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In the past two decades, the legal doctrines of intrapousal and interfamily immunity have been weakened or stricken in many states. Spouses may now testify against each other and children may now sue parents. This article was written ot begin to familiarize family therapists with the complex psycho-legal issues inmvolved in these cases. It is suggested that this is a cutting edge arena of grave concern, as intrafamily lawsuits exacerbate existing contention and cutoffs in families—something many family therapists seek to prevent or reverse. This paper is predicated on the belief that therapists should be knowledgeable about the legal traditions and decisions that impinge on our patients' lives. First, a brief history of the legal origins about intrafamilial lawsuits is provided. Next, six categories of lawsuits are delineated. What becomes evident is that when adult children sue parents, the conflicts an schisms in the family are already fairly extreme and that, often, the lawsuit makes the rift irreparable. Perhaps family lawsuits constitute a less violent and slower form of family destruction that homicide.  相似文献   

Sexual abuse of very young children confronts therapists with special difficulties in regard to the children, their parents, and possible legal consequences. This California treatment program involves parents and children in parallel groups, along with individual therapy. Factors with which therapists must deal are also presented.  相似文献   

Few qualitative studies have investigated the process of parental efforts to break intergenerational patterns of maltreatment. A grounded theory approach was used to understand how 24 parents who had been identified by CPS as being at‐risk of having their children removed from their homes due to allegations of abuse and/or neglect, perceived and connected their own experiences of childhood abuse in light of their experiences as alleged perpetrators of child maltreatment. Three major categories were identified: patterns, beliefs, and behaviors. A majority of the parents stated that they recognized intergenerational patterns, most expressed that they wanted to be different from their own parents, yet many described parenting actions that were “destructive.” We suggest that it is the interrelationship amongst patterns, beliefs, and behaviors that may offer opportunities for parents and therapists to enact change.  相似文献   

This paper, the second in a series concerned with family therapy in cases involving children at risk of abuse, focuses on how to establish a workable relationship between therapists and child protection professionals and child protection professionals and parents. After overviewing the difficulties faced by therapists in working with ‘the Welfare', we propose guidelines to overcoming common obstacles to successful case management, concluding that therapy often fails when therapists attempt to deal with intrafamilial issues long before external relationships are resolved.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the utilisation of a bridging technique to overcome contact-making barriers in adolescents. Interruptions or contact boundary disturbances block contact making, as it becomes fixed and prevents the natural and healthy process of organismic self-regulation. A combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches were followed and a single system experimental design, A–B–A–A, was applied in the original study. Qualitative data were collected by means of semi-structured interviews with parents and teachers, and therapeutic intervention with adolescents. Quantitative data were collected from pre- post- and follow-up-intervention assessments, during which the bridging technique was utilised. Fourteen adolescent participants were selected by school teachers and therapists from three different schools, with their parents and teachers: a mainstream school for high-functioning children, a school for children with learning disabilities and a school for children with intellectual disabilities. These adolescents presented behavioural symptoms: aggression, self-mutilation, personal emotional symptoms: depression, suicidal tendencies, as well as contact-making disturbances. The findings indicated that the bridging technique shows potential in working with adolescents to overcome contact-making barriers.  相似文献   

An assertive training program for parents is described, which was implemented in the Detroit Public Schools Region 7 by therapists from the Wayne State University Psychology Clinic. Fifty-nine parents of preschool age children were trained for 5 consecutive weeks and at one follow-up session. The major goals of the program were to increase the self-esteem of family members and to promote a happier atmosphere in the home. Parents were enthusiastic about this approach and stated that the discussions helped them feel more confident and therefore they were able to handle specific problems with their children more effectively.This project was supported, in part, by a grant from the McGregor, Fund and the Eloise and Richard Webber Foundation.  相似文献   

