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Previous research has established an association between air pollution and adult mortality. However, studies utilizing short-term fluctuations in pollution may detect mortality changes among the already ill or dying, while prospective cohort studies, which utilize geographic differences in long-run pollution levels, may suffer from severe omitted variables bias. This study utilizes the long-run reduction in total suspended particulates (TSPs) pollution induced by the Clean Air Act of 1970, which mandated aggressive regulation of local polluters in heavily polluted counties. We find that regulatory status is associated with large reductions in TSPs pollution but has little association with reductions in either adult or elderly mortality. These findings are interpreted with caution due to several caveats.  相似文献   

Journal of Risk and Uncertainty - The empirical literature points to a stylized phenomenon of increased demand for hope following adversity. Clotfelter and Cook (1989) suggest that hope is a key...  相似文献   

The purity and cleanliness of the air we breathe is one of the chief conditions for good health and longevity. The oxidizing processes taking place in the living organism are known to be connected with the absorption of oxygen. Great quantities of air—about ten cubic meters—pass through a person's lungs in the course of 24 hours. We all know that the air is life itself for us. Man can survive for thirty days without food, about three days without water, but only a few minutes without air.  相似文献   

We develop a model of risk assessment that incorporates assumptions from the behavioral theory of the firm into conventional expected utility models of compliance, and test the model using data on injuries and OSHA inspections for 6842 manufacturing plants between 1979 and 1985. Four hypotheses are supported-the specific deterrence effect of an inspection, the importance of lagged effects of general deterrence, the asymmetrical effects of probability and amount of penalty on injuries, and the tendency of injury rates to self-correct over a few years. The model estimates that a 10% increase in enforcement activities will reduce injuries by about 1% for large, frequently inspected firms. Prior analyses reporting lower impacts (Smith, 1979; Viscusi, 1986a) are replicated to distinguish between sampling and modeling differences. The results suggest that further compliance theory needs more detailed models of risk-assessment processes to be tested on samples of firms most affected by enforcement.  相似文献   

采来 《今日辽宁》2001,(4):30-33
近期,在辽宁经贸代表团赴日赴韩赴港招商中,营口市成绩斐然,分别名列全省第二至三位,一时成为热点亮点彩点.这与营口的优越的投资环境密不可分.  相似文献   

2019年7月1日,日本政府的经济产业省宣布日韩两国间的信任很大程度上受到了严重损害,同时正式发表只能修改对韩方的出口管理规定。然后,自同年7月4日起,针对半导体等对韩国主要出口产品的生产过程中必需的超精密化学原料——光刻胶、氟化氢、氟聚酰亚胺三种产品开始实行新出口限制。据部分专家们的主张,日本政府通过新出口限制措施对韩国的半导体大型企业进行一种"牵制"或"报复",这种分析和判断确实有些说服力。但是,这种分析与事实不符,因为这次日本政府做出新出口限制措施,究其原因在于2018年10月30日韩国大法院的判决,并非是因为韩国半导体大型企业的崛起。本文将对韩日两国半导体贸易摩擦中的双边博弈进行深入研究。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes whether social comparison can explain the low take-up of disaster insurance usually reported in field studies. We argue that risks in the case of disasters are highly correlated between subjects whereas risks for which high insurance take-up can be observed (e.g. extended warranties or cell phone insurance) are typically idiosyncratic. We set up a simple model with social reference points and show that in the presence of inequality aversion social comparison makes insurance indeed less attractive if risks are correlated. In addition we conducted a simple experiment which confirms these theoretical results. The average willingness to pay for insurance is significantly higher for idiosyncratic than for correlated risks.  相似文献   

陈涛 《社会》2015,35(6):31-57
本文以对孟德斯鸠思想的社会学诠释为出发点,重返《论法的精神》,借此澄清从现代政治科学到社会学的学科转换。一方面,孟德斯鸠借助对法的重新定义,将政治科学的视野拓宽到政府之下的社会,从而推动了从政治科学到社会学的过渡;另一方面,通过澄清政府的原则与民族的一般精神、风俗和礼仪的关系指出,在孟德斯鸠那里,政治并不是社会的一个子系统或附属领域,而是从政治视角出发来看的整个社会,甚至还超出了社会。借此,我们希望突破当前社会学重视社会,轻视政治的学科思维。  相似文献   

This paper examines the financial disparity between men and women after marriage breakdown in the context of the debate about public support for children and their caretakers. The Australian Institute of Family Studies research into the economic consequences of marriage breakdown, the government's endorsement of reforms for the assessment and collection of child maintenance and the Law Reform Commission's recommendations for the reform of matrimonial property law indicate the need for more clarity and predictability for family law clients. In addition, empirical work highlights the need to eradicate any notion that the clean break philosophy is appropriate for parenting after separation. Whilst family law reforms are already underway in this area, the issues of womens' independence and of child welfare must be looked at in the broader context of employment opportunities and child care.  相似文献   

In recent years, many studies have begun to explore the role of information and communication technology (ICT) in promoting clean government, pointing out that it will make government more honest. However, existing research pays more attention to the correlation between the two factors, and few studies analyze in depth and in detail what the key ICT mechanism is that promotes the construction of clean government. Our case study of two innovative local clean government reforms in China has found that the key mechanism is improving the availability of information. Specifically, the reforms included two interrelated mechanisms: reducing the information asymmetry between vertical levels of government and bridging information barriers between government departments at the horizontal level.  相似文献   

