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职业性别隔离是一个长期存在于劳动力市场的复杂现象,对就业和工资水平产生了重要的影响。文章对职业性别隔离测度的主要方法进行了梳理,介绍了统计描述方法的作用及具体指标,重点讨论了4种主要总和指数的应用方法和使用范围。文章认为,统计描述方法虽然简单,但对了解职业规模、劳动力市场性别比例及垂直隔离状况具有重要作用,是重要的测度方法之一。对于总和指数方法,应根据研究目的,对不同指数的可信度进行区分。 相似文献
文章从男女性别收入不平等问题出发,阐明了研究中国产业性别隔离问题的重要性,并以此为基点,探讨了与职业隔离相关的概念,介绍职业性别隔离的两种测度方法,即邓肯指数与平方根指数。文章应用中国历年劳动统计年鉴和2000年人口普查数据,对中国产业职业别隔离状况进行检验与分析,重点对平方根指数进行测度,得出相关的结论。结果表明,从总体上看,中国职业性别隔离程度较低,但产业内部的职业性别隔离程度较大,并且在不同产业内还有继续扩大的趋势。同时,不同地区的产业职业性别隔离也不尽相同。这些基本结论对中国制定相应的政策以推进男女平等有着重要的意义。 相似文献
在劳动力市场中职业性别隔离水平是衡量男女平等的重要指标之一。本文基于2000年和2010年全国人口普查数据,分别从总体隔离、水平隔离与垂直隔离、性别类型职业等几个方面对中国劳动力市场上的职业性别隔离水平的发展趋势和现状进行估计和分析,并进一步比较不同行业和地区职业性别隔离水平的差异。研究发现2000年以来中国城镇地区的职业性别隔离总体水平下降趋势明显。职业间的性别分布变化显著,表现为一方面女性不断向管理层、技术层的职业领域扩张。虽然男性仍在单位负责人和专业技术人员等具有高权威和高声望的职业中具有明显优势,但是女性在这些职业中的从业比例大幅上升。后者表明提高女性受教育程度仍是降低职业性别隔离水平的重要途径;另一方面从农副业人员中解放出的女性主要向商业服务业人员转移,而男性则主要向产业工人转移。这一变化可能是由性别的自然禀赋差异所导致的社会分工不同,而并非受劳动力市场歧视的影响。职业内的性别隔离程度普遍下降,虽然男性职业近1/3,女性职业几乎不存在,但是女性在各个职业种类中的分布比例基本上均有不同程度的提高。我国各个省份的职业性别隔离水平差异较大,中部地区最低,东部地区整体偏高,而西部地区的职业隔离水平则呈现出两极分化。 相似文献
This study uses the first age-period-cohort (APC) analysis of segregation to examine changes in U.S. public school segregation from 1999–2000 to 2013–2014. APC analyses disentangle distinct sources of change in segregation, and they account for grade effects that could distort temporal trends if grade distributions change over time. Findings indicate that grade effects are substantial, drastically reducing segregation at the transition to middle school and further at the transition to high school. These grade effects do not substantially distort the analysis of recent trends, however, because grade distributions were sufficiently stable. Black-white segregation was stagnant overall, while Hispanic-white segregation declined modestly. In both cases, declines across periods were offset by increases across cohorts. Further analyses reveal variation in these trends across metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas, regions, and areas with different histories of desegregation policy. 相似文献
本文使用第二次中国妇女社会地位调查中涉及江苏省居民职业流动的数据材料,从性别的视角对社会转型期的江苏居民的代际职业流动和代内职业流动进行了分析,发现:社会转型期,职业流动加剧,两性的职业地位都得到了提升,但两性的职业层次差异也呈现出了扩大的趋势;代际流动方面,女性的代际职业世袭率高于男性,上升流动率低于男性;进一步对影响职业流动的内生变量进行因素相关分析的结果显示:社会转型期,人力资本和成就意识等“获致性”因素的影响力较强。 相似文献
Occupational segregation according to sex iswidely prevalent in almost allcountries. This paper suggests and characterizes a symmetric measure ofsegregation. This measure was originallyproposed in a different situation byJeffreys (1946). We also provide twonumerical illustrations of changein segregation over time. 相似文献
Social Indicators Research - While there is renewed interest in earnings differentials between social classes, the contribution of social class to overall earnings inequality across countries and... 相似文献
