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马尔库塞的政治哲学包括技术政治学和审美政治学两方面的内容。他的技术政治学主要揭示的是,在当代西方社会,技术已经成为一种新的控制人的意识形态。他的审美政治学则强调,艺术审美是实现当代西方自由和解放的可能途径,应该立足于西方社会历史条件的变化来分析马尔库塞政治哲学的理论得失。  相似文献   

马尔库塞美学思想论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赫伯特·马尔库塞(1898——1979)是当代著名哲学家、政治活动家。他的美学著述是他晚年思想的核心。如果说尼采的美学思想是提倡一种审美的人生态度的广义的美学,那么,马尔库塞的美学思想,则是寻求人的现实解放的广义政治学,它完全融合在对资本主义及当代发达工业社会的批判理论中。随着他的思想的影响的扩大,其美学思想愈发引起了人们的注意。本文并不打算系统、全面地评述马尔库塞的整个哲学——社会批评理论及美学思想,只想就他的美学所涉及的几个关键问题,粗略地作出一些提示和分析。  相似文献   

马尔库塞作为法兰克福学派的主要代表人物,他的基本理论是“社会批判理论”。他的哲学观点是在海德格尔、黑格尔.弗洛依德的影响下形成的,他企图把马克思主义同黑格尔、弗洛依德的学说结合起来,把美学与人的解放问题联系起来,探索西方社会革命的道路和前景。马尔库塞认为在发达的工业社会,由于科学技术的高度发展,无产阶级已不再以历史转变的动力出现,“一种维护和改进现存制度的压倒兴趣,把当代社会中最发达地区从前的对手联合起来。”(马尔库塞:《单面人》第4页,湖南人民出版社,1988年版。下引此书不另注。)阶级斗争淡化了,“帝国主义的矛…  相似文献   

马尔库塞形式主义美学的理论特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"形式"这一概念在马尔库塞的美学思想中占据着本体论地位,马尔库塞的美学始终围绕着"审美形式"这个核心。和传统的实证的形式主义美学不同,马尔库塞的形式主义美学富有强烈的批判精神和深邃的哲学内涵,是思辨的形式主义美学。这特色鲜明的形式主义美学有着与众不同的革命性、心理学和乌托邦特征。  相似文献   

马尔库塞是法兰克福学派的主要代表人物,他把科学技术、文学艺术(美学)、哲学(理性思维)等都包括在“意识形态”之内,从而对发达工业社会的这些“意识形态”都进行于一定的批判。马尔库塞对发达工业社会意识形态的批判具有某些合理的因素和积极的意义;但由于他抛弃了马克思主义的根本立场和方法,所以他的所谓批判不能触及资本主义社会的本质方面,因而他的“批判理论”在总体上是不可取的,他的基本立场和许多理论观点是错误的,是与马克思列宁主义根本对立的。  相似文献   

姚文放  邵晓舟 《求是学刊》2005,32(3):100-105
文章通过分析“审美形式”这一特殊概念在马尔库塞形式主义美学体系中的地位和作用,着重从艺术本质论、艺术标准论、艺术特征论、艺术功能论、艺术劳动论等几个方面,阐释马尔库塞独具特色的美学理论的思想内涵  相似文献   

试析马尔库塞的“劳动异化”说张和平马尔库塞(HerbertMarcuse,1898-1979)把马克思在《1844年经济学-哲学手稿》中阐述的“异化”的第二个方面,即劳动的异化与经过他的改造后的弗洛伊德的“性欲冲动论”相结合,建立了他的“劳动异化”说...  相似文献   

通过对马克思的早期思想和法国启蒙思想二者关系的探讨,可以发现面对同样的启蒙哲学的遗产和时代问题,马克思选择了和其同时代的哲学家不同的哲学道路,即以“改变世界”作为自己的使命,争取全人类的解放。早期马克思对启蒙思想的超越可归结为:对自我意识的超越即从理性自由到人的自由自觉;对政治自由的超越即从政治解放到人类解放;对作为理性表征形式的哲学的超越。  相似文献   

在关于人性和人道主义问题的讨论中,引出了一个十分重要的理论问题,即:历史唯物主义以至整个马克思主义哲学的核心是什么?薛德震同志在他的《解放的哲学和哲学的解放》(载一九八一年第三期《学习与探索》,以下简称《解放》)中说:马克思主义哲学这一整块钢铁,“首先是从锤炼历史唯物主义这块胚胎开始的;而这块胚胎的核心恰恰就是关于人的本质及其解放问题。”“‘人’既是马克思主义哲学的出发点,也是它的目的”,是马克思主义哲学的“核心主题”。对于这种观点,我们提出一些不同意见,就教于薛德震同志。  相似文献   

马克思文化哲学思想的展开逻辑   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马克思是否具有文化哲学思想,这是一个备受学界关注的问题.文章认为,虽然马克思没有频繁地使用"文化"概念,也没有提出系统的文化理论,但是马克思一生的哲学思考中贯穿着人的自由、解放和全面发展的内在逻辑,这实际上是以主体性为核心的文化哲学的逻辑;只有抓住马克思思想的这一内在的文化哲学的逻辑,才能更好地理解马克思晚年人类学笔记对历史唯物主义的补充意义以及他对现代性的文化批判.  相似文献   

This article explores the concept of improvisation in the therapeutic setting as a complex construction when elaborated in the idiom of jazz music. A composite clinical case is offered that illustrates an impasse and how improvisational thinking offers a way forward. Improvisation has recently been conceptualized through the metaphor of theater improvisation, dance, and rhythm. The therapeutic hour is considered an improvisational dialogue with the main theme (melody) and counter melodies, and harmonic possibilities that underlie the rhythmic pulse of the hour. Improvisation requires a reflective/interpretive process that draws on patterns, structures, and experiences reformulated in the relational field of the participants. The client initiates the call and response pattern, from which improvisation emerges as a mutual process of discovery. A more relaxed, receptive, and reflective posture extends Winnicott’s 1971 notion of play to integrate classic understanding and relational interaction.  相似文献   

