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For psychological coaching the insurance distribution as an extremely competitive setting still is widely unexploited in Germany. However, the increasing staff shortage in sales in the course of the demographic change creates a growing readiness on the side of the insurer to invest in coaching as a highly personal and practical form of human resources development. The article discusses role conflicts and stress of sales agents as consequences of the systems parameters and the development of social and emotional competencies as tasks for coaching in insurance distribution. The article furthermore points out strategies of intervention that are adjusted to the setting of sale.  相似文献   

The philosophy of coaching. Anthropological, hermeneutical and ethical implicationsCounselling and coaching can be understood as modern means to foster human autonomy, following the normative idea of the enlightenment. This anthropology must be completed with the Heideggerian concept of care, which clears misunderstandings of an asymmetry between coach and client. The hermeneutical dimension of coaching is analysed as creative and perspectival understanding on the basis of a fundamental questionability. With this innovative philosophical interpretation of coaching, its ethical values are adequately grounded.  相似文献   

Outplacement. Experiences of a coach Getting unemployed usually is a major cause for high emotional pressure especially for executives. Outplacement consulting can be a viable way to find solutions in such difficult situations. This article addresses the two parties involved: (1) The author proposes a procedure that could be considered by the company in the process of dismissal. (2) Suggestions are made how the individual can be supported in developing new perspectives for a future career and personal life. Based on experiences of the author, the basic challenges for coaches during theses processes are described. The article offers special recommendations for each phase of coaching.  相似文献   

The present article provides a quantitative overview of the state of coaching research. It first provides an insight into the status quo of the academic publishing landscape. Afterwards, results of the four meta-analyes that have been published on coaching research up to now are summarized. First, results on the efficacy of coaching or coaching outcomes are presented. Findings for different outcome measures as well as different study designs are reported. Next, results on predictors of coaching success are presented. They include specific features of the coaching process and setting, the coach-coachee-relationship as well as characteristics of coaches and coachees. The article closes with a summary and an assessment of the state of coaching research.  相似文献   

The ?Achieve Coaching Model“®. A systematic approach to greater effectiveness in executive coaching The article describes some of the results of an international best practice study that aimed to identify what successful coaches do to achieve consistent tangible coaching results. The analysis of the primary and secondary data resulted in a new coaching model, that has received international recognition and proved to be successful and valuable in practice — the Achieve Coaching Model®. The article describes the seven steps of the model, underpins it with information from the study and the authors international coaching practice and concrete behaviours of coaches that yielded continuously positive results in a coaching setting.  相似文献   

Abuse — now in coaching as well? In this article we discuss about abuse in coaching. We get informations of clients they experienced similar many therapeutic situations narcistic and sexual harrasments of coaches. On the end of the article we give advices for protection against abuse in the coaching.  相似文献   

Coaching has become an integral part of systematic management development. This article describes the successful implementation of an individual coaching as an essential element in a leadership development program, that is based on the author’s practical experience. Moreover, the article presents the conceptual framework of the development program, the understanding of coaching and the underlying process. Effective internal marketing, transparency about the coaching process and an emphasis on voluntary compliance are emerging as success factors for the sustainable establishment of the coaching offer.  相似文献   

Die Differenzen zwischen Supervision und Coaching   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
The difference between supervision and coachingThe difference between supervision and coaching This article discusses the difference between coaching and supervision. There are three relevant points: (1) Supervision and coaching deal with different groups in the organisations; (2) coaching is more personal development, supervision more for the self experience; (3) Supervision is change from the bottom and coaching change from the top.  相似文献   

More travelling, increasingly flexible working hours, omnipresent technologies, more complex tasks: coaching using digital channels and tools perfectly dovetails with modern work routine. This article explains what virtual coaching is (and can be) and presents the variants blended coaching and immersive coaching. The advantages and potential points of criticism of virtual coaching are also described. Finally, the seven phases of the ideal-typical virtual coaching process are presented.  相似文献   

The key task of master coaches is to qualify people for the execution of professional coaching processes in the context of coaching trainings. In addition to the competencies expected from coaches, they will need additional qualifications for this task. Considering the definition of coaching training and its characteristics, the article presents the formal qualifications as well as the professional expertise, personal skills and field and functional competencies. For this purpose, reference will be made in particular to the relatively little research in the field of coaching training, to literature and the recommendations of coaching associations.  相似文献   

The article is focusing on cross-cultural coaching constellations and explains the need of cross-cultural competence/cultural intelligence on the side of the coach. The author proposes a scientific framework to reflect one’s coaching work and assumptions in order to develop a culture-sensitive coaching approach.  相似文献   

