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Understanding as basics of change processes by supervision. Individualpsychological group supervision with teachersThe author delineates the concept of the individualpsychological supervision, its theoretical background, the main topics and the detailed procedure. This article firstly discusses the goals and the task of the depth psychological founded approach. The individualpsychological work is described in process and explained by an example. The main item of the individualpsychological procedure is explained by analysing and working on the lifestyle and embedded in a model. Hereby teachers are helped to achieve new pattern of thought and of action by sensitive understanding concerning the field of school.  相似文献   

More travelling, increasingly flexible working hours, omnipresent technologies, more complex tasks: coaching using digital channels and tools perfectly dovetails with modern work routine. This article explains what virtual coaching is (and can be) and presents the variants blended coaching and immersive coaching. The advantages and potential points of criticism of virtual coaching are also described. Finally, the seven phases of the ideal-typical virtual coaching process are presented.  相似文献   

More than survive — acknoledgement and self-assertiveness. Coaching for feministic researchers The need for coaching for feminist women academics arises from the unfavourable conditions of their employment at Universities. This relates, in particular, to the conditions which are important for professional ?power“ such as the need for acknowledgement and the opportunity for assertiveness. Group coaching for women, in this case, serves to strengthen women’s belief in themselves which then becomes a resource and a basis for self-assertiveness. Solidarity and a long-term career perspective are indispensable.  相似文献   

The business with acts of violence. Why the ?disarmament in TV“ does not advance?Media politics and media industry form a fatal alliance by preventing that there are serious limits to presentations of acts of violence in the media. The media lobby is up to now successful in preventing that real conclusions are drawn from the scientific findings of independent researchers on the effects of media violence. The profit of the media industry is more important than the mental health of children and adolescents. The author delineates the consequences for politics, pedagogics and the media industry with some uncomfortable, but effective recommendations.  相似文献   

Vivid presentation as a coaching task? At first glance, this topic certainly is a classical training subject. This case report shows that in particular cases, however, coaching may be indicated: When training measures do not succeed and it can be suspected that mental barriers are the reason for this failure. In the actual coaching process, imaginative methods as well as a constellation of the “Inner Team” have been used in order to approach the more psychological dimensions of insufficient presentation competence.  相似文献   

Globalization and its pressure for change poses increasing challenges to managers and employees. But unlike technical processes, the phases of mental development required in human beings cannot be accelerated at will. On the emotional level, it is therefore about dealing with increasing expectations, frustration and interpersonal tensions. It requires a practicable approach to work with emotionally stressed situations, such as the container-container model. The paper examines the effectiveness of the model in the organizational life with regard to change and executive recruitment.  相似文献   

Developing quality in the co-operation with volunteers. A report on a management experience The contribution of volunteers has changed on a structural level in Germany during the last two decades. Treffpunkt Hilfsbereitschaft, the volunteer agency of Berlin, has developed and supported this phase through a new kind of quality policy and by taking over the role of a cultural change agent. As a kick off served the working out of criteria of quality following the perspective of clients to construct the co-operation with volunteers in a new way. Two components followed: focussed counselling for organisations co-operating with volunteers and the leading role in developing qualified networks on the county as well as the national level where volunteer agencies could qualify and gain competent profiles as partners in this process of change. Treffpunkt Hilfsbereitschaft finally offered a further education for volunteer management? and thereby aspires to establish new professional fields within the volunteer sector.  相似文献   

Coaching as a separate product within a classical consulting company The article describes the author’s initiative to try to implement coaching as a separate product within a classical consulting company and to apply it in the context of big change projects. Based on the actual experience within a post merger integration project, the author describes the coaching aspects of the PMI project and discusses the chances and risks of such a ?new” product mixture of coaching and consulting.  相似文献   

New on the professorial chair. University professors as leadersWhen taking over a professorship, young scientists face a lot of new tasks, especially tasks of leadership for which they usually do not possess any knowledge nor experience. Besides these deficits, it is a lack of prior reflections that thwarts a successful starting on the new job. A qualified coaching could prevent this outcome. For coachs who are asked for counseling in such situations or want to specialize in this field, the article provides background informations and a counseling framework. A special section deals with coaching of female scientists and gender specific aspects of a professorship.  相似文献   

Many empirical studies which deal with internal labour markets are related to the work of Doeringer and Piore (1971). The majority of these studies cannot find closed internal labour markets with entry positions at the lower end of a firm’s hierarchy. Most of these studies, however, use data from financial and service industries, managerial or other white-collar workers. Doeringer and Piore (1971) state that closed internal labour markets with clearly defined entry positions should be found especially for blue-collar workers in the manufacturing industry, because firm specific human capital is of large importance in these industries. In this paper, a large data set of a manufacturing company with blue-collar and white-collar workers is used. We show that the internal labour market of blue-collar workers is more closed than that of white-collar workers. Moreover, we find that firm specific human capital plays a major role in determining the hierarchical position of blue-collar workers. Entries of white-collar workers, however, appear at all hierarchical positions. Furthermore, formal education plays a major role in allocating the white-collar workers.  相似文献   

Management culture at German universities. Guided feedback as an instrument to develop leadership skills In future, universities will be fundamentally more exposed to national and international competition than they are today. The challenges for Germany’s universities arising from this are increased by the reform pressure towards a modernization of the governmental administration. On grounds of these new tasks and challenges, inner-organizational changes as well as the development of a leadership responsibility and further training of the employees’ social skills are necessary. Therefore up-to-date personnel development belongs to a university’s modernization program. At the Berlin University of Technology appraisals by subordinates are practiced in order to design a fair leadership culture. The crucial factor for this is the professor’s and administration manager’s identification with their leadership role. For a further process consultation the adoption of coaching is recommended.  相似文献   

The ?new flexibility“ and anxiety The author postulates a high level of anxiety developing with the contemporary social demands on individuals for a maximum of flexibility. We have to take leave of traditional forms of organization, of proved routines, as well as of an individual professional biography and of conventional views of work and professional conditions.  相似文献   

In the university three cultures are converging, as illustrated in the film “The Campus”: the “old” culture of the savant who is interested in truth, painted in a idealized manner; the “new” culture of the politicized group university, painted in a satirical manner, and the culture of neutral rules of law, represented in the administration. Science, politics and law could inspire each other, but for it a power would be needed which could connect them with their properties. Because of the absence of this power, a continuous politicization of the university develops which loses their identity as organization of science and his cultural core.  相似文献   

This Comment summarizes some of Robert Göx’ and Alexis Kunz’ core results and discusses potential future developments. These developments are inspired through the literature on renegotiation of principal-agent contracts.  相似文献   

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