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现代城市的环境色彩设计,是在高科技发展的形势下,现代色彩学运用于现代城市环境设计而产生的一门新的色彩研究学科。由于色彩对生活在城市环境中的人们具有特殊的影响和作用,因此在今天各个国家的城市环境建设中,城市的环境色彩问题,已经引起了主管城市建设的各级部门、科研机构及规划设计单位的高度重视与普遍关  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国经济的不断发展,城市化进程也在不断加剧,城市住宅建筑成为城市建筑的主体,住宅建筑的外观色彩影响着城市风貌。而色彩因为是人类视觉的组成要素,对人们的心理情感有直接的影响。本文对建筑色彩进行研究,对城市住宅的色彩进行设计,以期能够为城市住宅建筑的色彩设计研究提供指导。  相似文献   

浅谈环境艺术中的色彩设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境艺术是一个城市物化的历史和文化,体现出城市的个性风貌与气质。同时人们从主观上也积极研究色彩的特性,并把研究的成果与人类的社会生活紧密联系,形成了丰富的色彩历史和色彩文化。现代的城市环境设计非常注重色彩与城市环境的关系,色彩是室内、建筑、环境设计的灵魂,体现现代生活的质量和品位。  相似文献   

色彩,是城市景观构图的一个重要因素,也是美化城市的一个主要方面。如何使色彩在城市建筑中得到合理的运用,是城市建设工作者必须研究的课题。在城市色彩中,建筑物所占比重最大,它的外观色彩往往决定人们对这个城市的“第一印象”.多种不同的建筑材料在光的反射下显现出缤纷的色  相似文献   

谢玉琼 《职业》2017,(17):68-70
色彩是动画创作中一个重要的视觉元素,也是提高动画作品艺术感染力的重要手段.如何把色彩成功地运用到设计作品中去,通过色彩让观赏者领悟创作者的设计思想,成为动画创作中值得探讨的问题之一.本文从色彩的基本概念出发,分析了色彩对动画创作的影响,以2016年广东省中职学校技能大赛动漫设计与制作试题为例,对色彩在动画创作中的具体运用进行了研究探讨.  相似文献   

殷亮  任娟 《城市》2012,(10):64-67
构图是艺术创作中最重要的手段之一,建筑的色彩设计也不例外。近年来,随着中国住宅建设的高速发展,居住建筑的色彩设计不断突破传统的色彩取向与构图方式,设计手法更新较快,这些设计或构图大胆,或精雕细琢,富有创意的色彩设计拓展了大众对居住建筑色彩构图的理解,也表现出设计师对居住空间深层次的关注。目前,我国城市居住建筑的外观色彩大体有6种构图方式。一、横向构图在城市居住建筑色彩中运用最广泛的构图方式是横向构图,即建筑色彩分布以水平线条作为分界线,相同或相近的色彩水平延伸,给人以平静、稳妥的视觉感受和从容、安详的心理感受。  相似文献   

近年来,改善寒地城市道路景观色彩设计、提高寒地城市整体形象已经成为寒地城市建设的热点问题。通过道路景观色彩设计不仅能提高城市的整体形象,还能提高人们的生活质量。本文首先对寒地城市进行道路景观色彩设计的重要意义进行了阐述,然后对现阶段我国寒地城市道路景观色彩设计过程中存在的主要问题进行分析,最后结合实际情况,提出相应的设计策略。  相似文献   

通过色彩在平面设计中的应用与发展研究,对色彩的服务、设计精神和商品色彩的独特性、色彩的时代、文化性及心理特征进行系统分析,进而对在平面设计中如何很好的应用色彩进行了浅显的建议。  相似文献   

在园林美术当中,色彩对比与调和是其中最关键的设计原则,合理设计园林美术建筑物质载体,最终获取色彩配置方案。然而,要想合理掌握园林美术色彩设计的技巧具有较大的难度,但是,最终的目的就是确保园林整体色彩更加协调与统一,并获取最理想的视觉美感,而这也同样具备固定的规律。为此,文章对园林美术当中的建筑色彩规划设计意义进行了分析与研究,同时阐述了园林规划设计的建筑色彩原则。  相似文献   

色彩在设计中的作用是多彩多样的,而在移动设备中更发挥着特殊的作用,在桌面设备和移动设备上,色彩的运用有着一定的差别,为了能够运用好色彩,我们需要特殊的对移动设备中的色彩进行分析和研究,使自己的设计更为出色。  相似文献   

《Social Networks》1998,20(2):109-118
Here we introduce a computer-based visual display program, called MAGE. MAGE was designed to display molecules but we will explore its potential for application to the study of social networks. To do so, we will use MAGE to examine the structural properties of two data sets, friendship choices in an Australian college residence and peer choices among teenagers in a Dublin suburb.  相似文献   

