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中国传统哲学和文化中儒家主张"德治",其德治思想异常丰富、完整;而法家则主张"法治",因而形成了"德治"与"法治"的理论博弈."德治"思想强调道德在处理人际关系过程中的重要作用,因而有其一定的合理性,但存在忽视法律重要作用的错误倾向,其结果必然导致"人治".而法家"法治"思想虽然与今天的法治理论有重要区别,但它看到了法律在治理国家、维护社会秩序、处理人际关系中的重要作用,因而具有一定的积极意义,其缺陷是不理解法律与道德的关系,因而轻视道德的重要作用.现代社会,道德和法律二者不应是博弈的关系,而应是相互蕴涵、相互补充、相互配合、相互促进、共同发展的关系,只有秉持这一理念,我们才能构建社会主义和谐社会.  相似文献   

中华文化具有崇尚德治、重视教育的之人文特征,儒家正是这一文化传统的奠基者、实践者与弘扬者。儒家提出“建国君民,教学为先”的政治主张,把道德教化和“移风易俗”作为治国之首要任务。儒家的教育思想包涵着深刻的文化精神和广阔的社会内容,其鲜明特色即人文性。其德治思想渗透于教育教学领域,主张教育教学活动的终极目标即是全面提升受教育者的道德品格和人文精神。儒家的德治思想和教育观念对当今人文社会有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

马毓新 《社科纵横》2001,(6):30-31,51
以德治国的重要内容就是以德治吏.以德治吏必须正确看待权力与道德的关系,在权力行使时必须"唯德是辅",加强道德对权力的约束力.从而建立和完善道德、法制和民主三位一体的调节系统.  相似文献   

儒家以"天"建立了"德治"思想的本体论依据.通过"道德-天-政治"间的内在联系,儒家"德治"思想获得了存在的根源性意义.儒家"德治"思想从形上学角度赋予了"君权神授"的合法性,且符合平民百姓的个体政治认同,并在深层意蕴中确保了人性趋于至善的可能性,为人类社会完美的政治理想实现提供了保障.同时,在儒家"德治"思想中,人们又可以找到的人与自然间,人际关系间,社会群己间,人自身关系中,诸多"和谐"的哲学意蕴.从现代民主政治理念出发,儒家"德治"思想存在着道德理想主义倾向严重,无法回避道德法律化的弊端,难以打通的"内圣外王"之道等弊端.但儒家将"善政"与权力运作主体的道德理性及个体人性完善、改造相连的智慧,直至今日仍具有重要的启示意义.  相似文献   

中华民族是崇尚道德伦理的“礼仪之邦”。本文认为,中华民族的道德伦理思想和传统主要可以概括为“尚德”,“明德”,“用德”三个基本方面。“尚德”即对道德的崇尚和追求,它反映了古人对道德的作用和重要性的认识;“明德”,它反映了古人对道德内容和道德规范的理解与确认;“用德”即将知之德付诸行动,它体现古人关于道德实践的基本准则。本文以为总结和继承古人“尚德”,明德”,“用德”思想合理成份,对于我们今天社会主义精神文明建设具有极大的文化滋补意义。  相似文献   

传统文化中"法治"与"德治"思想的梳理及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法治和德治是调整社会关系、维护社会秩序的两种根本手段,也是引导中国传统文化中关于德与法伦理辩论的主线."德治"是儒家政治思想和伦理思想的重要内容.儒家的德治论并非简单地主张"德主刑辅",而是倡导据德而治以反对当时法家威慑主义的刑治.引道德入律法最终也起到了扼制任意立法和专擅杀戮的社会效果.汉代的引经决狱、隋唐宋明清的法律道德化都是儒家德治论文化传统的传承和发扬,符合中国传统和谐文化的大原则.战国时期法家法治思想不乏变法、务实的伦理价值,但其"法""刑"演变成为酷吏严刑的时候严重相悖于法治的固定性要求.梳理"法治"与"德治"的伦理纠结启示我们,道治和法治博弈有度,合理发挥各自作用才能保证社会主义市场经济的健康发展,促进整个民族素质的提高.  相似文献   

