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Many people have left their communities in rural China to find work in larger urban areas in recent years. Sadly, the majority of those people have left their children in their hometowns,  相似文献   

"If you want to learn the secret of a happy life,you should watch South Korean TV shows,in which the heroines are experts in this regard.They enjoy their lives and manage their houses with skill and ease,enthralling their husbands,treating their  相似文献   

'Love Phone Calls'"亲情电话"Many"left-behind children"——whose parents work in other areas of China——in remote mountainous regions in Yixian County,Anhui Province,are having a difficult time,as they have little or no contact with their parents. However,101 children in the villages of Kecun Town,in Yixian,have been lucky.Why? Since March 2007,some telephone landlines,known as"love phone calls,"have been set up to help"left-behind children"stay in touch with their parents.The children are happy to hear their  相似文献   

Editor's Note: The Dear Diary column provides our readers,whether laowai(foreigners)in China or Chinese traveling overseas, with space to write their diary entries about their experiences in another land.  相似文献   

If parents are sober- minded,they should try to find the root causes of their children's indulgence in on-line games,rather than merely blaming it on us.Now that children are heavily burdened with all sorts of lessons,in addition to their schoolwork,most of them are attending various extra-curricular courses,such as…English, mathematics,piano and dance. As their schedules are arranged by their parents,they have little time to tend their own interests.  相似文献   

Juvenile Judge     
SHANG Xiuyun was among the first sitting judges when the juvenile court was set up in Beijing 10 years ago. With enriched experience she has altered the way judges ask questions in court. She began the practice of inviting juvenile offenders, their parents, relatives, friends and teachers to the juvenile court to work hand in hand in dealing with cases: Facing their relatives and friends and hearing their heartfelt words, juvenile offenders would often be touched, thus bringing forth a positive attitude toward life.  相似文献   

FOR many years, learning how to weave cloth was a type of compulsory education for girls living in cotton-growing areas; the skill was usually handed down by their mothers or grandmothers. After the girls got married, spinning and weaving for their families would become their lifetime work. The girls in the photo, however, were not those home weavers, but students of the Women Department of the Industrial School in Rugao County, Jiangsu. The photo records the transformation in the  相似文献   

University for Elderly Women Established in Beijing中国第一所妇女老年大学在北京成立The China Women's Development Foundation established the country's first university for elderly women on February 21,2008.The university is in Beijing. The purpose of the university is to offer elderly women a favorable place in which they can enrich their lives,expand their knowledge,cultivate their interests and make friends, Gu Xiulian,Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and President of the All...  相似文献   

THE young lady in the photo is attending to her toilette. About 130 years ago, ladies like her sat unhurriedly before their dressing table every day to have themselves elaborately made up. It was their necessary daily work. At that time, old China was on the verge of turbulence and change. After its failure in the Opium War in 1840, the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) was in decline. Moreover, the invasion of the great worldpowers and the introduction of capitalism was shaking the foundations of the feudal empire. Though the ladies in the photo still dressed in tidy lace-edged garments and wore their hair in smooth buns, we can  相似文献   

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