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为了提高服务质量,为顾客提供更贴心的个性化服务,饭店客房部提出了一种现代的新观念服务——无干扰服务。该文在论述了饭店客房部实施无干扰服务必要性的基础上,分析我国饭店无干扰服务的现状,从内部管理水平、员工素质、设施设备配套、顾客认知等方面讨论了饭店提供无干扰服务存在的问题,并在此基础上提出了饭店改进和提高无干扰服务质量的具体策略,主要有:加强饭店基础管理,优化无干扰服务流程,建立健全良好的企业文化理念,提高员工素质、培养服务意识,建立完善的客史档案,保证无干扰服务的持续性。  相似文献   

徐萍 《管理科学文摘》2012,(10):130-130
依据教育部教职成[2009]2号(馓育部关于制定中等职业学校教学计划的原则意见》对中等职业教育培养人才类型的定位、国家职业资格标准以及饭店业发展趋势对服务与管理技能型人才的要求,培养能够在饭店服务与管理一线就业并发展职业生涯的技能型人才。本文通过饭店服务与管理专业职业活动的调查分析,尝试设计出适合该专业的课程。  相似文献   

李颖 《办公室业务》2013,(7):155+157
标准化是一项基础工作,是推动社会进步和企业技术发展的重要力量,是科研、生产、使用三者之间的桥梁。通过建立标准信息公共服务平台,及时跟踪、采集国内外标准化信息并进行数字化加工,加强以标准为主线的国内外技术政策、法规、认证认可等信息的深层次研究和服务,进而开展技术标准成果交流与展示等深层次的标准化服务,解决目前我国对标准的认识及应用程度不足、标准动态更新不及时、标准信息研究缺乏深度和广度、标准化人才匮乏等实际问题。  相似文献   

王丹 《管理科学文摘》2011,(32):135-136
消费者对个性、时尚的追求,催热了电子商务个性化定制服务。目前在网上看到的定制产品涉及服装、珠宝首饰、家具等多个领域。个性化定制已成中国电子商务未来发展的必然趋势。然而个性化定制缺乏创意、消费者个性化体验差、企业经营成本高难以获利的问题阻碍电子商务个性化定制模式的发展,只有进一步细分市场、在创意中提升消费者个性化体验、打造个性化定制品牌,实现定制流程化才是企业实施电子商务个性化定制模式的成功之道。  相似文献   

旅游酒店是我国旅游行业领域中的重要支柱,酒店起源与人类最初的相关旅行活动。当前人们逐渐对旅游酒店个性化服务工作重视起来,个性化服务工作是旅游酒店整体工作过程中的重要组成部分和重点操作环节,我们应该对旅游酒店个性化服务特点和方法有所熟知。本文针对旅游酒店个性服务和旅游酒店标准化服务的不同点,对如何更好更优的提供旅游酒店个性化服务提出相应合理化建议。  相似文献   

沈赟雯 《经营管理者》2012,(5X):286-286
本文详细论述了图书馆个性化信息服务的理念,同时应用在具体特定的工作中取得了非常好的效果。个性化信息服务作为未来图书馆的主要信息服务方向,可以满足包括用户信息需求、表现服务个性、培养用户个性等多方面的服务。  相似文献   

经济全球化的发展和信息技术的发展,把人类带入了一个崭新的时期,饭店企业必须要面对全球资源和市场的竞争。竞争加大了饭店建立可持续竞争优势的重要性与现实性。未来的饭店竞争将更激烈,饭店要实现长久发展就必须形成自己的可持续竞争优势。  相似文献   

全球经济竞争的实质是主导经济发展的科技实力的竞争,落实到产业发展和国际产品市场上,又主要体现在左右国际经济市场秩序和贸易规则的标准竞争上。为实现四川经济又好又快发展,必须在实施技术标准战略上下功夫。面对国际、国内新形势和四川省经济社会发展新目标对标准化提出的新要求新挑战,为将四川建成西部经济大省、强省,必须紧密围绕落实科学发展观,建设创新型国家的总体战略部署,努力实施技术标准战略,推进标准化技术创新,提高标准化总体水平,提升产业发展素质。及时把握机遇,坚持标准化工作"服务经济、服务社会、服务全局"的方针,以标准为手段,为"四川造"产品更好进入国际国内市场保驾护航。  相似文献   

数字图书馆体现了我国图书馆的不断发展与进步,这种图书馆中提供的是个性化信息服务,在西方发达国家应用比较广泛,而且也取得了良好的效果。人们对知识与信息的需求量越来越大,知识需求面也越来越广,个性化信息服务可以很好的满足人们对知识的渴求,也可以满足人们对图书馆图书综合化、多元化的发展要求。本文介绍了数字图书馆个性化信息服务的概念,分析了其特点与发展现状,以供相关人士参考。  相似文献   

图书馆个性化服务体现了以读者为中心的服务理念,是信息化时代图书馆发展的大趋势。随着科学技术的迅猛发展,信息网络化、服务个性化是网络时代图书馆服务的需求。民办高校图书馆作为信息传播领域的重要组织,在网络环境下如何组织开发利用信息资源进行个性化服务,是一个值得研究的课题。  相似文献   

Revenue Management Systems (RMS) are commonly used in the hotel industry to maximize revenues in the short term. The forecasting‐allocation module is a key tactical component of a hotel RMS. Forecasting involves estimating demand for service packages across all stayover nights in a planning horizon. A service package is a unique combination of physical room, amenities, room price, and advance purchase restrictions. Allocation involves parsing the room inventory among these service packages to maximize revenues. Previous research and existing revenue management systems assume the demand for a service package to be independent of which service packages are available for sale. We develop a new forecasting‐allocation approach that explicitly accounts for this dependence. We compare the performance of the new approach against a baseline approach using a realistic hotel RMS simulation. The baseline approach reflects previous research and existing industry practice. The new approach produces an average revenue increase of at least 16% across scenarios that reflect existing industry conditions.  相似文献   