魏福林 《江右论坛》2007,8(3):38-40
objective test has only one correct answer, while subjective test has a range of possible answers. Because of this feature, reliability will not be difficult to achieve in the marking of the objective item, while the marking of the subjective items is reliable. On the whole, a good test must contain both subjective and objective test items.  相似文献   

College English Test is an important national test for Chinese college students, this paper introduces the distribution of scores, time of examination, and analyses the four parts in CET ,such as listening comprehension, reading comprehension, integrated testing, and writing based on testing theories.  相似文献   


Many clients relate in ways that elicit emotional responses in practitioners and may also feel pressure to intervene when appropriate action is not yet clear. Practitioners must develop sufficient self-awareness so their own reactions do not interfere with the work they do with clients. Educators exhort their students to be self-aware, but locating methods that foster the capacity can be difficult. Infant observation is an elegant training model that helps to develop self-awareness. The method described here makes use of regular observation, supportive small groups, and repeated detailed examination of what is seen in training both generalist and specialized practitioners. It has become a prototype for the observational study of several kinds of specific populations. Because it attends to people in their own environments and demonstrates a flexible, reflective, multi-modal manner of information-gathering, infant observation is particularly useful in the education of social work practitioners.  相似文献   

The extension of social protection to all has become a central policy objective, both nationally and internationally. A considerable number of middle‐ and low‐income countries have undertaken substantial efforts to extend social protection, while the international community reaffirmed its commitment to the extension of social protection through the adoption of the ILO Recommendation concerning National Floors of Social Protection, No. 202 (2012). This article reviews the legal provisions and the implementation of the Indian Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), legislated in 2005, and does so in the light of the more recent provisions of ILO Recommendation No. 202. Since its introduction ten years ago, MGNREGA has provided a source of income to rural workers, increased wage rates, achieved high female participation rates and created durable assets. India's local governance bodies, Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRI), have been empowered and involved in the processes of planning and monitoring. However, despite successes, there have been considerable shortcomings in implementation. This article highlights two central themes: first, the innovative policy framework of the Act, which brings together rights‐based entitlements, demand‐driven employment, and citizen‐centred monitoring. Second, it assesses the accessibility and adequacy of benefits in the implementation of MGNREGA. We conclude that MGNREGA offers potential for South‐South learning, both in terms of policy‐design and implementation.  相似文献   

Lower female lifetime labour market participation rates, greater interruptions during their working lives, and wage gaps contribute to create gender gaps in pensions at the time of retirement. The design of social security systems may reinforce or attenuate these gaps. This article provides new evidence on gender gaps in access to pensions and in pension income in four Southern Cone countries in Latin America and analyses their evolution between 2000 and 2013, showing significant improvements in both gaps, with differential patterns by countries. The decrease in the gender gap in pension income has been particularly significant in Argentina and Brazil. In both cases, the largest increases in pension values during the period correspond to the lowest income percentiles, where women are overrepresented. The application of redistributive policies in these countries, aimed at reducing poverty and inequality but not necessarily focused on gender equity, has had positive and probably unintended consequences in terms of reduction in gender gaps in pensions.  相似文献   

In this article, I outline a framework for the sociological study of culture that connects three intertwined elements of human culture (cultural motivations, resources, and meanings) and demonstrates the concrete contexts under which each most critically influences actions and their subsequent outcomes. In contrast to models that cast motivations, resources, and meanings as competing explanations of how culture affects action, I argue that these are fundamental constituent elements of culture that are inseparable, interdependent, and simultaneously operative. Which element provides the strongest link to action, and how this link operates, must be understood as a function of the actor's position within wider social contexts. I argue that on average motivations have the most discernable link to action within a social strata, cultural resources provide the strongest link across strata, and meanings have the greatest direct influence when codified and sanctioned. I then offer a reframing and synthesis that reintegrates previously “competing” theories of culture into a more holistic context‐dependent model of culture in action. Finally, I use evidence from prior empirical research, as well as new data from an ongoing ethnographic study of health behaviors among the aged, to show how various elements of culture are concretely linked to action in eight different social contexts. In doing so, I provide a roadmap for the transition out of the “either‐or” logic underlying much of cultural theory and reemphasize the importance of the classical sociological concern for “when” and “how” various aspects of culture influence action and outcomes in concrete social contexts.  相似文献   

This paper argues that subsidiarity is a condicio sine qua non for sustainability. Through the complexity paradigm, the paper provides a historical reconstruction of both concepts to the end of elucidating their interdependence. The main thesis is that subsidiarity to sustainability is what self-organisation is to emergence. The paper ends with a sketch of future global governance structures based on a subsidiarity where cities take the lead on sustainability.  相似文献   

Globally, an estimated 734 million jobs will be required between 2010 and 2030 to accommodate recent and ongoing demographic shifts, account for plausible changes in labour force participation rates, and achieve target unemployment rates of at or below 4 per cent for adults and at or below 8 per cent for youth. The facts that most new jobs will be required in countries where “decent” jobs are less prevalent and workers in many occupations are increasingly subject to risks of automation further compound the challenge of job creation, which is already quite sizable in historical perspective. Failure to create the jobs that are needed through 2030 would put currently operative social security systems under pressure and undermine efforts to guarantee the national social protection floors enshrined in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  相似文献   

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