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家庭成员的素质状况直接决定着婚姻质量的高低,影响着经济的发展和家庭稳定。日常生活中确有一些婚姻当事人自身的某些方面素质甚高,如文化程度,但婚姻质量不高,究其深层次原因,主要是素质上的欠缺,由此引发婚姻当事人在一些方面不协调,影响夫妻关系和家庭稳定。如:一方是“工作狂”,另一方却独守空房;一方或双方不善于家庭内部的沟通,其行为很难得到另一方的理解和支持;在处理与其他家庭成员关系问题上比较笨拙,以致影响到核心家庭的稳定;不理解或者不甚理解家庭稳定对家庭、社会发展的基础性作用,总认为家庭矛盾是私事,别人无权干预,深信“夫妻没有隔夜仇”,因而任矛盾发展,最终引起家庭内的地震……。凡此种种,难道不都与素质有关吗?笔者认为,家庭成员素质之高低是家庭关系稳定与否的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

王黎歌 《现代妇女》2013,(12):54-54
再审制度对于我国审级制度的构建具有重要的意义,搭建申请再审权利行使的程序性框架,对切实解决当事人“申诉难”的问题,减少涉法涉诉上访现象的发生,维护社会稳定与和谐发展有着积极的作用。但再审程序中对当事人启动权的规定并不完善。本文从当事人再审启动权运行的现状、存在瑕疵的原因及解决途径进行阐述。  相似文献   

近年来,离婚案件日益增多。据调查,主要有以下几种原因:l、法制观念淡薄,封建陋俗作怪。在一些地区,特别是偏僻农村,包办婚姻,买卖婚姻、指腹为婚等现象依然存在,当事人根本不懂得用法律保护自己的婚姻自由;也有些农村青年担心找不到对象,便甘愿做封建婚姻的牺牲品;  相似文献   

最高人民法院近日印发《关于加强人民法院审判公开工作的若干意见》,要求各级法院从发展社会主义民主政治、落实依法治国方略、构建社会主义和谐社会的高度,在各项审判和执行工作中依法充分落实审判公开。《意见》共27条,有6大看点:一是首次明确了加强审判公开工作应当坚持的依法公开、及时公开、全面公开等三项基本原则;二是针对影响当事人正当行使诉讼权利的突出问题,  相似文献   

嘎尔迪 《老年世界》2007,(21):44-44
65岁以前,是妇女高发癌症的危险期;妇女吸烟,比男子更容易得肺病;空气质量低,导致老年人早逝;荷尔蒙水平低,与老年妇女易犯心脏病有联系;坚持服用降压药,预防中风和猝死;爱尔兰实行禁烟令后心脏病的发病率大幅度下降;阑尾的报复。  相似文献   

美国案件文书的网上查阅基于两个价值:一是使公众对于司法活动的监督更加充分;二是公布特殊信息为公众所知。在允许公众查阅的同时,美国制定了较完善的隐私保护方案,以保护当事人的隐私。  相似文献   

心理危机的识别与预警既是预防心理危机发生的重要策略,也是对危机当事人和相关人进行生命教育和促进生命成长的重要机会。心理危机产生的原因具有复杂性,发生过程具有阶段性,危机现象具有特殊性,危机爆发具有极端性,危机发生也具有一定规律性。因此,在进行生命教育过程中,需要关注不同类别的生命个体、不同阶段的生命现象、处在规律中的独特生命个体,同时要注意识别生命危机信号和生命求救信号。  相似文献   

心理危机的识别与预警既是预防心理危机发生的重要策略,也是对危机当事人和相关人进行生命教育和促进生命成长的重要机会。心理危机产生的原因具有复杂性,发生过程具有阶段性,危机现象具有特殊性,危机爆发具有极端性,危机发生也具有一定规律性。因此,在进行生命教育过程中,需要关注不同类别的生命个体、不同阶段的生命现象、处在规律中的独特生命个体,同时要注意识别生命危机信号和生命求救信号。  相似文献   

这又是一起爱情不成反为仇的恶性事件。此类事件时有所闻,舆论的批评也表现出了相当的义愤。然而,在又一次的震惊与痛心之后,我想要谈的却是当事人的精神出路问题。先说嫉妒心。嫉妒之心人皆有之,只不过程度上有强弱之分,采取态度也因人而异。既然不能把你抓在我手里,那就让你毁在我手里──这是嫉妒的恶性发展;吃不上的葡萄肯定是酸的──这基本上是嫉妒的中性反应;变嫉妒为激励,积极上进,努力修炼自己的内功,认定花落自有花开日,蓄芳待来年──这是我们要提倡的嫉妒的良性发展。可惜在此类恶性事件中,多半是男性扮演着极不光…  相似文献   

