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村庄民主、村干部角色及其行为模式   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
孙秀林 《社会》2009,29(1):66-88
对于中国乡村精英角色及其行为模式的讨论,一直是社会学的一个非常重要的课题。尤其是在民主制度引入农村地区后,村干部的角色定位是否有所变化?在日常的治理过程中,其行为模式与角色定位是如何实现的?对于这一问题的回答,不仅需要以深入的个案调查为基础,而且也离不开严谨的实证分析。本文试图以6省的数据,来定量化地考察村庄民主对于村干部行为模式与角色定位的影响。实证模型结果显示,村庄民主的实行,可以促使村干部在日常治理过程中减少对于国家任务的关注,而增加对于社区事务的关注,从而使其角色定位更倾向于社区利益代言人。  相似文献   

随着我国社会进入矛盾凸显期,农村各种矛盾纠纷日益增多,为及时调解纠纷,维持社会稳定,实践中各种纠纷调处机制应运而生。本文分析了鄂北一个村庄的纠纷调处记录,研究发现,较之于"以事实为依据,以法律为准绳"的现代司法准则,以"村庄法官"角色存在的调解者,不以立法条文以及事实情况作为判断是非的依据;实现法律意义上的公平、公正也并非是纠纷调处的主要目的,但他们在工作中特别注重当事人主观上的接受情况。同时,调解者经常集多重角色于一身,实行"保姆式"办案,还会动员多方主体参与到问题的解决中去;在另一些冲突中,调解者刻意不彻底解决纠纷,为当事人自动和好留下足够的空间,最终既平复了争议,又保存了当事人的颜面。结合村庄的调解经验,文章认为,尽管矛盾纠纷的增多,为现代立法快速进入乡土社会提供了更大的空间和可能性,但到目前为止,无论是笼统意义上的法治理念,还是国家立法的具体规则都没有全面、彻底地进入乡村社会;各地村级调解机制设立和运作更多是为了维持社会稳定,而不是为了推进"法律下乡"。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how socio-economic environment affects the extent of individual altruism and its distribution within a society. We show that if the socio-economic institution that structures interactions between individuals can be represented by a supermodular game, individuals tend to become more homogeneous in terms of altruism as spillover effects increase. This implies that people living close to one another and engaging in joint production, such as irrigation agriculture in a rural village, are more likely to exhibit similar levels of altruism than those living apart and engaging in more or less independent work.  相似文献   

经济发展与竞争性的村委会选举   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
胡荣 《社会》2005,11(3):27-49
有关经济发展与民主化之间的关系,长期以来一直是学术界争论的一个热点问题。不过,由于大多数研究者将注意力都集中在解释国家层面的民主化问题,因而对一个国家内部在民主化改革中呈现出的差异性问题则鲜有论述。本文通过详细的数据分析表明,在实施村级选举的过程中,经济发展水平较高的地方,由于村委会有较高的集体收入,村民参与的程度较高,选举竞争也较为激烈。因此,在经济发达的地方,村委会选举的制度也得到了较好的实施。一、理论分析和假设李普塞特(Seymour Lipset)很早就对经济发展与民主化的关系这个问题作过研究,他认为经济发展能促…  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to examine a surge in the sciences surrounding the use of the concept of sustainable development. Data come from the annual frequencies of publications in various disciplines that use the concept of sustainable development as well as from a content analysis of documents. The article concludes that the surge was characterized by the use by scientists of established concepts in a new way, a form of cultural emergence; a prevailing locus of interaction revolving around a professional ideology; the prevalence of the emotions of fear and hope of deliverance from the threat; and an international arena of discourse occurring over a period of years and bounded by class-professional identities. The article demonstrates that a newer understanding of fads as collective surges in the sociology specialty area of collective behavior helps describe the use in the sciences of the concept of sustainable development during the late 1980s and 1990s. The surge is relatively short-lived, coterminous with the use of different meanings and practices of sustainable development. It cannot be understood as a superficial, odd, inconsequential, or frivolous event. Rather, it had important, lasting consequences in a number of areas, from economic and social development to professions.  相似文献   

本文是一个社会学的追踪研究,通过对著名社会学家李景汉先生1926年和1956年曾两度研究过的京郊四村之一——马连洼村的实地调研,对建国以来该村管理体制的历史变迁过程进行了考察。结果发现,在农村管理体制变迁过程中暴露出人与资源、不同利益群体收入、农村管理机构膨胀、价值观念冲突等种种矛盾。本文章试图对这些矛盾进行分析,寻找我国城郊农村完成其都市化过程的特点和规律,探究城中村的治理问题。  相似文献   

