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蒙古国是一个平野千里,蓝天无际的国度。该国80%的国土都是草原,马、牛、绵羊、山羊、骆驼等牲畜的总存栏量达到3500万头,270万人口中有一半都靠畜牧业生活,产值占到该国GDP的20%。游牧是蒙古人重要的生活方式。干百年来,牧民们在草原上四处迁徙,蒙古包随时搭建、收起、再建,游牧让他们完全依靠自然的恩赐生活。  相似文献   

今年6月是“限塑”政策实施一周年。“限塑令”实施一年,取得了明显成效。据有关协会调研测算,如按目前超市塑料袋的使用量减少三分之二左右计算,每年可减少塑料消耗27万吨以上,相当于节约石油160万吨。  相似文献   

“索马里”一词在当地方言中的意思是“奶”,即驼奶、牛奶和羊奶的总称;久而久之,则成了这个位于非洲三角的畜牧业国的正式国名。三千万头牲畜是索马里国民经济的支柱,全国平均一个人占有六头牲畜,名列世界前茅。这里的人民世世代代以放牧为生。并从事毛、皮和奶制品的贸易。  相似文献   

根据有关规定,环境保护部组织对2008年上半年各省、自治区、直辖市主要污染物总量减排情况进行了核查核算.结果表明,上半年全国化学需氧量排放总量674.2万吨,与2007年同期(691.3万吨)相比下降2.4896;二氧化硫排放总量1213.3万吨,与2007年同期(1263.4万吨)相比下降3.96%.  相似文献   

“大连有个刘家奎,一年生猪出栏16万头,了不起啊!”“沈阳的姜伟,搞了个延生护宝液,800人年产值8.7亿元,这个家伙可不得了哇!”  相似文献   

草原荒漠化、沙化、盐碱化,加之近几年闹得越来越凶的沙尘暴曾几何时成为 外界认识内蒙古草原的别称,“风吹草低见牛羊”成了草原人遥远的回。 2005年内蒙古荒漠化监测结果显示:截止到去年年底,内蒙古荒漠化土地面积 为9.33亿亩,占全区总土地面积的52.6%,沙化土地总面积为6.23亿亩,占全区总 土地面积的35.16%。 曾几何时,牧民们把水草放在第一位,牲畜排在第二位,而人放在最后一位。 为了水草能够很快地恢复,牲畜能就近吃到新鲜牧草,人不辞劳苦,不停地搬迁。 古老的蒙古族传说中有这样一段话:孩子问妈妈“我们蒙古人为…  相似文献   

本世纪八十年代初,世界上已发现可采储量(包括探明储量、半探明储量和累计开采量)在20亿吨以上的特大石油储集区共13处,其中最大的是阿拉伯——伊朗油区,石油储集面积330万余平方公里,石油可采储量在700亿吨以上,约占世界石油可采储量(1500亿吨)的48%。储集区包括沙特阿拉伯、科威特、伊朗、伊拉克和阿拉  相似文献   

王丽 《职业》2012,(31):90-93
我国葡萄酒生产企业,每年会产生超过4万吨的葡萄籽,这些外壳非常坚硬的废弃物,牲畜不吃、沤粪不烂.很多老总面对这堆积如山又无处扔的“垃圾”,大伤脑筋.然而,一位聪明女孩却从中发现了商机.通过废物利用,昔日一文不值的葡萄籽竟产生了惊人效益,短短3年她就赚了2000多万元,而且产品颇受都市女性青睐.日本商人主动赠送一辆奔驰找她合作.这背后到底隐藏着怎样的创富秘密?  相似文献   

2010年,云南省遭遇百年一遇的全省性特大旱灾.据云南省政府新闻办公室3月26日通报,截止到3月25日,持续的特大旱情已导致云南省16个州市2405万人受灾,农作物受灾面积达4730万亩,共有828万人、1890万头(匹)牲畜出现饮水困难.预计云南省小春粮食将因灾减产60%. 3月27日下午,国土资源部召开国土资源系统西南抗旱找水打井紧急行动动员部署视频会议,成立西南抗旱找水打井指挥部,举全系统之力,调集精兵强将,特别抽调先进钻机,迅速赴灾区开展工作,这是一支最早进入云南境内的抗旱救灾队伍.  相似文献   

近年来,内蒙古自治区加大煤炭行业的兼并重组力度,不断抬高煤矿的开采规模准入门槛,2012年年底前,年生产规模在45万吨以下的煤矿(井)将全部退出市场,2013年全区地疗煤炭生产企业将控制在80家至100家。自治区政府要求,褐煤开发井工矿规模不低于300万吨/年、露天矿不低于500万吨/年:其他煤种井工矿规模不低于120万吨/年、露天矿不低于300万吨/年,矿井平均回采率不低于70%。  相似文献   

