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Deaf children are uniquely disadvantaged in terms of access to information on safety and abuse. This is often due to misunderstood linguistic and cultural needs which relate to the deaf community. Consequently, a greater number of children who are deaf are placed in potentially abusive situations when compared to their non-deaf peer group. A high percentage of deaf children have also acquired negative self-concepts. This is often due to external influences such as educational experiences and family communication. Many deaf children believe that abuse is part of their being deaf. The implications of this are that deaf children are at risk of neglect and abuse as well as long-term damage to their emotional development and self-esteem. A number of survivors of physical and sexual abuse have been referred to the National Centre for Mental Health and Deafness, Preston. Some of these referrals have been inappropriate and due to a dearth of local resources. Extremely little support is available for deaf people who have been or are being abused. There are few appropriately trained counsellors equipped with the necessary skills in communicating with deaf people and even fewer trained in deaf awareness. A number of risk factors have been identified and are illustrated in this article. Three case studies are described to highlight the issues involved.  相似文献   

The integration of deaf students into regular schools in Zimbabwe is fraught with cultural and political problems. Traditional beliefs that are negative toward disability are still prevalent among many people. The adult deaf community views integration negatively and with disrespect mainly because integration programmes in Zimbabwe do not promote deaf culture. The influences of foreign individuals and organisations of the deaf are at times, in directions that are not compatible with an agenda that aims to meet the educational needs of all deaf students. These factors are problematic and mitigate against the integration of deaf students in regular schools. This paper examines the cultural politics involved in the integration of deaf students in regular schools in Zimbabwe. It suggests ways to alleviate this dilemma for parents to make correct school choices for their deaf children.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to learn about mainstream and residential school programs for deaf students in the United States from the perspective of the deaf person, and to present the experiences of clients of educational services in their own words. Data for this paper were collected through open-ended, in-depth interviews with 25 graduates from the National Technical Institute for the Deaf at Rochester Institute of Technology (NTID at RIT). The comments of informants suggest that there are advantages and disadvantages inherent in each educational model. For example, the selection of one model over another may involve 'trading' academic for social opportunity. In particular, it is suggested that both kinds of school experiences play a critical role in the socialization of deaf people and the development of deaf community. It is recommended that further research be conducted to learn more about the perspectives of deaf people on educational services and to explore with them the long term as well as the immediate impact of different kinds of school environments.  相似文献   

In this article, the employment characteristics of pre-industrial and industrial cohorts of deaf men and women are compared with each other, as well as with a cohort of non-disabled siblings. The aim is to determine the extent to which the employment patterns of deaf persons lined up with those of non-disabled people and to see how nineteenth-century industrialization processes influenced their employment opportunities. This article challenges the widely held assumption that the nineteenth century constituted a definitive break by arguing that the professional lives of deaf people were not necessarily better before industrialization. Moreover, I demonstrate that the development of deaf schools in the course of the nineteenth century opened a new range of career opportunities for deaf individuals.  相似文献   

The efficacy of cochlear implants in children who are deaf has been firmly established in the literature. However, the effectiveness of cochlear implants varies widely and is influenced by demographic and experiential factors. Several key findings suggest new directions for research on central auditory factors that underlie the effectiveness of cochlear implants. First, enormous individual differences have been observed in both adults and children on a wide range of audiological outcome measures. Some patients show large increases in speech perception scores after implantation, whereas others display only modest gains on standardized tests. Second, age of implantation and length of deafness affect all outcome measures. Children implanted at younger ages do better than children implanted at older ages, and children who have been deaf for shorter periods do better than children who have been deaf for longer periods. Third, communication mode affects outcome measures. Children from "oral-only" environments do much better on standardized tests that assess phonological processing skills than children who use Total Communication. Fourth, at the present time there are no preimplant predictors of outcome performance in young children. The underlying perceptual, cognitive, and linguistic abilities and skills emerge after implantation and improve over time. Finally, there are no significant differences in audiological outcome measures among current implant devices or processing strategies. This finding suggests that the major source of variance in outcome measures lies in the neural and cognitive information processing operations that the user applies to the signal provided by the implant. Taken together, this overall pattern of results suggests that higher-level central processes such as perception, attention, learning, and memory may play important roles in explaining the large individual differences observed among users of cochlear implants. Investigations of the content and flow of information in the central nervous system and interactions between sensory input and stored knowledge may provide important new insights into the basis of individual differences. Knowledge about the underlying basis of individual differences may also help in developing new intervention strategies to improve the effectiveness of cochlear implants in children who show relatively poor development of oral/aural language skills.  相似文献   

