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This article looks at social protection in the Arab world. Giving the example of Egypt, it asks why poverty is so widespread and why – despite the country's numerous social protection systems – social risks are a major contributing factor to it. It concludes that reforms are due. The existing systems are well funded but inefficient and more to the benefit of the better‐off than the poor. A reform approach is proposed which builds on both conventional and more innovative strategies: campaigns should be launched to raise public awareness of social risks; social assistance spending should be increased; and the operating public pension schemes should be reformed. At the same time, new avenues have to be opened to meet the specific needs of informal sector workers who have extreme difficulty in being covered by social insurance or social assistance. To this purpose, micro‐insurance is a promising approach for the Arab‐world region.  相似文献   

As elsewhere in the world and in Africa in particular, social security in the member countries of the East African Community (Kenya, United Republic of Tanzania, and Uganda) has long been provided through voluntary assistance under the traditional extended family system. Later, and more specifically after independence in the early 1960s, when the region had a major increase in the number of employees in the formal sector — both public and private — who were mainly located in urban centres, formal social security schemes started to gain recognition among employed workers. Thus over the years, the urban population became increasingly detached from rural communities where the traditional extended family system was most effective. In addition, their general standards of living rose to such levels that if they ceased to earn employment income for one reason or another their livelihood could not be sustained through the extended family system. The above social security development trends have resulted even today in societies examining and determining ways to improve social protection beyond the formal sector so as to ensure arrangements are put in place for a large part of the working population to be provided with social security insurance during their working life and after retirement.  相似文献   

Early retirement schemes and disability insurance in the Netherlands have undergone several reforms in recent decades. The reforms have increased incentives for older workers to continue working and have decreased the roles of “substitute pathways” into retirement. This article gives an overview of the reforms and, using administrative data for workers in the health care sector, tests a number of hypotheses about the labour market participation of older workers. The results offer two main findings: i) that the Dutch reforms have indeed been effective, as the labour force participation rate of older workers has increased; and ii) the concept of “substitute pathways” has become less relevant as the use of disability insurance has been closed off as an exit route to early retirement. Nevertheless, caution is required before generalizing the implications of these Dutch findings to other OECD countries.  相似文献   

Reaching universal health‐care coverage requires an appropriate mix of compulsory contributory social insurance schemes, with mechanisms to include the informal‐economy population, and tax‐based social assistance for those whose incomes preclude their own contributions. This article urges a reversal of the trend that favours the separate development of social health insurance by separate health authorities and makes the case for the extension of health‐care coverage using existing formal‐sector social security schemes, not least because they have the necessary political backing and institutional structures. The article reviews reasons for the slow pace of coverage extension to date, and stresses the added value of incorporating health care as a social security benefit while also acknowledging the importance of retaining linkages between statutory and well‐regulated community‐based or micro health‐insurance schemes.  相似文献   

Social security schemes are accused of undermining both competitiveness and employment, because of the burden of contributions, and weakening economic vitality through their disincentive effects on work and levels of saving. Yet at the same time they are called upon to meet new social needs arising from family instability and changes in the labour market – growing unemployment and reduced job security, widening pay differentials and a decline in the position of self-employed workers – trends which coincide with the globalization of markets. This article postulates the need for improved redistribution (without making changes in social security coverage) in order to achieve a balance between occupational and national solidarity which favours the latter, since stable and full-time employment for all can no longer be assured.  相似文献   

It is a common feature of Australian, British and German social security law to exclude atypical work from many normal standards of protection. Social insurance and occupational welfare law still concentrate on the standard employment relationship, as they use length and continuity of employment as the major criteria for distributing benefits, and means-tested systems put those who depend on different sources of income, as most atypical workers do, at a disadvantage. However, equal treatment and even promotion are granted to one type of atypical work: the combination of domestic and atypical labour market work. Examples are the law of unemployment insurance in Great Britain and Germany, the family components within the social insurance schemes, the special British and Australian means-tested benefits for the working poor family, and parental leave legislation in Germany.  相似文献   

