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The persistent achievement gap between students from poor families and their peers calls for research that examines risk factors associated with poverty and strategies for promoting resilience. Research demonstrates the impact of school climate on behavior and academic achievement, especially in high-poverty schools. The present study examines associations between family poverty, social supports, students' perceptions of school climate, behavior, and grades. Poverty is associated with poor grades and behavior, while positive perceptions of school climate are associated with positive grades and behavior. Perceptions of school climate moderate the association between poverty and behavior, such that students from poor families who perceive a positive school climate exhibit similar behaviors to their peers from higher income families. Implications for practice, policy, and research are discussed.  相似文献   

Many children in foster care have emotional or behavioral problems or are at risk for these problems. It is important to identify parents willing to foster children with these problems in order to ensure placement, care, stability and well-being of such children. This study presents a new 40-item self-report measure of the willingness of parents to foster children with emotional and behavioral problems, and two 20-item parallel forms of this measure. In addition, this study presents evidence of reliability and validity of scores derived from these measures with a national sample of 297 foster mothers. Coefficient alpha for these measures was .92 or greater, indicating excellent internal consistency reliability. Scores from these measures were unrelated to demographic characteristics, providing evidence of discriminant validity. In addition, scores from these measures were higher for foster mothers licensed to provide treatment foster care than for mothers only licensed to provide regular foster care, providing support for known groups validity. Finally, support for construct validity is provided by the fact that foster mothers with higher scores on these measures had fostered longer, were fostering more children at the time of this study, and had fewer children removed from their home at their request.  相似文献   

Some definitions of child homelessness include the category of children who are doubled-up with others due to loss of housing or economic hardship, while others do not. Are doubled-up children more like children in shelters or children who are poor but housed? A quasi-experimental comparison group design was used to test empirically for differences in school mobility, school attendance, and reading and mathematics achievement among three groups of sheltered, doubled-up, and poor, housed children, respectively, with each group containing 49 students. Sheltered students were found to have significantly higher levels of school mobility and significantly lower rates of school attendance than students in the other two groups. An elaboration of the continuum of risk model is proposed to differentiate experiences of sheltered and doubled-up students. Recommendations are made for policy responses as well as future research.  相似文献   

Within the context of school-based physical education (PE), a strength and conditioning program called CrossFit Kids (CFK) has emerged as a potential intervention for positively impacting students. The purpose of this study was to evaluate through a randomized-controlled trial how academic and health-related fitness outcomes differed for middle school students (age = 12.73; 55.3 % male) who participated in a school-based CFK program (n=72) as compared to a group of students who participated in PE class (n=72). Questionnaire data were collected twice across the 9-month academic year and combined with FitnessGram and grade data.Students in both the intervention and comparison groups increased in health-related fitness outcomes (all p values < .017), and there was a significant treatment group by time interaction on school-reported grades [F(1, 124) = 7.270, p = .008, η_P^2 = .055].Significant gender by time interaction effects were found for the relationship between CFK or PE participation and health-related fitness outcomes, but there were no significant interaction effects by gender on academic outcomes. Because developmental outcomes are conditional and result from the coaction of many factors, the findings suggest that some elements of CFK might be beneficial to build skills yet disadvantageous to academic outcomes.  相似文献   

Within the framework of positive youth development (PYD) and life course theory, this study was designed to examine patterns of PYD and promotive factors over the first semester of Chinese high school with a sample of 480 students (boys, 43.96%). The growth mixture model identified four trajectories of PYD, labeled high start–fast decreasing, high start–low decreasing, low start–low increasing, and mid–persistent. Results also showed that membership in a PYD trajectory is significantly related to three promotive factors: parental involvement, teacher involvement, and intentional self-regulation. These findings have important theoretical and practical insights for a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms of positive development in adolescents following the critical period surrounding the transition to high school.  相似文献   

Although associations between having a nonresident father and increased internalizing and externalizing behaviors in adolescence have been well documented, research has yet to establish the plausible causality of these links or identify underlying mechanisms. Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 ‐ Young Adult survey, this study addresses these questions by comparing the depressive symptoms and delinquent behavior of siblings discordant for age at father departure. Findings indicate that father departure later in childhood is associated with increased adolescent delinquency but not depressive symptoms, whereas early childhood father departure was not associated with adolescent outcomes. Both findings suggests that parental monitoring—rather than socialization or emotional distress—may account for links between father departure and adolescent delinquency.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the usefulness of research circle methodology in the later stages of the research process. In an active collaboration with the researchers, participants, that is, users of research, discussed and prioritized research on home and health dynamics. Reflections, comments, and evaluations from both leaders and users were analyzed, applying content analysis. The usefulness of the research circle methodology from the users´ perspective reflected the importance of the content, form for research presentations, leadership methods, and the mix of participants. Research leaders reflect on the role as challenging and demanding, where the composition of users plays an important role for the usefulness of the methodology, as well as for practicalities, form, and content of the research presentations. Research circle methodology offers opportunities for knowledge translation; however, it is demanding and presents a range of challenges, such as the heterogeneity of the group, that needs further exploration.  相似文献   


