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The relationships between preadolescents’ perceptions of their parents’ parenting style and depressive symptomatology were examined in a sample of 640 Greek preadolescents (mean age = 11.82 years, SD = .83). Children completed the Paternal Style and Dimensions Questionnaire, the Maternal Style and Dimensions Questionnaire, and the Children's Depression Inventory. According to the results, there is a significant link between parenting style (both for mothers and fathers) and depressive symptoms as manifested by preadolescents. In this study, gender differences were not found. Furthermore, the results indicate that preadolescents’ perception of their parents’ style is a significant factor in predicting depressive symptomatology. Finally, the present findings highlight the influence of parenting styles on children's psychological wellbeing.  相似文献   

In the middle part of the 20th century, parents were frequently blamed for causing autism. Although this idea is no longer prevalent in professional circles, this qualitative study indicates that parents still experience blame from community members and extended family. Eleven parents of children with autism participated in two focus groups. This qualitative study examined themes of parent blame as well as parents' own conceptualizations of autism. Results indicate that parents experienced blame for their children's autism-related behavior from the public and extended family, but most parents viewed the child with autism in positive ways.  相似文献   

The authors examined the extent to which parent involvement in Head Start programs predicted changes in both parent and child outcomes over time, using a nationally representative sample of 1,020 three‐year‐old children over 3 waves of the Family and Child Experiences Survey. Center policies that promote involvement predicted greater parent involvement, and parents who were more involved in Head Start centers demonstrated increased cognitive stimulation and decreased spanking and controlling behaviors. In turn, these changes in parenting behaviors were associated with gains in children's academic and behavioral skills. These findings suggest that Head Start programs should do even more to facilitate parent involvement because it can serve as an important means for promoting both parent and child outcomes.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 3,977 youths from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY97), this study examines the unique characteristics of single‐custodial‐father families with adolescents and the effects of single fathers' involvement and parenting on outcomes in emerging adulthood. Findings suggest that single‐custodial‐father families are distinct from single‐mother and 2‐biological‐parent families in terms of sociodemographic characteristics, parenting styles, and involvement. Parenting styles and involvement mediate the differences between single‐father families and 2‐parent families in terms of high school completion and disconnectedness and partially mediate differences for single‐custodial‐father families with a partner. Family and sociodemographic characteristics are also associated with being disconnected for adolescents residing with a cohabiting custodial father.  相似文献   

This study examines non-traditional student perceptions of social support in the context of a group intervention offered by a graduate program at a predominantly white university in the southern United States of America. The goal of the group intervention was to enhance perceptions of social support, as measured by a standardized instrument administered pre and post the group intervention. Data analysis showed no significant differences in pre–post changes in perceptions of social support between intervention and comparison groups. A follow-up survey questionnaire administered to group intervention participants provided feedback that shed light on these unanticipated results: it is recommended that future interventions for improving non-traditional student retention focus on supporting the development of social support networks among incoming and first-year graduate students.  相似文献   

This paper describes family therapy for behavioural problems in a parenting support agency. It discusses the literature on the effectiveness of family therapy with child behaviour problems within a community support environment. The paper presents a detailed family case study, which is discussed from an integrative family therapy framework. Narrative therapy is used as an overarching framework for integrating systemic therapy and parenting skills to help a family with a mixed cultural Aboriginal and Australian background. This allows sessions that are meaningful for the family and encourages a connection to their own resources and to their community, besides creating a safe space for a dialogue that hears and values all voices.  相似文献   

This article argues that there is a gap in current Mexican rural development policy that could be filled by a smallholder‐targeted programme. The gap exists because agricultural programmes tend to benefit better‐off farmers, while social programmes tend to focus on long‐term investment in human capital, specifically for the children of today's poor. Drawing on lessons from PROCAMPO and Oportunidades, it offers a specific design for such a programme at a time when the government is considering how to reform PROCAMPO, given that, after 15 years, it is due to come to an end.  相似文献   

Semi‐structured interviews were conducted with 55 mothers of infants. Some had received Home‐Start during their infant’s first year, others were offered the support but declined and the remainder were not offered Home‐Start. Most of their support had come from informal sources, such as family and friends with less from professionals. Mothers who received Home‐Start described beneficial aspects, in particular, the extent of practical support provided, preferable to calling on close relatives or friends. Difficulties related to volunteer characteristics and administrative problems. Overall volunteer support can be important to complement informal and formal support, but needs careful management.  相似文献   