This paper discusses how Asian deaf young people and their families engage with welfare provision. Our findings, based on group and individual interviews with young deaf people and individual interviews with their parents, explore the assumptions underlying current provision and how they influence the options available to young people and their families. The paper suggests that the welfare state exerts a form of social control where professional help, although well intended, may disempowers Asian deaf people by privileging 'oralism' over sign language, and western norms over other cultural values. On the other hand, positive constructions of deafness privilege Deaf identity while failing to accommodate ethnic or religious diversity, resulting in Asian deaf young people and their families having an ambivalent relationship with the Deaf community. We argue that services need to recognise and address the reasons for this ambivalence if they are to adequately engage Asian deaf people and their families.  相似文献   

Despite laws in the United States enacted to protect individuals with disabilities in prison, there is ample case law to demonstrate that the intent of these laws has not been achieved. Using the existing US legal and social science literatures and experiences, this article considers: the problems hearing-impaired offenders face in prison that are not encountered by non-deaf or hard of hearing inmates; the services and accommodations prisons provide for deaf or hard of hearing inmates so that they can function at least as well as non-deaf or hard of hearing inmates; and the types of scientific research that should be conducted to understand the possible types of deaf or hard of hearing experiences in prisons, the consequences of these experiences, and the best way to address pathological sequela of being deaf or hard of hearing in prison. We argue that the creation of rules to protect this population is of no value unless these laws are implemented as intended. Without monitoring the law in action and studying why the intent of the law may be thwarted, an atmosphere in which deaf or hard of hearing offenders are neglected and even abused will likely occur.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between self-image and political action in the deaf community. Self image has two components: personal identity and social identity. The two are inextricably intertwined. Self image is associated with political action largely through identifying oneself as a member of a particular group and then perceiving that one's group is receiving an inequitable share of resources compared to some other reference group. The deaf community is used as a case in point to illustrate the development and formation of a politically conscious and active community. The effects of ethnocentrism, stereotyping, and inequities in resource distribution on intergroup relations between deaf and nondeaf members of these two communities are analyzed.  相似文献   

This review article examines how different types of communication technologies, from the specialized medical to generic social devices, influence belonging and sociality among deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) people. The emphasis is on DHH adolescents and young adults who may be impacted differently across countries, given state-specific policies regarding the status of sign language and deaf education, and based on different availability, affordability, and accessibility of communication technologies. We introduce different perspectives on deafness, ranging from pathological to cultural, a heuristic on which we build to explore DHH socialities as complex and evolving. We then analytically review ethnographic research on how cochlear implants impact DHH people's belonging to the “deaf world” and/or the “hearing world,” and how they navigate between these worlds. Then we move on to technologies such as text messages and social media, which enable DHH people to extend their socialities beyond local communities. Belonging is a fluid phenomenon, and technologies which are in a constant process of innovation and development may influence it in complex ways. We argue that to explore questions of belonging, identity, and sociality among DHH people, and how they are shaped by technologies, (visual) ethnographic methods are particularly productive.  相似文献   


