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肖燕 《金色年华》2011,(11):55-57
生活方式 这年头,多少人把思考交给了电脑。把联系交给了手机。把健康交给了药丸。把生命交给了工作……这年头,因为电话,信笺少了;因为时尚,布料少了;因为空调。汗水少了:因为应酬,亲情少了;因为宴会,食欲少了;因为竞争,悠闲少了……别了吧。这种郁闷的生活姿态!且让生活的本色回归到我们的生命中。  相似文献   

张燕凌 《职业》2010,(12):70-71
50后在苦难中奋斗了二十年,做成了事业,他们从门童做到了总经理;80后在幸福中挣扎了十几年,毕了业,他们从管理培训生做到了高级执行者。50后一步一个脚印,他们走了太多的弯路,总结了太多的经验,才有了今天的成就;80后大多数衔着现成的经验跑着,只是永远跑不到顶点。  相似文献   

如果说盖茨让微软成为传奇,那么乔布斯本人就是传奇.他创建了苹果电脑,引领了电脑时尚的潮流;他创立了皮克斯,拨动了娱乐业的风向;他创造了iPod,又通过它影响了不只一代人的生活方式.  相似文献   

这年头,多少人把思考交给了电脑。把联系交给了手机。把健康交给了药丸,把生命交给了工作……这年头。因为电话,信笺少了;因为时尚。布料少了;因为空调,汗水少了;因为应酬,亲情少了;因为宴会,食欲少了;因为竞争,悠闲少了……别了吧,这种郁闷的生活姿态!且让生活的本色回归到我们的生命中。  相似文献   

佚名 《伴侣(A版)》2008,(4):39-39
正山顶上,狼吃了一只羊,恰好被狐狸看见了,它扯开嗓子大喊起来。它本来要喊的是:"羊被狼吃了!"但发生了口误,喊成了:"狼被羊吃了!"风儿把狐狸的话吹遍了山林。  相似文献   

如果说盖茨让微软成为传奇,那么乔布斯本人就是传奇。他创建了苹果电脑,引领了电脑时尚的潮流;他创立了皮克斯,拨动了娱乐,业的风向;他创造了iPod,又通过它影响了不只一代人的生活方式。  相似文献   

朱大鸣 《安家》2014,(4):43-43
供求关系已经不是左右房地产价格的核心因素了,真正决定房地产价格的就是信贷松紧问题,信贷松动了,投机盛行,钱多了人的胆子也大了,预期也被放大了,信贷紧了,投机者无利可图,就是不出政策房价也不会出现只涨不跌的神话。  相似文献   

被动语态是很平常的一种语言现象,也是很自然的一种社会现象。如:你被砸了,你被打了,你被刺激了,你被抛弃了,你被抢了,你被盗了,你被强奸了,你被撤职了,你被炒鱿鱼了,你被感动了……  相似文献   

关邑 《老年人》2007,(9):34-35
老伴退休了,独生女儿出嫁成家了。30年一轮回,家里又成了两人世界,没有了工作的辛苦,也没有了养育女儿的操劳,我和老伴开始了真正意义上的“安度晚年”。  相似文献   

这年头。多少人把思考交给了电脑。把联系交给了手机,把健康交给了药丸,把生命交给了工作……这年头,因为电话。信笺少了;因为时尚。布料少了;因为空调。汗水少了;因为应酬。亲情少了;因为宴会.食欲少了;因为竞争.悠闲少了……别了吧。这种郁闷的生活姿态!且让生活的本色回归到我们的生命中。  相似文献   

Beliefs in the impossibility of interpersonal comparison of welfare and the unacceptability of utilitarianism are based on a non-materialist solution to the theory of mind, i.e. on the existence of a soul. The compellingness of the theory of evolution and some discoveries in brain sciences render (philosophical) materialism very persuasive. The acceptance of materialism implies the negation of free will, non-significance of the self (no substantial reason to care much more about the welfare of one's own future self than the welfare of others), possibility of interpersonal comparison of welfare, compellingness of utilitarianism, and the possibility of conscious machines. Searle's argument on the impossibility of rigorous social sciences is however rejected.I am grateful to Dennis Mueller and Aubrey Townsend for commenting on the first draft.  相似文献   