This paper is based on the premise that labour market conditions are critical in shaping access to social security benefits. Women's entitlement to long-term social security is in many respects different from that of men on account of the assumptions which pervade the system about gender roles, labour market conditions, and outcomes. The Indian state of Kerala has made great strides in formulating various schemes for workers in the informal sector, but gender concerns in social security are in want of attention in the light of demographic pressures, fiscal constraints and changes in the global economy.  相似文献   

Does any form of social security make sense in emergent economies, such as those in Asia and the Pacific, where most of the labour force is involved in the informal sector? This article explores various options. Though there are structural obstacles, such as the increasing casualization of labour, the inability of low paid employees to save for the future and widespread corruption, the state is not devoid of policy opportunities. A bottom‐up approach engaging local community organizations to provide suitable security measures is one important option. However, this needs to be achieved in the context of a multifaceted approach to create an environment of decent work and training that increases individuals’ employability.  相似文献   

Welfare policy in Mexico has been transformed in recent decades. During the years of the import‐substitution industrialization economic strategy and the hegemonic party political regime, social policy was based on social insurance programs of limited coverage to urban formal sector workers and their families. In the mid‐1990s, an unprecedented expansion of social protection through social assistance programs was triggered, along with social insurance reform. This article assesses the effects at the household level of social policy changes, in combination with changes in taxes and the minimum wage, which also impact the welfare of the population. The research applies “model families” to establish effects of social, tax, and minimum wage policy changes across population groups, and their combined potential to combat poverty. Findings show that although taxation and social policy changes increased redistribution towards poor families, their capacity to lift and keep them above poverty thresholds was limited by the drop in the real value of the minimum wage and by strict targeting mechanisms, which exclude families that do not meet eligibility criteria but still fall below poverty lines. Social policy expansion merely subsidized the drop in real minimum wage, and poor families at best remained at similar income levels. Hence, the logic of the design of welfare policy changes can be characterized as aiming to keep poor families on the breadline, but no higher.  相似文献   

The object of this paper is to examine private sector wage subsidies and public sector job creation as competing solutions to unemployment. This has been undertaken firstly, by critically evaluating the general arguments adduced for the respective programs. Secondly, consideration is given to the outcomes from examples of such programs. In this case the Special Youth Employment Training Program (SYETP) and the Regional Employment Development Scheme (REDS) were selected as relevant examples of private and public sector employment programs conducted in Australia. It was found that SYETP had difficulty fulfilling its twin objectives of providing training for those disadvantaged in the labour market and fulfilling their transition to unsubsidised employment. Wage subsidies have a major administrative flaw in that it is extremely difficult to determine whether a subsidy results in either net job creation, i.e., creating a position which would not exist in absence of the subsidy, or the substitution of subsidised for non-subsidised labour. The operation of wage subsidies results in a degradation of the labour market, or substitution of permanent for casual, high turn-over positions. Public sector job creation is subject to certain benefits that do not accrue to private sector schemes. It is argued that RED type schemes have a greater capacity to incorporate more intensive formal skills training, and can more readily manipulate tax and employment multipliers. An attempt has been made to compare the cost efficiency of SYETP and REDS in creating employment. One important, though tentative result of this exercise is that the effectiveness of wage subsidies as a job creation mechanism is dependent upon economic growth. Consequently there is a paradox in the use of wage subsidies whereby they are most effective when they are least needed and most needed when they are least effective.  相似文献   

