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人口流动使完整家庭分离为结构不完整的流动家庭和留守家庭,导致家庭结构的变化,其程度需要定量分析。本文以中国家庭金融调查数据为依据分析了人口流动对家庭结构的影响。结果显示,在我国家庭结构类型中核心家庭仍然占主体地位,近半数家庭是核心家庭;三代直系家庭和一对夫妇家庭所占比重比较接近,各占约五分之一;单人户和隔代家庭比重有所上升。人口流出即家庭成员的外出使得家庭结构类型向更小更简单的家庭结构类型转变。  相似文献   

In China, the increase of the sex ratio at birth (SRB) associates with the decline of the fertility level. The change of the parity structure, one of the main reasons of the low fertility level, may also play an important part in the change of the SRB. We find that the decrease of the proportion of the second and higher parity deters the imbalance of the SRB in China. The increase of the SRB in China is mainly caused by the increase of the second and higher parity's correspondent level of SRB before 2000, and the first parity's SRB also Plays more and more important role after 2000.  相似文献   

人口素质的家庭影响因素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
苏娜 《人口学刊》2001,(4):35-39
家庭是个体社会化的重要场所。家庭背景、家庭结构、家庭关系以及家庭教育等方面对人口素质有着不容忽视的影响 ,在当前家庭发生巨大变革的背景下 ,家庭变迁与人口素质呈动态关系 ,优化家庭因素对提高人口素质具有实践意义。  相似文献   

We used data from the first wave of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health to examine family boundary ambiguity in adolescent and mother reports of family structure and found that the greater the family complexity, the more likely adolescent and mother reports of family structure were discrepant. This boundary ambiguity in reporting was most pronounced for cohabiting stepfamilies. Among mothers who reported living with a cohabiting partner, only one-third of their teenage children also reported residing in a cohabiting stepfamily. Conversely, for those adolescents who reported their family structure as a cohabiting stepfamily, just two-thirds of their mothers agreed. Levels of agreement between adolescents and mothers about residing in a two-biological-parent family, single-mother family, or married stepfamily were considerably higher. Estimates of the distribution of adolescents across family structures vary according to whether adolescent, mother, or combined reports are used. Moreover, the relationship between family structure and family processes differed depending on whose reports of family structure were used, and boundary ambiguity was associated with several key family processes. Family boundary ambiguity presents an important measurement challenge for family scholars.  相似文献   

以家庭周期理论为基础的“空巢家庭”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石燕 《西北人口》2008,29(5):124-128
国内存在着四种空巢家庭的界定,这四种界定各不相同。分析比较发现:第一种空巢家庭的界定过于宽泛;第二种空巢家庭的界定建立在空巢比喻义的基础上因而不够严谨和科学:第三种和第四种空巢家庭界定存在区别的根源在于对家庭生命周期中空巢期的认识不同。通过梳理国内外学者对于家庭生命周期的界定和划分.更清楚地界定了空巢期。在空巢期基础上界定出的空巢家庭可被理解为“那些子女离开起源家庭、父母仍共同居住的夫妇家庭”。清晰界定空巢家庭之后,就可以更好地区分空巢家庭与丁克家庭、独居家庭。  相似文献   

家庭变迁背景下的中国家庭政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人口转变和经济社会变迁的过程中,中国家庭规模不断缩小、家庭结构逐渐简化、传统家庭功能趋于弱化。这对维系社会正常运作的各项社会政策带来巨大冲击,并由此将家庭政策的完善与改革提上议程。尽管改革开放以来,中国的家庭政策在影响人口发展、提供家庭保障和促进性别平等等方面有所建树,但仍未脱离含蓄型和补缺型模式的囿限。文章认为,中国的家庭政策体系应实现向明确型和发展型转变。首先应创建专门的家庭政策机构,在此基础上明确将家庭整体作为基本的福利对象、以发展家庭能力为目标进行家庭投资、推进家庭政策的适度普惠性,并尽量避免其他政策安排与家庭政策的相互制约乃至冲突。  相似文献   

利用2011年陕西省二市六县农户随机问卷调查数据。组成研究数据库。以农村家庭为研究单位,利用拓展的Mincer方程和logistic模型分别探讨家庭人口特征变量对家庭收入、家庭成员生活满意度和家庭城市化能力三个方面的影响。研究发现,家庭人口数与农村家庭年收入负相关,家庭劳动力的边际收入递减,家庭劳动力数与家庭城市化可能性负相关.家庭人口特征对家庭成员生活满意度的影响不显著。由此可以得出结论,农村家庭多子并不多福,但是表现出了明显的“养儿防老”的特征,值得关注。  相似文献   

