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Summary. We examine three pattern–mixture models for making inference about parameters of the distribution of an outcome of interest Y that is to be measured at the end of a longitudinal study when this outcome is missing in some subjects. We show that these pattern–mixture models also have an interpretation as selection models. Because these models make unverifiable assumptions, we recommend that inference about the distribution of Y be repeated under a range of plausible assumptions. We argue that, of the three models considered, only one admits a parameterization that facilitates the examination of departures from the assumption of sequential ignorability. The three models are nonparametric in the sense that they do not impose restrictions on the class of observed data distributions. Owing to the curse of dimensionality, the assumptions that are encoded in these models are sufficient for identification but not for inference. We describe additional flexible and easily interpretable assumptions under which it is possible to construct estimators that are well behaved with moderate sample sizes. These assumptions define semiparametric models for the distribution of the observed data. We describe a class of estimators which, up to asymptotic equivalence, comprise all the consistent and asymptotically normal estimators of the parameters of interest under the postulated semiparametric models. We illustrate our methods with the analysis of data from a randomized clinical trial of contracepting women.  相似文献   

We consider inference in randomized longitudinal studies with missing data that is generated by skipped clinic visits and loss to follow-up. In this setting, it is well known that full data estimands are not identified unless unverified assumptions are imposed. We assume a non-future dependence model for the drop-out mechanism and partial ignorability for the intermittent missingness. We posit an exponential tilt model that links non-identifiable distributions and distributions identified under partial ignorability. This exponential tilt model is indexed by non-identified parameters, which are assumed to have an informative prior distribution, elicited from subject-matter experts. Under this model, full data estimands are shown to be expressed as functionals of the distribution of the observed data. To avoid the curse of dimensionality, we model the distribution of the observed data using a Bayesian shrinkage model. In a simulation study, we compare our approach to a fully parametric and a fully saturated model for the distribution of the observed data. Our methodology is motivated by, and applied to, data from the Breast Cancer Prevention Trial.  相似文献   

Ecological inference is a problem of partial identification, and therefore precise conclusions are rarely possible without the collection of individual level (identifying) data. Without such data, sensitivity analyses provide the only recourse. In this paper we review and critique recent approaches to ecological inference in the social sciences, and describe in detail hierarchical models, which allow both sensitivity analysis and the incorporation of individual level data into an ecological analysis. A crucial element of a sensitivity analysis in such models is prior specification, and we detail how this may be carried out. Furthermore, we demonstrate how the inclusion of a small amount of individual level data from a small number of ecological areas can dramatically improve the properties of such estimates.  相似文献   

In the context of clinical trials, there is interest in the treatment effect for subpopulations of patients defined by intercurrent events, namely disease-related events occurring after treatment initiation that affect either the interpretation or the existence of endpoints. With the principal stratum strategy, the ICH E9(R1) guideline introduces a formal framework in drug development for defining treatment effects in such subpopulations. Statistical estimation of the treatment effect can be performed based on the principal ignorability assumption using multiple imputation approaches. Principal ignorability is a conditional independence assumption that cannot be directly verified; therefore, it is crucial to evaluate the robustness of results to deviations from this assumption. As a sensitivity analysis, we propose a joint model that multiply imputes the principal stratum membership and the outcome variable while allowing different levels of violation of the principal ignorability assumption. We illustrate with a simulation study that the joint imputation model-based approaches are superior to naive subpopulation analyses. Motivated by an oncology clinical trial, we implement the sensitivity analysis on a time-to-event outcome to assess the treatment effect in the subpopulation of patients who discontinued due to adverse events using a synthetic dataset. Finally, we explore the potential usage and provide interpretation of such analyses in clinical settings, as well as possible extension of such models in more general cases.  相似文献   

For binary experimental data, we discuss randomization‐based inferential procedures that do not need to invoke any modeling assumptions. In addition to the classical method of moments, we also introduce model‐free likelihood and Bayesian methods based solely on the physical randomization without any hypothetical super population assumptions about the potential outcomes. These estimators have some properties superior to moment‐based ones such as only giving estimates in regions of feasible support. Due to the lack of identification of the causal model, we also propose a sensitivity analysis approach that allows for the characterization of the impact of the association between the potential outcomes on statistical inference.  相似文献   

