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The Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has had tremendous and swift effects on organizational change. This study examined how organizations can leverage leadership and employee resources to facilitate positive change outcomes. Drawing from the self-concept based motivational theory of charismatic leadership and substitutes for leadership theory, the current study proposed a theoretical model connecting top leaders’ charismatic rhetoric, employees’ affective commitment to change, and employees’ turnover intention. Furthermore, the study investigated contingencies that may modify the relationship between leadership communication and followers’ outcomes. Results from an online panel of 417 U.S. employees showed that top leaders’ use of charismatic rhetoric during change led to followers’ affective commitment to change, which decreased their turnover intention. Furthermore, employees’ organizational identification moderated this relationship. When employees have low identification with their organizations, top leaders’ charismatic rhetoric to address the immediate change is more needed.  相似文献   

This article introduces leadership in a Contest group contest game. More specifically, it studies the effects of leading-by-example and emotional leadership in a behavioral experiment, but also theoretically. In this experiment leaders lead-by-example by contributing publicly to the contest before followers and can show emotional leadership by selecting basic emotions that are subsequently evoked in their followers. Emotions are evoked in this study by showing specially selected and validated movie clips.Overall, we find that leaders contribute more than followers and that leading-by-example as well as emotional leadership have a significant effect on the behavior of followers. Although, leaders do not always use these mechanisms wisely. This behavior contrasts strikingly with the Nash equilibrium predictions. Furthermore, we find that both leaders and followers contribute more then predicted by a standard Nash equilibrium. These results are shown to be in line with the affective tie model of van Dijk and van Winden (1997), the imitation model of Cartwright and Patel (2010), and a psychological costs model of Dufwenberg, Gächter, and Hennig-Schmidt (2011).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to empirically evaluate the transformational leadership styles, emotions, and organizational outcomes among different professionals in different sectors. The transformational leadership and emotions theories were utilized and tested in a sample of 128 leaders in Sweden. The main objectives of the study are (1) to determine which of the transformational leadership styles (TLS) are best at predicting effective outcomes (OUT) of extra effort by employees (EXE), leader effectiveness (EFE) and job satisfaction (SAT) and (2) to examine which TLS predict significant positive emotions (TEMO). Results of the study reveal that TLS and most of the outcome scales (SAT, EXE, SAT) are positively and significantly correlated. Charisma (C) and idealized influence (II) are not correlated with EFE. The results further supported that inspirational motivation leaders behavior could produce greater amounts of SAT (r?=?.54**), EXE (r?=?.41**). Individualized consideration (IC) also generates great SAT, r?=?.42. The study also found that only inspirational motivation (I) and intellectual stimulator leadership styles made a significance for TEMO such as being enthusiastic, hopeful, proud, happy, attentive, and inspiring with β?=?26 and β?=?17, respectively. Inspirational transformational leaders’ behavior and emotions are the most capable in increasing the organizational overall outcomes by boosting employees’ job satisfaction, additional effort, and effectiveness. Hence, these improve and enhance the mental and psychological health inside and outside the workplace.  相似文献   

This article in the journal “Gruppe. Organisation. Interaktion. (GIO)” analyzes theoretical and empirical findings of international research on the role of leadership in diverse teams. While practitioners often tend to expect primarily positive effects of team diversity, research has revealed both positive and negative consequences on team performance. Thereby, realizing positive outcomes of diversity appears to depend on additional boundary conditions; among these, leadership is often considered to be crucial. According to our analysis of the literature, established leadership styles (e.?g., transformational leadership, LMX, leader consideration) may contribute to increased performance of diverse teams. In addition, they will be most effective when leaders perceive and treat their followers as individuals rather than as members of a (sub-)group and when they carefully adjust their behavior to the most critical diversity attribute in the team. Based on these results, we provide practical implications for leadership in diverse teams and discuss how adequate leadership skills can be systematically developed in organizations.  相似文献   

