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This paper is a reply to Doron Shultziner and Sarah Goldberg's article The Stages of Mass Mobilization: Separate Phenomena and Distinct Causal Mechanisms. The article recognizes the theoretical contribution of the study, in particular the re‐introduction of the largely neglected stage approach in social movement studies. It then raises two major concerns related to how the authors narrow their approach to single episodes of mass mobilization and how definitively they distinguish movement stages.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study of forty‐four families explored fathers’ as compared to mothers’ specific contribution to their children's attachment representation at ages 6, 10, and 16 years. In toddlerhood, fathers’ and mothers’ play sensitivity was evaluated with a new assessment, the sensitive and challenging interactive play scale (SCIP). Fathers’ SCIP scores were predicted by fathers’ caregiving quality during the first year, were highly consistent across 4 years, and were closely linked to the fathers’ own internal working model of attachment. Qualities of attachment as assessed in the Strange Situation to both parents were antecedents for children's attachment security in the Separation Anxiety Test at age 6. Fathers’ play sensitivity and infant–mother quality of attachment predicted children's internal working model of attachment at age 10, but not vice versa. Dimensions of adolescents’ attachment representations were predicted by fathers’ play sensitivity only. The results confirmed our main assumption that fathers’ play sensitivity is a better predictor of the child's long‐term attachment representation than the early infant–father security of attachment. The ecological validity of measuring fathers’ sensitive and challenging interactive play behavior as compared to infant proximity seeking in times of distress is highlighted. Findings are discussed with respect to a wider view on attachment in that both parents shape their children's psychological security but each in his or her unique way.  相似文献   

Despite the growing involvement of people in poverty in social policy, their participation does not necessarily take place on a par with policymakers, as the latter often do not really embrace their demands for social justice. It is, therefore, argued that social work has a role to play in the process of merging knowledge of people in poverty with that of policymakers and other stakeholders by representing their perspectives in public debate. By drawing on an in‐depth qualitative research of five “Associations where People in Poverty Raise their Voice” (Belgium), the complexity of the direct participation of people in poverty in such a politics of representation is analyzed, as well as the different roles social work practitioners can take on in dealing with this complexity. Here, two roles are distinguished: “a guardian of collective and transformative elements”; and “a strategical chess player.” We conclude that practitioners need to reflect critically on participatory premises and practices and consider whether these strategies actually contribute to societal change. However, the ideal of parity of participation entails that such strategic considerations should always be collaboratively discussed with people in poverty.  相似文献   

国际关系民主化与全球新秩序:全球化视野下的考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
后冷战时期的国际关系秩序处于重建的过程中,全球化推动的国际关系民主化体现了一种新的国际关系价值观和秩序观。以民主价值和民主精神建构国际关系是必要的,也存在很大的困难,但必须对传统的民主理论做出必要的修正。考虑到国际关系的内在结构,世界主义民主可能是实现国际关系民主化的一种可行的制度和结构。  相似文献   

The efficacy of child protection social work is regularly being questioned in the media as vociferous critics deride the profession for the apparent failings of its practitioners. This paper aims to examine the impact this hostility can have on practice and the relationship practitioners develop with their organization and subsequently the families they work with. By using autoethnography, a personal experience I encountered whilst working as a statutory social worker for an Emergency Duty Team will be explored in detail in order to analyse how discursive regimes can endorse and encourage particular ways of thinking and doing for social workers. I also intend to demonstrate that when workers operate in a risk averse environment, oppressive practices can develop subconsciously. These not only affect professionals’ values and assumptions but also fortify distance between the social worker and the client. If social work is to facilitate positive change in the current climate of uncertainty, then it is hoped that this story may enable both practitioners, and their critics, to recognize that being open to different forms of knowledge could lead to better outcomes for all involved.  相似文献   

