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Silvia Fedeli 《LABOUR》1994,8(1):99-142
ABSTRACT The first part of the paper considers a behavioural model of trade unionism. Wages and employment are characterized as the outcome of a process by which the union maximizes an objective function containing wages and employment as arguments, and is constrained by a trade-off between these two variables as represented by the firm's labour demand function. In the second part, the model's equilibrium predictions for wages are estimated in the framework of a multivariate error correction model and tested for cointegration with data from Britain's manufacturing sector from 1967 to 1986.  相似文献   

The introduction of new technologies and technical change is associated mainly with high‐skilled and high‐wage workers. In addition, many studies have found a positive correlation between the introduction of new technologies and technical change and skill upgrading. In these studies no attention has been paid to spillovers from one sector to the other. In this paper we not only use measures of technical change but also knowledge spillovers to explain wage inequality in Dutch manufacturing in the period 1986–95. Using this more elaborate measure of technical change, our findings are twofold. First, we confirm that workers employed in knowledge‐intensive manufacturing sectors receive a higher wage than workers in less knowledge‐intensive sectors. Secondly, the wages paid to high‐skilled workers relative to low‐skilled workers in knowledge‐intensive sectors are higher than those in less knowledge‐intensive sectors. However, the coefficients using the elaborate measure of technological advancement are much lower and sometimes even insignificant. This suggests a premium for high‐skilled labour in sectors both applying and developing technology. But the wage premium is highest in technology‐developing sectors, as suggested by the measures used in previous studies.  相似文献   

The performance of corporate acquisitions is a popular research topic. Researchers have employed various criteria in their attempt to evaluate acquisition performance. This paper replicates and extends a previous study by investigating the comparability of the three most widely used measures of acquisition performance, namely accounting‐based measures, cumulative abnormal returns and managers' subjective assessments, in a non‐Anglo Saxon setting. Empirical testing is based on a sample of 50 domestic acquisitions carried out by Greek firms. Overall, results from the three measures indicate failure rates from 50% to 60%. However, the most impressive finding stems from the comparison (correlation analysis) of the alternative measures. Accounting‐based measures are positively correlated to managers' subjective assessments. Contrarily, cumulative abnormal returns are not correlated to either accounting‐based measures or managers' subjective assessments. This lack of statistically significant relationships between the performance criteria may provide a plausible basis for explaining some of the contradictory results often reported in the mergers and acquisitions literature. In light of these findings, we discuss their implications for both theory and practice and suggest ideas for future research.  相似文献   

基于时间序列分析方法,以1981年~2004年贫困发生率、基尼系数和农村人均纯收入等相关指标,从时序雏度考察贫困人口的变动与经济增长和收入不平等的长期均衡关系和相互作用机制.Johansen协整检验结果表明,3个变量之间存在着一定的长期协整性:格兰杰因果检验发现,农村人均纯收入和基尼系数能够预测贫困发生率的变化,反之不能成立;误差修正模型显示,贫困发生率对农村人均纯收入的弹性系数为正,对基尼系数的弹性系数为负.且前者大于后者.由此认为,农村人均纯收入的提高是促进贫困减少的影响因素,收入不平等在一定程度上阻碍了贫困减少,经济增长对贫困减少的积极效应大于收入不平等对贫困减少的消极效应.因此,在目前中国经济增长时期,确保农民收入大幅度增加、努力缓解收入差距是贫困减少的有效途径.  相似文献   

Anders Forslund 《LABOUR》1994,8(1):79-98
ABSTRACT In this paper a simple monopoly union model for the Swedish economy is presented and estimated. Interest is focused on the union's objectives. The results indicate that two popular representations of union objectives — wage bill and rent maximisation — are rejected by the data. Instead, preferences are highly concave in the wage rate, with an estimated degree of relative risk aversion well above unity evaluated at sample means.  相似文献   

Efficiency wage theories arguethat firms induce their employees to work in a moredisciplined way by paying high wages. Two basicmechanisms have been pointed out in economics about how these wage premia motivate employees.The incentives-driven `shirking model' impliesthat employees who have a highly paid job workin a more disciplined way so as to avoid beingdismissed. The ``gift exchange' model is basedon the assumption that high wages change therelationship between employer and employee.Empirical evidence on the incentives approachis mixed and a thorough competitive testingagainst the gift exchange model was notpossible due to the fact that the latter wasnot worked out enough. However, there is a relational theory of efficiency wages which isworked out in detail in order to allow directcompetitive testing. This relationalsignaling approach, as it is called, is basedon framing effects and comes to specifichypotheses about the conditions under whichefficiency wages work. These hypothesescontrast sharply with predictions from theincentives approach. The paper presents anempirical test of the theories and shows thatthe data clearly reject the incentive-basedpredictions and confirm the relationalsignaling predictions.  相似文献   

