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Departing from Bourdieu's collective habitus, this essay develops a theory of the subjectivity of habitus, meaning the social‐psychological processes comprising the agent and fueling deliberation. By incorporating George Ainslie's theory of the will and deliberation as the intertemporal bargaining of a population of interests, I theorize the “saturated agent” composed of an economy of interests, analogous to Bourdieu's “economy of practices” invested and saturated with cultural capital. Here culturally saturated interests negotiate strategically within the agent, with the ending balance constituting the habitus. Additionally, reflexivity becomes amenable to habitus as “desaturation” or suspending the commitment to a set of culturally saturated interests as a result of a crisis, followed by “resaturation”, the restructuring of the economy of interests.  相似文献   

This paper aims to balance the conceptual reception of Bourdieu's sociology in the United States through a conceptual re-examination of the concept of Habitus. I retrace the intellectual lineage of the Habitus idea, showing it to have roots in Claude Levi-Strauss structural anthropology and in the developmental psychology of Jean Piaget, especially the latter's generalization of the idea of operations from mathematics to the study of practical, bodily-mediated cognition. One important payoff of this exercise is that the common misinterpretation of the Habitus as an objectivist and reductionist element in Bourdieu's thought is dispelled. The Habitus is shown to be instead a useful and flexible way to concep-tualize agency and the ability to transform social structure. Thus ultimately one of Bourdieu's major contributions to social theory consists of his development of a new radical form of cognitive sociology, along with an innovative variety of multilevel sociological explanation in which the interplay of different structural orders is highlighted. In keeping with the usual view, the goal of sociology is to uncover the most deeply buried structures of the different social worlds that make up the social universe, as well as the "mechanisms" that tend to ensure their reproduction or transformation. Merging with psychology, though with a kind of psychology undoubtedly quite different from the most widely accepted image of this science, such an exploration of the cognitive structures that agents bring to bear in their practical knowledge of the social worlds thus structured. Indeed there exists a correspondence between social structures and mental structures, between the objective divisions of the social world . . . and the principles of vision and division that agents apply to them (Bourdieu, 1996b[1989], p. 1).  相似文献   

Technologies of the Self: Habitus and Capacities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Leadership: A Conception and Some Implications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In this paper, I attempt to shed more light in Bourdieu's habitus and doxa, by drawing on phenomenological and Bourdieusian-based literature, social theory and some findings from sociological research. Despite the fact that there is a vast work concerning the examination of these two concepts, there are still some misunderstandings about them. For that reason, I have tried to draw a clearer picture of habitus, by linking it with phenomenological “being-in-the-world” and describing its elements. As for doxa, I discuss its conceptual relation with habitus and phenomenology's natural attitude. Also, attention is given to some aspects of both habitus and doxa, which have not addressed in detailed fashion yet, but they are nevertheless theoretically useful for empirical qualitative research.  相似文献   

新型城镇化进程中社会资金效率显著,一方面推进了新型城镇化的发展,另一方面通过土地出让金的持续上涨支撑了财政收入的增加。根据国际经验和我国实际判断,目前我国社会资金的效率存在进一步提升的空间。而要提升社会资金效率,应从巩固现有社会资金效率出发,同时拓宽社会资金来源渠道,做实产业,合理引导社会资金流向。  相似文献   

文化进步主义:全球化时代的哲学理念   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
丁立群 《求是学刊》2001,28(5):21-24
哲学理念是哲学关于自身的认识和体悟 ,其中包含着哲学家和人们关于哲学的定位、哲学的范式、哲学的视野、哲学的维度的理解。每一时代各种哲学思潮中总是包含着某种主导性的哲学理念。这种主导性哲学理念在重大文明时代的更替中又总是发生深刻的转变 ,从而引起哲学的重新定位。全球化不是单纯的文化现象 ,它以深刻的文化逻辑引导着哲学理念的变革。思考和展望全球化时代哲学理念的变革 ,对于新世纪哲学的发展具有重要的意义。作为“2 0世纪末中国哲学研究重大问题检讨”的阶段性总结 ,我们特邀几位著名中青年学者从不同视角透视全球化时代哲学理念的变化。孙正聿教授认为 ,必须对全球化时代哲学创新问题进行前提性研究 ,当代哲学创新的基本前提是发现哲学理论的“外部困难”(即理论形态的人类自我意识与人类自身的时代性的生存困境的矛盾 )和“内部困难”(即表征人类自身的时代性的生存困境的哲学理论自身的逻辑矛盾 )。张一兵教授则集中探讨哲学理念创新的途径 ,提出通过对马克思文本的精心解读以及对中国马克思主义哲学研究长期盛行的研究方式的历史审理而获得一种科学的平台 ,从而准确地捕捉到马克思思想逻辑与当代问题的结合点 ,实现马克思主义哲学研究的“返本开新”。其他学者侧重于揭示全球化时  相似文献   