明月 《老年世界》2011,(7):40-40
养生,对于健康人来说,可以增强体质,预防疾病的发生;对于有病者来说,可以防止疾病的进一步发展和加重。“一二三四”养生术能达到调摄保养自身生命的目的,能使身体内的阴阳达到平衡,身心处于一种最佳状态,进而延缓身体的衰老过程,达到延年益寿的目的。  相似文献   

The Journal invited Tom Andersen, author of major pioneering work on the reflecting team, and his colleagues, to offer comment on The Reflecting Team Process in Training. We thought such a north-south dialogue was in keeping with the spirit of reflecting teams, and the team members in Melbourne and Tromsø agree — Editor.  相似文献   

A recent European Molecular Biology Laboratory Conference on Science and Society entitled "Time & Aging--Mechanisms & Meanings" fascinated scientists from different research areas as well as nonscientists. Topics discussed included not only the biological aging process but also the psychological effects of aging and social influences that affect this process.  相似文献   


This paper examines the role of arts and crafts in reconstructing communities after times of upheaval, their use in creating employment opportunities, and their impact on the nature of South African art history. It looks at craft initiatives during and after the Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002, and draws parallels with early twentieth-century initiatives, particularly those of Florence Phillips, who founded the Johannesburg Art Gallery in 1910, Emily Hobhouse, who established Boer home industries, and the South African National Union, which promoted the manufacture and use of local products.  相似文献   

Within the existing body of research, the information pertaining to sexual compulsivity (SC) among women, both homo- and heterosexual, remains rather limited in comparison to men. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of SC in a community sample of gay and bisexual men and lesbian and bisexual women and to identify differences in sexual practices based on classification as sexually compulsive within gender. Supporting previous research, the findings indicated that gay and bisexual men were significantly higher in SC when compared to lesbian and bisexual women. Similarly, sexually compulsive gay and bisexual men were more likely to report drug use with sex than their non-sexually compulsive peers, suggesting that “party n' play” may play a larger role for men with SC. In addition, the findings demonstrated empirical support for the proposition that lesbian and bisexual women with symptoms of SC were more likely to engage in specialized sexual behaviors in comparison to their non-sexually compulsive peers. These data suggest that SC manifests differently in gay, lesbian, and bisexual men and women.  相似文献   

The study examined whether differences in gender and family status affect parental caregiving disposition and acceptance of children among parents of children in mid-childhood. The number of participants were 122 divorced-custodial fathers, 107 married fathers, 85 divorced-custodial mothers, and 82 married mothers (n?=?398). A comparison among four groups of parents revealed the following gender differences: mothers scored higher on anxious caregiving and parental acceptance than fathers, and lower on avoidant caregiving. Regression analysis indicated that the higher the caregiving avoidance or anxiety, the lower the parental acceptance. Family status moderated parental acceptance, as avoidant caregiving was associated with reduced parental acceptance among married parents, but not among divorced custodial parents. The finding that avoidant caregiving was not associated with reduced acceptance among divorced custodial parents implies that their parental acceptance behaviors toward their children are affected by their parental status as sole custodial parent, and the associated responsibilities, rather than by gender.  相似文献   

Some form of verbal report—that is, a research participant' s concurrent or retrospective verbal account of thought processes during problem-solving activities—has been used throughout this century as the database from which psychologists have developed theories of human mentation. Newell and Simon (1972) and Ericsson and Simon (1980, 1993) have provided extensive justification for using one such method, protocol analysis, as a tool for investigating cognition from an information-processing (IP) perspective. Their arguments have characterized protocol analysis as a methodology capable of providing evidence of the ways in which people attend to information stored in short-term memory to solve problems, with the evidence providing them with the grounds from which to generate models of human cognitive processes. A different view of protocol analysis is available from the perspective of cultural-historical activity theory (CHAT) based on the work of Vygotsky (1987), Leont'ev (1981), and others, and its concern with the mediation of human development by culturally and historically grounded signs and tools. Because of its emphasis on culturally channeled development, a CHAT perspective views speech, including the speech that serves as evidence for cognition in psychological research, as a tool that potentially enables changes in consciousness. In this article I outline a CHAT perspective that accounts for protocol analysis along three key dimensions: (a) the relation between thinking and speech from a representational standpoint, (b) the social role of speech in research methodology, and (c) the influence of speech on thinking during data collection. The purpose of this discussion is not to refute the IP perspective on protocol analysis but to illustrate how this method can be viewed through a CHAT lens and to identify alternative assumptions that must be made to use it from a CHAT perspective.  相似文献   

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