This study evaluated the impact of intergenerational activities on elders' engagement and expressiveness levels in two settings. Study 1 was conducted with 22 well elders at a senior center and approximately 15 children from a nearby grade school. Data were collected using a momentary time sampling procedure, and inter-observer reliability averaged 88% (ranging from 78% to 97%). Elders were significantly more engaged (t(85) = 4.60, p > .001) and expressive (t(85) = 5.55, p > .001) in the treatment condition than the control condition. Study 2 was conducted with 25 older adults diagnosed with dementia, living in a special care unit. Twenty-eight second-graders were in the experimental group and 32 second-graders were in the comparison group. A momentary time sampling procedure was used to observe engagement, expressiveness, and inappropriate behavior levels. Inter-observer agreement averaged 94% (ranged from 85% to 100%). Elders were significantly more engaged in the structured activities with children than the structured activities without children, and significantly more engaged in structured activities without children than the no-activity condition, F(l) = 60.1; p > .01. Elders were also significantly more expressive in structured activities with children than the structured activities without children, and significantly more expressive in the structured activities without children than the no-activity condition, F(1) =26.5; p = 01. Further, there was no significant increase in inappropriate behaviors between any condition, F(1) =.322; p = .57. The analysis of variance regarding children's attitudes towards the elderly showed no significant differences whether they did or did not participate in the intergen-erational activities (F3.5, p < .05), with both groups maintaining positive attitudes of elders. These results reflect the importance of offering intergenerational activities to well and institutionalized elders as well as to children.  相似文献   

Children and youth exposed to toxic stress are at a greater risk for negative outcomes on health, well-being and occupational performance. Focus groups were conducted to gain understanding of the experiences and perspectives of youth at-risk who were currently receiving services from a community-based agency in a small city in the Western United States. Participants discussed acquiring life skills through agency programming including social skills and coping/self-regulation skills. Participants also reported a positive culture of the agency, expressing feelings of safety, trust and supportive relationships. Community-based programming may be in a pivotal position to provide services and supports that act as buffering protection against the effects of toxic stress.  相似文献   

Despite predominantly lower social class origins, the second generation of established immigrant groups in the UK are now attaining high levels of education. However, they continue to experience poorer labour market outcomes than the majority population. These worse outcomes are often attributed in part to their disadvantaged origins, which do not, by contrast, appear to constrain their educational success. This paper engages with this paradox. We discuss potential mechanisms for second-generation educational success and how far we might expect these to be replicated in labour market outcomes. We substantiate our discussion with new empirical analysis. Drawing on a unique longitudinal study of England and Wales spanning 40 years and encompassing one per cent of the population, we present evidence on the educational and labour market outcomes of the second generation of four groups of immigrants and the white British majority, controlling for multiple measures of social origins. We demonstrate that second-generation men and women's educational advantage is only partially reflected in the labour market. We reflect on the implications of our findings for future research.  相似文献   

Interviews with survivors of intimate partner violence were conducted to gain information on the transition from violent relationships to new non‐violent relationships. A subset of this data was re‐analysed using Social Relational Theory to gain further insight into the roles of children and important others who were identified as impacting this transition for mothers who had exited violent relationships. This paper reviews two major themes discovered during the SRT analysis that were inherent in the women's experiences: (i) agency of children, family, peers and community and (ii) power. In addition, this paper suggests implications for research, intervention and psychotherapeutic practice.  相似文献   


The importance of a supportive home environment to successful aging has been well-established in the literature, with home modifications increasingly acknowledged as ways of removing barriers to function and increasing independence for older people. Home modification literature and practice primarily focus on the home environment as a physical space in which to perform tasks and on the impact of modification on competencies and function. Home, however, is much more than a physical environment. Within a transactive framework, people and places are seen as engaged in a dynamic, reciprocal relationship through which home becomes a place of significant personal meaning. Through a qualitative framework, this study examines the experience of older people living in the community who are recipients of a home modification service. It explores the impact modifying the physical environment has on their experience of home as a place of meaning and provides insight into how home modifications can strengthen the home as a place of personal and social meaning as well as improve safety and comfort for the older person at home.  相似文献   