This article shows how the voice of the child has come to prominence in decision making, against the background of changes in emphasis between family rights and child protection viewpoints, reflected in 20th-century legislation on family matters. It argues that the role of the guardian ad litem , the historical development of which is charted, is central to the evaluation of the child's views; these are not always straightforward and they must be viewed in tandem with a professional assessment of the child's best interests. The article concludes that the child's voice cannot be the deciding factor in decision making; adults cannot abrogate their responsibility to make reasoned decisions, based both on children's wishes and feelings and on other factors which children, in their immaturity, cannot appreciate.  相似文献   

Adoption in Malaysia is of two kinds; firstly, taking the child of another as a person's own child, where as a result, the adopted child will stand in equal footing with the natural children of the adoptive parents; and secondly, taking a child of another into a person's custody without affecting the biological status of the adopted child. This article wishes to discuss the law and practice of adoption in Malaysia as one of the means of child protection. The article will also examine as to whether the law is adequate to protect children who are the subjects of adoption.  相似文献   

The definition on poverty has progressed into a multidimensional concept focusing more on socio-economic dimensions than being a mere measure of financial deprivation. Corresponding to this advancement, this study investigated the incidence of multidimensional poverty (MDP) in the Rawalpindi region of Pakistan, taking into account three dimensions, i.e. education, health and housing. Findings revealed an inconsistent declining trend of MDP over time. This inconsistency was mainly attributed to observed fluctuations in deprivation levels of education, health and housing in the region. Over time, education deprivation showed a significant net increase. Notably, the magnitude of MDP in rural areas was higher than in urban areas.  相似文献   

Background: Depression was translated into Chinese as yiyu,with reference to the yu syndrome in traditional Chinese medicine.Literally meaning ‘not flowing, entangled or clogged’,yu, or ‘stagnation’ in English, is, however, a constructdistinct from depression. Objective: The study aimed to explorethe construct of stagnation through scale development. Method:A concept-driven approach was adopted to generate candidateitems for the Stagnation Scale. Other measures were a validitychecking item, a Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and a twelve-itemGeneral Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). Respondents were recruitedby convenience and snowball sampling, resulting in 602 questionnairesbeing completed by adults between the ages of eighteen and sixty-five.Results: Exploratory factor analysis provided a three-factor,sixteen-item solution. The three factors were named Overattachment,Body-Mind Obstruction and Affect-Posture Inhibition. Cronbach’salphas of the entire scale and subscales ranged from 0.82 to0.91. Correlations of the scale total with the validity checkingitem, BDI and GHQ-12 were 0.71, 0.53 and 0.48, respectively.Stagnation showed a pattern of associations with demographicvariables different from depression. Conclusion: The StagnationScale has good psychometric properties, and has meaningful factorstructures. The evidence supports the contention that stagnationis a clinical syndrome distinct from depression. The new concepthas important implications for social work practice.  相似文献   

Need is widely regarded as central to social work practice, yet is equally regarded as far from unproblematic as a concept. Considerable debate has occurred at two levels: the policy/service delivery level and an abstract conceptual level which considers the nature of need. It is suggested here, however, that between these two levels lies an 'operating concept'. This focuses on the problem of defining and identifying need in the immediate circumstances of practice. At this level, two concepts of need are put forward: a 'deficit concept' and a 'differentiated concept'. It is argued that the latter provides a more coherent conceptualization of need. In this concept, need is the superordinate concept which contains within it three subconcepts: problems, supports and resources, which are connected. These are analysed, and their potential as a basis for developing a system of need classification which may be used in practice is explored.  相似文献   

Language is infused in multiple dimensions of human behaviour,and social work is essentially a language-centred activity.Yet, despite the pivotal position of language to many socialwork activities, its significance has rarely been explored interms of difference. Moreover, the linguistic diversity thatcharacterizes the local and global contexts in which many practitionersoperate has been given minimal attention in the social workliterature. In this paper, I contend that how language is conceptualizedin social work both shapes and constrains the way that practitionersperceive issues relating to linguistic diversity. The papermaps out the limitations of some of the existing conceptuallens used for viewing language in relation to the multilingualmilieu in which social work takes place. It also draws attentionto the global pre-eminence of English, the significance of bilingualismand the limitations of a monolingual frame of reference forsocial work. A case is made for augmenting the existing knowledgebase on language with a multidisciplinary approach to languagethat incorporates bilingual perspectives. Rather than providinga definitive model for understanding language, I suggest thatsuch an approach expands the conceptual landscape for exploringlanguage and difference in social work.  相似文献   