孟庆延 《社会》2018,38(5):70-105
“富农”是中国共产党在早期革命实践中以阶级进路分析传统乡村社会的重要概念,也是土地革命历史进程中政策争论与变动的焦点所在,同时更是作为革命政党的中国共产党以马列主义意识形态应对近代以来中国乡村社会危机的关键枢纽。本文认为,富农概念在具体的革命场景中具有下述意涵:其一,它经历了从理论概念到革命实践中斗争对象的转化;其二,它在复杂的斗争形势下演变成“富农路线”问题;其三,以“富农”等概念为基础的分田策略又是苏区土地革命中的重要政策问题。上述维度共同形塑了革命的动力机制。本文在详细梳理多种类型史料的基础上,呈现这一转变的复杂历史过程,进而阐释“富农问题”作为革命动力机制的内在逻辑与社会过程。  相似文献   

Social reforms in Romania have been, from the beginning of the 1990s and throughout the EU post‐accession phase, the battlefield for many domestic and international actors. The article identifies, from an historical institutionalist perspective, the international actors who decisively influenced reforms of social protection in Romania during the transition, with a special emphasis on the EU pre‐ and post‐accession stages. Further, the article attempts to understand the impact of the various external influences on the sustainability and effectiveness of domestic reforms, by assessing the convergence, or the decoupling, between the rationales – i.e. ideologies and values – that explicitly grounded social reforms in Romania and the domestic public rhetoric on social risks and values. Answers to these questions can provide important insights in regard to both the impact of the EU upon new member states and the challenges of EU enlargement for the EU and its core member states.  相似文献   

This article argues for the importance of graphical analyses examining the patterns of data available in the studies of international relations. It posits that there has been a relative lack of graphical analyses in the discipline of international relations, compared to other disciplines such as sociology. We could learn a significant amount of information from the well-performed graphical analyses, which are compatible to and produce important patterns that are not easily revealed from econometric or tabular analyses. In this article, the importance of graphical analyses is evidenced by examining the determinants of the onset of militarized conflicts, one of the most researched topics in the field of international relations.  相似文献   

刘勤 《创新》2010,4(6):35-38
对陕南丘村、豫东汝村、皖中桥村的"多地点民族志"调查显示,农村低保实践存在自己的人、拉拢的人和体制的人三种福利化类型。农村低保福利化与制度的目标定位发生偏离,源于村庄治权的私人逻辑伸展与公共逻辑萎缩。因此,低保福利化修正需要制度基础的发育以形成村庄治权双重逻辑的均衡。  相似文献   

Governments of countries undergoing a post‐communist transition face the dilemma of balancing conflicting demands for greater economic efficiency (to achieve a successful transition to a market system) with demands for enhanced social protection (to legitimize regime change through a visible improvement in living standards which includes vulnerable groups). This paper analyses the transition in Bulgaria and Romania. Unlike other European countries, these countries did not embark on retrenchment policies until the mid‐ to late 1990s, so convergence with policies of spending constraint elsewhere in Europe was belated and partial. The social problems created by strict economic policies, exacerbated by a determination to reorganize the post‐communist welfare states along the lines promoted by international organizations, are now being recognized. Post‐communist governments in South‐eastern Europe have belatedly started to address the social aspects of transition to democracy and the market. This probably reflects the process of regime change in Bulgaria and Romania, which has been characterized as a “two‐step transition to democracy”, with liberal governments only succeeding transformed communist elites in power after a protracted transition.  相似文献   

建构主义国际关系理论把哲学心理学、社会学的概念分析框架运用到国际关系理论中,提出了一系列诸如:文化、认同、互动、规范等新理念,并运用这些核心概念,对国家、利益、冲突等国际关系基本问题进行理论分析,提出了国际体系与体系转换理论,共同体和平理论;建构主义国际关系理论对认识和解决国际问题,如何构建国际新秩序具有一定的现实价值.  相似文献   

陆海霞 《创新》2011,5(6):24-27,127
农村政治文明建设离不开农村女性的积极参与。基于女村官在农村政治文明建设中的重要作用,本文通过对广西779位村“两委”女干部的数据分析,探讨如何加大女村官队伍培养力度,提高村“两委”女干部综合素质,进而为推动农村政治文明建设进行有益探索。  相似文献   

从差序格局入手,讨论并澄清“中心个人”的概念与内涵;以河南省路村的田野调查资料为例,阐释了成功“中心个人”所需具备的文化特质:会做人、公平公正、为集体利益考虑。这三个特质形成递进结构,一起建构了“中心个人”的文化生产。在后集体时代的当下,文化生产的结构发生了根本变化,公平公正与为集体利益考虑日益为个人利益合理化所替代,“中心个人”呈现出痞子型人物的趋势;借助克里斯玛权威概念,分析了“中心个人”具有的草根权威特征,进而深化对乡土社会地方政治的理解。  相似文献   

