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In this paper, we propose a new procedure to estimate the distribution of a variable y when there are missing data. To compensate the presence of missing responses, it is assumed that a covariate vector x is observed and that y and x are related by means of a semi-parametric regression model. Observed residuals are combined with predicted values to estimate the missing response distribution. Once the responses distribution is consistently estimated, we can estimate any parameter defined through a continuous functional T using a plug in procedure. We prove that the proposed estimators have high breakdown point.  相似文献   

A precision matrix is an important parameter of interests because its elements describe useful association information among multiple variables, which has a wide variety of applications. For example, it is used for inferring gene regulation networks in genomic studies and stock association networks in financial studies. However, in many cases, the precision matrix needs to be robustly estimated due to the presence of outliers. We propose estimating a sparse scaled precision matrix via weighted median regression with regularization. Our weighted median regression approach is consistent under various distributional assumptions including multivariate t‐ or contaminated Gaussian distributions. This fact is illustrated with simulation studies and a real data analysis with monthly stock return data. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 46: 265–278; 2018 © 2018 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

The authors propose a robust transformation linear mixed‐effects model for longitudinal continuous proportional data when some of the subjects exhibit outlying trajectories over time. It becomes troublesome when including or excluding such subjects in the data analysis results in different statistical conclusions. To robustify the longitudinal analysis using the mixed‐effects model, they utilize the multivariate t distribution for random effects or/and error terms. Estimation and inference in the proposed model are established and illustrated by a real data example from an ophthalmology study. Simulation studies show a substantial robustness gain by the proposed model in comparison to the mixed‐effects model based on Aitchison's logit‐normal approach. As a result, the data analysis benefits from the robustness of making consistent conclusions in the presence of influential outliers. The Canadian Journal of Statistics © 2009 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a regression analysis for a missing data problem in which the variables of primary interest are unobserved under a general biased sampling scheme, an outcome‐dependent sampling (ODS) design. We propose a semiparametric empirical likelihood method for accessing the association between a continuous outcome response and unobservable interesting factors. Simulation study results show that ODS design can produce more efficient estimators than the simple random design of the same sample size. We demonstrate the proposed approach with a data set from an environmental study for the genetic effects on human lung function in COPD smokers. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 40: 282–303; 2012 © 2012 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

We consider the construction of designs for test-control field experiments, with particular attention being paid to the effects of spatial correlation between adjoining plots. In contrast to previous approaches, in which very specific correlation structures were modelled, we explicitly allow a degree of uncertainty on the part of the experimenter. While fitting a particular correlation structure—and variance structure and regression response—the experimenter is thought to be seeking protection against other possible structures in full neighbourhoods of these particular choices. Robustness, in a minimax sense, is obtained through a modification of the kriging estimation procedure, and through the assignment of treatments to field plots.  相似文献   

In this paper we present the construction of robust designs for a possibly misspecified generalized linear regression model when the data are censored. The minimax designs and unbiased designs are found for maximum likelihood estimation in the context of both prediction and extrapolation problems. This paper extends preceding work of robust designs for complete data by incorporating censoring and maximum likelihood estimation. It also broadens former work of robust designs for censored data from others by considering both nonlinearity and much more arbitrary uncertainty in the fitted regression response and by dropping all restrictions on the structure of the regressors. Solutions are derived by a nonsmooth optimization technique analytically and given in full generality. A typical example in accelerated life testing is also demonstrated. We also investigate implementation schemes which are utilized to approximate a robust design having a density. Some exact designs are obtained using an optimal implementation scheme.  相似文献   

Small area estimation has received considerable attention in recent years because of growing demand for small area statistics. Basic area‐level and unit‐level models have been studied in the literature to obtain empirical best linear unbiased prediction (EBLUP) estimators of small area means. Although this classical method is useful for estimating the small area means efficiently under normality assumptions, it can be highly influenced by the presence of outliers in the data. In this article, the authors investigate the robustness properties of the classical estimators and propose a resistant method for small area estimation, which is useful for downweighting any influential observations in the data when estimating the model parameters. To estimate the mean squared errors of the robust estimators of small area means, a parametric bootstrap method is adopted here, which is applicable to models with block diagonal covariance structures. Simulations are carried out to study the behaviour of the proposed robust estimators in the presence of outliers, and these estimators are also compared to the EBLUP estimators. Performance of the bootstrap mean squared error estimator is also investigated in the simulation study. The proposed robust method is also applied to some real data to estimate crop areas for counties in Iowa, using farm‐interview data on crop areas and LANDSAT satellite data as auxiliary information. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 37: 381–399; 2009 © 2009 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

Missing data analysis requires assumptions about an outcome model or a response probability model to adjust for potential bias due to nonresponse. Doubly robust (DR) estimators are consistent if at least one of the models is correctly specified. Multiply robust (MR) estimators extend DR estimators by allowing for multiple models for both the outcome and/or response probability models and are consistent if at least one of the multiple models is correctly specified. We propose a robust quasi-randomization-based model approach to bring more protection against model misspecification than the existing DR and MR estimators, where any multiple semiparametric, nonparametric or machine learning models can be used for the outcome variable. The proposed estimator achieves unbiasedness by using a subsampling Rao–Blackwell method, given cell-homogenous response, regardless of any working models for the outcome. An unbiased variance estimation formula is proposed, which does not use any replicate jackknife or bootstrap methods. A simulation study shows that our proposed method outperforms the existing multiply robust estimators.  相似文献   

The penalized logistic regression (PLR) is a powerful statistical tool for classification. It has been commonly used in many practical problems. Despite its success, since the loss function of the PLR is unbounded, resulting classifiers can be sensitive to outliers. To build more robust classifiers, we propose the robust PLR (RPLR) which uses truncated logistic loss functions, and suggest three schemes to estimate conditional class probabilities. Connections of the RPLR with some other existing work on robust logistic regression have been discussed. Our theoretical results indicate that the RPLR is Fisher consistent and more robust to outliers. Moreover, we develop estimated generalized approximate cross validation (EGACV) for the tuning parameter selection. Through numerical examples, we demonstrate that truncating the loss function indeed yields better performance in terms of classification accuracy and class probability estimation.  相似文献   

The class of joint mean‐covariance models uses the modified Cholesky decomposition of the within subject covariance matrix in order to arrive to an unconstrained, statistically meaningful reparameterisation. The new parameterisation of the covariance matrix has two sets of parameters that separately describe the variances and correlations. Thus, with the mean or regression parameters, these models have three sets of distinct parameters. In order to alleviate the problem of inefficient estimation and downward bias in the variance estimates, inherent in the maximum likelihood estimation procedure, the usual REML estimation procedure adjusts for the degrees of freedom lost due to the estimation of the mean parameters. Because of the parameterisation of the joint mean covariance models, it is possible to adapt the usual REML procedure in order to estimate the variance (correlation) parameters by taking into account the degrees of freedom lost by the estimation of both the mean and correlation (variance) parameters. To this end, here we propose adjustments to the estimation procedures based on the modified and adjusted profile likelihoods. The methods are illustrated by an application to a real data set and simulation studies. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 40: 225–242; 2012 © 2012 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

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