Starting from perspectives on functioning and wellbeing, the aim of the present study was to investigate positive and negative affect, self-perceived life satisfaction and happiness in a group of 74 Palestinian children exposed to political violence. We hypothesized that the children in our sample would display generally satisfactory wellbeing and good functioning in terms of positive affect, life satisfaction and happiness, despite their negative life conditions. Both quantitative and qualitative analysis of the dimensions of participants' wellbeing was carried out. In particular, we explored the ecological dimensions affecting the wellbeing of Palestinian children through content analysis of narratives produced by the group of participants. Positive emotions were found to contribute to wellbeing and life satisfaction in children, acting as protective factors in dealing with daily violence. The children displayed a range of personal resources facilitated above all by the functioning community structure supporting them. Implications for clinical intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study adopts a multilingual approach to analysing the standardized test results of primary school immigrant children living in the bi-/multilingual context of South Tyrol, Italy. The standardized test results are from the Invalsi test administered across Italy in 2009/2010. In South Tyrol, several languages are spoken on a daily basis and the long-established ethnic groups are speakers of German (69%), Italian (26%) and Ladin (4%). While the language of instruction for immigrant children attending Italian language schools is Italian, these children live in Italian- or German-speaking environments. I argue that standardized testing data should be analysed in conjunction with local language information to better serve the educational needs of bi-/multilingual children. The Italian test results of I and II Generation immigrant children (n?=?225) are re-examined in light of the languages spoken in their living environment. Results show that the approach used is useful in identifying information that would have otherwise remained undetected. The additional data provide valuable input for school administrators, educators and policy-makers and can be used to devise suitable remedial measures for immigrant children attending school in bi-/multilingual environments.  相似文献   

In 2000, the German Government passed a law prohibiting physical punishment in the family. A pre–post research design allows for an examination of its effects. The results of nationwide representative surveys on the experiences, perceptions, legal knowledge and attitudes of adolescents and parents are discussed. The recent surveys reveal a signi?cant decrease in the prevalence of corporal punishments and a high acceptance of the legal prohibition. In particular, awareness of the legal limits of parental physical sanctions has increased signi?cantly. For these reasons, the prohibition of corporal punishment can be said to have had an impact on the reduction of family violence against children in Germany. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper offers ethnographic observations on the place of “agency” in the lives of Aboriginal children in Central Australia. The focus is on children's play and adult-child interaction in the remote community of Ernabella, the oldest settlement in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands, northern South Australia. The circumstance of Aboriginal children in remote areas is introduced as a contrasting picture: on the one hand, the life of Aboriginal families is shaped by their marginalised socio-economic position and dependency on the state, which has become especially evident in the recently intensified efforts by the government to “mainstream” Aboriginal communities deemed in “social chaos” in order to regulate and thereby improve children's lives; on the other there is the social fact that children enjoy a comparatively high level of autonomy within the Aboriginal domain. The much-observed “freedom” from parental discipline, however, does not simply mean that children assert their will without regard for certain social rules. Rather, it is suggested that it is precisely the relatively low level of direct instruction and reprimand by adults that fosters children's ability to pattern their behaviour in relation to one another and to structure their social world and understandings according to the meanings that they co-create. Agency of this kind often occurs through imaginative play and spontaneously. This paper does not address policy issues directly. However, it is relevant as a background paper on Aboriginal children's lives that contributes to the understanding and recognition of existing social capacities outside institutional settings.  相似文献   

The number of families with children living in poverty and experiencing housing instability and homelessness has increased dramatically over the last two decades. Current public policy decisions will lead to further increases. Understanding the impact of this instability on the emotional, behavioral, and cognitive development of children is imperative. Few studies critically examine the effects of instability on both domiciled and homeless children. This research examined the effects of homelessness and housing instability on 133 children 8 to 12 years of age living in poverty. Results indicate that whether a child is currently homeless is not as significant as overall stability which may have a long ranging effect on a child's future development.  相似文献   

Little information is available on the effect of parent-child relationships on self-perception among Chinese children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Hong Kong. This study examined the impact of children’s age and symptom severity on the linkage of quality parent-child relationships to perceived competence/hope among children with ADHD. A clinical sample of 81 school-age children (ages 5–11, mean age = 8.38) who were diagnosed with ADHD were recruited in this study. Separate questionnaires were employed to collect data among children and their parents in the pre-treatment phase. Parent-child relationships were positively correlated with self-perception of children with ADHD, with physical competence to be father-child specific. Children’s age had moderated the correlation between mother-child relationship and children’s hope. Maternal role on children’s hope was significant for the mild symptom group; paternal role on children’s hope was significant for the severe symptom group. No moderation effect was found for symptom severity on the correlation between parent-child relationship and children’s self-perception. The study’s findings helped mental health professionals in a Chinese context to develop psychosocial interventions to foster quality parent-child relationships, which in turn will maintain children’s self-perception. Implications for social work practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The Mixed-Bank Program (Quebec, Canada) is based on concurrent planning principles. While the primary goal of this placement is reunification of the child with their birth parents, the low probability of this happening calls for simultaneously planning for an alternative solution, such as adoption. As a result, foster-to-adopt families have to deal with the uncertainty of the adoptability of the child and having no legal status nor control over the situation. In a qualitative study focusing on understanding how foster families from the Mixed-Bank Program develop the sense of being the parent of the child they care for, 25 semi-structured interviews with foster parents from 20 different families were conducted. As part of grounded theory methodology, a typology of profiles according to the level of uncertainty was constructed: (1) experience of certainty, (2) experience of momentary uncertainty, and (3) chronic uncertainty. This article presents these profiles and discusses the following challenges: the willingness to settle for permanence without adoption in all profiles, the link between the level of uncertainty and the assiduity of birth parents to supervised visits with the child, and the lack of power and control over the fulfillment of the goal of having or completing a family.  相似文献   

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