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Most material requirements planning (MRP) systems apply standard costing (absorption costing) approaches to define setup costs that are used as fixed (time invariant) setup parameters in single-level lot-sizing methods. This paper presents a computationally simple approach for estimating more appropriate setup parameters based on estimates of work-center shadow prices. These setup parameters then are used in traditional single-level MRP lot-sizing procedures. The shadow price of capacity at each work center is calculated as the increase in the overall inventory carrying cost for each additional hour of capacity lost to setups. The opportunity cost of a setup for an order subsequently is determined based on the routing information for each order and is used by traditional MRP lot-sizing procedures to calculate lot sizes. A simulation experiment compares the performance period order quantity lot sizing with capacity-sensitive setup parameters with the fixed accounting-based setup parameters. The simulation replicates the planning and control functions of a typical MRP system. The results of the experiment show that capacity-sensitive setup parameters can make significant reductions in both carrying cost and lateness and can achieve many of the benefits of optimized production technology in the context of an MRP system.  相似文献   

Within the sequential framework of material requirements planning (MRP), a master production schedule (MPS) of end-item production is prepared and a bill-of-material processor is used to convert the MPS into a plan for needed subassemblies, parts, and materials. This study examines the impact of different procedures for considering inventory-related costs and capacity limitations in the two phases of planning: master production scheduling and bill-of-material (BOM) processing. A total of nine procedures are considered for integrating the two phases of planning. The results indicate that the integrated procedures have a significant effect on the trade-offs among inventory-related costs, work load variations, over/under time costs, and excess work loads. Further, the results suggest that the method used to develop the MPS has the primary influence on these trade-offs, but the method used by the BOM processor can sometimes have a moderating effect.  相似文献   

American industry typically uses material requirements planning (MRP) for manufacturing control. This paper presents production planning and control procedures based on group technology (GT), which is used in British manufacturing. A translation between these ideas and the American approach is made, and it is suggested that a combination of MRP and GT is viable. The problems that arise, especially in the areas of lot-sizing and sequencing/scheduling, and their possible solutions are discussed. Since increased adoption of GT is expected within the next decade, an intensified research effort is warranted in these and other areas so that existing MRP systems can be modified or extended to handle cellular manufacturing control problems. Subject Areas: Material Requirements Planning and Production/Operations Management.  相似文献   

Two heuristics based on branch and bound (B&B) are developed to solve closed-loop material requirements planning (MRP) lot-sizing problems that have general product structures and variable costs. A “look ahead method'’(LAM) heuristic allows for variable production/purchasing costs and uses a single-level B&B procedure to rapidly improve lower bound values; thus, LAM efficiently uses computer-storage capacity and allows solution of larger problems. The “total average modification'’(TAM) heuristic uses B&B, applied level by level, and modified setup and carrying costs to solve the variable production/purchasing costs MRP lot-sizing problem. LAM and TAM are tested on problems and compared to heuristics in the literature. TAM may be used to solve large MRP lot-sizing problems encountered in practice.  相似文献   

Most research on lot sizing has been for the case of a manufacturing system. In this paper, analogous issues are studied for a distribution network. Specifically, we consider the choice of shipment quantities within distribution requirements planning (DRP). A simulation model of DRP in a multi-echelon, rolling-schedule environment is used to examine, in conditions of both certain and uncertain demand, the performance of five lot-sizing rules. We conducted a full-factorial experiment in which four additional parameters were varied: distribution network structure (two options), demand distribution (three options), forecast error distribution (three options), and ordering cost (three values), as suggested by the consulting study which motivated our research. We found that for DRP, contrary to the “shop floor” wisdom on MRP, the choice of lot-sizing method can be important. Generally the Silver-Meal and Bookbinder-Tan heuristics were significantly better than the other methods.  相似文献   

Traditional production control systems based on the manufacturing resource planning concept do not sufficiently support the planner in solving capacity problems, ignore capacity constraints and assume that lead times are fixed. This leads to problems on the shop floor, that cannot be resolved in the short term. This paper focuses on solving these capacity problems by improving capacity planning at the material requirements planning MRP level through integration of MRP and finite capacity planning. This results in a planning method for simultaneous capacity and material planning. The planning method is based on a new and more accurate primary process model, giving the planning algorithm more flexibility in solving capacity problems. The algorithm is based on advanced scheduling techniques and uses aggregated information, thus combining speed and accuracy. The algorithm is designed to use the available flexibility: alternative routeings, safety stock, and replanning of production orders and requirements. This paper also discusses such related issues as robustness, memory and the role of the human planner.  相似文献   