A family model of migration is developed and empirically tested by using longitudinal data for respondents living in Ilocos Norte Province, Philippines. Based on the framework of a family-migration system, family migration is assumed to depend on the character of linkage to the migration system, family household structure, socio-economic resources, family pressure to migrate, family/kin ties to place of origin, and previous mobility experience of family members. Family-migration behaviour is specified as migration of some (one or more) family members, or of the entire family. The findings support the importance of linkage to a family-migration system by way of remittances and the previous mobility experience of family members in the prediction of both types of family migration. Migration of some family members is also predicted by fewer parcels of land owned, higher levels of education, larger household size, and an early life-course stage. Family pressure to migrate, indicating the interactional context of the family, is important for the migration of entire families. It is concluded that the framework used and results presented help explain how migration becomes an institutionalized reality of family life in many developing countries.  相似文献   

唐秀华  彭朝花 《西北人口》2010,31(6):120-125
和谐家庭,对个人和社会的健康发展具有重要作用。改革开放以来,由于我国经济结构的转型和中西文化的交流、碰撞和融合,我国的家庭观念、家庭结构、家庭功能等发生了重大变化,家庭问题也日益突出,对家庭的健康发展和社会的和谐产生了重要影响,因而认真对待我国家庭存在的问题,重塑现代人和谐幸福的家庭生活是非常必要的。  相似文献   

吕青 《西北人口》2014,(2):50-54
城市化引发的人口迁移不仅影响到迁移者个体,而且影响到家庭本身。家庭成员的分离状况打破了原有家庭的和谐均衡状态.家庭子系统的功能受到影响:就夫妻子系统而言,由于关系疏离造成家庭边界模糊,负功能相伴而生:就亲子系统而言.因家庭边界模糊阻碍了家庭应对压力的能力,影响儿童的成长;就代际关系系统而言,亲代与子代的互动模式发生改变.老年人照料资源萎缩,代际互助中老年亲代付出增多。面对流动与分离,家庭系统在适应外在环境系统的过程中做出了调整:以家庭利益最大化为原则重新配置家庭资源,扩大亲属网络支持家庭,获取外部资源维系家庭运转.子系统与家庭功能在调整中得以实现.  相似文献   

土改前私有土地制度下,核心家庭是最大的家庭类型,但它并非居于主导地位;直系家庭虽居第二位,其所容纳的人口却处首位;复合家庭位居第三,约有1/4的村民生活在这类家庭中。集体经济制度对家庭结构的影响主要表现为,父家长失去了对土地等基本生产资料的控制权,进而缺少了对已婚儿子分家要求的抑制能力。复合家庭渐趋式微乃至消失;家庭核心化在20世纪60年代末、70年代初即已实现。调查村庄劳动力近距离的非农择业活动并未使其中多数人离开家庭,农民就业方式的非农转换并未对家庭结构产生大的影响。目前65岁以上多子父母被轮养具有一定普遍性。轮养父母周期性地依附于某个子女生活,与该子女组成间歇式直系家庭,在子女之间则形成轮转式直系家庭。将这一类型单列使轮养直系家庭的特殊性得以体现。  相似文献   

龚为纲 《南方人口》2013,28(1):61-72
本研究基于全国人口普查数据,以及笔者已有关于农村分家类型数量模型的分析,对家庭结构再生产过程中的分化因素与组合因素进行了归纳,揭示了家庭结构再生产的内在逻辑,构建分家类型对家庭类型的微观作用机制.进而据此解释1990—2000年三代直系家庭的历史变动,并预测未来独子家庭结构再生产的变动趋势。结论是:(1)家庭结构再生产的过程中,家庭结构的分裂因素对组合因素的优势日益明显,无论是在独子家庭还是在多子家庭都是这样。(2)自1990年以来三代直系家庭比重上升的内在原因是多子分家类型的急剧减少.由此而减少了大量核心家庭,而相对提升了三代直系家庭的比例.三代直系家庭本身的演变趋势是走向日益瓦解,特别是在日益增加的独子家庭中,分裂因素日渐强势并占据主导地位,三代直系家庭在未来将会顽强坚持的判断可能是靠不住的。文章最后回应了学界关于中国家庭结构问题的争论。  相似文献   

