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法与政治的关系一直是西方政治学和法学中的基本问题。自古希腊城邦古老的政治哲学和法律哲学至当代后现代主义法学思潮,法与政治的关系问题都成为它们关注的焦点。这不仅因为法与政治的关系对国家或社会所具有的标志性或表征性意义,而且因为在法与政治的关系的理想与现实中,蕴 相似文献
法应与政治保持适当距离 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在法治社会中法与政治的关系究竟如何是值得厘清的,特别是在党的十六届四中全会提出了“依法执政”的执政方式和执政能力建设的目标之后,认清这一问题就更具有重要意义。在我们长期的法学观念中,法是政治斗争的工具,是实现政治目标的手段,由此,为政治的需要而随时修改法律以及要求立法、执法和司法去迎合不断变化的政治要求,就是必然的和应当的。这种观点当然推不出“依法执政”的结论,相反,与这种观念相吻合的倒是“依政行法”。法治及“依法执政”的理念,提示了法对执政党的制约和政治的制约,而这种制约功能的发挥需要一个前提,这就是法与… 相似文献
人类摆脱野蛮、蒙昧、贫穷而趋文明、理性、富足的历程是在三个方向上展开的:一是探索自然世界、发展科技借以提高生产效率而达物质的富足;二是探索自身精神世界、发展道德借以提升人生境界而达精神的安宁;三是探索制度世界、发展规则借以提升政治理性而达政治的文明化。愈是晚 相似文献
论政治法与法政治学——从政治与法律关系的契入 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
政治与法律之间存在密切的关系。法律的实在化、世俗化是法律政治化的进程。政治不仅以立法过程产生法律,而且是法律的权力基础,并在法律适用中发挥影响。政治的法治化是政治领域建立秩序并有效约束权力的关键,但是政治中也保留不受法律规制的领地。政治的法治化形成政治法这一部门法。交叉研究是西方法学与政治学的研究传统,批判法学是法学、政治学研究结合的典型代表;近年来,我国学者也提出法政治学范式。本文通过廓清政治与法律的关系,冀图明确法政治学的学科性质、研究范围及研究方法和工具。 相似文献
自法治成为现代社会的基本价值共识和社会理想以来,法律与政治的关系无论是在理论界还是在实践领域都出现了对于法律自主与自治的过度偏爱,以及对于政治的不适当的贬抑.但人类自身的人性需求,特别是基于在生存的基础上对于生存的意义和价值的寻求,自然而然地就进入了政治生活和法律生活之中.因为人们过社会生活的动机,恰恰是作为个体的人的本能的自我保存所催发的人类作为整体的共同保存,这种个人私利中所蕴涵的人类共同的整体利益,成为人类生活的共同诉求.也成为法律与政治在逻辑与事实上联结的基点.在人类的生活中,无论是纯粹的私人生活领域,还是公共生活领域,其得以展开的基本前提乃是具有最起码的秩序状态,而这在逻辑上和事实上也是由政治和法律来共同完成的.不仅如此,人类生活的社会环境,以及现代社会中人类生活的自然环境或者生态环境对于人类生活的适宜性,事实上也都是由法律和政治共同构筑的,这表明人类自身的生活与发展始终是离不开政治与法律的.而从人类具体的社会生活尤其是政治生活来看,法律对于政治的意义在于,它承担着政治权力的道德性、正当性与合理性的意义赋予和意义展现的责任,使政治权力获得并维持足够的合法性,而这在实行民主、法治和宪政制度的现代社会中是至为关键的.所有这些都表明,法律与政治之间具有非常密切的内在关联,也就是说,法律与政治始终都是共生的. 相似文献
凯尔森和哈特对法律的概念有不同理解,凯尔森将规范作为法律的上位概念,而哈特则将规则作为法律的上位概念,法律规范和法律规则分别是他们认识法律的基本概念。凯尔森通过规范的观念强调了法律作为一个独立的逻辑体系的存在,奠定了法律科学独立的基础;哈特则通过规则的观念强调了法律同现实生活的密切联系,使法哲学在西方学术界重新恢复了活力。通过法律规范和法律规则的概念分析,对两位分析法学名家的理论可以有进一步的理解。 相似文献
自然法:法律与道德之间 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
自然法是对与错的终极标准,是制度正当与否的试金石,是保守与革命的最终理据.它兼有法律和道德的双重特征,还肩负着在两者之间做出基本区分的使命.在人类漫长的思想进程特别是欧洲思想近三个世纪理性化建构中,自然法是人们探究法律适当的道德基础,又是小心避免法律受道德污染的有力工具.它为法律和道德之间的那个交叉点提供了一个名称. 相似文献
论侵权行为法的归责原则 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
侵权行为法的归责原则包括过错责任原则和无过错责任原则。这样的归责原则体系具有更大的合理性。特别是在知识产权领域中 ,应考虑无过错责任原则的适当适用 相似文献
随着经济全球化的深入 ,法律国际化这一趋势进一步增强了。但法律国际化并不是最近几年才出现的新现象 ,它是有其产生、发展的历史进程的。根据法律国际化的推动力量的不同 ,可将法律国际化的历史进程分成三个时期———战争时期、意识形态时期和经济时期 ,并且从中可归纳出法律国际化历史进程中的一些发展特点 ,即法律国际化的成本越来越低 ,法律国际化的范围或目标越来越明确 ,法律国际化的意识越来越强 相似文献
The role of law in welfare reform: critical perspectives on the relationship between law and social work practice 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This article considers the complex relationships between law, welfare policy and social work practice, in order to address the question of what role legal frameworks might play in achieving welfare policy and professional practice goals. It traces how law has developed as a core component of professional practice, and challenges some of the false expectations placed upon it. It then draws on findings from an international knowledge review of law teaching in social work education to propose a model for understanding how professional practice incorporates legal perspectives, and proposes ways in which legal frameworks can provide positive and constructive vehicles for accountable practice. 相似文献
This paper considers the problem of stigmatisation towards tenants residing in public housing. It draws on the findings of a research panel investigation set up to explore the opportunities available for activists and campaigners to address stigma and engender a more positive understanding of public housing and its contribution to ameliorating economic disadvantages. The deliberations of the panel highlighted that, even within a forum sympathetic to the goal of addressing stigma, many conceptual, strategic and practical differences arise and need to be worked through. The paper reviews these challenges through a discussion of recent academic literature and a