Transformational leaders are known to inspire and motivate their followers, thereby leading to enhanced job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is an intellectual concept regarding individuals’ attitudes toward their jobs. This study asserts that the underlying mechanisms for transformational leadership to affect employee satisfaction are trust in the community, including the leader (that is, organization) and trust in the self, namely self‐efficacy. Leadership is specifically associated with continual transformations in the higher educational context, and collectivist cultures may manifest different processes underlying the transformational leadership–satisfaction relationship. This study investigated the mediating effects of trust and self‐efficacy on the relationship between transformational leadership and job satisfaction. The study sample included academicians from a nonprofit higher education institution in Turkey. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results showed that the relationship between transformational leadership and job satisfaction is fully mediated by both trust and self‐efficacy. The mediator effect of trust was shown to be stronger than self‐efficacy, which is assumed to be the result of the cultural context. The results are discussed in the context of employee satisfaction and cultural determinants of employee satisfaction.  相似文献   

This study explores the leadership style of the founder of a cause‐related sporting event and investigates the effects of this style on motivating volunteers. The National Kidney Foundation Surf Festival, established more than twenty‐five years ago to benefit people with kidney disease, was selected as an extreme case because of the event's longevity and success. Data were collected through semi‐structured personal interviews, document analysis, and personal observation. Results indicated that the founder is a servant leader. Three key themes of servant leadership, and its influence on volunteer motivation, emerged from the data: generating a shared vision dedicated to helping others, building a caring and loving community, and creating the freedom and resources for followers to become servants themselves. Our findings also indicated that the spiritual and moral tenets of servant leadership are applicable to secular nonprofit organizations.  相似文献   

Numerous human resource studies examining the relationship between leaders and followers have found that employees' high levels of leader–member exchange (LMX) are associated with higher job satisfaction and a greater intention to stay with their organizations. Considering the nature of voluntary work in nonprofit sport organizations, leader–member relations may be one of the most important factors influencing volunteer workers' commitment. This study examines the influences of LMX dimensions (Affect, Loyalty, Contribution, and Professional Respect) of volunteer leaders and followers on job satisfaction and assesses the influences of LMX dimensions and job satisfaction of volunteer leaders and followers on intention to stay with their organizations. The findings imply a strong value in positive reciprocal relationships between leaders and followers for enhancing job satisfaction and retention.  相似文献   

In Yogyakarta twenty-three school gangs including secular, Catholic, Christian and Islamic school gangs were identified in 2007/2008. Gangs not only proliferated in city settlements or kampong after the fall of the New Order regime in 1998, but they also developed in urban secondary schools and many are beholden to political parties. The growth of gangs is due to a number of conditions, including weakening authority of the state, absence of state surveillance and the reduction in social control from families and schools. This article addresses three questions: how and why did schoolboy gangs emerge in Yogyakarta; what is the pattern of hostility and what drives the young men to confront each other through violence and; how do the leaders of the gangs express their identities and charisma both in front of their enemies and in front of their anak buah (followers)? The first part of this essay gives an overview of the emergence of Indonesian youth gangs; the second considers contestation and hostility including tawuran (mass fighting) and stealth and attack strategies, such as nglitih (a sudden attack by a few); and the third addresses the nature of charismatic leadership through depictions of gentho (the powerful leader). I also describe how a student builds prowess as a leader during the preparation of tawuran and when carrying out attacks on the enemy school.  相似文献   

Authenticity has been a focus of much leadership research in recent years. Despite this interest, there has been a dearth of studies that explore the role of gender in the social construction of authenticity. To date, authentic leadership theories have tended to be either gender neutral or, where gender has been considered, it is argued that women as ‘outsiders’ are less likely to be accepted by their followers as authentic leaders. In this study we examine the media representations of the CEOs — one male, one female — of two major Australian retail banks during the global financial crisis. Our approach enables us to show that authenticity is something leaders ‘do’ rather than something they ‘have’ or ‘are’, and that being constructed as authentic depends on the leader performing authenticity in line with gender norms deemed appropriate for the socially constructed context in which they are expected to lead.  相似文献   

We examine the characteristics of effective leaders in a simple leader‐follower voluntary contributions game. We focus on two factors: the individual's cooperativeness and the individual's beliefs about the cooperativeness of others. We find that groups perform best when led by those who are cooperatively inclined. Partly, this reflects a false consensus effect: cooperative leaders are more optimistic than noncooperators about the cooperativeness of followers. However, cooperative leaders contribute more than noncooperative leaders even after controlling for optimism. We conclude that differing leader contributions by differing types of leader in large part reflects social motivations. (JEL A13, C92, D03)  相似文献   

