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An obstacle for the implementation of a modern regional policy in Croatia is the inherited concept of the reconstruction of war-affected areas. This concept is no longer appropriate for the needs of a modern regional policy, which should be formulated, among others, also in the context of the EU accession. This is particularly important considering that the EU emphasizes that member states should be in the position to withstand competitive pressures in the single market as a key condition for accession. And regional policy has a particular role in this regard. In this article the main obstacles for a modern regional policy in Croatia are discussed, particularly from the point of view of achieving economic competitiveness. It is necessary to tackle these problems and obstacles through a number of measures and initiatives from both the central and the regional level, which are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

This paper uses the 1980 Census data to estimate the size of the economic transfers associated with the 1985 to 1990 interregional migration of older persons. Total economic transfers are estimated by multiplying interregional migration flows of older persons by the average income of older persons in each migration stream. Assuming an average life expectancy of 15 years for elderly migrants and an expenditure multiplier of 2, the total redistribution of income as a result of 1985 to 1990 elderly migration is estimated to be over $600 billion. The South Atlantic and Mountain regions are the recipients of the largest positive net transfers; the East North Central and West North Central regions have the largest negative net transfers.  相似文献   

“城中村”作为城市化的一种特有现象,已逐渐演化为影响城市品质和居住品质的巨大障碍,同时制约着城市土地的集约利用水平的提高。在上海市城市化进程加速、人口日益膨胀、中心城区土地资源供应越来越少的背景下,“城中村”所贮存土地的战略重要性越加明显。上海可通过健全现有土地储备制度、完善土地出让办法、完善安置补偿政策、加大规划政策支持力度等举措,全面推进“城中村”改造。  相似文献   

冷战时期,印度对中东的外交政策,基本上奉行了支持巴勒斯坦解放组织、支持阿拉伯联盟和反对以色列的中东外交政策,但在冷战缓和时期也有些变化;冷战结束后,印度在试图维持与中东国家的传统关系基础上与以色列建交,在试图与西方大国的协同中谋取在中东的利益最大化.印度的中东外交受到多极化力量和单极化力量角逐的影响,但其中东外交的角色转变基本上围绕与美以加强合作,它属于介于西方与伊斯兰两种国际力量间的游移势力.  相似文献   

演变、定位和类型——中国大学生就业政策分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本文从三个角度对中国大学生就业政策进行了说明.从历史发展研究来看,大学生就业政策经历了从计划经济体制下的"统包统分"、教育体制改革下的"双向选择"、进一步深化市场经济体制改革下的"自主择业"三个阶段.从现实定位研究来看,当前大学生就业政策首要的出发点应该是如何使就业市场体系真正发挥高效配置资源的作用,同时兼顾公平,好的大学生就业政策应在效率和公平中找到一个好的均衡点.从具体类型研究来看,中国大学生就业政策包括市场规制政策、就业准入政策、招考录用政策、权利维护政策、宏观调控政策、创业扶持政策、社会保障政策、派遣接收政策、指导服务政策及其它相关政策等.  相似文献   

当前,中国区域经济增长呈现新格局,主要表现为中西部地区发展速度加快,优势产业各具特色;以城市群为核心,形成空间发展格局;区域开发秩序得到进一步规范;区域合作和一体化不断得到加强。与此同时,中国区域经济增长也遇到新的挑战。因此,必须联动实施国家区域发展战略,开拓区域经济协调发展的新思路。  相似文献   

From 1980 to 1996, Australian researchers identified consistently inferior labor market outcomes for professionals from non‐English‐speaking background source countries. In 1997, the incominy conservative government initiated a major review of Australia's skilled migration program, based on a determination to ‘select for success’among applicants. Subsequent initiatives included mandatory English language testing, rigorous qualifications screening, incentives for international students to migrate, and abolition of income support in the first two years postarrival. This article provides a detailed analysis of factors leading to this policy transformation. Labor market outcomes for 2001 are defined, including a halving of unemployment among recently arrived migrants.  相似文献   

石薇  芦佳丽 《科学发展》2013,(11):95-100
为确保房地产调控效果长期化,上海应在坚决贯彻中央房地产调控框架的同时,因地制宜地积极创新政策工具,制定符合实际的区域性调控指标,相机抉择,精确制导。短期,上海可采取“市场”与“保障”双管齐下,强化以“保供应、抑投资”为主要思路的供需总量调节手段;中期,培育以“疏导投资、引导消费”为主要思路的供需结构调节机制;长期,培育以金融创新为载体、以资产管理为核心的房地产业转型模式。  相似文献   

Tokyo, the capital city of Japan, has always been a center of national economic growth, and hence a focal point of political struggle between local and national government. There exist two kinds of political forces; the former desires strong concentration of economic activities in Tokyo based on market rationality and economic efficiency, and the latter counters the former claiming more decentralization based on the balanced national economic structure. This paper reviews the development of urban and regional policy in Japan over the last 20 years and examines how such political forces have played out. After the decade‐long sluggish economic performance and the challenge of inter‐urban competition by Asian mega‐cities, Tokyo Metropolitan Government formulated an aggressive promotional policy under the leadership of the then Governor Ishihara. He tactically created a political consensus to give locational favor to the central part of Tokyo at the expense of other regions. It was partially challenged by the election of the then Prime Minister Shinzo Abe who insisted the need to revitalize the regions that were economically lagging. Despite his words, however, the centralization of Tokyo continued. This paper argues that the regional revitalization policy under the Abe administration was political rhetoric rather than reality, and Japan's economic fortune may still depend on the performance of Tokyo in the global economy under the neoliberal policy orientation.  相似文献   