In this paper, a hierarchical planning system is proposed which integrates aggregate capacity planning with MRP. This system is to be implemented in a metal box manufacturing company which multi-user MRP system covering manufacturing activities as well as procurement sales order processing and accounting systems. The hierarchical planning system includes a medium-range aggregate planning model adapted to the firm's requirements and strategies. The model consists of a mathematical formulation which covers labour capacity has already installed a constraints and includes certain cost estimations in the objective function. The planning horizon of the medium range planning is taken as twelve months in order to cover sales seasonality. The aggregate production quantities resulting from the optimized medium-range planning model are disaggregated according to procedures already found in the literature. Furthermore, the theoretical infeasibilities pertaining to the disaggregation procedures are also resolved in an heuristic manner. Using the latter modified disaggregation procedure, a feasible disaggregated plan is generated for the whole planning horizon. The proposed plan is compared with the current production policy of the firm and it is observed that the proposed plan leads to backorder reduction.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with planning work-center capacity levels in manufacturing firms that employ a material requirements planning (MRP) system. It presents four procedures for developing work-center capacity plans designed to insure the production of components and assemblies as specified by the MRP plan and the master production schedule (MPS). These procedures (capacity planning using overall factors, capacity bills, resource profiles, and capacity requirements planning) are compared using simulation analysis. The results indicate that the performance of a procedure when measured against the MPS depends on the operating conditions of the manufacturing system. The results also indicate that the choice of a particular procedure often represents a compromise among the benefits of improved MPS performance, the costs of preparing and processing data, and the premium expenses required for more frequent adjustments in work-center capacity levels.  相似文献   

A simple incremental cost approach to lot sizing was tested in a multilevel inventory environment. The incremental approach has not previously been tested in a large-scale study involving multiple product-structure levels. Using the Wagner-Whitin (WW) algorithm as a benchmark, the simple incremental rule (IPPA) was compared to three heuristic procedures (LFL, EOQ, and POQ) frequently used in material requirements planning (MRP) lot-sizing research. The incremental rule consistently generated lower total order/setup and carrying costs than the three heuristics across the 3,200 multilevel test situations examined. In many of the test situations, the incremental rule also outperformed the WW benchmark.  相似文献   


An enterprise resource planning system (ERP) is the information backbone of many manufacturing companies. At the core of ERP is a conventional material requirements planning (MRP) production planning system or a variation of MRP when just-in-time (JIT) principles are used in manufacturing. MRP and JIT both organize production planning into a hierarchy of long-, medium- and short-range problems. In all there are eight different problems. Some are common to MRP and JIT, others are specialized for a particular system. This paper analyses the computational requirements of these problems. This is important for ERP because it plans for large numbers of products (e.g. 50 000 products at 3M Company and 44 000 products at States Industries in Oregon) at large numbers of locations (e.g. 82 locations in 21 countries for Visteon Automotive Systems of Michigan and 19 locations at Boeing). We show that adequate algorithms exist for some problems, but better algorithms are needed for other problems if ERP is to provide useful production plans.  相似文献   

针对由一个制造工厂和多个区域服务中心组成的服务型制造企业,研究了考虑生产时间和服务时间均具有随机性且工期可指派的产品服务系统(PSS)订单调度问题。首先以最小化订单提前、误工和工期指派费用的期望总额为目标构建问题的优化模型,然后分析目标函数近似值的最优性条件,据此提出加权最短平均生产时间排序规则,并结合该规则与插入邻域局部搜索设计了启发式算法对问题进行求解,最后通过数值仿真验证算法的可行性和有效性。研究表明,提前费用偏差对PSS订单调度与工期指派决策的影响很小,因此企业管理者无需准确估计库存费用也能制定出比较有效的PSS订单调度策略;而工期指派费用偏差对决策结果的影响非常大,因此企业管理者在决策时必须谨慎估计该项费用。  相似文献   