黄冬娅 《社会》2014,34(4):138-164
当前私营企业主在中国政治生活中扮演了隐秘却愈具影响力的角色,现有研究从“没有资产阶级,就没有民主”的理论命题出发,探讨市场转型中中国是否出现了一个自主并与国家权力抗衡的社会阶层,由此,已有研究得出基本一致性的判断,由于私营企业主与国家之间共享政治价值和共享利益,中国出现的是一个依附于国家并与国家权力共谋的社会阶层。本文认为,现有研究立足于“私营企业主”在民主转型中角色的阶级想象,而过于关注私营企业主对于民主转型的影响,从而忽视了深入剖析和探讨私营企业主对于当代中国政策过程的影响。因此,深化当代中国私营企业主与国家关系及其政治影响的认识,需要从“民主转型”转向“政策影响”的主题。  相似文献   

Poverty is multidimensional in nature and exists in every part of the world. Microfinance is considered one of the most important programs to achieve poverty reduction, particularly in Bangladesh. It has been estimated that nearly 45% of Bangladesh's population lives below the poverty line. This qualitative research study was conducted in order to determine the effectiveness of microfinance programs and the contributing factors to the high‐level of poverty among microfinance beneficiaries in the district of Bogra, Bangladesh. Study findings indicated that microfinance programs were ineffective as a result of high interest rates; insufficient loans; unproductive use of loans; corruption and poor skills of microfinance institution staff; weekly repayment schedules; and physical and mental harassment of poor women. Additionally, the lack of employment opportunities, education, healthcare facilities and social safety nets; natural disasters; the dowry system; and the rising cost of basic daily needs have also contributed to chronic poverty.  相似文献   

The author tests McKeown's hypothesis that socioeconomic improvement was the most important cause of mortality decline in England and Wales. First, McKeown's basic work is replicated using data on childhood mortality in Rhode Island between 1860 and 1970. "Then the effect of socioeconomic change on mortality change is examined in ways that differentiate it from other effects. Next, socioeconomic and public health effects on disease are differentiated by computing case-fatality and incidence rates." The results provide support for McKeown's argument.  相似文献   

张磊  刘丽敏 《社会》2005,25(1):144-163
This investigation report mainly displays a new public space of property management with the characteristics of civil society, by analyzing a typical case--Qing Shui Yuan. The new public space has already separated from the state and is managed by both the state and the society together. Position-exceeding power of the state and deficient position-stimulated rights of the society result in the tension between the state and the society. Position-exceeding power is a pivotal perspective to interpret the relation between the state and the society.Instead of paying excessive attention to the institutional construction of civil rights, we should focus on how social rights stimulated by institutions and laws are turned into reality.  相似文献   

日本知识财产政策已进入一个新阶段。本文详细研究与ResearchTool发明专利相关的日本药品产业在知识财产法上的课题、药品产业中的竞争政策问题,最后提出结论:假设在日本、欧洲、美国,除了一部分能够实施专利的研究者以外,都因为Research Tool专利的存在而给药品研究带来极大的不良影响的话,那么就有必要向国际社会提出有关消除该弊端的建议,例如,重新讨论授予Research Tool专利权的问题或通过裁定实施权等来限制专利的排他权等。从构建弊端少且均衡的知识产权的观点出发,需要通过不同立场的人进行不断的讨论才能够保证知识产权制度的持续发展。  相似文献   

This article examines the locus of control construct and its utility from a social work perspective. For an overview, the background and evolution of the locus of control concept and the characteristics of internally and externally controlled individuals are provided. How this construct is relevant to social work is treated in relation to social work functions, areas of application, as well as relevant social work treatment issues. The article concludes by examining common criticisms of the locus of control construct and argues for a formal inclusion of this concept in the education and treatment process in social work.  相似文献   

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