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李秀芬 《社会工作》2008,(24):24-26
志愿者近年来呈现出蓬勃发展的趋势,社会工作者该如何通过对志愿者培训活动的设计来达到既能确保志愿者服务的质量,又能激发对志愿者培训的动机,使其在服务的过程中得到成长的目的,这就非常重要。经验学习理论是一个对从实践中不断学习的社会工作服务活动具有非常重要指导作用的学习理论。本文结合了志愿者培训活动的实务,探讨了基于经验学习理论的视野下志愿者培训活动的设计。  相似文献   

鲁艳桦 《社会工作》2009,(22):15-17
志愿者是NGO组织中一个特殊的组成部分,如何进行志愿者管理,一直是NGO组织中的重要议题。本文主要介绍救助儿童会南宁市项目点志愿者管理的情况,并总结出以下几点志愿者管理经验:多渠道招募、多种人员构成;志愿服务协议的签订、权利义务的明确;阶段式培训的开展;志愿服务的规范;交流机制的建立;激励机制的完善。通过上述经验,为NGO组织中志愿者管理提供实例借鉴。  相似文献   

近年来,我国的社会志愿服务体系建设发展迅速,但在快速发展的同时,整体上存在着志愿服务机制不成熟、活动质量不高、力量分散、参与面不够广等问题。2008年北京奥运会志愿者工作对我国的志愿服务体系建设产生了重大影响。本文建议认真总结奥运会志愿者服务活动的经验,并以此为契机,采取多种方式完善和发展志愿者服务体系。  相似文献   

社会志愿者在现代社会所扮演的角色不可取代。在我国台湾地区,志愿者服务制度起步早、发展快,其中,高校的志愿者培训体系发展尤为突出。而在大陆地区,志愿者培训制度尚处于起步阶段,制度的进一步发展与改进势在必行。本文以台湾地区高校为例,提出台湾模式的概念,在阐述其基本原则、特点及成效的基础上对两岸志愿服务及志愿者培训制度进行差异性比较,从立法、财政支持、增强自主性以及加强两岸交流等四个方面对我国大陆志愿者培训制度发展予以启示。  相似文献   

社会志愿者在现代社会所扮演的角色不可取代。在我国台湾地区,志愿者服务制度起步早、发展快,其中,高校的志愿者培训体系发展尤为突出。而在大陆地区,志愿者培训制度尚处于起步阶段,制度的进一步发展与改进势在必行。本文以台湾地区高校为例,提出台湾模式的概念,在阐述其基本原则、特点及成效的基础上对两岸志愿服务及志愿者培训制度进行差异性比较,从立法、财政支持、增强自主性以及加强两岸交流等四个方面对我国大陆志愿者培训制度发展予以启示。  相似文献   

对志愿者这一群体的研究对我国社会和谐稳定的发展有着积极的应用价值。同时,把社会工作专业理论运用到实务中去的这样一个过程,不仅检验了理论的价值,更是体现了社会工作这一学科实务性强的特点。“志愿者领袖”在对志愿者激发、培训、管理等工作中均扮演很重要的角色,是与众多志愿者亲密接触、  相似文献   

为了传播志愿精神,增强公民意识,提高志愿者社会服务的基本技能,促进公民参与社会事务,推动中国公民社会的发展,北京惠泽人咨询服务中心于近日启动了"残疾人志愿者及组织参与志愿服务"培训项目。该项目是北京惠泽人咨询服务中心和加拿大国际发展署公民社会项目合作开展的针对残疾人志愿者及组织和为残疾人服务的志愿者及组织的多方面系统培训。培训分初级、中级和高级三部分。初级侧重于志愿者认知、志愿者管理、团队与沟通技巧、残疾人保障法和社会性别意识  相似文献   

高校大学生志愿服务是乡村振兴志愿服务的重要组成部分,大学生志愿者作为志愿服务中颇具活力的群体,是乡村振兴不可或缺的人力资源。乡村振兴战略背景下大学生志愿服务体系构建研究对全面推进乡村振兴、提升大学生综合能力和提高高校人才培养质量具有重要意义。基于此,该文从顶层设计、培训制度、评价激励机制和服务体系研究四个层面构建大学生志愿服务体系,创新乡村振兴服务模式。  相似文献   

郭猛 《创新》2013,7(1):67-70
以泰勒的"目标模式"设计警务培训合作课程具有可操作性和高效率。广西与东盟警务培训合作课程目标模式设计有清晰而明确的目标取向、目标来源和哲学与心理学滤网;在选择经验中有切合实际的选择原则,正式和非正式约束机制;在经验组织中,将理论知识和实践知识整合作为培训课程开发的中心环节,根据学习经验组织要素和结构要素理论对职业能力的分析和分解;在课程评价中对课程大纲和课程建设、教学过程和实施效果进行科学评价,探索了广西与东盟警务培训合作课程目标模式的建设路径。  相似文献   

确定服务对象劲松护养院从全院管理人员和员工队伍中,抽调富有管理经验的领导和护理经验较为丰富的护理员,配备有医生、护士,及经过长期接受培训的助老志愿者与社工等人员,组成了虚拟养老院的管理机构、骨干队伍及工作团队,员工近40人,  相似文献   