通过对区域空间的传统研究视角以及珠江三角洲发展的特殊性归纳,引入流-空间的理论工具,并运用其梳理珠三角区域空间演进历程。具体而言,包括乡村城镇化、城市区域化和区域整合化三个阶段。接着,剖析珠三角区域空间转型的特征,也是本文的结论:一是政策松动到政策主动转型,二是外向-资源驱动向内在-创新驱动转型,最后是全面铺开的城乡混合向优势集聚的多强中心结构转型。最后,尝试为新时期的珠三角区域空间转型构建新的研究视野。  相似文献   

基于包容性发展观、广义福利观和全面幸福观内涵,以“发展目标应体现地方民众主观愿望”为设计理念,借鉴幸福广东指标体系,测度民众幸福指数.通过幸福指数与GDP的对比,考察民众在广东“双转移”战略实施过程中对幸福的真实感受.研究结果显示,城市间和区域间的民众幸福感差别较大,反映了心理层面区域不平衡的现实;许多事实都说明幸福感并不必然与经济发展成正比,这一认识具有现实意义.未来广东“双转移”战略应在追求全面幸福目标、推动包容性发展和构建新型政绩观等方面进行完善.  相似文献   

Bell's well-known assumption that the nation-state is becoming too small for the big problems of life and too big for the small problems of life, has become commonplace in the contemporary debate on the nation-state in a global age. Against the background of the upcoming EU East-enlargement, the article investigates some of the environmental policy implications behind this catchphrase. Drawing on Beck's thesis of an 'unbinding of politics' it is argued that a globalizing civil society continues to be embedded across various cultural and regulatory spaces. Attempts to (re)vitalize bottom-up policy input therefore require special attention to the dynamics of regional culture and local society, where the political and the sub-political actually intersect. This, however, is not an argument for a crude bottom-up model of governance, but rather a refined understanding of multi-level governance. The argument is supported by case study material form the German-Polish border region.  相似文献   

International migration is a historical phenomenon, which only recently has gained increasing importance, representing a focal point on the political agenda in most countries. One of the reasons is the deep transformation occurring in last decades, both at global and local level, of the role played by its protagonists that are turning to be transnational agents. This is especially true for the skilled professionals, who migrate internationally. As a matter of fact, international human capital mobility is now regarded as “brain circulation” rather than “brain drain”: this new concept concerns individuals who maintain frequent and continued social, economic and political ties with their country of origin, exceeding thereby the territorial and cultural boundaries. In this scenario, China is one of the main sending countries of highly-skilled migrants, through which it can built economic and academic relations with other economic and technological advanced countries. Recently, Chinese policy makers have started to consider the brain drain phenomenon as an opportunity for the transmission of business and technological know-how, as well as tacit knowledge that is hard to find through official channels. This article intends to contribute to the scientific debate on the subject, highlighting the international relevance of the so-called Overseas Chinese Professionals (OCPs), investigating their spatial distribution and features. Besides, the paper will examine the emerging returning flow and the challenge that the country will have to cope with in the next future to impose itself as a innovative leading economy.  相似文献   

近30年来,我国儿童保护立法政策不断发展,儿童保护涵盖了儿童救助、收养、教育、安全、医疗卫生等方面内容,已形成以宪法为基础,依托于儿童专项法律及国务院行政法规,以部门规章及政策性文件为主体的儿童保护立法政策体系。然而,存在儿童保护立法层级低,呈分散化、碎片化特征;涉及部门多,业务有重合也有空白;缺乏预防性措施;缺乏责任主体和罚则等问题。  相似文献   

Hazardous Wastes in Rural America: Impacts, Implications and Options for Rural Communities, by Steven H. Murdock, Richard S. Krannich, and F. Larry Leistritz. Controlling Technocracy: Citizen Rationality and the NIMBY Syndrome, by Gregory E. McAvoy. The Politics of Ecosystem Management, by Hanna J. Cortner and Margaret A. Moote.  相似文献   


“New” social welfare policies are often actually policies borrowed from other states or nations. This paper reviews the recent theoretical developments in understanding the processes of policy transfer and presents a “policy transfer” model that can be a useful heuristic tool for social workers engaged in policy making. It discusses how the field of social work can benefit from understanding the factors underlying successful and unsuccessful policy transfer, and argues for the inclusion of the study of policy transfer in social welfare policy courses.  相似文献   

Despite the prevalence of corporate change in the last decade, researchers have not examined whether a change occurred in the corporate form. The analysis here presents a historical case study of a large U.S. corporation and quantitative data on the largest 100 U.S. industrial corporations. The case study examines the effects of changing economic conditions and state business policy on the corporate form. This study demonstrates that the corporation changed to a multilayered subsidiary form (MLSF): a corporation with a hierarchy of two or more levels of subsidiary corporations with a parent company at the top of the hierarchy operating as a management company. Whereas rising debt and increasing competition in the 1970s and 1980s undermined corporations' capacity to accumulate capital, changes in state business policy in the mid-1980s provided the political-legal structure for corporations to restructure their assets as subsidiary corporations tax free. Changes in state business policy also provided a means for corporations to merge, acquire, and spin-off subsidiary corporations tax free. Quantitative data on the 100 largest U.S. industrial corporations show that while the multidivisional form decreased, the MLSF increased between 1981 and 1993. Findings support a capital dependence framework. The MLSF constructs liability firewalls among corporate entities and creates internal capital markets, reducing dependence on external capital markets.  相似文献   

上海城市人口空间分布的驱动机制应由人口快速增长阶段的土地-交通导向逐渐转变为稳定增长期的产业-环境导向;相应促进人口空间分布优化的政策机制应从政府-基础设置-人口向政府-产业功能-基础设置-人口转变,以就业人口为核心制定综合性的人口分布优化政策,推动形成合理的城市人口布局体系。  相似文献   

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