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In this paper we propose a bootstrap-based method to estimate the standard error of adaptive estimators. We apply it in the standard problem of location estimation discussed in Randies and Hogg (1973) and in Hogg and Lenth (1984). Our adaptive estimator is based on a choice between the mean the 35% trimmed mean and the median. Finally, we carry out a simulation study to see how well the proposed method performs in small and moderate sample sizes.  相似文献   

A novel approach to quantile estimation in multivariate linear regression models with change-points is proposed: the change-point detection and the model estimation are both performed automatically, by adopting either the quantile-fused penalty or the adaptive version of the quantile-fused penalty. These two methods combine the idea of the check function used for the quantile estimation and the L1 penalization principle known from the signal processing and, unlike some standard approaches, the presented methods go beyond typical assumptions usually required for the model errors, such as sub-Gaussian or normal distribution. They can effectively handle heavy-tailed random error distributions, and, in general, they offer a more complex view on the data as one can obtain any conditional quantile of the target distribution, not just the conditional mean. The consistency of detection is proved and proper convergence rates for the parameter estimates are derived. The empirical performance is investigated via an extensive comparative simulation study and practical utilization is demonstrated using a real data example.  相似文献   

In this paper, we are interested in the estimation of the reliability parameter R = P(X > Y) where X, a component strength, and Y, a component stress, are independent power Lindley random variables. The point and interval estimation of R, based on maximum likelihood, nonparametric and parametric bootstrap methods, are developed. The performance of the point estimate and confidence interval of R under the considered estimation methods is studied through extensive simulation. A numerical example, based on a real data, is presented to illustrate the proposed procedure.  相似文献   

A novel unbiased estimator for estimating the probability mass of a multivariate exponential distribution over a measurable set is introduced and is called the exponential simplex (ES) estimator. For any measurable set and given sample size, the statistical efficiency of the ES estimator is higher than or equal to the statistical efficiency of the well-known Monte Carlo (MC) estimator. For non-radially shaped measurable sets, the ES estimator has a strictly higher statistical efficiency than the MC estimator. For ray-convex sets, such as convex sets, the ES estimator can be expressed in a simple analytical form.  相似文献   

The problem of estimation of a cumulative distribution function (cdf), bounded by two known cdf's, is considered. An estimator satisfying the desired restriction has been obtained by suitably adjusting the empirical cdf. Consistency of the adjusted estimator has been established and its mean square error (MSE) has been shown to be smallerthan that of the empirical cdf. The new estimator has been comparedwith the empirical cdf for some special cases.  相似文献   

Summary Microaggregation by individual ranking is one of themost commonly applied disclosure control techniques for continuous microdata. The paper studies the effect of microaggregation by individual ranking on the least squares estimation of a multiple linear regression model. It is shown that the traditional least squares estimates are asymptotically unbiased. Moreover, the least squares estimates asymptotically have the same variances as the least squares estimates based on the original (non-aggregated) data. Thus, asymptotically, microaggregation by individual ranking does not result in a loss of efficiency in the least squares estimation of a multiple linear regression model. I thank Hans Schneeweiss for very helpful discussions and comments. Financial support from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Science Foundation) is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose the finite mixture of two Burr Type-III distributions (MTBIIID). First, we formulate the proposed model with some properties and prove the identifiability property. Next, we obtain the maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs) of the unknown parameters of MTBIIID under classified and unclassified observations. Also, we estimate the nonlinear discriminant function of the underlying model. In addition, we calculate the total probabilities of misclassification as well as the percentage bias. Further, we investigate the performance of the all results through series of the simulation experiments by the means of the relative efficiencies.  相似文献   

Constrained optimization is proposed as a practical solution to the problem of estimating a distribution function at each point in a given set from monotone sequences of upper and lower bounds. The proposed solution employs least absolute value estimation and, hence, has a linear programming formulation. The special structure inherent in this formulation is exploited and an efficient computational method is discussed. The procedure is illustrated by two examples.  相似文献   

Summary. We propose a kernel estimator of integrated squared density derivatives, from a sample that has been contaminated by random noise. We derive asymptotic expressions for the bias and the variance of the estimator and show that the squared bias term dominates the variance term. This coincides with results that are available for non-contaminated observations. We then discuss the selection of the bandwidth parameter when estimating integrated squared density derivatives based on contaminated data. We propose a data-driven bandwidth selection procedure of the plug-in type and investigate its finite sample performance via a simulation study.  相似文献   