This article discusses the trajectories of pension system reforms in two of the latecomers to the EU: Bulgaria and Romania. It finds that over the past two decades, the two countries pursued increasingly dissimilar public pension reforms for managing their respective public pay‐as‐you‐go pension systems. Using a political institutionalist theoretical framework, I argue that the divergence between the two cases is attributable to multiple factors. First, different temporary political compromises between national and international actors generated reforms that retrenched public pensions and introduced mandatory private accounts. Second, pension reforms often had unintended consequences that limited their intended impact. Third, incremental adjustments introduced by governments in response to political pressures caused alternating phases of austerity and generosity that catered to different constituencies in each country. In Romania, reform outcomes amounted to a moderately generous pension system, financed through relatively high contribution rates with a small funded component, while in the case of Bulgaria, the pension system evolved into a meagre programme, financed through low contribution rates and a larger private pillar.  相似文献   

Sociologists often complain that economists produce distorted pictures of the economy and society, and in particular that they exaggerate the role of market relations. The representatives of sociology justly point out that, in addition to the market, other economic structures affect affairs of state and of households. Indeed, the market itself is presented by traditional economists in an excessively abstract manner or one derived from obsolete historical models. However, a sociologist can pose the question differently. Rather than reproaching economists and engaging in merciless criticism of market models, would it not be better for sociology to attempt to work out its own, specifically sociological understanding of what the market is? Especially as one paradox of economic theory is precisely the absence of a substantive theory of the market [1, pp. 342-44]. We might add that in Western economic sociology a new branch, market sociology, is gaining momentum. A number of directions are under development: the sociology of industrial markets [2], the sociology of the labor market [3], the sociology of international markets [4], and so on. This article presents an approach offered by economic sociology to the study of markets in Russia, some of the postulates of which are discussed in [5]. First, let us examine the empirical aspects of the problem.1  相似文献   

This article analyses developments in Chinese living standards with special focus on urban-rural inequalities. The analysis and discussion target the rapid economic lift, accompanied by inequalities and the risk of revolution of rising expectations in the last three decades. Although this economic lift brings China from one of the poorest countries in the world to the second largest economy globally, many are also concerned about social instability as a result of increasing inequalities and social gaps. We have examined existing data, including international statistics and Chinese national sources. It shows that average Chinese citizens, in general, have enjoyed improvements in their living standard, but an increasing gap in per capita disposable income between urban and rural residents is observable. The discussion section connects to results from secondary surveys. The conclusion is that conditions for feelings of relative deprivation are diminutive and so is the risk of a forthcoming revolution of rising expectations in China.  相似文献   

村民自治和村庄治理面临的种种困境需要寻求新的组织资源以保证村民自治的价值理念在农村中落实。村庄次组织的发育和成长,不仅不会取代村委会组织,成为村委会功能发挥的障碍,相反,在二者之间建立起民主合作体制,有利于基层群众建立基层政权民主制衡机制,保证村委会更好地发挥作用,推动村委会组织向村民自治精神回归,村民自治的成长空间在这种民主合作中也得以拓展。同时,还有利于更好地为村庄提供公共产品和公共服务,为农民维权提供制度化的渠道和组织化的力量,促进村民利益最大化,实现村庄善治。  相似文献   

村民自治制度的实施已经取得了诸多成效,但同时也面临一些严峻问题。本文以政治社会学的视角分析了我国村民自治制度运行中出现的异化现象。本文认为,当前主要在乡村关系、“两委”关系、权利主体和权力方面出现了明显的偏差,违背了国家推行村民自治制度的初衷,导致其发展陷入困境。同时,文章对其异化的原因进行了深入探讨,并在此基础上提出了矫正的对策。  相似文献   

Rural migrant workers in urban China: living a marginalised life   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The rural migrant worker population in China is attracting more and more attention because of its magnitude and potential economic and social impact on Chinese society. While literature abounds in describing the demographic trends and economic impacts of rural to urban migration, very few articles have been written about the psychosocial impacts of migration on the lives of rural migrant workers in urban China. Drawing on the concept of marginalisation, this article describes the nature and characteristics of marginalised living experienced by migrant workers. More importantly, it examines the underlying policy issues contributing to such marginalised living. It is argued that the Hukou system (household registration system), the process of decentralisation and the obscure role of trade unions have contributed to the experience of marginalisation of rural migrant workers in urban cities in China. Implications for policy changes are also discussed.  相似文献   

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