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We consider importance sampling (IS) type weighted estimators based on Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) targeting an approximate marginal of the target distribution. In the context of Bayesian latent variable models, the MCMC typically operates on the hyperparameters, and the subsequent weighting may be based on IS or sequential Monte Carlo (SMC), but allows for multilevel techniques as well. The IS approach provides a natural alternative to delayed acceptance (DA) pseudo-marginal/particle MCMC, and has many advantages over DA, including a straightforward parallelization and additional flexibility in MCMC implementation. We detail minimal conditions which ensure strong consistency of the suggested estimators, and provide central limit theorems with expressions for asymptotic variances. We demonstrate how our method can make use of SMC in the state space models context, using Laplace approximations and time-discretized diffusions. Our experimental results are promising and show that the IS-type approach can provide substantial gains relative to an analogous DA scheme, and is often competitive even without parallelization.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Much recent methodological progress in the analysis of infectious disease data has been due to Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methodology. In this paper, it is illustrated that rejection sampling can also be applied to a family of inference problems in the context of epidemic models, avoiding the issues of convergence associated with MCMC methods. Specifically, we consider models for epidemic data arising from a population divided into households. The models allow individuals to be potentially infected both from outside and from within the household. We develop methodology for selection between competing models via the computation of Bayes factors. We also demonstrate how an initial sample can be used to adjust the algorithm and improve efficiency. The data are assumed to consist of the final numbers ultimately infected within a sample of households in some community. The methods are applied to data taken from outbreaks of influenza.  相似文献   

We present a versatile Monte Carlo method for estimating multidimensional integrals, with applications to rare-event probability estimation. The method fuses two distinct and popular Monte Carlo simulation methods—Markov chain Monte Carlo and importance sampling—into a single algorithm. We show that for some applied numerical examples the proposed Markov Chain importance sampling algorithm performs better than methods based solely on importance sampling or MCMC.  相似文献   

Abstract. We investigate simulation methodology for Bayesian inference in Lévy‐driven stochastic volatility (SV) models. Typically, Bayesian inference from such models is performed using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC); this is often a challenging task. Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) samplers are methods that can improve over MCMC; however, there are many user‐set parameters to specify. We develop a fully automated SMC algorithm, which substantially improves over the standard MCMC methods in the literature. To illustrate our methodology, we look at a model comprised of a Heston model with an independent, additive, variance gamma process in the returns equation. The driving gamma process can capture the stylized behaviour of many financial time series and a discretized version, fit in a Bayesian manner, has been found to be very useful for modelling equity data. We demonstrate that it is possible to draw exact inference, in the sense of no time‐discretization error, from the Bayesian SV model.  相似文献   

Full likelihood-based inference for modern population genetics data presents methodological and computational challenges. The problem is of considerable practical importance and has attracted recent attention, with the development of algorithms based on importance sampling (IS) and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling. Here we introduce a new IS algorithm. The optimal proposal distribution for these problems can be characterized, and we exploit a detailed analysis of genealogical processes to develop a practicable approximation to it. We compare the new method with existing algorithms on a variety of genetic examples. Our approach substantially outperforms existing IS algorithms, with efficiency typically improved by several orders of magnitude. The new method also compares favourably with existing MCMC methods in some problems, and less favourably in others, suggesting that both IS and MCMC methods have a continuing role to play in this area. We offer insights into the relative advantages of each approach, and we discuss diagnostics in the IS framework.  相似文献   

The Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA) has established itself as a widely used method for approximate inference on Bayesian hierarchical models which can be represented as a latent Gaussian model (LGM). INLA is based on producing an accurate approximation to the posterior marginal distributions of the parameters in the model and some other quantities of interest by using repeated approximations to intermediate distributions and integrals that appear in the computation of the posterior marginals. INLA focuses on models whose latent effects are a Gaussian Markov random field. For this reason, we have explored alternative ways of expanding the number of possible models that can be fitted using the INLA methodology. In this paper, we present a novel approach that combines INLA and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). The aim is to consider a wider range of models that can be fitted with INLA only when some of the parameters of the model have been fixed. We show how new values of these parameters can be drawn from their posterior by using conditional models fitted with INLA and standard MCMC algorithms, such as Metropolis–Hastings. Hence, this will extend the use of INLA to fit models that can be expressed as a conditional LGM. Also, this new approach can be used to build simpler MCMC samplers for complex models as it allows sampling only on a limited number of parameters in the model. We will demonstrate how our approach can extend the class of models that could benefit from INLA, and how the R-INLA package will ease its implementation. We will go through simple examples of this new approach before we discuss more advanced applications with datasets taken from the relevant literature. In particular, INLA within MCMC will be used to fit models with Laplace priors in a Bayesian Lasso model, imputation of missing covariates in linear models, fitting spatial econometrics models with complex nonlinear terms in the linear predictor and classification of data with mixture models. Furthermore, in some of the examples we could exploit INLA within MCMC to make joint inference on an ensemble of model parameters.  相似文献   

Fitting stochastic kinetic models represented by Markov jump processes within the Bayesian paradigm is complicated by the intractability of the observed-data likelihood. There has therefore been considerable attention given to the design of pseudo-marginal Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for such models. However, these methods are typically computationally intensive, often require careful tuning and must be restarted from scratch upon receipt of new observations. Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) methods on the other hand aim to efficiently reuse posterior samples at each time point. Despite their appeal, applying SMC schemes in scenarios with both dynamic states and static parameters is made difficult by the problem of particle degeneracy. A principled approach for overcoming this problem is to move each parameter particle through a Metropolis-Hastings kernel that leaves the target invariant. This rejuvenation step is key to a recently proposed \(\hbox {SMC}^2\) algorithm, which can be seen as the pseudo-marginal analogue of an idealised scheme known as iterated batch importance sampling. Computing the parameter weights in \(\hbox {SMC}^2\) requires running a particle filter over dynamic states to unbiasedly estimate the intractable observed-data likelihood up to the current time point. In this paper, we propose to use an auxiliary particle filter inside the \(\hbox {SMC}^2\) scheme. Our method uses two recently proposed constructs for sampling conditioned jump processes, and we find that the resulting inference schemes typically require fewer state particles than when using a simple bootstrap filter. Using two applications, we compare the performance of the proposed approach with various competing methods, including two global MCMC schemes.  相似文献   

As the number of applications for Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) grows, the power of these methods as well as their shortcomings become more apparent. While MCMC yields an almost automatic way to sample a space according to some distribution, its implementations often fall short of this task as they may lead to chains which converge too slowly or get trapped within one mode of a multi-modal space. Moreover, it may be difficult to determine if a chain is only sampling a certain area of the space or if it has indeed reached stationarity. In this paper, we show how a simple modification of the proposal mechanism results in faster convergence of the chain and helps to circumvent the problems described above. This mechanism, which is based on an idea from the field of “small-world” networks, amounts to adding occasional “wild” proposals to any local proposal scheme. We demonstrate through both theory and extensive simulations, that these new proposal distributions can greatly outperform the traditional local proposals when it comes to exploring complex heterogenous spaces and multi-modal distributions. Our method can easily be applied to most, if not all, problems involving MCMC and unlike many other remedies which improve the performance of MCMC it preserves the simplicity of the underlying algorithm.  相似文献   

Bayesian inference for pairwise interacting point processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pairwise interacting point processes are commonly used to model spatial point patterns. To perform inference, the established frequentist methods can produce good point estimates when the interaction in the data is moderate, but some methods may produce severely biased estimates when the interaction in strong. Furthermore, because the sampling distributions of the estimates are unclear, interval estimates are typically obtained by parametric bootstrap methods. In the current setting however, the behavior of such estimates is not well understood. In this article we propose Bayesian methods for obtaining inferences in pairwise interacting point processes. The requisite application of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques is complicated by an intractable function of the parameters in the likelihood. The acceptance probability in a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm involves the ratio of two likelihoods evaluated at differing parameter values. The intractable functions do not cancel, and hence an intractable ratio r must be estimated within each iteration of a Metropolis-Hastings sampler. We propose the use of importance sampling techniques within MCMC to address this problem. While r may be estimated by other methods, these, in general, are not readily applied in a Bayesian setting. We demonstrate the validity of our importance sampling approach with a small simulation study. Finally, we analyze the Swedish pine sapling dataset (Strand 1972) and contrast the results with those in the literature.  相似文献   