本文具体分析了科学发展观的内涵(以人为本,全面、协调,可持续发展)与马克思主义关于发展的思想间的理论渊源,指出科学发展观是马克思主义中国化的最新成果。  相似文献   

Ofthevariousforeigntheoriesonmarketeconomies,themostnoteworthyincludeLudwigvonMises'"capitalistmarketeconomy,"PaulM.Sweezy's"non-socialistmarketeconomy,"andtheoriesofmarketsocialismproposedbySaulEstrinet.al.,notonlybecausethesetheoriesareinfluentialoverseas,butbecausethefirsttwosharesomecommongroundwiththetraditionalconceptsofamarketeconomyinChina.StudyingthesedialectictheoriesofamarketeconomywillundoubtedlygiveusabetterunderstandingofthenewsocialistmarketeconomyatakeystageinChina'stransfor…  相似文献   

Variations in parents' emotion socialization have been linked to children's social competence (SC) and behavior problems, but parental influences do not act independently of children's characteristics. A biopsychosocial model was tested, in which children's parasympathetic regulation of cardiac function and paternal and maternal socialization of negative emotions were examined as joint predictors of young children's SC and behavior problems at daycare and preschool. Mothers and fathers responded differently to children's emotions, and cardiac vagal tone moderated the relations between parents' emotion socialization and children's behavior in early childcare settings. Both maternal and paternal emotion socialization strategies were more strongly associated with preschool adjustment for children with relatively less parasympathetic self‐regulatory capacities than for more self‐regulated children. Paternal reactions to children's anger, and maternal responses to children's sadness and fear, were particularly closely tied to variations in SC and internalizing and externalizing problems.  相似文献   

1 Eric Blyth, The University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield HD1 3DH, UK. Summary The provision of assisted conception has become a major industryin most industrialized countries, buttressed by powerful professionaland commercial interests. Assisted conception has significantimplications not only for those directly involved or affected,but also for wider society. The paper summarizes the contributionsocial work has made to the debate and to service development,especially in the UK. The author argues that the ethical valuesunderpinning social work, and the Knowledge and skills possessedby social workers, provide both an opportunity and a mandatefor social workers to influence the development of assistedconception services, in particular to ensure that the humanimplications of providing children for people who are involuntarilychildless are not subordinated to the pursuit of technical efficacy.  相似文献   

世纪之交,展望未来,不少史家强调史学理论研究的重要性,更有学者认为建立严谨、系统的史学理论体系是目前中国史学工作者面临的最迫切的任务。众人所关注的理论既包括通常所说的历史理论——对过去的系统阐释,也兼指史学理论——对研究过程的系统概括。的确,治史者不仅要沉潜书山,钻研具体问题,还要更上一层楼,善于归纳总结一般性判断,构建对“过去”的理论诠释。这一工作并非一蹴可就,必定漫长艰辛,但对中国史学发展来说,又是必不可少的。眼下亟待解决的问题是如何建设。  相似文献   

何中华 《创新》2015,9(1):5-10,2,126
人文研究的困境与其说是来自外部,倒不如说是来自内部更恰当。重新反思人文研究,就不能不直面几个带有前提性的问题:一是人文研究中的人的自我缠绕问题;二是人文学科还是人文科学;三是知与信的关系在人文研究中的纠结;四是文化承诺与跨文化通约问题;五是中国思想的西方化:幸抑或不幸?  相似文献   

传统的对马克思主义哲学的研究侧重于对文本字斟句酌的研读,这其实是一种本末倒置的方法。对马克思主义哲学的研究应跳出既有的窠臼,从其意境入手,才能抓住其本质。马克思主义哲学具有人文精神、实践和生存论三种意境。  相似文献   

文章在与中国文化哲学相对话的语境中介绍了过程哲学家对于宇宙、自然和生命等的六种共同观念 ,以及过程哲学关于宇宙的 1 2种观念、关于生态伦理学、关于存在不同等级的精神、关于作为人类之存在方式的文化等的基本观点 ,并进行了在西方文化与东方文化之间、过程哲学与文化哲学之间建立相互理解的桥梁的尝试。  相似文献   

在冷战后时期,国际体系正经历一个从单极霸权走向多极均势的过渡阶段,美国单极霸权仍将是过渡时期世界体系的主要特点。冷战结束也为多极化准备了历史条件,在经济全球化影响下,世界格局发生更深刻变化的趋势是不可逆转的。总体上看,霸权难以持久,多极化进程不可阻遏。  相似文献   

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