The classification of a random variable based on a mixture can be meaningfully discussed only if the class of all finite mixtures is identifiable. In this paper, we find the maximum-likelihood estimates of the parameters of the mixture of two inverse Weibull distributions by using classified and unclassified observations. Next, we estimate the nonlinear discriminant function of the underlying model. Also, we calculate the total probabilities of misclassification as well as the percentage bias. In addition, we investigate the performance of all results through a series of simulation experiments by means of relative efficiencies. Finally, we analyse some simulated and real data sets through the findings of the paper.  相似文献   

The use of a scale invariance criterion allows estimation of the shape parameter of the two parameter gamma distribution without estimating the scale parameter. Simulation experiments are used to show that the resulting estimators of both parameters are better than the usual maximum likelihood estimators in terms of both bias and mean square error. Approximately unbiased versions of the maximal invariant based estimators are derived and are shown to be as good as approximately unbiased versions of the usual maximum likelihood estimators  相似文献   

We consider the least squares estimation of a linear regression model in transformed variables from a data set that has been microaggregated by means of the individual ranking method. It is shown that the least squares estimators are consistent even in the case where variable transformations are carried out after microaggregation. Applying individual ranking techniques to a data set thus guarantees the analytical validity of the microaggregated data for a wide class of statistical models.  相似文献   

To obtain estimators of mean-variance optimal portfolio weights, Stein-type estimators of the mean vector that shrink a sample mean towards the grand mean have been applied. However, the dominance of these estimators has not been shown under the loss function used in the estimation problem of the mean-variance optimal portfolio weights, which is different than the quadratic function for the case in which the covariance matrix is unknown. We analytically give the conditions for Stein-type estimators that shrink towards the grand mean, or more generally, towards a linear subspace, to improve upon the classical estimators, which are obtained by simply plugging in sample estimates. We also show the dominance when there are linear constraints on portfolio weights.  相似文献   

The present article deals with the estimation of mean number of respondents who possess a rare sensitive character in presence of known and unknown proportion of a rare unrelated non-sensitive attribute by using the Poisson probability distribution in stratified random sampling as well as in stratified random double sampling. The variance of rare sensitive character is also derived under proportional and optimal allocation methods in stratified random sampling when stratum sizes are known and unknown. The properties of the suggested estimation procedures have been deeply examined. The proposed model is found to be dominant over Lee et al. [Estimation of a rare sensitive attribute in a stratified sample using Poisson distribution. Statistics. 2013;47:575–589] model. Numerical illustrations are presented to support the theoretical results. Results are analysed and suitable recommendations are put forward to the survey practitioners.  相似文献   

Millions of smart meters that are able to collect individual load curves, that is, electricity consumption time series, of residential and business customers at fine scale time grids are now deployed by electricity companies all around the world. It may be complex and costly to transmit and exploit such a large quantity of information, therefore it can be relevant to use survey sampling techniques to estimate mean load curves of specific groups of customers. Data collection, like every mass process, may undergo technical problems at every point of the metering and collection chain resulting in missing values. We consider imputation approaches (linear interpolation, kernel smoothing, nearest neighbours, principal analysis by conditional estimation) that take advantage of the specificities of the data, that is to say the strong relation between the consumption at different instants of time. The performances of these techniques are compared on a real example of Irish electricity load curves under various scenarios of missing data. A general variance approximation of total estimators is also given which encompasses nearest neighbours, kernel smoothers imputation and linear imputation methods. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 47: 65–89; 2019 © 2018 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

Most of the samples in the real world are from the normal distributions with unknown mean and variance, for which it is common to assume a conjugate normal-inverse-gamma prior. We calculate the empirical Bayes estimators of the mean and variance parameters of the normal distribution with a conjugate normal-inverse-gamma prior by the moment method and the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) method in two theorems. After that, we illustrate the two theorems for the monthly simple returns of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index.  相似文献   

A class of estimators of the variance σ1 2 of a normal population is introduced, by utilization the information in a sample from a second normal population with different mean and variance σ2 2, under the restriction that σ1 2?≤?σ2 2. Simulation results indicate that some members of this class are more efficient than the usual minimum variance unbiased estimator (MVUE) of σ1 2, Stein estimator and Mehta and Gurland estimator. The case of known and unknown means are considered.  相似文献   

Summary.  Controversy has intensified regarding the death-rate from cancer that is induced by a dose of radiation. In the models that are usually considered the hazard function is an increasing function of the dose of radiation. Such models can mask local variations. We consider the models of excess relative risk and of absolute risk and propose a nonparametric estimation of the effect of the dose by using a model selection procedure. This estimation deals with stratified data. We approximate the function of the dose by a collection of splines and select the best one according to the Akaike information criterion. In the same way between the models of excess relative risk or excess absolute risk, we choose the model that best fits the data. We propose a bootstrap method for calculating a pointwise confidence interval of the dose function. We apply our method for estimating the solid cancer and leukaemia death hazard functions to Hiroshima.  相似文献   

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