Reuven Karni 《决策科学》1985,16(3):284-298
Conventional production planning methods assume the existence of a medium- or longrange demand horizon. However, demand usually is known over a much shorter range; scheduling decisions must be made within this “decision window,” which rolls forward in time. This paper presents a new lower bound for lot-sizing heuristics in a rolling-horizon framework and compares it to the well-known Wagner-Whitin bound. The new bound indicates heuristic schedules that have costs close to the optimum. Rolling-horizon schedule costs are compared to corresponding static-horizon schedule costs (assuming the whole horizon is known in advance), using the ratio of decision-window size to the natural order cycle as a parameter. For values below unity, the rolling-horizon policy is significantly more costly. For values above one, the two policies have similar costs and actually converge as the parameter value increases.  相似文献   

Batch manufacturing firms are experiencing significant changes because of technological developments in work center design, such as flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) and planning/control tools like computer-aided process planning (CAPP). These new developments provide production managers with some solutions to a number of complex problems. For example, numerical-controlled (NC) machine center installations are effective in providing quality parts because of tight tolerance specifications built into the equipment. However, these highly efficient centers create bottlenecks that constrain shop throughput, since production planners tend to rely too much on them. To help improve manufacturing planning, we introduce an important element to the batch production scheduling component of CAPP's mission—evaluating possible alternate routes. Production scheduling encompasses job route selection as well as machine center assignment (loading), job releasing, and setting due dates. In this paper, three routing strategies requiring different levels of shop floor information are tested and evaluated using computer simulation. Shop performance is measured by total cost and traditional measures of job flow time, lateness, and tardiness.  相似文献   

Decision makers often face scheduling problems in which processing times are not known with certainty. Non-regular performance measures, in which both earliness and tardiness are penalized, are also becoming more common in both manufacturing and service operations. We model a managerial environment with task processing times (which include sequenceindependent set-up times) prescribed by three-parameter lognormal distributions. Upon completion, each task derives a reward given by a particular piecewise-linear reward function. The objective is to select a sequence of tasks maximizing the expected total reward. The relative generality of the problem renders many enumerative methods inapplicable or computationally intractable. To overcome such difficulties we develop efficient priorityinduced construction (PIC) heuristics which build up a complete schedule by inserting tasks (singly from a list) into a partial sequence of tasks. In each partial and complete sequence a period of idle time is permitted prior to the first task. Performance on realistic-sized problems is very encouraging, with cost penalties averaging less than one percent.  相似文献   

This paper presents an experimental design developed to determine a combination of robust planning and scheduling rules for an intelligent workstation controller (IWC). The IWC is used as part of the control system for an automated flexible manufacturing system. A three-level hierarchical control structure (shop, workstation and equipment)is adopted in order effectively to control a shop-floor. At the top level is a shop controller which receives orders and their associated manufacturing information, and manages interactions among workstations. The IWC defines and resolves the production control activities necessary to coordinate a group of equipment controllers so as to ensure the completion of orders. Specifically, the IWC is responsible for selecting a specific process routeing for each part, allocating resources, scheduling and coordinating the activities across the equipment, monitoring the progress of activities, detecting and recovering from errors, and preparing reports. These activities are accomplished using planning, scheduling, and execution functions. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the IWC, all the controllable and uncontrollable factors need to be identified and detailed. Controllable factors are those which are set by the controller and cannot be directly affected by the production environment. Uncontrollable factors are those which vary with the production environment and cannot be directly changed by the controller developer. The objective of the paper is to illustrate how a good set of controllable factors that dictate the IWC's effectiveness and robustness over various uncontrollable factors can be determined. Due to the number of possible combinations of all the factors, a complete validation of the effectiveness and robustness of the IWC is extremely time consuming and far beyond the scope of this paper. Therefore, a few planning and scheduling strategies are selected and a formal experiment is conducted. The experiment illustrates how significant performance dependencies for various planning and scheduling strategies can be identified.  相似文献   