This article designs a Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) algorithm for estimation of Bayesian semi-parametric Stochastic Volatility model for financial data. In particular, it makes use of one of the most recent particle filters called Particle Learning (PL). SMC methods are especially well suited for state-space models and can be seen as a cost-efficient alternative to Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), since they allow for online type inference. The posterior distributions are updated as new data is observed, which is exceedingly costly using MCMC. Also, PL allows for consistent online model comparison using sequential predictive log Bayes factors. A simulated data is used in order to compare the posterior outputs for the PL and MCMC schemes, which are shown to be almost identical. Finally, a short real data application is included.  相似文献   

Hidden Markov random field models provide an appealing representation of images and other spatial problems. The drawback is that inference is not straightforward for these models as the normalisation constant for the likelihood is generally intractable except for very small observation sets. Variational methods are an emerging tool for Bayesian inference and they have already been successfully applied in other contexts. Focusing on the particular case of a hidden Potts model with Gaussian noise, we show how variational Bayesian methods can be applied to hidden Markov random field inference. To tackle the obstacle of the intractable normalising constant for the likelihood, we explore alternative estimation approaches for incorporation into the variational Bayes algorithm. We consider a pseudo-likelihood approach as well as the more recent reduced dependence approximation of the normalisation constant. To illustrate the effectiveness of these approaches we present empirical results from the analysis of simulated datasets. We also analyse a real dataset and compare results with those of previous analyses as well as those obtained from the recently developed auxiliary variable MCMC method and the recursive MCMC method. Our results show that the variational Bayesian analyses can be carried out much faster than the MCMC analyses and produce good estimates of model parameters. We also found that the reduced dependence approximation of the normalisation constant outperformed the pseudo-likelihood approximation in our analysis of real and synthetic datasets.  相似文献   

Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms have been shown to be useful for estimation of complex item response theory (IRT) models. Although an MCMC algorithm can be very useful, it also requires care in use and interpretation of results. In particular, MCMC algorithms generally make extensive use of priors on model parameters. In this paper, MCMC estimation is illustrated using a simple mixture IRT model, a mixture Rasch model (MRM), to demonstrate how the algorithm operates and how results may be affected by some commonly used priors. Priors on the probabilities of mixtures, label switching, model selection, metric anchoring, and implementation of the MCMC algorithm using WinBUGS are described, and their effects illustrated on parameter recovery in practical testing situations. In addition, an example is presented in which an MRM is fitted to a set of educational test data using the MCMC algorithm and a comparison is illustrated with results from three existing maximum likelihood estimation methods.  相似文献   

Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, including the Gibbs sampler and the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm, are very commonly used in Bayesian statistics for sampling from complicated, high-dimensional posterior distributions. A continuing source of uncertainty is how long such a sampler must be run in order to converge approximately to its target stationary distribution. A method has previously been developed to compute rigorous theoretical upper bounds on the number of iterations required to achieve a specified degree of convergence in total variation distance by verifying drift and minorization conditions. We propose the use of auxiliary simulations to estimate the numerical values needed in this theorem. Our simulation method makes it possible to compute quantitative convergence bounds for models for which the requisite analytical computations would be prohibitively difficult or impossible. On the other hand, although our method appears to perform well in our example problems, it cannot provide the guarantees offered by analytical proof.  相似文献   

Particle MCMC involves using a particle filter within an MCMC algorithm. For inference of a model which involves an unobserved stochastic process, the standard implementation uses the particle filter to propose new values for the stochastic process, and MCMC moves to propose new values for the parameters. We show how particle MCMC can be generalised beyond this. Our key idea is to introduce new latent variables. We then use the MCMC moves to update the latent variables, and the particle filter to propose new values for the parameters and stochastic process given the latent variables. A generic way of defining these latent variables is to model them as pseudo-observations of the parameters or of the stochastic process. By choosing the amount of information these latent variables have about the parameters and the stochastic process we can often improve the mixing of the particle MCMC algorithm by trading off the Monte Carlo error of the particle filter and the mixing of the MCMC moves. We show that using pseudo-observations within particle MCMC can improve its efficiency in certain scenarios: dealing with initialisation problems of the particle filter; speeding up the mixing of particle Gibbs when there is strong dependence between the parameters and the stochastic process; and enabling further MCMC steps to be used within the particle filter.  相似文献   