In this study we raise the question how a nation’s income inequality affects subjective well-being. Using information on 195,091 individuals from 85 different countries from the World Value Surveys and the European Value Surveys, we established that in general, people living in more unequal countries report higher well-being than people from more equal countries. This association however does not apply to all people similarly. First, the positive effect of a nation’s income inequality is weaker when individuals express more social and institutional trust, and underscore egalitarian norms to a larger extent. Second, the positive association between national income inequality and subjective well-being is less strong for people from countries with high levels of social and institutional trust. So, our research predominantly indicates that there are far-reaching effects of an individual’s and a nation’s trust on people’s well-being. 相似文献
The spread of tobacco use from the West to other parts of the world, especially among disadvantaged socioeconomic groups,
raises concerns not only about the indisputable harm to global health but also about worsening health inequality. Arguments
relating to economic cost and diffusion posit that rising educational disparities in tobacco use—and associated disparities
in health and premature mortality—are associated with higher national income and more advanced stages of cigarette diffusion,
particularly among younger persons and males. To test these arguments, we use World Health Survey data for 99,661 men and
123,953 women from 50 low-income to upper-middle–income nations. Multilevel logistic regression models show that increases
in national income and cigarette diffusion widen educational disparities in smoking among young persons and men but have weaker
influences among older persons and women. The results suggest that the social and economic patterns of cigarette adoption
across low- and middle-income nations foretell continuing, and perhaps widening, disparities in mortality. 相似文献
本文旨在从职位隔离的角度考察性别不平等问题,并为性别收入分层提供新的解释.利用1978年-1988年的企业调查数据发现,由于存在纵向的职位性别隔离,使得同工同酬和男女收入差距这对看似矛盾的命题可以并行不悖.而来自2003、2006和2008年全国综合社会调查数据的证据表明,近十年来职位隔离对男女收入差距的作用上升,超过三分之一的性别收入差距是由于女性集中于职位“金字塔”结构的底端.因此,缩小男女收入差距,必须促进女性职业地位的上升. 相似文献
文章以平方根指数作为衡量性别教育不平等的工具,得出以下结论:一、1990年至今,中国教育性别隔离总体呈下降趋势,城乡差异依然显著;二、地区教育性别隔离程度从高到低为东部,西部和中部;三、就各教育层次来看,教育性别隔离下降主要来自义务教育的贡献,高等教育阶段女性受教育机会相对更平等.进一步的分析发现,教育性别隔离状况与经济发展水平及人均教育经费并不相关,与人均受教育年限和出生性别比有一定关系. 相似文献
文章从代际职业流动和代内职业流动角度,分析先赋因素(如家庭背景、户籍制度、所有制等)对职业流动的影响,从而折射出职业流动中的一些不平等。通过对数据的分析发现,尽管改革开放以来,市场因素对就业分配的配置作用越来越大,但是对职业的合理流动的制度性限制以及结构性限制依然存在,从而产生社会不平等问题。基于这样的研究,文章在政策层面提出了首先要改变职业流动过程中的制度性不平等问题,才能缩小社会不平等(包括收入差距),而职业流动起点上的不平等要通过加强对弱势群体的教育援助和社会保障来解决。 相似文献
This cross-national investigation examines hypotheses derived from two major alternative perspectives on the determinants of trust in contemporary societies. Is a society’s level of generalized trust a function of its ethnic composition, or of its type of governance and political system? The argument that social diversity (ethnic, linguistic, and religious) leads to lower levels of trust, at least in the short run, is assessed with cross-national data ( N = 98). Two hypotheses derived from this perspective are not confirmed. The alternative rational governance argument, which holds that trust is a function of rational governance, stable democracy, and civil rights is also assessed. Three hypotheses derived from this political perspective reveal mixed results. The findings highlight the complex interplay of multiple factors in shaping a society’s overall level of generalized trust. 相似文献
This study attempts to evaluate the impacts of macro-structural factors on political freedom in developing countries (DCs).