Classical inferential procedures induce conclusions from a set of data to a population of interest, accounting for the imprecision resulting from the stochastic component of the model. Less attention is devoted to the uncertainty arising from (unplanned) incompleteness in the data. Through the choice of an identifiable model for non-ignorable non-response, one narrows the possible data-generating mechanisms to the point where inference only suffers from imprecision. Some proposals have been made for assessing the sensitivity to these modelling assumptions; many are based on fitting several plausible but competing models. For example, we could assume that the missing data are missing at random in one model, and then fit an additional model where non-random missingness is assumed. On the basis of data from a Slovenian plebiscite, conducted in 1991, to prepare for independence, it is shown that such an ad hoc procedure may be misleading. We propose an approach which identifies and incorporates both sources of uncertainty in inference: imprecision due to finite sampling and ignorance due to incompleteness. A simple sensitivity analysis considers a finite set of plausible models. We take this idea one step further by considering more degrees of freedom than the data support. This produces sets of estimates (regions of ignorance) and sets of confidence regions (combined into regions of uncertainty).  相似文献   

Several survival regression models have been developed to assess the effects of covariates on failure times. In various settings, including surveys, clinical trials and epidemiological studies, missing data may often occur due to incomplete covariate data. Most existing methods for lifetime data are based on the assumption of missing at random (MAR) covariates. However, in many substantive applications, it is important to assess the sensitivity of key model inferences to the MAR assumption. The index of sensitivity to non-ignorability (ISNI) is a local sensitivity tool to measure the potential sensitivity of key model parameters to small departures from the ignorability assumption, needless of estimating a complicated non-ignorable model. We extend this sensitivity index to evaluate the impact of a covariate that is potentially missing, not at random in survival analysis, using parametric survival models. The approach will be applied to investigate the impact of missing tumor grade on post-surgical mortality outcomes in individuals with pancreas-head cancer in the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results data set. For patients suffering from cancer, tumor grade is an important risk factor. Many individuals in these data with pancreas-head cancer have missing tumor grade information. Our ISNI analysis shows that the magnitude of effect for most covariates (with significant effect on the survival time distribution), specifically surgery and tumor grade as some important risk factors in cancer studies, highly depends on the missing mechanism assumption of the tumor grade. Also a simulation study is conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed index in detecting sensitivity of key model parameters.  相似文献   

Typically, in the practice of causal inference from observational studies, a parametric model is assumed for the joint population density of potential outcomes and treatment assignments, and possibly this is accompanied by the assumption of no hidden bias. However, both assumptions are questionable for real data, the accuracy of causal inference is compromised when the data violates either assumption, and the parametric assumption precludes capturing a more general range of density shapes (e.g., heavier tail behavior and possible multi-modalities). We introduce a flexible, Bayesian nonparametric causal model to provide more accurate causal inferences. The model makes use of a stick-breaking prior, which has the flexibility to capture any multi-modalities, skewness and heavier tail behavior in this joint population density, while accounting for hidden bias. We prove the asymptotic consistency of the posterior distribution of the model, and illustrate our causal model through the analysis of small and large observational data sets.  相似文献   

The standard methods for analyzing data arising from a ‘thorough QT/QTc study’ are based on multivariate normal models with common variance structure for both drug and placebo. Such modeling assumptions may be violated and when the sample sizes are small, the statistical inference can be sensitive to such stringent assumptions. This article proposes a flexible class of parametric models to address the above‐mentioned limitations of the currently used models. A Bayesian methodology is used for data analysis and models are compared using the deviance information criteria. Superior performance of the proposed models over the current models is illustrated through a real dataset obtained from a GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) conducted ‘thorough QT/QTc study’. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Several models for longitudinal data with nonrandom missingness are available. The selection model of Diggle and Kenward is one of these models. It has been mentioned by many authors that this model depends on untested modelling assumptions, such as the response distribution, from the observed data. So, a sensitivity analysis of the study’s conclusions for such assumptions is needed. The stochastic EM algorithm is proposed and developed to handle continuous longitudinal data with nonrandom intermittent missing values when the responses have non-normal distribution. This is a step in investigating the sensitivity of the parameter estimates to the change of the response distribution. The proposed technique is applied to real data from the International Breast Cancer Study Group.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Multiple events data are commonly seen in medical applications. There are two types of events, namely terminal and non-terminal. Statistical analysis for non-terminal events is complicated due to dependent censoring. Consequently, joint modelling and inference are often needed to avoid the problem of non-identifiability. This article considers regression analysis for multiple events data with major interest in a non-terminal event such as disease progression. We generalize the technique of artificial censoring, which is a popular way to handle dependent censoring, under flexible model assumptions on the two types of events. The proposed method is applied to analyse a data set of bone marrow transplantation.  相似文献   