Family therapists often see separating parents who need to agree on co‐parenting arrangements. This article provides a guide to current research and practice in family mediation. The limited available research suggests mediation is a useful approach for some separated parents and their children, but often is not successful with highly conflicted parents, parents with mental health problems, parents struggling to accept the separation from their partner, or parents with unrealistic co‐parenting expectations. We analyse ways in which mediation might be enhanced, and discuss the potential roles of family therapists to support separating families to negotiate positive co‐parenting.  相似文献   

This paper explores the influence of environment on the quality of social experiences of children with disability in Sydney, Australia. The social experiences of four children with fragile X syndrome were described using ethnographic methods that included participant observation at 'special' and regular schools and in-depth interviews with parents, teachers and occupational therapists. An environmental perspective is presented here to complement existing individualist perspectives that address the social problems faced by children with disability. The environmental perspective involves (i) perceptions of disability, (ii) the child's family (relations, advocacy, encouragement, education, identity creation, dependence and separation), and (iii) the child's school (physical environment, other children, principal, teachers, therapists, policy and ethos). The paper serves as a basic framework to be adapted in further research and practice into the environmental influence of children's social experiences.  相似文献   

The purpose of this exploratory study was to collect self-report data on willingness to seek personal therapy among therapists in Utah, and to discover if group trends occur among marriage and family therapists, psychologists, and social workers. Self-report background characteristics such as age, gender, marital status, number of children, and practice site, served as independent viriables. Responses from 421 therapists were obtained from a mail survey. Results showed that number of children, years in private practice, number of client contact hours per week, gender, marital status, religion, profession, and practice site were significant in willingness to seek personal therapy. Specific gender data and differences across the professions are presented.  相似文献   

Studies by the Davis Child Therapy Effectiveness Project reveal that brief therapy is the norm. A retrospective outcome study in one mental health center shows a large proportion of adjustment reactions. Outcome ratings from therapists, parents and patients show fairly high levels of outcome and significant improvement in rated impairment. The children who were more impaired at intake were found to have the most visits and numbers of visits were unrelated to success in treatment. Examples are provided illustrating the use of parent responses to modify center practices.  相似文献   

In this article two streams of thought within family therapy, one representing a traditional research focus and the other postmodern oriented practices are brought together. A qualitative study is described that used standardised measures to monitor therapeutic practice and provide feedback on process and outcome to therapists. The opportunities and pitfalls concerning this approach are discussed and illustrated. The use of measures as conversational tools increases and expands opportunities for collaboration between children, parents and their therapists. However, in organisations these measures risk becoming tools of competition instead of conversation, which is helped when managers take responsibility for implementing and supporting a culture of feedback.  相似文献   

This research work was based on an experimental concept of functional clothing for children with psychomotor development limitations. No matter the analyzed pathology, all these children need sensorial stimulation because of their psychomotor difficulties, especially at fine motor skills level. The main objective was to develop functional and comfortable clothing with sensorial stimulation elements (colours, textures, fragrances, sounds, etc.). It is intended, on the one hand, to increase the autonomy of the children in what concerns the act of dressing/undressing and, on the other hand, to stimulate their learning, coordination and self-esteem. A study about the specific needs of these children concerning clothing was worked out, which consisted in inquiring their parents and therapists. Based on the inquiries results, bibliographic revision in the area of therapeutic/ interactive clothing and analysis of didactic and therapeutic material catalogues we developed a clothing prototype (sweat-shirt). The prototype was then tested by the children of the study sample and the test results were, once again, explained by the parents through the fulfilling of a prototype evaluation inquiry. This study supplied some important conclusions, more directed to the confirmation of the theme significance and to the definition of a methodology to be used in future research.  相似文献   