D/deaf individuals are often marginalized in our society. A lack of cultural understanding among social workers serving this population, coupled with communication barriers, inconsistent access to interpreters, or misperceptions of culture, adds to the potential for further marginalization. D/deaf individuals seeking mental health and social services live in a unique cultural context with which social workers may not be familiar and experience persistent issues surrounding access to mental health and social services. This article reviews some useful best practices, cultural points to be aware of, and suggests some strategies for providing culturally responsive social work when working D/deaf clients.  相似文献   


By focusing on the assumptions about and interpretations of deafness made by persons who are involved in the formulation of policy for the education of deaf children, a meaning structure for deafness can be uncovered. This meaning structure is developed along three aspects of an interpretative procedure: interchangeability of standpoints, filling-in assumptions and normal forms. The meaning of deafness derives not so much from research findings nor from the experiential horizons of the deaf themselves as from the policy makers' assumptions about the importance of competency in spoken English. These assumptions may conflict with those that ground the actual experience of being deaf.  相似文献   

Reading skills in hearing children are closely related to their phonological processing skills, often measured using a nonword repetition task in which a child relies on abstract phonological representations in order to decompose, encode, rehearse in working memory and reproduce novel phonological patterns. In the present study of children who are deaf and have cochlear implants, we found that nonword repetition performance was significantly related to nonword reading, single word reading and sentence comprehension. Communication mode and nonverbal IQ were also found to be correlated with nonword repetition and reading skills. A measure of the children's lexical diversity, derived from an oral language sample, was found to be a mediating factor in the relationship between nonword repetition and reading skills. Taken together, the present findings suggest that the construction of robust phonological representations and phonological processing skills may be important contributors to the development of reading in children who are deaf and use cochlear implants.  相似文献   


As the mental health needs of the deaf receive increased recognition, issues of diagnosis and treatment become vital. Several characteristic behavioral patterns are frequently encountered which often confuse diagnosis, particularly in clinicians inexperienced with hearing-impaired individuals. These behavioral characteristics of suspiciousness, the use of odd or idiosyncratic language, difficulties in expression of affects, and acting out behaviors may create a tendency to overdiagnose serious mental illness. In addition, an understanding of the impact of deafness on an individual's personality development is crucial to an intelligent choice of treatment approach. These difficult issues of differential diagnosis and treatment are discussed in the context of the psychotherapeutic experiences of a hearing and nonsigning clinician working with deaf college students.  相似文献   

The life and works of Walter Geikie (1795-1837), a profoundly deaf Edinburgh artist elected to the Royal Scottish Academy of Painting, Drawing and Architecture, are investigated as a source of insight into the experiences of deaf people in early nineteenth-century Scotland. Accounts of Geikie's early education, his family life and contacts with the rest of Edinburgh's deaf community are discussed in light of their possible weight as evidence that sign was recognized and used as part of the schooling of deaf students at the time. The artist's life is presented as an instance of the experiences of a profoundly deaf person at a time when the expectations of society regarding the education and socialization of deaf people was in process of expansion.  相似文献   


This qualitative study explored the subjective experiences of deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals in psychotherapy. Which culturally syntonic considerations are necessary for effective psychotherapy with deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals? The findings support the literature on multiculturalism and deafness that entail effective communication, empowerment processes, cultural sensitivity, therapist role flexibility, the imparting of information, and the development of a positive therapeutic relationship. The data focuses on the experience of communicating rather than focusing solely on the acquisition of content as well as the understanding the clinical dynamics of the transcultural relationship in order to make effective use of the social work relationship in treatment. The findings of this study add richness and depth to the existing literature on psychotherapy, with emphasis on the experiential processes of treatment.  相似文献   