本文探讨了投资者情绪对股票收益的总体效应与横截面效应,结果表明就总体效应而言,情绪与短期市场收益正相关,与长期市场收益负相关,说明投资者情绪对于股票收益产生系统性影响.就横截面效应而言.股票收益对于情绪的敏感度存在差异,股息率、有形资产率、价格、市净率、市盈率、波动率、户均持股比例等特征值低的股票和资产负债率高的股票,更容易受到情绪影响;在情绪乐观时,该类股票在当期或滞后一期具有超额收益,情绪悲观时则相反,投资者情绪对于该超额收益具有一定的解释作用和预测能力.  相似文献   

本文报告一种金融时间序列预测的信号分析、信息融合与智能计算组合模型,简称FEPA,由针对金融时间序列(FTS)信号分析的经验模态分解(EMD)、用于数据降维的主成分分析(PCA)和用于非线性建模的人工神经网络(ANN)三部分组成。该模型首先应用滑动窗口截取原始金融时间序列最近期数据集,应用EMD分解算法把数据集分解成不同尺度的本征模态函数(IMF),然后通过主成分分析将分解后的数据降维,提取最有信息量的特征;然后将这些特征输入到神经网络进行组合预测。本文提出的组合预测模型FEPA是基于分解-提优-合成的信息融合思想,有效提高了预测可靠性。其创新点在于:1)首次给出了EMD算法的结构化表达,提供了今后融合更多信息的算法接口;2)通过多步长预测输出深入研究EMD分解的有效信息结构;3)通过切换到更细时间框架来处理EMD的端点效应,并探索了两级时间框架下的预测效果;4)给出了金融时间序列组合预测模型的一般性架构,具有可升级性和可扩展性。并且通过滑动窗口EMD使得实证更能切近实际。通过在沪深300股指和澳大利亚股指上的实证,结果表明FEPA预测模型在沪深300股指日线和15分钟线上的预测命中率高达78%和82%,在澳大利亚股指日线上也达到了74%的命中率,经比较,明显高于文献中常见的5种模型。  相似文献   

Companies throughout industry are interested in retaining existing customers, because customers' continuous consumption of products and services is critical to the long‐term value propositions of most organizations. Thus, decision‐making strategies that promote continuous use and customer retention are of research interest, both theoretically and practically. In the present research, we investigate one important area of continuous usage, that of Web site use. In particular, we use several theories of commitment to understand how an individual's decision to continue to use a Web site is influenced by his or her commitment toward that Web site and the vendor that supports it. Results derived from data collected from 335 users of a variety of Web sites indicated that affective commitment, calculative commitment, quality of alternatives, and trust were significantly associated with an individual's behavioral intention to continue to use a Web site. Implications for customer retention and decision‐making strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

Utilizing the link between employment and price changes as a result of minimum wages, we use firm‐level data to evaluate the effect of minimum wage introduction in the German construction sector. In East Germany we find significant positive price effects that exclude the possibility of rising employment. Rather, the results indicate the existence of a competitive sector‐specific labour market, and thus declining employment. In contrast, we cannot find any significant price reaction for West Germany. This suggests that the implemented minimum wage in West Germany is too low in comparison to the predominantly paid wages and is hence not binding.  相似文献   

Two important streams of the literature have examined intellectual capital (IC) and knowledge management (KM). Surprisingly, they have developed in parallel, without any empirical research on the relationship between them. This article empirically examines how IC and KM affect each other, and also investigates their consequences, viewing three intermediate consequences (dynamic capabilities, efficiency, and innovativeness) to mediate their effects on firm performance. In addition, this article examines the effects of the organization's culture on IC and KM. To address these issues, a comprehensive model is developed and tested using a combination of survey and secondary data of 533 companies in Taiwan. The results support the theoretical model. Major findings include the following: IC affects KM and dynamic capabilities; KM facilitates innovation but not dynamic capabilities or IC; a learning culture facilitates IC and innovation but not KM; firm performance depends on efficiency and innovation, but not directly on dynamic capabilities; and efficiency does not depend on any of the other constructs in the study. The article's implications for research and practice are examined.  相似文献   

Building on Rest's (1986) conceptual model of ethical decision making, we derive and empirically test a model that links an organization's formal ethical infrastructure to individuals’ moral awareness of ethical situations, moral judgment, and moral intention. We contribute to the literature by shedding light on the importance of a multifaceted formal ethical infrastructure—consisting of formal communication, recurrent communication, formal surveillance, and formal sanctions—as a crucial antecedent of moral awareness. In so doing, we discern how these four elements of a formal ethical infrastructure combine to collectively influence moral awareness based on a second‐order factor structure using structural equation modeling. We test our model based on survey data from 805 respondents with significant work experience across three separate ethical scenarios. Our results across the three scenarios provide overall support for our model. We found that a second‐order factor structure for the formal ethical infrastructure explains the variance among the four infrastructure elements and that a multifaceted formal ethical infrastructure significantly increases moral awareness. Our results further suggest a strong positive effect of moral awareness on moral judgment, which in turn was found to have a positive impact on moral intention. These results were substantiated when taking several individual and contextual control variables into account, such as gender, age, religiosity, work satisfaction, and a de facto ethical climate. Implications for theory, practice, and supply management are discussed.  相似文献   