Rob Manwaring 《Policy Studies》2019,40(3-4):270-286

In the policy advice literature, there has been two main “waves” of research focus. In the first wave, the focus of scholarly attention tended to focus on single policy advice actors. A key innovation was offered by Halligan, who sought to frame policy advice within a policy advisory system, with a focus on government control and location. In later research, Craft and Wilder called for a “second wave” of research which also sought to integrate factors such as policy content, context, ideational compatibility but also reflect the increasingly polycentric advice landscape. This article contributes to the second wave drawing attention to a key element of the institutional dynamics of policy advice systems, namely the issue of political “demand”. A core argument offered in this article is that the dynamics of demand need to be interrogated more fully, and be given greater prominence in current understandings of PAS dynamics. The net effect of marginalizing “demand” factors is that it can de-politicize the extent and nature of advice-giving, and reduce it to a seeming technocratic exchange. To expand our understanding of demand, this paper offers a framework for understanding the dynamics of demand within policy advice systems.  相似文献   

当正式制度与非正式规范发生冲突:计划生育与宗族网络   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
彭玉生 《社会》2009,29(1):37-65
中国宗族制度的核心是祖宗崇拜和传宗接代的香火观念。这种传统的文化规范与当前计划生育政策发生直接冲突。一方面,强大的国家机器毫不妥协地推行计划生育政策;另一方面,复兴的宗族网络支撑着古老的香火观念。虽然计划生育的严格推行大幅度地降低了生育率,但本文所分析的村级数据却发现宗族关系越强的村庄,其生育率越高,从而揭示了非正式规范是如何通过社会网络软化刚性的正式制度的。  相似文献   

欧洲法是一部关于法律多元主义的发展史。早在中世纪的欧洲,罗马共同法就已吸纳了罗马法、教会法以及地方法的多种元素。当下欧盟法也糅合了官方和非官方规则,从而形成多元的法律格局。借助欧洲私法整合运动,相应的"欧洲私法共同原理"和示范法取得了一定的法源地位。然而欧盟政界不仅没有很重视这些非正式法源,反而割裂了"欧盟法"与"欧洲私法共同原理"的内在联系。另一方面,各种示范法文本在促进私法融合的同时也加剧了私法的分歧,因此学者需要进一步提高文本的逻辑性和协调性。  相似文献   

李建伟 《求是学刊》2012,(1):92-100
股东权利虽以股东身份为基础,但取得股东身份并不当然享有完整的股东权利,如股东存在出资瑕疵,其股权应当受到限制,且这种限制具有正当性。一般来讲,比例股权与股东出资以及股东自身利益的关系较非比例股权而言要更为密切,在股东瑕疵出资的情况下,对其比例股权进行相应的限制,具有制度上的合理性、法理上的正当性与现实上的可行性。因此,对于瑕疵出资股东,其比例股权的行使应根据其瑕疵出资的实际情况而受到相应限制,原则上应按照其实缴的出资比例行使;而非比例股权则不应受到限制而均可以完整享有并行使。关于瑕疵出资股东权利限制的此等一般性标准得以确立后,具体到个案涉及的各项股权的限制及实现该限制的路径,还需要司法基于公平正义之原则分别处理。  相似文献   

Victor Albert 《Policy Studies》2019,40(3-4):410-425

There has been a call for a “second wave” of scholarship on policy advice to expand our understanding of the relational dynamics within a policy advisory system (PAS). In this article, we use a case from Brazil to address two key gaps in the PAS literature – the lack of attention to systems of network governance and the current predominance of “Westminster” empirical cases. To better understand the impact of policy advice within a system of networked governance, we apply the frame of “metagovernance” – the steering of governance networks. We then introduce and employ the concepts of funnelling, political brokering and gate-keeping to better understand how policy advice is shaped, modified and then either rejected or accepted. The contribution of the article is that, while much of the existing PAS literature describes the contours and key actors within an advisory system, we develop new conceptual scaffolding to better understand the trajectories and impact of policy advice, and the interplay between actors and agents, within a broader system of metagovernance.  相似文献   

Nicklett EJ, Perron BE. Laws and policies to support the wellbeing of children: an international comparative analysis Int J Soc Welfare 2010: 3–7 © 2009 The Author(s), Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the International Journal of Social Welfare. The international community has raised concerns regarding the extent to which countries have implemented laws and policies to support the rights and wellbeing of children. This study evaluates the progress of least‐developed countries (LDCs) and middle‐income countries (MICs) in developing such legislation. Surveys were sent to 131 UNICEF country offices. Items included efforts to promote family preservation and family ties, family‐based care over institutionalization, and child participation in placement decisions. A total of 68 surveys were returned, reflecting a 52 percent response rate (LDC, n= 25; MIC, n= 43). Legislation that addressed abuse and neglect of children, maternity leave, removal of children from the family, family care, adoption, and guardianship was widespread. Chi‐square tests indicated that MICs had a substantially higher number of laws and policies related to child allowances, school feeding programs, maternity leave, and day care.  相似文献   

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