There are many situations in which a researcher would like to analyse data from a two‐way layout. Often, the assumptions of linearity and normality may not hold. To address such situations, we introduce a semiparametric model. The model extends the well‐known density ratio model from the one‐way to the two‐way layout and provides a useful framework for semiparametric analysis of variance type problems under order restrictions. In particular, the likelihood ratio order is emphasized. The model enables highly efficient inference without resorting to fully parametric assumptions or the use of transformations. Estimation and testing procedures under order restrictions are developed and investigated in detail. It is shown that the model is robust to misspecification, and several simulations suggest that it performs well in practice. The methodology is illustrated using two data examples; in the first, the response variable is discrete, whereas in the second, it is continuous.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between ignorability, sufficiency and ancillarity in the coarse data model of Heitjan and Rubin. Bayes or likelihood ignorability has a natural relationship to sufficiency, and frequentist ignorability an analogous relationship to ancillarity. Weaker conditions, termed observed likelihood sufficiency, observed specific sufficiency and observed ancillarity, expand the concepts to models where the coarsening mechanism is sometimes, but not always, ignorable.  相似文献   

Various statistical tests have been developed for testing the equality of means in matched pairs with missing values. However, most existing methods are commonly based on certain distributional assumptions such as normality, 0-symmetry or homoscedasticity of the data. The aim of this paper is to develop a statistical test that is robust against deviations from such assumptions and also leads to valid inference in case of heteroscedasticity or skewed distributions. This is achieved by applying a clever randomization approach to handle missing data. The resulting test procedure is not only shown to be asymptotically correct but is also finitely exact if the distribution of the data is invariant with respect to the considered randomization group. Its small sample performance is further studied in an extensive simulation study and compared to existing methods. Finally, an illustrative data example is analysed.  相似文献   

Often in observational studies of time to an event, the study population is a biased (i.e., unrepresentative) sample of the target population. In the presence of biased samples, it is common to weight subjects by the inverse of their respective selection probabilities. Pan and Schaubel (Can J Stat 36:111–127, 2008) recently proposed inference procedures for an inverse selection probability weighted (ISPW) Cox model, applicable when selection probabilities are not treated as fixed but estimated empirically. The proposed weighting procedure requires auxiliary data to estimate the weights and is computationally more intense than unweighted estimation. The ignorability of sample selection process in terms of parameter estimators and predictions is often of interest, from several perspectives: e.g., to determine if weighting makes a significant difference to the analysis at hand, which would in turn address whether the collection of auxiliary data is required in future studies; to evaluate previous studies which did not correct for selection bias. In this article, we propose methods to quantify the degree of bias corrected by the weighting procedure in the partial likelihood and Breslow-Aalen estimators. Asymptotic properties of the proposed test statistics are derived. The finite-sample significance level and power are evaluated through simulation. The proposed methods are then applied to data from a national organ failure registry to evaluate the bias in a post-kidney transplant survival model.  相似文献   