Within the past few decades, there has been an explosion of articles examining “gay identity.” Yet, much of this work continues to center on the experiences of gay White men or fail to adequately examine the process of identity development, even when “identity” is central to the discussion. This review outlines 4 theoretical perspectives used to explore gay men of color and identity development. Taken together, these 4 perspectives can offer a rich opportunity to explore the ways that gay men of color come to develop an identity that simultaneously addresses their racial and sexual identities. I argue that examining identity development among gay men of color can help sociology better understand the identity process and provide new insights into examining intersectionality by demonstrating that identities are not only intersectional but also contextual.  相似文献   

城市色彩规划设计的意义及原则   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
杨曾宪 《城市》2004,(1):45-48
城市色彩规划设计是近年来国内许多城市,特别是历史文化名城所关注的问题.自20世纪80年代以来,中国城市在超高速发展及扩容过程中,由于规划失控,更由于普遍缺少审美文化修养、缺少对城市色彩的重视,使某种"显富、摆阔、攀比、争强"的"暴发户"文化或美学趣味在大中城市中蔓延开来,从南到北、从东到西,彼此模仿,争赶时髦,各种新材料、新涂料争奇斗艳,将许多城市涂成色彩斑斓的大花脸,既失去了鲜明的城市个性,又切断了历史文脉,而且造成严重的视觉污染,影响到城市居民的身心健康.  相似文献   

This article explores how a sample of college students discursively negotiated perceptions of race and ability in the context of mediated sport. A majority of respondents expressed acceptance of a link between racial identity and sport-specific skills. However, rather than articulate this notion overtly and directly, rhetorical strategies, such as disclaimers and coded language, were used. We analyze these responses as a form of “racetalk” (Bonilla-Silva and Forman 2000) to more specifically unpack the significance of discourse within the post-Civil Rights Movement era. Although the language used to discuss race in this sample, like the contemporary era more generally, appears colorblind and progressive on the surface, it is undergirded by a distinct form of color consciousness.  相似文献   

The importance of eye care in the industry is a first level topic, due to most of the assembly and manufacturing aimed companies of various products that require direct health care of their employees, specially eye care. The lighting system, the lamp features and job tasks are factors that impact over the visual performance of the worker. Each of these factors, either by themselves or in conjunction, influences the visual performance of the employee, and therefore its safety and efficacy. Some of the reported symptoms are: problem of visual fixation, eye redness, tearing, headache, blurred vision, eyelids heaviness and dry eyes, [7]. The research was developed with 48 people, 27 male and 21 female, in the range of ages of 17 to 58 years old. In the experiment were used illumination system base on Diode Emitting lights (LED's) of five different colors (White, Blue, Green, Red and Yellow), the reason of use of LED's it is because are source of monochromatic light, also it is also saving power light and low heating dissipation.  相似文献   

The effect of employees’ hair color on wages was experimentally tested in a tipping context. Waitresses in several restaurants were instructed to wear blond, red, brown or dark colored wigs. The effect of hair color on tipping according to patron's gender was measured. It was found that waitresses wearing blond wigs received more tips but only with male's patrons. Waitresses’ hair color had no effect on females’ tipping behavior.  相似文献   

This article compares the significance of race among Jamaicans in London and NewYork. Drawing on research among 1st generation migrants in both cities, it is contended that being a black Jamaican must be understood in terms of the racial context of the receiving area. In New York, where segregation of blacks is more pronounced, being part of the large and residentially concentrated local black population cushions Jamaican migrants from some of the sting of racial prejudice and provides them with easier access to certain occupations and social institutions. In the US, women, not men, dominate the Jamaican immigration movement, and it is common for women to migrate 1st, later followed by their children and, in many cases their husbands as well. Whether Jamaicans settle in London or New York, they experience a painful change: being black is more of a stigma than it is in Jamaica. One reason why the Jamaicans interviewed in New York complained less about racial prejudice than the London migrants is that they had more realistic expectations of the racial situation, and thus were less disillusioned when they arrived abroad. The presence and residential segregation of the large black community in New York means that Jamaicans there are less apt than in London to meet whites, and thus to have painful contacts with whites in various neighborhood arenas. A key aspect of New York Jamaicans' own identity--and a source of pride and a sense of self-worth--is their feeling of superiority to black Americans.  相似文献   

Clinical literature on incest trauma assumes a homogeneity of experience of all incest survivors including women of color. Experiences relating to community, culture, and family need to be acknowledged as salient aspects of the experiences of women of color who are also incest survivors. Twelve participants were interviewed regarding their experiences related to disclosure and coping. Participants described value systems, community mindedness, social attitudes, negative consequences amongst other social and cultural issues as factors affecting incest disclosure. Participants described cognitive reframing, determination and separation from the perpetrator as ways of coping with incest.  相似文献   

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