Due to the rapid industrialization and urbanization of China, an estimated 252 million farmers have migrated from impoverished rural areas to prosperous urban regions, seeking off‐farm employment. In China, these are referred to as migrant workers. Workers’ compensation insurance law represents one of the most vital formal institutions for Chinese migrant workers. Through in‐depth interviews with migrant workers and employers, the authors find that instead of making a formal claim based on workers’ compensation insurance law, most injured migrant workers adopt informal channels (e.g. bargaining, negotiation, threats, violence) to receive compensation from employers. Even when migrant workers are insured in accordance with the law, they may be denied legal insurance compensation and thus turn to informal private settlement. Generally, the amount of compensation acquired by means of informal private settlement is significantly smaller than that awarded in the case of legal insurance compensation. This practice reveals that, like some other formal institutions in China, workers’ compensation insurance law is merely a symbolic ornament, window‐dressing for the public, which are referred to as ‘ornamental institutions'. In the way they are designed, set up and funded, these ornamental institutions can easily prove illusory since they conceal an anarchic world wherein diverse informal channels of social actors emerge, which reflect the reality of Chinese society. Therefore, only through deep empirical research, like this study, can one see beyond the facade of modernity in contemporary China, observe the reality of social actors, and reflect upon the functioning of ornamental institutions.  相似文献   

This paper explores the effective non‐availability of disability/invalidity benefits to formal sector employees with HIV/AIDS in the United Republic of Tanzania. The legal difficulty of establishing a direct connection between HIV/AIDS and employment injury and occupational diseases present a challenge to social security institutions and schemes which are simultaneously trying to come to grips with the mounting problems of the shrinkage of the formal sector and low coverage. Remedial policy responses are proposed. These identify the statutory and legal adjustments needed both to ensure convergence of eligibility criteria for invalidity benefit claims among the concerned institutions, and to ensure that qualifying conditions are both consistent and in line with contemporary approaches to disbility. The suggested adjustments would simplify and clarify eligibility criteria in cases of invalidity involving existing scheme members, potentially also allowing for a future expansion of benefit coverage better to reflect labour market realities.  相似文献   

Social and demographic changes are gradually transforming the way Western societies cope with old‐age dependency, in particular the provision of long‐term care (LTC). In response to the need for formal care services and financing instruments, this study examines a range of both private and public insurance tools. As a general rule, LTC insurance is markedly underdeveloped. Furthermore, in southern European countries, the role of the public sector in LTC is unclear compared with its role in other, related welfare areas such as healthcare. The study examines the financing alternatives for LTC insurance, taking as its benchmark the Spanish LTC financing reform. It briefly examines some existing, publicly funded LTC financing tools and explores the potential role of private LTC insurance, arguing that it has an active part to play alongside compulsory mainstream insurance schemes and self‐insurance alternatives. As in other European countries, Spanish social attitudes show a preference for some kind of general entitlement to publicly funded schemes, although this preference is subject to significant regional heterogeneity.  相似文献   

This research focuses upon employment in the new economy, exploring labour protection and social protection in the digital age in China. Through an empirical survey conducted in three Chinese cities, social insurance and the labour rights of employees in the digital economic sector, such as gig employment, e-commerce, and various other forms of online employment, have been examined in-depth. This study reveals new regulatory loopholes in the digital labour market, which have substantially eroded the basis of social policy arrangements in China, “softening” participation in social insurance branches and compliance with labour regulations remarkably. Drawing upon the theoretical concepts of Polanyi on embeddedness and disembeddedness, we argue that the digital employment sector in China has been increasingly disembedded from social institutions and social control. The new configuration in the digital field of social policy requires novel conceptual models and institutional settings to cope with increasing social risks in virtual spaces.  相似文献   

Informal Economic and Social Security in Sub-Saharan Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most people think that there is no social security in sub-Saharan Africa, whereas a theoretical statutory social security is foreseen in quite a few African States. Since the 1960s, the first formal social security provision in French-speaking sub-Saharan Africa was established mainly in the field of health services. Nevertheless, the situation is different in reality. The coverage rate is less than 10 per cent of the workforce. The majority of the population are excluded because they work in the informal sector. Formal social security systems are usually based on a labour-centred view, which is founded on formal employment and thus employment contracts. Legal restrictions, such as the exclusion of several categories of employees, and administrative and financial problems are primarily responsible for the low coverage rate. This situation has induced informal sector workers to create their own "safety nets". The integration of these existing informal social security schemes in a broader, pluralist approach to sub-Saharan social security seems necessary.  相似文献   