Based on the subject ??burnout??, conditions and approaches for successful individual executive coaching are addressed. Burnout phenomena are assigned to the more global field of work-related stress management. First, diagnostic criteria for adequate application of individual coaching are defined ?C as opposed to psychotherapeutic treatment of stress or burnout problems. Moreover, with regard to executives already suffering from strong emotional stress, it is demonstrated that especially in the initial stage the focus should be rather on client-centered and solution focused approaches than on traditional concepts of stress management with strong goal and action orientation.  相似文献   

Executive coaching represents a significant tool of human resources development and is applied to strengthen leadership and management skills. Regardless of specific professional issues on and around the job itself, experience reveals that personal issues should also represent an integral constituent of executive coaching. Indeed, managers do not only encounter professional challenges, but are challenged in their whole personality. Hence, executive coaching expands to life coaching. Based on a specific case study regarding work life balance the following article illustrates how life coaching may successfully be applied in a systematic manner and how the aspects function and human being are mutually dependent.  相似文献   

To the extent that coaching establishes itself as a consulting format for professionals, professionalization and quality assurance of coaching become increasingly relevant. One instrument towards professionalization and quality assurance is coaching supervision. The author defines coaching supervision and describes its various functions. The “seven-eyed” model of supervision is explained. Next, the question to what degree coaches actually take part in supervision is addressed by summarizing extant empirical studies. The article ends by describing characteristics of the publication scene on coaching supervision and by providing an outlook for future research.  相似文献   

As a specific type of counselling, which focuses on the individual and his/her personality within the professional context, coaching has to strike constantly a balance between looking at the ?whole person“ and looking at one facet of this person, i.e. his/her professional role. This leads to ambivalent attitudes towards coaching from the client’s point of view, which should be discussed and turned into beneficial factors during the coaching process. The following article illustrates the construct of the ?whole person“-approach in coaching and argues for an understanding of coaching based on comprehensive methodologies and concepts.  相似文献   

This article first identifies what a select group of globally operating companies has been implementing in the way of coaching over the last years. In particular, different coaching approaches in Europe, USA, and China are reviewed in the context of these organizational examples. The particular practices are evaluated in light of possible theoretical underpinnings due to the continuing scarcity of sound empirical research on coaching. Addressing the need for first-hand examples of deployed coaching programs, the following offers practitioners the opportunity to extract information on the types of coaching interventions which have been successfully implemented and what criteria are important to consider when rolling out a coaching intervention in a global business environment. Recommendations and lessons learned on selecting coaches are also provided.  相似文献   

Group coaching for managersIn this article the concept “Group coaching for managers” from Siemens Learning Campus is introduced. The reasons, goals, requirements, advantages and limitations of the concept are presented. Furthermore, the themes which managers bring to coaching and the methods which are used to work on solutions and clarification are described.  相似文献   

In this article, we focus on a specific type of personal and professional development practice -executive coaching- and present the most extensive systematic review of executive coaching outcome studies published in peer-reviewed scholarly journals to date. We focus only on coaching provided by external coaches to organizational members. Our purpose is twofold: First, to present and evaluate how executive coaching outcome studies are designed and researched (particularly regarding methodological rigor and context-sensitivity). Secondly, to provide a comprehensive review of what we know about executive coaching outcomes, what are the contextual drivers that affect coaching interventions and what the current gaps in our understanding of coaching practice. On that basis, we discuss and provide a research agenda that might significantly shift the field. We argue that methodological rigor is as important as context-sensitivity in the design of executive coaching outcome studies. We conclude with a discussion of implications for practice.  相似文献   

Experts are discussing coaching as well as a method and/or as a autonomous profession. The article tries to differentiate and define both versions. It is quite possible, that coaching can be interpreted and used as a method. Therefore coaching could be available for other professions like supervision or therapy. In contrast to this coaching as a profession is a independent part in the rank of other professions in service industries. To become such an own profession coaching has to fulfil a lot of processual criterions. Analyses of current discussions subjecting coaching proved that it is rushed to speak about a consolidated phase of being an own profession. Coaching is rather at the beginning of a promising and successful way to become an autonomous profession in the near future.  相似文献   

The coaching culture as an impact factor on the efficacy of Coaching has rarely been addressed in scientific research so far. This article differentiates the coaching culture in aspects of the organizational embedding and attitudes towards coaching. The results of the quantitative study, where N = 49 members of organizations took part, show that the coaching processes are conducted in diverse ways, that the format is being applied for a broad range of issues and that the attitudes towards coaching lead into a positive direction. As a significant predictor for the judgement of coaching effects the reputation of the format in the organization was identified.  相似文献   

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