commentary on the contributions made by participants in the panel discussions. It concludes with the argument that the problem of stigma needs to be contextualised in a wider political setting that takes account of the contested aspects of the policy process and the role that powerful interest groupings have in agenda‐setting, alongside material factors such as poverty. The stigmatisation of public housing tenants is best understood as a symptom of systemic forms of inequality and asymmetrical power relationships. These difficulties also apply to campaigns to tackle the problem. Supporting forums that allow these power relationships to be interrogated is the first step towards change. 相似文献
全球化使人口的自由流动成为一股不可抑制的潮流和趋势。自由迁移和选择居所的权利是国际法承认和保障的基本人权。参与与自身利益相关的公共事务决策是外侨应有的民主权利 ,也应是民主政治的本质要求。但现代民主理论和民主制度的框架无法容纳外侨的民主要求 ,因为民主作为以公民为参与单位的公民民主 ,有内在的排他性和封闭性。全球化与现存的民主理论和民主政治存在着冲突 相似文献
Bronfman M 《Cuadernos del CENDES》1989,(12):87-107
This work argues that the economic crisis in Latin America resulting from structural adjustment programs and recession has had deleterious effects on the relationship between demographic factors and health. 2 works presented at the 1989 International Union for the Scientific Study of Population meeting in New Delhi considered the difficulty of demonstrating unambiguously the demographic effects of the economic crisis. This work, instead of looking at overall rates which may not have been greatly affected, focuses on 3 specific areas that reflect the relationship between population and health in the context of the crisis. Although the infant mortality rate has continued to decline in almost all countries and regions of Latin America during the crisis, the decline has been unequal in different sectors. A comparison of data from the 1987 National Survey of Fertility and Health in Mexico with that of the 1982 National Demographic Survey shows that rural infant mortality declined by only 1% between the 2 surveys, while urban infant mortality declined by 21%. An indicator of available services in the household showed the same increase inequality. Disaggregation of infant mortality data for Mexico suggests that even a presumably biological determinant, maternal age, loses much of its weight when socioeconomic factors are considered. Other studies, on the impact of maternal education, similarly indicate that the relationship is different for different social sectors. The infant mortality data taken together suggest that infant mortality continues to ba a valid indicator of social inequality, and that the crisis has had the effect of increasing inequality and worsening the relative conditions of the least advantaged. In the area of fertility, data from the 1989 National Survey of Fertility and Health in Mexico are used to argue that family planning programs are integral components of an authoritarian governmental political style. The survey indicated that sterilization is now the most commonly used contraceptive method in Mexico and that fully 12.4% of sterilized women did not make the decision to be sterilized themselves. 34% of illiterate women who were sterilized did not make the decision themselves. 14% of all the women but 33% of illiterate women reported they would not be sterilized if they could make the decision again. These data and others on the high proportion of women who undergo sterilization at young ages and low parities and without being informed of other methods suggest that the attitude of the official family planning program is becoming more authoritarian and less respectful of human rights as it seeks to curb population growth. The area of health effects has usually been ignored in migration studies. The phenomenon of Mexican migrant workers in the US who return to Mexico after contracting AIDS is an obvious example of the link between population variables and health. 相似文献