日本3.11大地震后,各种专业组织、社会福利组织致力于灾后重建的社会工作,有力佐证了日本护理保险制度中的护理管理在震灾救援中的巨大威力。针对震灾的社会工作,需要注重以个人援助为主的护理管理,与以地域社会为主的网络相结合。在灾害社会工作的发展方向上,需要社会工作把医疗和团队结合起来,通过加深相互之间的配合,建立在灾害医疗援助小组(DMAT)或日本医师会灾害医疗团队(JMAT)进行治疗后开展生活援助的机制。在社会工作中导入与灾害医疗援助小组同样的体系,平时就要培养好应对震灾的社会工作者。注重培养社会工作者应用现存的社会资源的能力,以及动员、调动灾区以外地区的社会资源的能力。重建受灾者的社区,非常有必要保持并进一步强化以往的居民间的关系。需要建立区域综合援助中心,配有保健师、社会福利士(社会工作者)、主任护理经理。以区域综合援助中心为主来开展灾区和灾区以外地区的社会工作者互相合作的"区域综合照顾"。在生活圈里重建各种组织机构的网络,社会工作者在各自的生活圈内,以地区的需求为基础,制定解决这些需求的计划,动员灾区居民参加,力求实现正式和非正式组织、机构的组织化,并在各种组织、机构的合作下进行实施推广,为社区复苏提供援助,促进地域社会中的各种组织的网络建设,从而形成地区的组织化。  相似文献   

Income inequality in China has been much documented and debated. However, one important aspect of income inequality – social insurance inequality – has been largely understudied. We use a large national panel of firm data to examine the possible influence of various firm characteristics on the inequalities in social insurance participation and generosity in the period 2004–07. Our findings reveal substantial ownership sector and regional gaps in social insurance provision by firms, with the private domestic sector and those in the central region lagging behind. Unionized firms, larger firms, and firms with greater market shares also tend to provide better social insurance to their employees. While being an exporting firm is linked with greater social insurance participation and generosity, being a purely exporting firm, however, is associated with reduced social insurance generosity. Lastly, highly educated workers receive substantially better social insurance coverage than their less educated peers. These social insurance inequalities are highly relevant as China pushes forward with establishing a unified social insurance system across urban‐rural boundaries, ownership sectors and industries.  相似文献   

Social security systems throughout the world are in a dilemma. The over-expansion of the sixties has compounded the current recession's unemployment and other problems and created an “ideal” system difficult for the economically depressed countries to alter. Older workers are particularly hard hit during recessions. They are often pressured into retirement, with no financial or career alternatives, in an attempt to free up jobs for younger and hard-to-place workers. Many schemes have been devised to compensate older workers for their losses: high unemployment compensation, partial unemployment benefits and a liberal interpretation of disability insurance and other assistance programmes not specifically designed for the elderly. The author exposes many proposals for altering social security but concludes that most schemes have not yet been implemented. While international economic recovery would surely heal the ailing systems, the author contends there are remedial measures, largely ignored at present, that could be taken to soothe the systems' wounds.  相似文献   

Although the Decent Work agenda has received significant attention in the context of sustainable development, the formulation and implementation of appropriate social policies in developing countries remain an underexplored subject. This article responds to this gap and traces country‐specific Decent Work related policies and programs in Nepal—which is recovering from two major crises: a decade‐long armed conflict that ended in 2006 as well as the 2015 earthquake. Drawing on Critical Policy Analysis framework, this article examines how key tenets of the International Labour Organisation's Decent Work platform, namely creation and provision of employment, social protection, social dialogue and rights at work have manifested in Nepal. The findings indicate that while attempts have been made to embrace the Decent Work agenda into social policies and programs, structural instability of political processes means that there is a lack of strategic directions to address a capacity deficit specific to the informal sector and outbound labour migrants. The article makes broader analytical contributions towards evaluating the implementation of social policies driven by the global priority in the context of developing nations with weak governance settings. In countries like Nepal, where the majority of workers are located within the informal sector and as such the administrative reach and effectiveness of Decent Work related social policies designed for the formal sector are limited.  相似文献   

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