针对淡季时酒店入住率下降的困境,将"互联网+"背景与收益管理理论相结合,通过构建Stackelberg博弈模型,研究了淡季时酒店与在线旅游代理商(Online Travel Agent,OTA)如何选择合作模式以提高入住率和收益。研究在几种常见情境下展开,不同情境下均得出了最优合作模式。优化的合作模式不但协调了酒店服务供应链,而且在提高酒店整体效益的同时,也增加了OTA的收益。研究为酒店和OTA提供了具有可操作意义上的合作模式决策支持,同时也弥补了以往研究在酒店和OTA合作模式对比、选择与优化方面的空缺。  相似文献   

论当代中国饭店管理理念与实践中的人文导向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着旅游需求的变迁、科技的发展和新型人力资源的引入,世纪之交的中国饭店业的管理理念和管理实践正在发生一系列的变化。人文导向则是把握这些变化的核心内核,并将主导未来一个时期中国饭店业的创新与发展。在对饭店管理理念进行解说的基础上,本文重点阐述了人文导向的若干载体性事件:管理制度的理性化、对员工的关注、经济型饭店的兴起、绿色饭店等等。  相似文献   

智力资本:21世纪旅游饭店战略竞争力的源泉   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
本文从21世纪旅游饭店战略竞争力角度出发,运用核心能力理论分析饭店持久竞争优势的来源将是对智力资本的开发、利用与保护,这不仅是时代发展的需要,也是饭店业竞争加剧的必然结果.文章还结合智力资本的内容对其作用的更好发挥提出了几点建议.  相似文献   

We develop and test a model of innovation behavior in the hotel industry. The model relates four types of innovation—i.e., management, external communication, service scope and back-office—to the key determinants: service provider characteristics, customer competences and the market drivers. Using statistical probit models and cross-sectional survey data from a stratified sample of hotels in the Balearic Islands (N=331) we were able to verify the model including innovation types determinants and the innovation impact on hotels performance. Main findings verify the model indicating the effects of these determinants on innovation and the positive impact of the innovation on the hotels performance. Hence, innovation decisions determinants are: the additional services on offer, that bookings are made through tour operators, that hotels are part of a hotel chain and that the owners of the hotel run the business.  相似文献   

There is currently a surplus of hotel accommodation in many towns and cities in the United Kingdom and in most countries of the world. Rationalization on a substantial scale is in progress and will inevitably continue as the pressures of the widespread economic recession force capacity and style more in line with the size and needs of the market. World economic recovery will, however, in due course bring speedier growth to tourism and higher occupancy to the British hotel industry as well as in other countries.

In this article the author outlines the situation and prospects in the hotel industry in Britain. He discusses the main economic and marketing problems facing the operators and in addition identifies the vital contribution required from the government in terms of the allocation of adequate ministerial resources, a co-ordinated national tourism policy and improved communications with the industry and the other parties involved.  相似文献   

Yield management is the dynamic pricing, overbooking, and allocation of perishable assets across market segments in an effort to maximize short-term revenues for the firm. Numerous optimization heuristics for allocation and overbooking exist for the airline industry, whose perishable asset is the airplane seat. When an airplane departs, no revenue is gained from the empty seat(s). In the hotel industry, the perishable asset is the hotel room-once a room is left empty for a night, that night's revenue cannot be recaptured. The literature on yield management heuristics for the hotel industry is sparse. For the hotel operating environment, no research has adequately (1) integrated overbooking with allocation, (2) modeled the phenomenon of hotel patrons extending or contracting their stay at a moment's notice, or (3) performed a realistic performance comparison of alternative heuristics. This research develops (1) two hotel-specific algorithms that both integrate overbooking with the allocation decisions, (2) a simulation model to reproduce realistic hotel operating environments, and (3) compares the performance of five heuristics under 36 realistic hotel operating environments. Seven conclusions are reached with regard to which heuristic(s) perform best in specific operating environments. Generally, heuristic selection is very much dependent on the hotel operating environment. A counterintuitive result is that in many operating environments, the simpler heuristics work as well as the more complex ones.  相似文献   

基于顾客的饭店品牌价值影响因素的实证研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本研究在对基于顾客的饭店品牌价值影响因素进行分析的基础上,探讨了饭店企业中服务质量对品牌表现的作用影响,分析了品牌认知如何与服务质量共同作用于顾客满意度和忠诚度。研究的主要结论为:在服务质量对品牌满意的作用和影响上,品牌认知与服务质量存在着显著的交互作用,品牌态度的强弱影响了服务质量与顾客满意度的关系。  相似文献   

We investigate the revenue impact of a new Price Setting Method (PSM) and compare it with the industry standard Bid Price Method (BPM). This comparison is performed via a simulation that was validated by a major hotel chain. In 27 out of the 32 cases, the PSM outperformed the BPM based on statistically significant tests. The PSM produces an average revenue increase of 34%, which can be thought of as an upper bound on the realistic revenue increase.  相似文献   

This article examines international country location choices for equity investment undertaken by global hotel chains. Why do certain host countries attract more hotel investment than others? A second underlying issue that we tackle in this article is whether the traditional foreign direct investment determinants used in past studies on manufacturing also apply to services—or whether service sector-specific determinants are better explanatory variables for understanding the distribution of service foreign direct investment across countries.  相似文献   

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