《Sociological Forum》2018,33(1):53-72
Social science research has revealed how U.S. political and media elites, as well as U.S. citizens, downplayed and denied allegations of torture during the country's wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. This research effectively applies and extends Stanley Cohen's ( 2001 ) typology of the rhetoric of denial. We lack, however, a typology of the rhetoric of acknowledgment. In this article, I synthesize studies of discourse of torture to develop just such a typology. I propose three rhetorical forms of acknowledgment, which parallel Cohen's forms of denial. Literal or factual acknowledgment includes claims to convince audiences that alleged incidents indeed occurred. Interpretive acknowledgment consists of claims to affirm that those allegations constitute serious human rights violations, such as cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or torture. Implicatory acknowledgment includes efforts to delegitimize torture. I then illustrate the use of the rhetoric of acknowledgment through a qualitative content analysis of newspaper coverage of force feeding at the United States' detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. This case allows me to extend our understanding of the rhetoric of denial and acknowledgment by revealing ways in which discourse around force feeding deviates from that around the United States' use of “enhanced interrogation” and torture.  相似文献   

Casino gambling is becoming increasingly attractive to jurisdictions facing severe fiscal crises. Evidence suggests that casinos bring jobs and increased government revenues. However, attitudes and concerns of local residents regarding the location of casinos in their community should be considered in decisions regarding casino legalization. This paper analyzes the importance of factors associated with the selection of homes by persons living in the Las Vegas metropolitan area. A random survey of 967 recent home purchasers was analyzed. Proximity to a casino is of some importance to home purchasers. As expected, purchasers of more expensive homes and those with children in the household were more concerned about casino locations than others. But casinos were not the only concern of purchasers. Crime, industrial plants, and potential nuclear waste route locations were of greater concern than casino proximity. On the other hand, casino locations were of greater concern than shopping centers and fast food restaurant locations.This research project was supported in part by funds from Clark County through U.S. Department of Energy project grant # DE-FG08-89NV10819, and the College of Business and Economics (U.N.L.V.) Faculty Research Fund of the First Interstate Bank of Nevada.  相似文献   

The article shows the affinity of Simmel's formal sociology with Husserl's notion of eidetic science. This thesis is demonstrated by the corroboration of Simmel's revision of neo-Kantian epistemology for sociology with Husserl's phenomenology, and the parallel discussion of Simmel and Husserl concerning cognitive levels and exact and morphological eide. Simmel's analysis of dyads is explored as an exemplar of his eidetic insights. An important consequence of this demonstration is the vindication establishing the scientific legitimacy of Simmel's methodology regarding the sociology of the forms of association. Woven throughout is discussion concerning the docctrine of the complementarity of eidetic and empirical science. Simmel's methodology is shown to have been ahead of its time through conjoining these two modes of scientific investigation.  相似文献   

The distress of 52 parents with a technology-dependent child at home is measured using a standardized psychological inventory. Fifty-eight percent of these parents report enough symptoms to classify them as needing psychiatric intervention. Cost savings to third-party payers are accelerating the trend toward home care (rather than institutionalized care). Yet, these findings point to an underestimated cost to families in terms of parents' psychological well-being. One factor associated with less distress for mothers is having services reimbursed through the Medicaid Model Waiver Program, which provides a comprehensive plan for home care services. In contrast, services reimbursed by private third-party payers are more variable, placing greater financial strain and uncertainty on parents, which is associated with greater psychological distress. These results suggest the need for further study of the long-term impact on parents caring for technology-dependent children at home.Reprint requests to Barbara J. Leonard, R.N., Ph.D., Maternal and Child Health Major, Division of Human Development and Nutrition, School of Public Health, Box 197 UMHC, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, (612) 625-3660.This study was supported in part by BRSG Number 2-S07-RR05448-25 awarded to the University of Minnesota, School of Public Health by the Biomedical Research Grant Program, Division of Research and Resources, National Institute of Health. Additional support was provided by the Department of Health and Human Services, State of Minnesota, Academic Computing Services and Systems, University of Minnesota and special project funds from the University of Minnesota School of Public Health.Barbara J. Leonard is an Assistant Professor and Chair of the Maternal and Child Health Major, Division of Human Development and Nutrition, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, MN 55455. Her research interests include children with developmental disabilities, their parents, and siblings. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota.Janny Dwyer Brust is a Research Fellow in the Maternal and Child Health Major at the University of Minnesota. Her research interests include issues related to the care of chronically ill children and sexually abused children. She received her M.P.H. from the University of Minnesota.Joan Patterson is an Assistant Professor in the Maternal and Child Health Major and Associate Director of the Center for Children with Chronic Illness and Disability at the University of Minnesota. Her research interests include family adaptation to chronic illness and family stress and coping. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota.  相似文献   