We present a dynamic policy simulation analysing what would have happened to wages, employment, and total hours had the federal minimum wage increased in September 1998, a year after the last actual increase in our data. Prior work suggests that employment responses take 6 years to play out. Using a time‐series model for 23 low‐wage industries, we find a positive response of average wages over 54 months following an increase in the minimum wage, but neither employment nor hours can be distinguished from random noise. Ignoring confidence intervals, the adjustment of hours is complete after 1 year, the adjustment of employment after no more than two and one half years.  相似文献   

根据企业电子商务绩效动态评价模型,针对服务型企业电子商务流程特征,构建由战略规划、资源、能力和绩效四个维度构成的服务型企业电子商务就绪评价指标体系。该指标体系通过四个维度之间的因果递进作用关系,实现对价值产生的就绪因素、中间过程因素和关联作用关系的综合评价,突破前人孤立、静态的结构化视角,形成一种新的具有过程评估特点的就绪评价方法。采用实证研究方法,通过124家服务型企业的数据,从RBV理论﹑Nolan阶段性理论和资源投入波动性分析三个方面综合论证了该指标体系的合理性,以及其所具有的动态跟踪﹑阶段评估和诊断预测功能。  相似文献   

In recent years, information systems (IS) planning has come to represent a key IS management tool to practitioners and researchers. Concurrently, there has been increasing recognition by organizations that their IS can be viewed as a strategic resource. This research is an attempt to explore the relationship between these two aspects of IS. It analyzes, in an empirical setting, the contingent nature of some IS planning-related variables in the context of the strategic relevance of an organization's IS. The basis for the empirical test is the IS strategic grid framework developed by Cash, McFarlan, McKenney, and Vitale [6]. A questionnaire survey method is employed to elicit information on the strategic orientation of IS and IS planning issues within respondent organizations. The difference in emphasis on various planning aspects in organizations with different IS environments is analyzed. Results of the analysis indicate that there is empirical support for the strategic grid framework and that there are differences in planning aspects among organizations, depending on their location in the grid. The implications of these findings for IS and IS planning are then discussed.  相似文献   

江旭 《管理评论》2012,(8):51-57,87
传统的交易成本理论认为,信任与机会主义负相关。但在战略联盟背景下,这种观点具有明显的局限性。首先,它只考虑了联盟成员间的善意信任,忽视了能力信任这一重要维度;其次,社会交易理论认为,(善意)信任具有阴暗面(dark sides),从而信任与机会主义之间并不总是线性关系。本文在社会交易理论的基础上,深入分析了善意信任及能力信任对伙伴机会主义的影响,并采用190份我国医院间联盟的数据进行了实证检验。结果表明,善意信任并不是越高越好,过高的善意信任会由于缺少监控而增加伙伴的机会主义行为,从而善意信任与机会主义之间呈现一种先降低后增加的U型关系;能力信任与机会主义之间负相关的假设没有获得通过。  相似文献   

What can service firms do to improve their ability to offer new services? In this paper we argue that new service development success results from building a competence in the management of service development resources and routines. We conceptualize new service development competence as a multidimensional, second‐order latent construct that is represented by a system of four interrelated and complementary dimensions: (1) formalized new service development processes, (2) market acuity, (3) new service development strategy, and (4) information technology use and experience. We hypothesize that the growth of new service development competence is related to improved new service development performance. Using structural equations modeling, we analyze survey data from 166 retail banks and report three key empirical findings. First, we show that the four hypothesized dimensions are statistically significant in defining new service development competence. Second, contrary to conventional wisdom in new product development, we find that formalized processes play a lesser role in the success of new service development compared with the other three dimensions. Instead, market acuity—which captures the firm's ability to see the competitive environment clearly and to anticipate and respond to customers' evolving needs and wants—was the most important new service development competence indicator. Finally, we demonstrate the positive effect of new service development competence on new service development performance and show that new service development competence is also significantly related to business‐level performance. Together, our empirical results suggest that complementary benefits arise from the adoption of a more holistic approach to the management of new service development at the program level.  相似文献   

Accounting conservatism and corporate social responsibility have received much attention in the recent literature. The current study draws upon Watts, who recognizes that one role of conservatism is to reduce the likelihood of excess wealth transfers to its stakeholder groups and Post et al., who assert that a key aspect of positive corporate social performance is the (equitable) distribution of corporate wealth. Accordingly, this study empirically investigates and finds a positive relation between conservatism and strong social performance.  相似文献   

Raising the minimum wage may reduce inequality by increasing the wages of low‐skill workers, but it may also increase inequality due to negative impacts on employment that produce wage losses. Using previous estimates of the elasticities of wages and employment to changes in the minimum wage in Colombia and Brazil, we show that the net impact on inequality of increasing the minimum wage may depend on the distributional weights used for inequality measurement. The results are obtained by decomposing the Gini index into reranking and gap‐narrowing effects. Inequality‐increasing reranking effects, which are associated with job losses, may dominate inequality‐decreasing gap‐narrowing effects, which are associated with wage gains, when high weights are placed on workers with low earnings. For standard distributional weights, however, the likely net impact is a reduction in wage inequality.  相似文献   

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