This paper focuses on a theme which features innumerous organizational stories, in whichan ordinary member of of an organization comes face toface with the organization's top leader. This themeechoes not only the archetypical religious scene ofmeeting God as supreme judge, but also severalwell-known scenes in drama, opera, and literature.Through a psychoanalytic study of this theme, a set ofprimal phantasies projected by organizational membersonto their leaders are explored. The paper also throwsinto sharp relief the underlying asymmetry of therelationship between leader and follower: while the follower may shake the leader's hand once, theleader will shake innumerable hands. The paper is basedon a detailed interpretation of three narrativessupplied by students, drawn from 6-month industrial placements (internships) which they undertookas part of their studies. In the first narrative, astudent describes her encounter with the leader inalmost religious terms as a liminal moment in her life; the student idealizes the leader who serves asa role model. In the second narrative, the student feelsshunned by a leader who is inadequately briefed for hismeeting with her; she proceeds to demonize the leader as well as the entire organization.In the third narrative, a student loses his faith in hisdepartmental head, when he realizes that he is not trulyindependent bur merely follows directives from above. The three narratives are used toidentify four core fantasies about the lader: (1) theleader as someone who cares for his/her followers; (2)the leader as someone accessible; (3) the leader as someone who is omnipotent and omniscient;and (4) the leader as someone who has a legitimate claimto lead others. Two groups of follower fantasies arethen examined. The charismatic and the messianic. It is then suggested that the leader may beseen as a reincarnation of the primal mother, restoringthe members narcissism and rewarding them for who theyare rather than for what they have achieved.Alternatively, the leader may be envisioned more closely tothe Freudian image of father substitute, who rewards andpunishes, arousing at once fear, loyalty, jealousy, andsuspicion. It is suggested that the former is close to Kohut's account of charismaticleadership fantasy, while the latter is closer to hisaccount of messianic leadership fantasy.  相似文献   

The question of why human beings fight wars continues to stalk modern thought. This article treats Hitler's national socialist discourse as an extreme example of the social construction of a social problem, a cultural paradigm of how to talk people into fighting revolutions and wars. Drawing upon recent work in rhetorical studies by Gusfield and others, I show how political agents concoct a rhetoric of motives which they use to incite their followers to fight their enemies. The formal and poetic features of this system of discourse are identified and explicated. We can learn many things from Hitler. By identifying his technique, we can recognize when political agents are using the same technique and counter its seductive effects. We learn that the main effect of war rhetoric is social integration through the constitution of common enemies. And finally, we realize that wars are made to happen through the calculated use of symbolic practices. War is not, as many have argued, a fall into a latent animality, but an expression of our symbol-mindedness–our capacity to make and use hyperboles.  相似文献   

目前,学术界虽然对大学生领导力还没有完全统一的定义,但是在对价值观对大学生领导力作用上的认识上却十分一致。价值观被视为大学生领导力发展的核心。价值观之所以重要至此,是因为领导过程是一个影响别人的过程,领导者比其追随者更有权力,因此要对他们影响追随者的方式承担巨大的道义责任。领导者在建立组织的伦理氛围中扮演了关键角色,这也要求他们能特别敏锐地察觉他们所推崇的价值观和理念。所以价值观是大学生领导力发展关键的部分,在大学生领导力的发展中起到统领作用,有抱负的领导者需要发展伦理思考能力、批判性分析道德的能力、整合不同价值观传统的能力、沟通能力和与下属建立信任的能力。  相似文献   

Leading therapeutic groups is an underused but viable treatment role for nurses in all specialty areas. A dynamic psychoeducational group model provides structure as nurses invest and collaboratively participate to actively learn the group leader role. this article highlights the sequencing of instruction of group theory and skills with examples from a baccalaureate nursing curriculum. Samples from student journals reveal their growing assimilation of the group leader role as learners actively participated in groups, collaborated, and reflected on their learning. Examples of creatively adapted group exercises, as well as selected nursing group leader interventions, demonstrate group leadership as a skill that can increase nurses' repertoire of therapeutic responses. Therapeutic groups are both exciting and cost-effective treatment strategies for use with mentally ill clients. The skills of an accomplished group leader are transferable from within the psychiatric population to working with families, bereavement groups, and other client populations, ranging from people with diabetes to survivors of catastrophic crises. Group leadership ability complements the management and negotiation skills needed in professional nursing roles. When students and staff nurses grow in group leadership expertise, clients in various settings will be better served with this currently underused treatment option.  相似文献   