?Identity“ is seen as a very broad spread and unclear conception. In times of social and political changes powerful shifts of definitions and self-experiences of identity become apparent. Only since the fifties psychoanalytical theorists have dealt with the conception of identity, i.e. within a period of individual and social insecurity after the Second World War. An exploration of identity change of these days especially of the German society deals with external radical changes but also with intrapsychical changes, which can be connected with readjustment to nursing habits and with an often observed disapperance of paternal principles. ?Identity“ also deserves special attention as a spring hostility to foreigners and of antisemitism. There cannot be recommended a ?therapy“ against today’s difficulties of identity; instead it is importent to promote personal and public competence of thinking and reflection in favour of advantage of identity in its progressive and regressive movements.  相似文献   

Poker is now one of the most popular types of online gambling, mostly because of its particular structural characteristics. This study aims to investigate the representations of regular poker players of the game's special features, along with their probable links with tilt (i.e. loss of control during the game) and problem gambling. Twenty-three regular poker players recruited online took part in a research interview. All interviews were recorded and fully transcribed. A quantitative lexical analysis was performed using the software Alceste®. Six classes were identified, encompassing 73% of the whole corpus. The main themes were chance vs. skill, sensations and emotions linked to poker, discovery of poker, tilt, differences between live and online gambling, and risks of excessive poker involvement. The experience of tilt appears to be an important feature of poker. Poker players also tended to report more emotional and social aspects of problem gambling than financial consequences. The results underline the structural specificities of poker through the player's representations. The role of emotions and sensations in poker, as they are both sought by the players and involved in the loss of control, may have an influence on the development and maintenance of problem gambling.  相似文献   

Sixty undergraduate women were individually tested for interpersonal distance preferences by either a male or female confederate who approached each subject from six different directions using a procedure reported by Kinzel (1970). Randomly, each participated during either the four days prior to menstrual flow (premenstrual), the four days beginning with the first day of flow (menstrual), or the four days midway between the onset of their last period and the estimated beginning of the next (midcycle). Unexpectedly, interpersonal distance preferences were greater for males than for female testers only during the midcycle phase. Moos Menstrual Distress Questionnaire scores were not reliably correlated with interpersonal distance preferences, nor were questionnaire items tapping extent of sexual experience, usage of birth-control pills, or concern about menstrual odor. Ratings of the attractiveness of the person doing the testing was inversely related to the preferred interpersonal distance with the exception of midcycle subjects. Both negative affect and sexual interest interpretations of the effects of menstrual cycle on personal space are discussed.Edgar C. O'Neal is professor of psychology at Tulane; he received his Ph.D. in social psychology from the University of Missouri at Columbia. Janet Schultz is a M.S.W. candidate at Tulane's Graduate School of Social Work; she received her B.A. with honors in psychology from Newcomb College of Tulane University. Terry E. Christenson is associate professor of psychology and biology at Tulane and received his Ph.D. in psychology from the University of California at Berkeley. Address reprint requests to the first author, Department of Psychology, 2007 Percival Stern Hall, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118-5698.  相似文献   


The notion that civil society and democracy go hand in hand has been a cornerstone of modernization theory. The formation of civil society, so the argument went, contributed to the democratization of society and provided the backbone of democracy. If one follows such an interpretation of modernization and of modern society, monarchic systems should be void of civil society. And yet, the case of Germany shows that civil society developed and even flourished within a monarchic society. The Kingdom of Prussia in 1865 was the home to an extensive network of civil society organizations that included associations, endowments, and foundations. These organizations provided services in the fields of education, social welfare, and supported all kinds of cultural institutions. These organizations were essential for the functioning of Prussia’s public institutions. Donors who created these institutions had a voice in the shaping of monarchic society, and the visions of donors often coincided with the visions put forward by monarchical rulers. The number of Prussians involved in giving, the number of organizations created, and the amount of money given were truly astonishing. Between 2 and 3% of Prussia’s population was involved in civil society organizations. The funds provided by these organizations accounted for 20–30% of public-school funding. And the number of organizations created a tight network that spanned across the entire country. Nineteenth-century monarchic Prussia was not void of civil society as it should have been if American social scientists are correct. Instead, Prussia provided the home to a vibrant civil society. Civil society emerges when societies move from an agrarian and organized system of social hierarchies to an industrial, and traditional social hierarchies destroying system. The destruction of established social hierarchies, the creation and accumulation of wealth, and the emergence of social inequality provided powerful incentives for the formation of civil society. Since this economic modernization and transformation occurred not only within democratic societies such as the USA but also within monarchic societies such as Prussia, civil society developed in both types of political system


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