv of shared parenting patterns, with differential involvement of the nonresidential parents. The majority (86%)of the sample reported satisfaction with their joint custody arrangements, although nonresidential parents reported a greater number of specific dissatisfactions than did residential parents. Findings reveal joint custody to be a viable option for some divorced parents: in sharp contrast to the assumptions of Goldstein, Freud, and Solnit (1973), these divorced spouses can continue to share parenting even though they have terminated a marital relationship.  相似文献   

Divorce proceedings often involve splitting the marital home and contested claims over property and other assets. This case study examines the divorce–foreclosure nexus through key informant interviews, analysis of divorce files and foreclosure notices, and a review of court records on debt, remarriage, and criminal offending. We found that property disposition is a gendered process, with men receiving the marital home 1.7 times more often than women, even though they had more court debt, job instability, and criminal offending than their wives. Male defendants who hired an attorney received the house 85% of the time (52% for women defendants with an attorney). In postdivorce, men were more likely than women to remarry, have second mortgages, and to reoffend. We conclude that “equal” rather than “equitable” property division would reduce women’s structural disadvantage in divorce settlements and postdivorce home ownership.  相似文献   


Divorce is challenging for parents with children, commonly resulting in a series of individual and interpersonal adjustments. The time immediately following divorce can be particularly difficult. This study used a modified grounded theory approach to explore the experiences of 99 recently divorced mothers and fathers. Analysis of written narratives revealed 4 emergent groups of parents who described their postdivorce parenting experiences: good divorce, good enough, bad to better, and bad. Each group described their experiences across several areas including coparenting, father involvement, challenges of single parenting, personal turmoil, and their children’s adjustment. Implications for research and divorce education are discussed.  相似文献   

In the framework of intergroup relationships, Social Identity Theory (SIT) and Real Conflict Theory (RCT) both hypothesize a positive relationship between social identification and ethnocentrism in threatening en-vironments. The RCT proposes that conflict for scarce resources between groups determines ingroup identification while the SIT predicts that intensity of social identification leads to outgroup hostility in threatening contexts. An examination of these relationships is undertaken in a competitive sports context with the help of the dogmatism scale. Relationships between Belief and Activism Toward One Cause, as a social identification measure, and Out-group Authoritarian Intolerance, as an ethnocentrism measure were studied across two experimental conditions (neutral vs. competitive). The results describe a positive effect of Out-group Authoritarian Intolerance, measured in the neutral condition, on Belief and Activism Toward One Cause, measured in the competitive condition, validating RCT. The results are discussed based on complementary individual and collective analyses (i.e., dogmatism and intergroup relationship theories) of ethnocentrism.  相似文献   

Although there is a fairly large literature on postdivorce adjustment in the United States, comparatively little research has been conducted on the topic in Singapore. In addition, the majority of research to date has focused on the negative impacts of divorce and has tended to ignore potential positive growth opportunities that might result from the experience. This study seeks to address this gap in the literature through a thematic analysis of interviews with divorcees in Singapore. Specifically, this study identifies factors contributing to positive postdivorce adjustments within the multicultural, multiethnic, and multireligious context found in Singapore. A review of participant responses identified 15 specific factors related to the potential for experiencing a positive postdivorce adjustment. Further review indicates that these factors can be grouped into 6 themes that could specifically inform counselors and other mental health professionals working in Singapore to assist with the adjustment process.  相似文献   

This qualitative study explores the postdivorce adjustment of battered Latina immigrants. Three focus groups were conducted. Data were analyzed utilizing a grounded theory approach. Five conceptual themes were unearthed including: (a) intimate partner violence (IPV) as the precipitator for divorce; (b) motivations for leaving; (c) the impact of the Latino culture on marriage, separation, and postdivorce; (d) immigration and other legal and social issues; and (e) postdivorce/post-IPV experiences. Implications for practice are drawn.  相似文献   

Today, 50% of all U.S. marriages are expected to end in divorce, with the majority of the divorces being granted to individuals between the ages of 45 and 54. Gaining an understanding of the lived experience of postdivorce adjustment as seen in midlife was the aim of this study. A phenomenological research design was used. The themes that emerged from the data included time, emotional pain, changes in postdivorce parenting, and a sense of starting over. The clinical implications of this study suggest that obtaining an understanding of the postdivorce adjustment experience might help mental health practitioners enhance care for divorced individuals, divorcing couples, and their family members.  相似文献   

Many judges now require divorcing or legally separating parents with children under age 18 to attend parent education programs (PEPs). Evaluations of these programs have shown their effectiveness, although these have often not been rigorous. Individuals display different patterns of coparenting following divorce, yet researchers have not empirically assessed participants’ coparenting patterns prior to participation in PEPs. Using data from participants in a PEP class (N = 1,540), we describe participants’ coparenting patterns prior to participating in PEP and consider pre–posttest differences in parenting and coparenting outcomes for each coparenting pattern. Results from this evaluation suggest a need for a more tailored approach to parent education programming and have broader implications for family life education.  相似文献   

This article evaluates a program between students at a primary school and aged care residents. The aim of the program was to increase respect and appreciation between the groups. Visiting programs between children and the elderly are well documented, and assumes that the contact will benefit both groups. However the research is contradictory. To ensure that this program was achieving its goals, pre-post test data using the Children’s Perceptions of Aging and Elderly test was collected. Significant improvements in attitude were seen in two items. Overall, there was an improvement in attitude in 12 of the 18 instrument items.  相似文献   

The term ‘neutrality’ has multiple meanings within the literature and practice of family therapy. The first section of this paper identifies and discusses these uses. A second and more heuristic section developes linkages between neutrality and what is seen to possess professional authority. We believe these linkages tend to be obscure, only becoming accessible if the multiple, interlacing contexts within which therapists participate are examined. These contexts include:
  • (i) the place given to neutrality in Western culture
  • (ii) the organisations employing therapists and how these bodies view professional neutrality, and
  • (iii) the expectations and experience of clients in relation to professional neutrality.
Because neutrality is so entwined with questions of professional effectiveness and power, the authors believe it is not possible to declare neutrality good or bad, possible or impossible. Rather the question should be: within what local circumstances, and in what particular senses of the term, can neutrality be effectively and ethically employed?  相似文献   

A sample (N = 222) of middle school, high school, and college students were surveyed with regard to their adjustment to their parents’ divorces in specific domains, including coparenting, financial strain, and overall adjustment. With time since the divorce covaried, youth living with half-siblings, stepsiblings, or both (HSS) rated their experiences consistently more positively than youth living with full biological siblings only (FBS). HSS youth reported stronger perceptions that life has gotten better, parents are working together to raise them, and there are no lingering financial effects. There were no main effects for age, but an interaction of sibling structure and gender found male adolescents in the FBS group sometimes had more negative ratings than any of the other groups. Our findings contrast with prior studies suggesting that HSS youth do not adjust as well as FBS youth.  相似文献   

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