Holidays are central to the rhythm of everyday family practices and consumption, and are often depicted, within both academic literature and consumer marketing, as a defining moment in contemporary family life. To date, academic accounts of the experiences of travel and tourism have been mostly developed outside of the realm of everyday family practices and intimate relations. In this paper, therefore, we advance an interpretation of family holidays as a constituent of everyday family practices. To do this, we bring together three distinct yet interrelated conceptual frameworks: those of family practices, holiday and the everyday. Presenting and analysing data collected from ethnographic research with six families and exploring the themes of anticipation and utopian family practices, we identify how the notion of family holidays can be used a conduit for realising not only relationality between family members but also as a means of easing out the tensions and aspirations of everyday family life, a way to perfect the everyday and also to make it more palatable.  相似文献   

论家庭变迁与人口的生育行为   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
家庭变迁与人口生育行为的变化呈动态关系和密切的相关关系。随着社会的变迁、时代的进步,我国的家庭规模与结构、家庭关系、家庭经济生产功能、家庭生活方式和养老保障功能等正发生着深刻的变化,对人口的生育行为、人口与计划生育工作以及政策的制定正产生着越来越大的影响。在当今市场经济条件下,重新审视家庭与人口生育的关系,考察家庭变迁与人口的生育行为,分析和确定家庭因素对人口生育行为的影响具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Prominent women from Korea, Nepal, India, Philippines, Thailand, and Afghanistan discuss family planning attitudes in broad terms. Educated women in urban areas make decisions regarding birth control and family size, but the tradition in most developing countries is that of the man in the authority role. Family planning is intrinsically a joint decision. Obligations to family and family lineage prohibit family planning. In the Philippines, Catholicism is the dominant religion and because of population density, encourages family planning. For economic and social reasons, rural families prefer more children. The changing role of women to include jobs and education will have a positive effect on family planning. The representative from Nepal points out that it is necessary to have family planning in order to have changing women's roles. Rather than emphasizing smaller family size, it is recommended by concensus, that family planners communicate health and nutritional benefits for each individual child.  相似文献   

孙红军 《西北人口》2010,31(4):104-106,111
军人职业的特殊性决定了军人婚姻家庭与一般家庭相比较,显得更为脆弱。外军为了提高其军人婚姻家庭质量采取了很多措施。如举办各种婚姻培训班,实施家庭援助计划,帮助军人子女等,有力促进了其部队战斗力的提高。外军在提高军人婚姻家庭质量上的做法,给我们以深刻的启示,要求我们加强军人婚姻家庭制度保障,积极开展军人婚姻家庭知识的培训,并加大对军人家庭的帮扶力度。  相似文献   

景晓芬 《西北人口》2006,(6):33-35,40
本文通过对东乡族女性婚姻家庭状况的研究,描述了东乡女性的家庭建立、家庭规模、家庭关系和家庭网络状况,对东乡族女性的家庭生活作了一个较为全面系统的研究。  相似文献   

Optimal family relationships are central to individual well-being. The focus of this paper is on family functioning and how socioeconomic status (SES) explains family functioning. Ecological theory states that a family’s socioeconomic context is determined by macro-systemic factors, thereby influencing individuals’ perceptions of family functioning. Within this context, the social causation hypothesis asserts that social conditions influence family functioning. This paper uses the Family Attachment and Changeability Index as measure of family functioning. SES is viewed as multidimensional and individual-, household-, and subjective SES indices are developed using multiple correspondence analysis. Multivariate regression models suggest that household- and subjective SES are associated with higher levels of perceived flexibility in the family. There is no association between SES and family members’ attachment to each other. In general, the findings support the social causation hypothesis.  相似文献   

杨富强 《西北人口》2011,(5):112-117
传统的生育观念对计划生育工作的开展有着一定的影响,在某种程度上表现得比较强烈,本文以新疆一个以维吾尔族为主的多民族村落田野调查为基础.探讨生育观念与计划生育之间的关系。我们发现,在多民族村落中计划生育观念和计划生育工作是在相互推动中变化的。  相似文献   

In modern welfare states, family policies may resolve the tension between employment and care-focused demands. However these policies sometimes have adverse consequences for distinct social groups. This study examined gender and educational differences in working parents’ perceived work–family conflict and used a comparative approach to test whether family policies, in particular support for child care and leave from paid work, are capable of reducing work–family conflict as well as the gender and educational gaps in work–family conflict. We use data from the European Social Survey 2010 for 20 countries and 5296 respondents (parents), extended with information on national policies for maternity and parental leave and child care support from the OECD Family Database. Employing multilevel analysis, we find that mothers and the higher educated report most work–family conflict. Policies supporting child care reduce the level of experienced work–family conflict; family leave policy appears to have no alleviating impact on working parents’ work–family conflict. Our findings indicate that family policies appear to be unable to reduce the gender gap in conflict perception and even widen the educational gap in work–family conflict.  相似文献   

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