This study considers a typical scheduling environment that is influenced by the behavioral phenomenon of multitasking. Under multitasking, the processing of a selected job suffers from interruption by other jobs that are available but unfinished. This situation arises in a wide variety of applications; for example, administration, manufacturing, and process and project management. Several classical solution methods for scheduling problems no longer apply in the presence of multitasking. The solvability of any scheduling problem under multitasking is no easier than that of the corresponding classical problem. We develop optimal algorithms for some fundamental and practical single machine scheduling problems with multitasking. For other problems, we show that they are computationally intractable, even though in some cases the corresponding problem in classical scheduling is efficiently solvable. We also study the cost increase and value gained due to multitasking. This analysis informs companies about how much it would be worthwhile to invest in measures to reduce or encourage multitasking.  相似文献   

Current research and practice in the field of production and inventory planning is dominated by hierarchical, material requirements planning-based methods. The objective of this research is to determine the merits of a major redirection for the design of manufacturing planning systems—a direction that more directly exploits the capabilities of modern computer technology. We test the relative performance of two fundamentally different classes of manufacturing planning systems: (1) those that make no use of sequencing and scheduling information in the planning of material deliveries (for example, traditional MRP-based systems), and (2) those that use sequencing and scheduling information to plan delivery of materials. We first derive an analytical expression for the expected benefit (in terms of flow time reduction) of using scheduling information for a single machine system. We then describe and test a simple heuristic for predicting the improvement that could be realized in more complicated multimachine systems, under certain conditions. Results from controlled simulation experiments, over a wide range of operating environments, suggest that although the value of scheduling information is influenced by the operating environment, it could be substantial.  相似文献   

This study examines a deterministic material requirements planning (MRP) problem where lead times at subsequent ordering moments differ. Adequate replenishment methods that can cope with lead time differences are lacking because of the order crossover phenomenon, that is, replenishment orders are not received in the sequence they are ordered. This study specifies how to handle order crossovers and recalculate planned order releases after an update of gross requirements. The optimal (s, S) policy is based on dynamic programing. The state space is kept to a minimum due to three fundamental insights. The performance of the optimal solution approach is compared with two heuristics based on relaxations and a benchmark approach in which order crossovers are ignored. A numerical analysis reveals that average cost savings up to 25% are possible if the optimal policy is used instead of the benchmark approach. The contribution of this study is threefold: (1) it generalizes theory on MRP ordering, allowing for lead time differences and order crossovers; (2) it develops new fundamental insights and an optimal solution procedure, leading to substantial cost saving; and (3) it provides good‐performing heuristics for a general and realistic replenishment problem that can replace the current replenishment methods within MRP.  相似文献   


This paper evaluates alternative methods of establishing the safety stock level taking into consideration of historical measures of forecasting accuracy and the needs for master production scheduling and material requirement planning under a rolling time horizon. A computer model is used to simulate the forecasting, master production scheduling and material planning activities in a company that produces to stock and the production activities are managed by multilevel MRP systems. The simulation output is analysed to evaluate the impact of safety stock methods on MRP system performance. The result of the study shows that using safety stock can help to reduce total cost, schedule instability and improve service level in the MRP systems. Guidelines are developed to help managers select methods to determine safety stock in MRP system operations.  相似文献   

In previous group scheduling studies, labor has essentially been ignored by assuming that enough labor is assigned to each machine in the cell. In reality, however, management usually does not have the resources to employ a laborer at each machine in the cell (i.e., machines need to share labor). Both labor scheduling and group scheduling heuristics need to be administered to manage the cell effectively. This study develops and examines scheduling procedures for a dual-constrained (i.e., machine and labor) manufacturing cell. Eleven decision rules are developed and tested under 16 different experimental conditions. The experimental factors used are interarrival time distribution, cell load, setup-to-run-time ratio, and transfer-to-run-time ratio. Results show that interarrival time distribution and cell load have the greatest impact on the performance of the cell. This suggests that effective production planning aimed at reducing job arrival variation and leveling the cell load can substantially improve cell performance. Among the experimental factors, setup and transfer-to-run-time ratio factors had the strongest influence on the rankings of the decision rules. These rankings were fairly robust across all experimental conditions and performance measures. The results also indicated that the inclusion of labor as a contraint in the cell had a significant impact on the performance of several group scheduling heuristics. Finally, it was shown that the best performing decision rules consider both transfer time and subfamily setup times.  相似文献   

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