The authors present theoretical results that show how one can simulate a mixture distribution whose components live in subspaces of different dimension by reformulating the problem in such a way that observations may be drawn from an auxiliary continuous distribution on the largest subspace and then transformed in an appropriate fashion. Motivated by the importance of enlarging the set of available Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques, the authors show how their results can be fruitfully employed in problems such as model selection (or averaging) of nested models, or regeneration of Markov chains for evaluating standard deviations of estimated expectations derived from MCMC simulations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss a fully Bayesian quantile inference using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method for longitudinal data models with random effects. Under the assumption of error term subject to asymmetric Laplace distribution, we establish a hierarchical Bayesian model and obtain the posterior distribution of unknown parameters at τ-th level. We overcome the current computational limitations using two approaches. One is the general MCMC technique with Metropolis–Hastings algorithm and another is the Gibbs sampling from the full conditional distribution. These two methods outperform the traditional frequentist methods under a wide array of simulated data models and are flexible enough to easily accommodate changes in the number of random effects and in their assumed distribution. We apply the Gibbs sampling method to analyse a mouse growth data and some different conclusions from those in the literatures are obtained.  相似文献   

We evaluate MCMC sampling schemes for a variety of link functions in generalized linear models with Dirichlet process random effects. First, we find that there is a large amount of variability in the performance of MCMC algorithms, with the slice sampler typically being less desirable than either a Kolmogorov–Smirnov mixture representation or a Metropolis–Hastings algorithm. Second, in fitting the Dirichlet process, dealing with the precision parameter has troubled model specifications in the past. Here we find that incorporating this parameter into the MCMC sampling scheme is not only computationally feasible, but also results in a more robust set of estimates, in that they are marginalized-over rather than conditioned-upon. Applications are provided with social science problems in areas where the data can be difficult to model, and we find that the nonparametric nature of the Dirichlet process priors for the random effects leads to improved analyses with more reasonable inferences.  相似文献   

Summary.  The retrieval of wind vectors from satellite scatterometer observations is a non-linear inverse problem. A common approach to solving inverse problems is to adopt a Bayesian framework and to infer the posterior distribution of the parameters of interest given the observations by using a likelihood model relating the observations to the parameters, and a prior distribution over the parameters. We show how Gaussian process priors can be used efficiently with a variety of likelihood models, using local forward (observation) models and direct inverse models for the scatterometer. We present an enhanced Markov chain Monte Carlo method to sample from the resulting multimodal posterior distribution. We go on to show how the computational complexity of the inference can be controlled by using a sparse, sequential Bayes algorithm for estimation with Gaussian processes. This helps to overcome the most serious barrier to the use of probabilistic, Gaussian process methods in remote sensing inverse problems, which is the prohibitively large size of the data sets. We contrast the sampling results with the approximations that are found by using the sparse, sequential Bayes algorithm.  相似文献   

Complex stochastic models, such as individual-based models, are becoming increasingly popular. However this complexity can often mean that the likelihood is intractable. Performing parameter estimation on the model can then be difficult. One way of doing this when the complex model is relatively quick to simulate from is approximate Bayesian computation (ABC). Rejection-ABC algorithm is not always efficient so numerous other algorithms have been proposed. One such method is ABC with Markov chain Monte Carlo (ABC–MCMC). Unfortunately for some models this method does not perform well and some alternatives have been proposed including the fsMCMC algorithm (Neal and Huang, in: Scand J Stat 42:378–396, 2015) that explores the random inputs space as well unknown model parameters. In this paper we extend the fsMCMC algorithm and take advantage of the joint parameter and random input space in order to get better mixing of the Markov Chain. We also introduce a Gibbs step that conditions on the current accepted model and allows the parameters to move as well as the random inputs conditional on this accepted model. We show empirically that this improves the efficiency of the ABC–MCMC algorithm on a queuing model and an individual-based model of the group-living bird, the woodhoopoe.  相似文献   

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