德治思想是儒家留给我们的一份优秀文化遗产。它建立在久远的民族文化根基上 ,以人性善为理论依据 ,以仁学与礼学为基本内容。儒家德治思想具有普世性和现代意义。实施“以德治国”应当开发利用儒家的德治思想资源。  相似文献   

要正确理解德治的含义,德治的深层含义是强调道德建设的重要性;判断一个道德体系是不是优良,核心标准应是社会整体福利的最大化;人类的道德体系包括许多方面,但有三个关键支点:理性、诚信、敬畏;道德社会与法治社会是等价命题;如何建设道德社会,需要注重从多个维度进行推进。  相似文献   

中国古代德治传统及其借鉴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国古代德治传统 ,一是要求统治者集团以身作则 ,注意修身和勤政 ,充分发挥道德感化作用。二是重视对民众的道德教化 ,“为政以德” ,德主刑辅。前者忽视常人本性 ,仅靠道德觉悟解决廉政勤政过于理想化 ,因此德治必须和法制相结合。后者洋溢的“民本”思想和利用家族伦理关系进行道德教育的做法值得借鉴 ,但要区分民本和民主的界限 ,警惕过分推崇道德 ,导致道德化法律的危险。法治包含工具性价值和目的性价值两层含义。法治和德治只是在工具性价值层面上相辅相成、相互促进  相似文献   

江泽民"以德治国"思想是对刘少奇"以德治党"思想的丰富和发展."以德治党"体现了道德的党性与先进性,"以德治国"体现了道德的社会性与广泛性.治国必先治党,必须结合"三个代表"思想把"以德治国"和"以德治党"统一起来,实现全党、全国、全社会的文明、进步与发展.  相似文献   


This article analyzes how a formal text (the Ethics Review Form) available at National Health Service Research Ethics Committees (NHSRECs) in the United Kingdom was used in meetings. Derived from the work of Dorothy Smith on incorporating texts into institutional ethnography (IE), it proposes the concept of “text work” as a way into understanding more about decision-making in ethics review and describes the extent to which this formal text shaped and influenced review work. The research study used observations of committee meetings, field-notes and interviews to produce an ethnographic mapping of Research Ethics Committees’ (RECs) work. This article draws on one aspect of the research which was the process of isolating a particular, ubiquitous text and analyzing how it worked and was worked on in the meetings. The analysis contributes to contemporary discussion offering an alternative to ongoing debates about idealized ways of conducting ethics review. Finally, some tentative suggestions are made about improving training, based on and starting from the work which reviewers undertake.  相似文献   

Despite more than thirty years of debate, disagreement persists among research ethicists about the most appropriate way to interpret the U.S. regulations on pediatric research, specifically the categories of “minimal risk” and a “minor increase over minimal risk.” Focusing primarily on the definition of “minimal risk,” we argue in this article that the continued debate about the pediatric risk categories is at least partly because their conceptual status is seldom considered directly. Once this is done, it becomes clear that the most popular strategy for interpreting “minimal risk”—defining it as a specific set of risks—is indefensible and, from a pragmatic perspective, unlikely to resolve disagreement. Primarily this is because judgments about minimal risk are both normative and heavily intuitive in nature and thus cannot easily be captured by reductions to a given set of risks. We suggest instead that a more defensible approach to evaluating risk should incorporate room for reflection and deliberation. This dispositional, deliberative framework can nonetheless accommodate a number of intellectual resources for reducing reliance on sheer intuition and improving the quality of risk evaluations.  相似文献   

Federal agencies can do more to ensure the integrity of the peer-reviewed literature including providing timely notice of misconduct findings or admissions regarding published articles, requiring the individual found guilty of misconduct to provide notice to affected journals, and to work with the journals and co-authors on making appropriate correction. The case of Andrew Cullinane underscores weakness in the current U.S. government administrative processes and the negative impact on journals.  相似文献   