This article applies leader‐member exchange theory to the study of dyadic relationships between leaders (board chairs and paid executives) and members (volunteer board members) within the boards of Australian voluntary sport organizations. The article specifically examines leader‐member exchanges within a sample of six Queensland State sport organizations and their relationship with board performance. It was found that leadership within voluntary sport organization boards emanates from either board chairs or executives and that when the individuals fulfilling these roles are able to develop a mature working relationship, the board's ability to perform is enhanced. These findings extend our understanding of the importance of leadership roles held by volunteers and paid professionals for the achievement of organizational outcomes.  相似文献   

The key premise of the social identity theory of leadership, that group prototypical leaders are more favorably evaluated than less prototypical leaders, is supported by twenty years of research. To establish overall how much variance in leader evaluation is attributable to leader prototypicality we conducted a meta-analysis of 35 independent studies (N = 6678). Prototypicality accounted for 24% of variance in leader evaluation. There was a large overall effect (r = .49), which was moderated by research method and type of evaluation. The relationship was stronger in correlational studies (r = .60) than experiments (r = .35), and on measures of leader trust (r = .63) than effectiveness (r = .43). Theoretical implications and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Although sociologists regard charisma as a social construct, few studies look at the explicit interactions that create and maintain this type of authority. This article examines one specific, but ubiquitous social interaction between leader and follower – the charismatic touch. The charismatic touch is a semi-formal interaction in which leader and followers exchange mutual recognition through verbal, visual and physical touch. Through touching each other this way, charisma becomes palpable, the bond with followers enlivened and the authority of the leader reconstituted. By analysing photographs from a visual ethnographic study of Diamond Mountain, a Western convert Buddhist community, and images of political leaders culled from mass media, one can observe a dynamic of intimacy and distance in maintaining and performing charisma. As data, visual representations of the charismatic touch capture evidence of its micro-interactional nature and offer a new approach to the field of charisma in the digital age.  相似文献   

The under‐representation of women in higher education (HE) leadership is a persistent global phenomenon. The purpose of this research is to re‐examine this issue through symbolic interactionism (SI). Eight women aspiring to leadership were invited to participate in semi‐structured interviews after attending a leadership programme specifically designed to enhance their leadership prospects. Analysis indicated ambiguities and contradictions that surround notions of leadership, in particular how the participants position themselves and are positioned in their workplace. This was evidenced by the meaning they attributed to: recognizing a leader; interactions with existing leadership; and speculation regarding their leadership capacity. Gendered notions were apparent in their constructed meanings. Similarity attraction was also evident, with men being observed as ‘paying it forward’, therefore facilitating promotion. Formal leadership training was advocated rather than experiential processes.  相似文献   

Building the next generation of leaders in the disabilities movement   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The results from this study highlight ways that the disabilities community within the USA can begin to further promote the numbers and qualities of its leaders. Twenty-one grassroots and statewide leaders of the disabilities movement in one state described how they became a leader and identified ways that the disabilities movement can more effectively promote leadership within its ranks. Overall, our informants highlighted the need for the disabilities movement to re-examine its current definitions of and approaches to leadership development. They described the need for a more collective, versus individualistic, approach to leadership within the disabilities movement and the adoption of a more integrated, action learning approach to leadership development. Implications for the disabilities movement are discussed.  相似文献   

How Can We Train Leaders if We Do Not Know What Leadership Is?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Views of leadership that focus on the traits andbehaviors of the leader are commonly used to developtraining programs. Although these leadership trainingprograms have some application, they suffer from several problems. First, there is no reasonableagreement on what traits or behaviors are leadershiptraits or behaviors. Second, there is no way todifferentiate what makes a good leader from what makes an effective manager or an effective person.And third, people who emerge from these trainingprograms rarely become what anyone might define as goodleaders. A view of leadership as a community development process is explored as an alternative totraditional leadership approaches, and its implicationsfor training and education are discussed.  相似文献   

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