This study examined changes in parenting practices among parents receiving Parent Management Training Oregon model (PMTO). These parents had children in foster care with serious emotional disturbance and were randomized to receive in-home PMTO for up to six months. Using data from the Parent Child Checklist, an observation-based measure administered by therapists after each parent-child session, latent growth curve modeling was conducted with a sample of 318 parents of children, aged 3–16 years old, in foster care. Results showed that overall parenting effectiveness improved and that the change trajectory was best fit by a cubic model (two changes in trajectory). Parenting effectiveness initially increased but was found to turn downward temporarily, then rebounded toward additional improvements. Similarly, three of the six subscales – skill encouragement, positive involvement, and communication/monitoring – demonstrated significant change and a cubic trajectory. In contrast, problem solving and effective discipline subscales showed significant improvement but the trajectory was best fit by a quadratic model, indicating that these parenting practices improved and then leveled off near the end of treatment. The ineffective discipline subscale did not demonstrate significant change. Additionally, parents with high initial scores experienced lower rates of improvement and higher rates of deceleration. However, parents who started with relatively high rates of change were better able to maintain improvements over time. Overall, the results suggested PMTO was associated with increased effective parenting but the trajectory for positive change included both gains and setbacks. Future research is needed to determine whether gains in parenting practices are sustained beyond the treatment period.  相似文献   

Although much has been written about the role of therapists in children's recovery from child sexual abuse, relatively little attention has been paid to the role of nonoffending parents. This study investigated the work of a team of therapists who sometimes included such parents in therapy sessions with children. The study sought to understand what factors were influencing the degree and pattern of parental involvement and to understand what effect these patterns of parental involvement were having on the process and outcomes of therapy. The study successfully identified a range of factors influencing the patterns of parental involvement, but more research will be needed to understand the effect on outcomes.  相似文献   

This paper, the third in a series concerned with family therapy in cases involving children at risk of abuse, describes an approach to maximising parents' interest and commitment to therapy. After overviewing the difficulties faced by therapists in working with parents who are notorious for their ‘resistance’, we provide guidelines for minimising the negative consequences of notification and for constructing therapeutic leverage in order to elicit and maintain parents' motivation throughout the course of therapy.  相似文献   

Lesbian parenting has entered the public arena over recent years via debates regarding access to fertility services and adoption, legal recognition of same‐sex parents and children's rights (McNair, 2002). Research in the area has been published for over 20 years, with an increasing shift towards delineating diversity rather than proving the legitimacy of these families. The ANZJFT — the major mouthpiece for Australian family therapists — has made curiously little contribution to the literature on lesbian parenting. The lack of discussion leaves trainees and family therapists largely ignorant about the lived experience of lesbian family life. This paper goes some way to filling this gap. We present data gathered from 151 Australian lesbian parents who answered questions about their own and their families' perceived strengths. Despite the constraints and challenges of living within a heteronormative and homophobic society and dealing with discrimination and legal, political and social non‐legitimation, this group of lesbian parents expressed great pride in raising well‐adjusted and happy children. They also described their families as thoughtfully planned, proud, accepting and celebratory of diversity and difference, flexible in gender roles, and as having interesting, supportive, extended kinship networks that included a wide range of positive role models for their children.  相似文献   


This article focuses on deaf children of deaf parents who grew up using American Sign Language (ASL) in deaf culture. Deaf children of deaf parents described their unique experiences of struggling with obstacles, including quality of education, low expectations from professionals, unwanted sympathy, mental health therapists’ lack of cultural competency, and not being asked for valuable perspectives or advice. The advice from deaf children of deaf parents is included in the article. By bringing greater attention to this population, mental health, school, and other professionals can increase their awareness of deaf families’ unique needs in their work environment.  相似文献   

Parenting a child with Down syndrome may pose unique challenges for parents’ relationship quality. This study used structural equation modeling with a sample of 351 mothers of children with Down syndrome to test if hope mediated the association between mothers’ various coping behaviors and mothers’ relationship quality. Hope was defined as a generalized positive state that comes from a personal sense of agency. Results indicated a greater degree of religious coping and internal coping were each significantly associated with more hope, whereas support seeking was not related with more hope. Higher hope was significantly associated with greater relationship quality. Bootstrapped indirect effects from both religious coping and internal coping to hope, and then hope to relationship quality, were identified. Implications for therapists and future research are described.  相似文献   

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