民营科技企业作为国民经济增长的一支重要力量,在推动科技发展、优化产业结构、扩大就业及促进竞争力等方面发挥着愈来愈重要的作用。然而,在目前社会经济环境下,仍有不少因素制约着民营科技企业的发展,其中融资渠道不畅是制约目前民营科技企业发展的最大瓶颈。这一问题如果不能从根本上加以解决,民营科技企业将无法获得很好的发展,其运行也难以保持持续的生机和活力。民营科技企业融资困境现状(一)从企业内部看,民营科技企业的融资主要依靠自有资金、企业内部积累以及亲戚朋友借款。这就意味着企业内部融资匮乏,扩大再生产甚至简单再生产所…  相似文献   

A key characteristic of debates on caring for children has been the distinction made between the public and the private or formal and informal sector of care. In particular, the impact on adult relationships of the material, emotional and moral dimensions of this division has been highlighted. What are the implications for children, however, of regarding the child care arrangements made by adults as private affairs between parent and provider? This paper reviews research on childminding registration to assess whether a similar system would regulate private fostering arrangements and thereby protect a hitherto neglected group of vulnerable children, private foster children.  相似文献   

民营投资,是相对于政府投资而言的。根据我国的国情,以投资主体作为划分标准可把投资分为政府投资和民营投资。民营投资是指扣除国有经济之后的其他经济类型的投资,也可以说是非国有经济的投资。民营投资的快速发展在我国国民经济发展中起着越来越重要的作用,从宏观角度看,民营投资的发展增加了整个经济投资总量,启动了长期以来被压抑的国内总需求,最终能刺激国民经济的快速增长,从微观看,扩大民营投资范围,可充分利用家庭储蓄资金,改变家庭单一的储蓄投资增值方式,提高家庭收入水平。民营投资在我国经济发展过程中从无到有,发展速度十分惊…  相似文献   

论民营企业文化建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关于民营企业这一概念,理论界仍存在颇多争议,本文是在“国有国营”对称之意义上使用这一概念,即将非国有企业作为民营企业的同义语。文中论及的民营企业主要指私营企业以及由此发展演变而成的股份制、股份合作制企业。长期以来人们始终认为民营企业只是与低层次的生产力水平、科技水平、经营管理水平相适应,始终认为民营企业没有先进文化。在现实生活中往往过多地指责、甚至夸大民营企业文化中存在的某些负面的东西,以致淹没了民营企业文化的主流。我们必须认清支流与主流,区分发展中存在的问题和民营企业的本质属性。民营企业文化的特点1.…  相似文献   

Understanding why some workers resist technological change while others accept and facilitate it may be crucial for the survival of manufacturing firms. This study analyzes managers’ perceptions of employees’ reactions to technological changes at 206 Canadian manufacturing plants that made technological changes in their production operations between 1980 and 1988. The results indicate that the presence of a union and a technology clause in the contract significantly increase managers’ perceptions of employee resistance to technological changes. To avoid worker resistance to such changes, the results suggest that management should provide workers with an effective participation in the decision-making process and, if feasible, choose technology that will increase workers’ skill requirements.  相似文献   

Consider a situation in which individuals post their private contributions for the financing of an indivisible public project. If their valuations for the project are private information, an efficient outcome cannot be guaranteed by just one shot of this procedure (indeed, this is also the case for any one-shot procedure that is individually rational). We focus, therefore, on the dynamic mechanism in which the described procedure is repeated indefinitely, only stopping when the project can be ensured to be inefficient. Under alternative assumptions on the type space, a unique symmetric Perfect Bayesian equilibrium is shown to exist if contributions are restricted to just two possible levels (say, some pre-specified positive contribution or nothing at all). We also show that, except for a limit case, the right decision is eventually reached along this equilibrium, although generally after some (costly but bounded) delay.I have benefited from helpful comments by A. Koffman, M. Perry, L. Corchón, C. Herrero, P. Chander and Francisco Marhuenda. Special mention deserves an anonymous referee whose careful reading of the paper improved it very significantly. The usual caveat applies. I also acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Education, CICYT project no. PS90-0156.  相似文献   

Unions and private wage supplements   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Private wage supplements are an important part of total compensation. A model of workers’ supplement expenditures is developed which shows that, although the expenditure determinants sometimes differ between broad industry/occupation subsamples, earnings, price effects of preferential tax treatment and economies of group purchase, unionization, the product market power of the firm, and worker age are usually significant determinants of supplement expenditures. The firm’s goal of reducing turnover costs as well as demographic, locational, and industry variables also systematically affect supplement expenditures. Supplements usually increase progressively with wages, indicating that often made proportionality assumptions are invalid. This work is based on a portion of my doctoral dissertation “An Economic Analysis of the Determinants of Private Wage Supplements.” An anonymous referee made many useful suggestions and criticisms. The Center for the Study of American Business at Washington University provided some of the computer funding. The remaining errors are my responsibility.  相似文献   

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