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Two series of group sessions were conducted with elderly residents of a group home for deinstitutionalized mental hospital residents. Entitled, "Improving Communication Skills," the sessions were designed to enhance the residents' verbal and non-verbal communication skills and to lay the foundation for greater interpersonal contacts. An evaluation of this pilot program suggests that it did, in fact, help participants improve their interpersonal skills. The paper concludes with suggestions for the establishment of similar groups.  相似文献   


Substance abuse among older adults is on the rise. Of particular concern is the increase in alcohol and drug use predicted among Latino elders, expected to result from an upsurge in the Latino population and concurrent growth in the number of older adults. Providing effective treatment for this group will require age-specific, culturally competent interventions. However, few studies have focused on geriatric substance abuse among Latinos. This study aims to lay the groundwork for further research by examining perceptions of the problem among treatment providers and researchers in aging and substance abuse. Implications for social work research and practice are addressed.  相似文献   


This article presents an application of Norma Lang’s nondeliberative theory in groupwork with clients of Community Outreach Programs in Addictions (COPA), a Toronto community-based organization that assists adults age 55 and older who struggle with addictions and mental health. The article illustrates how we challenged concepts of group work which are predominantly discussion-based problem solving or premeditated by hosting a group in a major art gallery with clients considered difficult to serve. What was done is juxtaposed with what might have been done with greater knowledge of nondeliberative theory.  相似文献   

There is a small but illuminating body of research related to group work with older adults living in the community. A broad range of interventions with diverse elderly participants have been studied internationally using qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Although scanty, the published literature informs group work practitioners on the strengths and limitations of different interventions. This article presents a critical review of 13 studies published between 1990 and 2007 to guide group work practitioners in organizing and facilitating groups for older adults in the community. Each review notes the characteristics of the participants, type of group intervention, methodology, and findings of the study. It examines the rigor, impact, and applicability of the findings to practice with this population. Much needs to be done to develop an evidence base for group work with older adults living in the community. Recommendations for practice and future research are offered.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors report on a qualitative study that explored the use of narrative therapy with a diverse group of older adults dealing with mental health and substance misuse issues. Narrative therapy supports individuals to critically assess their lives and develop alternative and empowering life stories that aim to keep the problem in its place. Although the literature suggests this is a promising intervention for individuals, there is a lack of research on narrative therapy and group work. Aiming to address this gap, the authors developed and researched a narrative therapy group for older adults coping with mental health and substance misuse issues in Toronto, Canada. Taking an ethnographic approach, field notes and interviews provided rich data on how, when, and for whom, such a group could be beneficial. Findings contribute to the literature on group work, older adults, and narrative therapy.  相似文献   


This article reports an exploratory study on the effects of an integrated group program for improving the sleep quality of elderly people in Hong Kong. Elderly people aged over 55 who had obtained a Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) score >5 were recruited as subjects of the study. While 19 subjects of the treatment group were taking part in an integrated group program involving social group work intervention as well as Chinese medicine therapeutics, 9 subjects of comparison group received no intervention. Using a pretest and posttest design, the study revealed positive effects of the integrated group program. It has added knowledge serving the development of interventions that can help to improve the sleep quality of elderly people.  相似文献   

This work examines the mental health problems faced by “old” elderly couples, and explores various interventions aimed at helping this group. The authors observe that although almost every couple that enters treatment appears to be in a state of crisis, problems tend to have a rather chronic underlay. This will be analyzed from several theoretical perspectives, with emphasis being placed upon how couples “negotiated” earlier life stages, transitions, and experiences. The authors' own practice style and objectives for treatment will be discussed; interventions outlined, Critical attention will be given to why therapy with this group is challenging, and where failures occurred. Suggestions will be offered as to how this therapy can be made more effective. Case examples will be used to highlight the points that are made.  相似文献   


A community-based research study conducted in 2004 identified a number of women from disadvantaged communities who sought mentoring in personal, educational, and vocational aspects of their lives. Informed by this earlier research, a program titled Map Your Future was developed, and a pilot mentoring program commenced in 2005. This article describes the group program that was developed to prepare the women for a mentoring relationship, and the research methodology underpinning its development. It concludes with an exploration of the women's experiences of the program.  相似文献   