Using governmentality as a theoretical framework, we examine two Australian policy areas where young people are disciplined into becoming good, active citizens. These policies—mutual obligation through the work for the dole programme, and school‐based active citizenship programmes similar to American service learning programmes—both mirror volunteer‐type activities, in a social context where volunteers are viewed as good citizens. In this study, we present findings from a qualitative study that addresses the question of whether young people will develop active citizenship through compulsory volunteer‐type programmes. The findings show that first, young people are very conscious of the lack of choice involved in these programmes and that this weakened their sense of agency. Second, the programmes failed to develop positive community attitudes and active social behaviours. These results suggest that policies that compel individuals to contribute to society may actually weaken their citizenship identities.  相似文献   

Volunteers offer means through which social workers may extend their ability to support individuals with serious illnesses near the end of life. This study explored the experience of volunteers on teams organized initially as a grassroots movement in response to stigmatized and often socially isolated people with HIV/AIDS dying in the community. Volunteer care teams later expanded to individuals with other serious illnesses. This model spread as a means of meeting the growing need for practical support for seriously ill homebound individuals. Yet, little has been reported in the scientific literature about the interworkings of these teams and their optimal level of functioning. Qualitative inquiry, in the form of semi-structured interviews, explored perspectives of 10 volunteers with experience in volunteer team caring and identified the social processes that shaped their work. The volunteers discussed balance between positive life meaning gained from volunteer work, lessons learned, and negative aspects of a volunteer team approach to caring for the seriously ill in the community. Further investigation is warranted to validate the volunteer care team approach as a cost-effective tool to help seriously ill individuals and caregivers.  相似文献   

One hundred and seven families with a child diagnosed with a life-limiting condition, from all over Queensland (Australia), were surveyed on their need for a trained volunteer. Their comments provide important insights into an area which has not previously been researched or documented. In summary, their responses indicate that many families have only minimal or no support, and are coping with extraordinary physical, emotional and social demands from the child's condition and treatment. The majority of the participants are very positive about the need for a trained volunteer and are clear about the activities that trained volunteers could provide assistance with. These activities range from practical assistance such as baby-sitting and help with household chores and errands to emotional support. Not all families would be comfortable using a volunteer, and some respondents did outline perceived obstacles to including a volunteer in family activities. For others there were comments about why volunteers would be perceived as unproblematic. Respondents specified important criteria that would need to be addressed in volunteer training. The largest number of respondents were coping with cystic fibrosis and muscular dystrophy. It is the hope and expectation that, with the communication of the insights gathered from this geographically diverse group of families, encouragement will be given to others working in this area to explore the possibility of establishing outreach volunteer programmes for such families.  相似文献   

This article focuses on STOP4-7, an ecological early intervention programme for children with serious behavioural problems in Belgium, which includes social skills training for children, management training for parents and classroom management training for teachers. We argue how this type of social work benefits from empirical research on its effects on children and parents. Yet social work research that addresses these questions needs to extend its focus to overt and covert inclusion and exclusion mechanisms that operate through social work. Finally, we argue that, in the case of STOP4-7, social work is embedded in the process of social and political framing of the problems it is supposed to solve. By extending the focus of social work research to the very construction of social problems, we show how social workers may perform their agency as reflective practitioners, rather than being objects of interventions.  相似文献   

Voluntary organisations and volunteer action are new pheno-mena in post-Soviet Russia. Despite growing needs, cultural and socio-economic barriers preclude their massive development. This is a report on a case study of a volunteer programme that succeeded in overcoming these barriers, and in recruiting large numbers of volunteers. Characteristics of the volunteers and organisational conditions that enabled this success were identified and lessons drawn.  相似文献   


Objective: We extended the volunteer process model (Omoto & Snyder, 1995) to identify factors influencing the persistence of volunteer activities in older Chinese.

Method: We individually interviewed 318 older Chinese volunteers about their demographic information, history of volunteer activities, subjective health status, perceived social support, motivation for volunteering, integration into volunteer group, satisfaction from volunteer work, and intention to continue volunteering in the coming year.

Results: Bivariate correlation analyses generally supported the volunteer process model. In particular, intention to continue volunteering was related to antecedent factors of high educational attainment, mental well-being, social support, and fulfillment of altruistic and self-oriented motives as well as volunteer experiences of integration into the volunteer group and satisfaction with volunteer work. Results of a multiple regression analysis indicated that fulfillment of self-oriented motives was the most salient factor in predicting the persistence of volunteer activities when shared variances of various factors were also considered.

Discussion: Research and practical implications were discussed to facilitate the retention of older Chinese volunteers.  相似文献   

Though social justice is a central goal of the social work profession,the actual involvement of social workers in social change isvery limited. Moreover, training in social policy and policypractice in schools of social work is minimal. As such, practitionerslack the tools needed to analyse existing social problems andpolicies and to enable them to intervene in the policy processin order to better serve the needs of service users. This articleseeks to further social policy teaching within social work educationby engaging in a survey of the existing literature on the subjectand by offering a detailed programme for integrating this subjectinto the social work training system. The literature surveythat serves as a basis for this programme includes a reviewof studies on the dilemmas linked to social policy teaching,on the goals and content of social policy courses in socialwork and on preferred teaching methods in this field.  相似文献   

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