Political freedom is conceptualized as civil liberty and political rights the general population of a society can enjoy in
influencing public policy. The Freedom House indexes are used as measures of freedom. In explaining the individual countries’
differences in political freedom, this study considers the following factors: regime types, level of development, social structure,
fractionalization, the state and military influence and external economic dependence. Empirical modeling of 118 DCs with regression
techniques and ordered logit methods demonstrates that besides the regime effects, economic development generates favorable
influence, while a large poor population and military spending produce negative impact on freedom. In the concluding section,
we discuss the theoretical implications in comparative perspective. 相似文献
In recent years, PISA assessments have become more frequent, and transnational policy borrowing and policy adaptation have steadily increased, with implications on national education reform policies. The growing impact of globalization in education policy seems to have reinforced the underlying legitimacy of an educational world that lacks cultural diversity. This study seeks to highlight cultural dimensions as significant indicators of disparities in educational performance across countries in international tests. Combining data from the World Values Survey with the PISA scores, we examined how the Schwartz cultural dimensions relate to student PISA achievement at the national level. Results of regression analysis indicate that when controlling for GDP per capita, Conservatism (i.e., traditionalism, conformity, and security) remains the best predictor of PISA test results in the three core disciplines. Cultural dimensions in general, and Conservatism in particular, play a significant role in explaining academic achievements per country. Paradoxically, while globalization, in some instances, has led to positive educational policies and multicultural values that challenge Conservatism and Traditionalism, Conservatism may ultimately serve to build the group identity, social cohesion, and national solidarity necessary in this dynamic global era. This study emphasizes the need for comparative exploration that takes into account the influence of cultural dimensions at the national level. This is something that we hope will assist educational administrators to make their educational systems both more effective and more socially responsive. 相似文献
The aim of this paper is to study occupational segregation by gender in Spain, which is a country where occupational segregation explains a large part of the gender wage gap. As opposed to previous studies, this paper measures not only overall segregation, but also the segregation of several population subgroups. For this purpose, this paper uses new measures recently proposed by Alonso-Villar and Del Río ( Local versus overall segregation measures, Documento de Traballo 0802, Departamento de Economía Aplicada, Universidade de Vigo, 2008). Moreover, two decompositions of their local segregation curves are proposed, which allows us to go further in the empirical analysis. 相似文献
This paper explores the role of over-education in shaping the negative relationship between the education level attained by employees and the fact of working in a gender-dominated occupation, in Spain, a country where the phenomenon of over-education is common. Applying multinomial logit regressions, and controlling for individual and job characteristics, the results confirm the typical finding that having a university degree decreases the odds of working in a gender-dominated occupation. However, this is only true in the case of women when considering long—more than 3 years—university studies. The evidence also suggests that the general spread of over-education in Spain weakens that relationship so that reducing over-education would eventually lead to more uniformity in the gender-distribution of employment across occupations. 相似文献
Why divided societies face particular obstacles in maintaining democracy is one of the most challenging questions posed in the literature. Several studies posit that ethnically, religiously, and linguistically divided societies are incapable of establishing and holding a democratic system because of their social divisions and institutional weaknesses. We challenge this argument and examine whether political institutional arrangements (constraints over the executive, geographic distribution of political power, and form of government) in addition to economic performance are the crucial factors of success to establish and sustain a democratic regime and social unity in divided states. We use the Quality of Governance time-series standard dataset to test this hypothesis. By analyzing data on 163 states (1960–2012) we find that institutional constraints imposed over the executive and economic performance are the two primary influential factors in sustaining democratic regimes in multi-ethnic, multi-linguistic, and multi-religious societies. 相似文献