小组工作是社会工作的一种专业方法,它不仅是社会工作者经常运用的工作方法之一,同时还是一个重要的中介,贯通和连接着宏观社会工作和微观社会工作。运用小组工作的专业手法为社区长者开展小组工作是我们教学实践的一种新的尝试,通过小组活动和互动交流的方式,使长者放松心情,享受欢乐,体现了社区专业工学结合植根于社区的教学理念,也为小组工作服务社区长者提供了经验。  相似文献   

Rules for Aging     
In qualitative interviews and focus groups, older informants articulated "rules" for aging, Lhat is, principles for responding to age-related changes. Analysis of these rules distin- guished three basic types: those advocating resistance to aging; those urging acceptance and accommodation; and those encouraging con- lrol of one's thinkine: to sidesteo oainful reactions lo chanee and loss. Each type implies different assumptions about old age.  相似文献   

Two groups of primary family caregivers were interviewed; one whose older relatives received assistance from an inhome chore services program, the other whose relatives had been terminated from service due to budget reductions. Both groups of caregivers were found to be actively involved in providing care to their older relatives. The assistance that caregivers provided was similar whether or not their relative received chore services. No significant differences were found in the type of tasks they provided nor in the amount or length of time they have provided care. The data suggest that there may be limits to the assistance that these caregivers can provide and that care of the elderly beyond such limitations needs to be supplied by other sources. Caregiving may be influenced both by the particular circumstances of the caregiver and the individual needs of the older relative. These findings support the notion that there is a need for shared responsibility between the family and government, based on an understanding of the tasks that family caregivers are best able to provide.  相似文献   

Addressing the needs of one segment of the older population of America, the frail elderly, this paper defines this group. Specific modifications of more traditional group work practice that are required by the nature of their needs and limitations are presented.  相似文献   

Social workers are often the key link between older adults, their families and community-based services. Thus, knowledge about older adults and community-based care is imperative for social work practice. Evaluation data are provided on a national multisite effort (N = 353) from 35 schools to assure graduate social work student's competency related to community services for older adults. Results suggest that the educational model as described in this article sets forth positive outcomes in the education of aging savvy social workers. Ongoing social work education is needed to meet the burgeoning needs of the geriatric population.  相似文献   

This paper examines the interaction between social policy and community characteristics as they relate to the development of formal long-term care services for the rural elderly. A model for the conversion of policy opportunity into actual services for the rural elderly is presented. This model suggests that while social policy in rural areas is a constant, selected community level characteristics contribute to or impede service development.  相似文献   

Despite a growing need for geriatric social workers, there is a question as to whether MSW graduates who are gerontologically prepared actually enter the workforce to serve older adults. By tracking MSW graduates who had special training in aging, this study aims to explore their job search and career experience. Findings show that most graduates located aging-related jobs 4 months postgraduation and remained committed to the field 1 to 2 years later. The majority were working in direct service provision in clinical settings. Their salaries compare favorably with those of generic social workers. Implications for geriatric social work education are discussed.  相似文献   


This narrative is based on the solidarity of a recreational youth group during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Note: Youth refers to older adolescents and young adults, 17–28). The narrative describes the journey and transformation of the youth group from playing cricket to the engagement in community service during the lockdown period. This paper also presents how the presence of the group shifted from physical to a digital platform, and the focus turned from recreation to social support; with that change in the focus, how a small group of youths turned into a larger group to mobilize and utilize resources for community service during the crisis time.  相似文献   


INTRODUCTION TO PUBLIC POLICY: AN AGING PERSPECTIVE. David K. Brown. University Press of America, 1997, ISBN0-7618-0414-5. Reviewed by M. Joanna Mellon

LONG-TERM CARE FOR THE RURAL ELDERLY. Edited by Graham D. Rowles, Joyce B. Beaulieu, and Wayne W. Myers. New York: Springer Publishing Company, Inc., 1996, 201 pp. Reviewed by Linda J. Redford  相似文献   

This article describes the development and implementation of a community-based social service program for the elderly. The problems encountered as a new professional unit within the municipality are analyzed and the role of the social worker in resolving those problems is described. The local community is the primary focus of change and strategies of intervention include reaching out and involving members from all levels of the community in the social service program, from members of the client group to individuals with political influence in the governmental system. Planning considerations for social work practice are posed including the relationship of the private, nonprofit sector to the public sector, the demands for service and difficulties establishing program stability.  相似文献   

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