A quasi-experimental design (N = 517) was used to investigate the effect on audience response to a supported charity if corporate support is featured in an advertisement. The results indicate that corporate support of a charity appears not to influence audience attitudes and donation intentions for the charity. A small portion of the audience may be motivated to donate when learning of a large corporate donation to the charity. The level of individuals’ favorability for the charity was the strongest predictor of their attitudes and intentions. Gender was also a predictor of more positive charity attitudes, with females reporting more positive attitudes than males for three of four charities. Managerial implications and areas for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Using social cognitive career theory (Lent, Brown, & Hackett, 2000 ), this study examined the role of parents' and children's perceptions of parental support in adolescents' career choices. A total of 94 Italian adolescents (30 boys, 64 girls) and both of their parents (N = 188) participated in the study. The authors tested a fully mediated model between mothers' and fathers' perceptions of support and career choice through the indirect effect of adolescents' perceptions of parental support and career self‐efficacy. Results provided support for the model. Specifically, both mothers' and fathers' perceptions of support predicted their adolescents' career choice through the mediating effect of the youths' perceptions of parental support and career self‐efficacy. These results have important implications for practice and underscore that parents need to be involved very early on in their children's vocational development.  相似文献   

The Triple P‐Positive Parenting Programme is described as an example of an evidence‐based universal parenting initiative that provides a tiered continuum of interventions of increasing strength but narrowing reach in an effort to make parenting programmes more accessible to parents. Interventions within the system range from the use of the media and brief messages to intensive family interventions for parents where parenting problems are complicated by multiple additional sources of family adversity. Several issues concerning the role of training and organizational factors that influence the successful uptake and implementation of the programme are discussed. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In Mexico, a country with high emigration rates, parental migration matches divorce as a contributor to child–father separation. Yet little has been written about children's relationships with migrating parents. In this study, I use nationally representative data from the 2005 Mexican Family Life Survey to model variation in the interaction between 739 children in Mexico and their nonresident fathers. I demonstrate that, from the perspective of sending households, parental migration and parental divorce are substantively distinct experiences. Despite considerable geographic separation, Mexican children have significantly more interaction with migrating fathers than they do with fathers who have left their homes following divorce. Further, ties with migrant fathers are positively correlated with schooling outcomes, which potentially mitigates the observed education costs of family separation.  相似文献   

The number of children raised by never-married parents has increased in recent years. Although these children are at risk for the same types of negative outcomes after relationship dissolution as children of divorced parents, few resources exist for never-married parents who are facing coparenting challenges. The purpose of this study was to evaluate Parenting Together, a 9-hr (3 session) coparenting course designed exclusively for never-married parents. Results indicated positive changes in participant knowledge, coparenting attitude, child triangulation behavior, and coparenting teamwork behavior. Additionally, changes in coparenting attitude predicted both decreased child triangulation and increased coparenting teamwork behavior.  相似文献   

The psychosocial experiences of transgender individuals are shaped by specific cultural beliefs and values that influence family and community interactions. Using a constant-comparative approach to thematic analysis, we analyzed in-depth interviews with 25 transgender-identified adults in Central Appalachia and discovered that their mothers play a crucial role in their social support experiences. Participants described supportive and unsupportive interactions with their mothers and how their mothers' attitudes and behaviors evolved in positive directions over time. They also perceived that their mothers played a key role in influencing how other family and community members behaved toward them. Participants gave meaning to their mothers' behaviors by placing them in the context of strong cultural values about distinct gender roles, family loyalty, religious conservatism, and pride of place. These findings serve as a reminder to family mental health practitioners and health service providers to directly assess family and community strengths and draw on these resources to facilitate the well-being of clients from stigmatized and under-resourced populations.  相似文献   

This paper aims to throw light on the emotional and cognitive processes of students within social change-oriented field work as they develop over a year, as described through a projective and phenomenological art medium drawn and discussed at the beginning and at the end of the year. The literature on social work points to a discrepancy between the cognitive structural explanations of social problems that are taught to social work students, and their tendency to prefer focusing on individual rather than on societal levels of intervention. The aim of this examination of the students' processes over the year is to increase our understanding of the students' experience and understanding of their social change mission, so as to better prepare them for the challenges it entails, and to see where they get ‘lost’. Findings from this paper point to the gradual internalization of social change as a complex process, combined with the reframing of this complexity into tangible results.  相似文献   

The conventional household is typically conceived as a fixed residence where married adults pool incomes and raise their children. In poor communities, however, households are often residentially unstable, fluid in composition, and economically insecure. Men and women who leave prison face extreme disadvantage, and their households are likely to shape social integration after incarceration. Drawing on qualitative and quantitative data from the Boston Reentry Study, this article describes the complex living situations of men and women newly released from prison and proposes a multifaceted concept of household support. Regression analysis with an index measuring household support shows that living in a stable well‐resourced household just after prison release is associated with reduced risks of a new criminal charge, social isolation, and unemployment six to twelve months later. More than just a social unit for sampling and enumeration, the analysis suggests the household is an explanatory concept that can account for the social integration of poor, minority populations often detached from formal sources of economic and social support.  相似文献   

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