王轩  袁祖社 《唐都学刊》2010,26(3):43-47
当今多元的文化与价值构筑起时代精神状况深蕴的语境背景,其真实的原像是人文价值、社会空间场域、资本逻辑交互存在场景中,人的存在样态通道的求索与指认。历史、空间、人机缘式交汇的相遇成为伦理样态化育的全新地平线,人以开放曲式向历史播撒着伦理的样态。历史凝结的伦理智慧始终是以累进性攀升的方式同时代景观场域交融,真实的伦理样态就是在各种场域的交叠共融中养育的,同时以特有的伦理景观呈现给社会。  相似文献   

Every major U.S. commission appointed to review Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) as well as numerous reports and scholarly articles have recommended increasing the number of lay (nonscientist and unaffiliated) members on IRBs. Meanwhile, qualitative studies have shown that lay IRB members experience confusion about their roles, including ambiguity whether their roles are different from other members of the board. Without articulating the unique reasons why unaffiliated and nonscientist members are needed, IRBs have little guidance on how to recruit and train these members, and how many should be at the table. By looking back through the history of IRB regulations, policies, and commentaries we can articulate unique contributions these members can make. Only with these contributions in mind can we make arguments for how to best achieve them and make the case that increasing their numbers is necessary.  相似文献   

非监禁刑是在监狱之外对犯罪人适用的刑罚,犯罪是一种复杂的社会现象,犯罪的原因既有个人的,也有社会的,刑罚不是对抗犯罪的唯一的有效的手段,社会的文明要求刑罚应由严酷到缓和,由以监禁刑为主向以非监禁刑为主发展,这与中国传统“慎刑恤狱”的法律文化思想是相符合的,它是人性的需要,也是社会发展的必然,是节约刑罚成本的需要,也是实现刑罚目的需要,也利于罪犯重新回归社会,我国现行的刑罚是以监禁刑为主的重刑结构,所以,必须完善立法、加强司法,逐步实现刑罚的非监禁化。  相似文献   

本文主妥围绕我国新刑法第5条规定的罪责刑相适应原则展开论述。作者分别从“所犯罪行”与“刑事责任”两个角度阐述了与“刑罚轻重”相适应问题,提出并论证了以刑事责任为纽带重新确立罪—责—刑三者的均衡关系的体制。  相似文献   

在新的时代背景下,中国传统伦理必须进行当代构建.这种构建至少可以从三个方面展开.其一,针对中国传统伦理立足于狭隘的血缘而缺少普遍性展开公共伦理的构建;其二,是针对中国传统伦理立足于外在的律法而具有强制性展开德性伦理的构建;其三,是针对中国传统伦理立足于形式的义务而忽略人文性展开情感伦理的构建.  相似文献   

当前加强和创新社会管理不能简单从技术层面来理解,而更需要从文化层面来考量。就推动社会管理创新、实现社会良性运行而言,制度伦理建设具有不可或缺的文化基础作用。社会转型过程中社会管理面临的诸多问题都缘于制度伦理的缺失。在实践中,需要通过加强制度伦理建设来引领社会管理创新,促进整个社会的良性协调运行。  相似文献   

PCORnet, the National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network, seeks to establish a robust national health data network for patient-centered comparative effectiveness research. This article reports the results of a PCORnet survey designed to identify the ethics and regulatory challenges anticipated in network implementation. A 12-item online survey was developed by leadership of the PCORnet Ethics and Regulatory Task Force; responses were collected from the 29 PCORnet networks. The most pressing ethics issues identified related to informed consent, patient engagement, privacy and confidentiality, and data sharing. High priority regulatory issues included IRB coordination, privacy and confidentiality, informed consent, and data sharing. Over 150 IRBs and five different approaches to managing multisite IRB review were identified within PCORnet. Further empirical and scholarly work, as well as practical and policy guidance, is essential if important initiatives that rely on comparative effectiveness research are to move forward.  相似文献   

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