Mary K. Fagan 《Infancy》2019,24(3):338-355
Infant development has rarely been informed by the behavior of infants with sensory differences despite increasing recognition that infant behavior itself creates sensory learning opportunities. The purpose of this study of object exploration was to compare the behavior of hearing and deaf infants, with and without cochlear implants, in order to identify the effects of profound sensorineural hearing loss on infant exploration before cochlear implantation, the behavioral effects of access to auditory feedback after cochlear implantation, and the sensory motivation for exploration behaviors performed by hearing infants as well. The results showed that 9‐month‐old deaf infants explored objects as often as hearing infants but they used systematically different approaches and less variation before compared to after cochlear implantation. Potential associations between these early experiences and later learning are discussed in the context of embodied developmental theory, comparative studies, and research with adults. The data call for increased recognition of the active sensorimotor nature of infant learning and future research that investigates differences in sensorimotor experience as potential mechanisms in later learning and sequential memory development.  相似文献   

This study addresses the design requirements and innovative data collection methods for a study that aimed to be deaf‐centred and child‐friendly. The approach was created for a 6‐year longitudinal study of Sign Bilingual education from the perspective of eight deaf children who were educated using that approach from 9/10 to 15/16 years old. The research question was: ‘From the deaf child's perspective, what are the experiences, advantages and disadvantages of Sign Bilingual education?' This study will discuss the methods developed for the first element of the study when the children were 9/10 years old, using six interactive weekly workshops. These included video diaries, photography, peer interviewing, drawing, poster making and group discussion. The appropriateness for and adaptations made with respect to signing deaf children are discussed as well as the wider significance of this approach for children's research in general.  相似文献   

The concern of this article is that some prevailing theoretical dualisms in child research may be traced back to a split between time and space, and the argument is that securing a temporal as well as a spatial dimension in the research methodology may allow to transgress such dualisms. The article analyses how an insufficient account of the temporal dimension in different theoretical moments in childhood studies has led to theoretical dualisms between agency and development and between change and continuity in the process of subject formation. Confronting these theoretical dualisms with a qualitative longitudinal study of children indicates that the two sides of each dualism may be understood as interdependent dimensions that co‐constitute subjectivity. The article suggests that temporal and spatial dimensions may be easier to integrate if they are conceived of as two interacting temporal modes, one connected to linear time (the arrow of time) and one connected to non‐linear processes (significations in the space of the present). Theoretically, this is elaborated on with a hermeneutic interpretation of Henri Bergson and Freud's thinking about time and space.  相似文献   


This article focuses on deaf children of deaf parents who grew up using American Sign Language (ASL) in deaf culture. Deaf children of deaf parents described their unique experiences of struggling with obstacles, including quality of education, low expectations from professionals, unwanted sympathy, mental health therapists’ lack of cultural competency, and not being asked for valuable perspectives or advice. The advice from deaf children of deaf parents is included in the article. By bringing greater attention to this population, mental health, school, and other professionals can increase their awareness of deaf families’ unique needs in their work environment.  相似文献   

Families of infants who are congenitally deaf now have the option of cochlear implantation at a very young age. In order to assess the effectiveness of early cochlear implantation, however, new behavioral procedures are needed to measure speech perception and language skills during infancy. One important component of language development is word learning-a complex skill that involves learning arbitrary relations between words and their referents. A precursor to word learning is the ability to perceive and encode intersensory relations between co-occurring auditory and visual events. Recent studies in infants with normal hearing have shown that intersensory redundancies, such as temporal synchrony, can facilitate the ability to learn arbitrary pairings between speech sounds and objects (Gogate & Bahrick, 1998). To investigate the early stages of learning arbitrary pairings of sounds and objects after cochlear implantation, we used the Preferential Looking Paradigm (PLP) to assess infants' ability to associate speech sounds to objects that moved in temporal synchrony with the onset and offsets of the signals. Children with normal hearing ranging in age from 6, 9, 18, and 30 months served as controls and demonstrated the ability to learn arbitrary pairings between temporally synchronous speech sounds and dynamic visual events. Infants who received their cochlear implants (CIs) at earlier ages (7-15 months of age) performed similarly to the infants with normal hearing after about 2-6 months of CI experience. In contrast, infants who received their implants at later ages (16-25 months of age) did not demonstrate learning of the associations within the context of this experiment. Possible implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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