Bayesian Semiparametric Regression for Median Residual Life   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract.  With survival data there is often interest not only in the survival time distribution but also in the residual survival time distribution. In fact, regression models to explain residual survival time might be desired. Building upon recent work of Kottas & Gelfand [ J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 96 (2001) 1458], we formulate a semiparametric median residual life regression model induced by a semiparametric accelerated failure time regression model. We utilize a Bayesian approach which allows full and exact inference. Classical work essentially ignores covariates and is either based upon parametric assumptions or is limited to asymptotic inference in non-parametric settings. No regression modelling of median residual life appears to exist. The Bayesian modelling is developed through Dirichlet process mixing. The models are fitted using Gibbs sampling. Residual life inference is implemented extending the approach of Gelfand & Kottas [ J. Comput. Graph. Statist. 11 (2002) 289]. Finally, we present a fairly detailed analysis of a set of survival times with moderate censoring for patients with small cell lung cancer.  相似文献   

Traditionally, analysis of Hydrology employs only one hydrological variable. Recently, Nadarajah [A bivariate distribution with gamma and beta marginals with application to drought data. J Appl Stat. 2009;36:277–301] proposed a bivariate model with gamma and beta as marginal distributions to analyse the drought duration and the proportion of drought events. However, the validity of this method hinges on fulfilment of stringent assumptions. We propose a robust likelihood approach which can be used to make inference for general bivariate continuous and proportion data. Unlike the gamma–beta (GB) model which is sensitive to model misspecification, the new method provides legitimate inference without knowing the true underlying distribution of the bivariate data. Simulations and the analysis of the drought data from the State of Nebraska, USA, are provided to make contrasts between this robust approach and the GB model.  相似文献   

A statistical framework for ecological and aggregate studies   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
Inference from studies that make use of data at the level of the area, rather than at the level of the individual, is more difficult for a variety of reasons. Some of these difficulties arise because frequently exposures (including confounders) vary within areas. In the most basic form of ecological study the outcome measure is regressed against a simple area level summary of exposure. In the aggregate data approach a survey of exposures and confounders is taken within each area. An alternative approach is to assume a parametric form for the within-area exposure distribution. We provide a framework within which ecological and aggregate data studies may be viewed, and we review some approaches to inference in such studies, clarifying the assumptions on which they are based. General strategies for analysis are provided including an estimator based on Monte Carlo integration that allows inference in the case of a general risk–exposure model. We also consider the implications of the introduction of random effects, and the existence of confounding and errors in variables.  相似文献   

A simple approach for analyzing longitudinally measured biomarkers is to calculate summary measures such as the area under the curve (AUC) for each individual and then compare the mean AUC between treatment groups using methods such as t test. This two-step approach is difficult to implement when there are missing data since the AUC cannot be directly calculated for individuals with missing measurements. Simple methods for dealing with missing data include the complete case analysis and imputation. A recent study showed that the estimated mean AUC difference between treatment groups based on the linear mixed model (LMM), rather than on individually calculated AUCs by simple imputation, has negligible bias under random missing assumptions and only small bias when missing is not at random. However, this model assumes the outcome to be normally distributed, which is often violated in biomarker data. In this paper, we propose to use a LMM on log-transformed biomarkers, based on which statistical inference for the ratio, rather than difference, of AUC between treatment groups is provided. The proposed method can not only handle the potential baseline imbalance in a randomized trail but also circumvent the estimation of the nuisance variance parameters in the log-normal model. The proposed model is applied to a recently completed large randomized trial studying the effect of nicotine reduction on biomarker exposure of smokers.  相似文献   

The analysis of infectious disease data presents challenges arising from the dependence in the data and the fact that only part of the transmission process is observable. These difficulties are usually overcome by making simplifying assumptions. The paper explores the use of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods for the analysis of infectious disease data, with the hope that they will permit analyses to be made under more realistic assumptions. Two important kinds of data sets are considered, containing temporal and non-temporal information, from outbreaks of measles and influenza. Stochastic epidemic models are used to describe the processes that generate the data. MCMC methods are then employed to perform inference in a Bayesian context for the model parameters. The MCMC methods used include standard algorithms, such as the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm and the Gibbs sampler, as well as a new method that involves likelihood approximation. It is found that standard algorithms perform well in some situations but can exhibit serious convergence difficulties in others. The inferences that we obtain are in broad agreement with estimates obtained by other methods where they are available. However, we can also provide inferences for parameters which have not been reported in previous analyses.  相似文献   

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