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构建实践教学质量保障体系的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗正生 《职业时空》2009,5(5):112-113
实践能力是应用型人才最本质的特征,实践教学在应用型人才培养中具有重要的作用。结合本校实际,从实践教学环节、实践教学环境、实践教学队伍、实践教学管理等方面阐述了实践教学保障体系构建。  相似文献   

在社会经济不断发展的现代社会,企业干部教育是企业稳定发展的关键所在。企业干部教育应该从实际需求出发,探索进取,改革创新,不断改进培训模式与策略,构建完善的企业干部培训体系。本文从不同角度分析了加强企业干部教育培训的策略,其中包括跟随时代的脚步发展、改革课程体系、完善管理机制体系、构建严密的培训组织,以期进一步加强企业干部教育培训的效果。  相似文献   

团学工作是指在高校党组织的领导下,以辅导员为指导、学生为主体的高校共青团和学生会的全部工作。团学工作是高校学生思想政治工作的重要内容。而在团学工作中,团学活动作为重要的部分,由于特有的组织形式,既可以使得思想政治工作在具体活动中对学生产生潜移默化的影响,又能发挥学生的主观能动性,是高等学校实施素质教育的有效途径。鉴于此,首先对高校团学工作进行简述,其次依据德育内容的四个层面,分析团学活动在学生德育中发挥的具体作用,最后尝试提出增强团学活动在高校大学生德育过程的效用的路径。  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育的快速发展,学校各类突发性事件发生率呈现出上升趋势,突发事件一旦发生,直接影响学校的正常秩序。因此,本文深化班级预警管理的认识,强调了新生入学的预警教育和班团干部选拔和培养对建立班级预警管理的重要性。  相似文献   

《品德与社会》课是促进学生良好品德形成和社会性发展的综合课程,是对学生开展德育教育的主渠道,作为教者应该潜心研究新课程标准,研究教材和学生,采取恰当的方法和策略,在教学中要运用各种手段来充分发挥学生的主体性、创造性、还要善于给学生问题、给学生悬念、给学生机遇,使学生能成为学习的主人,促进自身的不断发展,最终达到提高教学效果的目的。  相似文献   

大学生社会实践长效性机制构建的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过调查分析了大学生社会实践活动取得的成果和存在的问题;结合国外大学生社会实践的经验,提出构建大学生社会实践长效性体系的构想:领导重视,形成制度,突出实效;转变学生社会实践观念,满足学生需求;多方联系,寻求社会支持;建立网络实践平台,全程推进社会实践活动;为学生社会实践提供实践教师指导,为学生提供全程服务。  相似文献   

让学生乐学,是教育的最高境界。孔子说:学而时习之,不亦说乎!他就把学习看成是一件很快乐的事。我们知道,学习是获取人类知识、经验、文化的主要手段。一个人从出生到生命的终结须臾也离不开学习。在素质教育的洪流中,怎样把好历史教学的舵,如何让学生对历史产生浓厚的兴趣,体现历史教学的愉快性,是我们每个历史教师要花大力气去探索和实践的。  相似文献   

洪杰  陈立强 《职业》2023,(19):50-52
技工院校的目标是培养技能人才,要培养适应社会需求的技能人才,就需要对现有的教学模式进行改革,如开展工学一体化课程教学,将虚拟仿真技术引入专业教学,将双元制职业教育本土化,把企业课程引入学生课堂,同时把教学目标定位到“知识、技能、素养”的高度,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

探讨了网络环境下信息交流的新特征及对图书馆传统信息资源存在方式的影响,分析了网络环境下图书馆开展读者教育的方式变化以及对读者利用文献信息资源的影响,阐述了网络环境下读者网络利用教育的必要性,提出了网络环境下文献检索课教育变革的思路与对策。  相似文献   

蒲德祥 《城市观察》2012,(1):166-173
和谐社会建设和城市化发展的内在要求其核心内容和终极价值导向是追求幸福。在快速发展的进程中由于片面追求经济增长和政绩,造成道德滑坡、信仰缺失和生态失衡等一系列问题,由此严重影响了城市化的和谐发展。广佛肇经济圈战略的构建要求以幸福为终极目标来发展城市化,通过幸福指数的构建和培育幸福管理的执政理念来践行科学发展观,这对推进广佛肇经济圈的进程以及构建社会主义和谐社会具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

An alternative explanation is provided for the Alchian and Allen substitution theorem, which posits that a per unit tax or shipping fee applied to similar goods will increase the relative consumption of the higher-quality good. The usual explanation is that consumers substitute out of "bad apples" and into "good apples." This article generalizes the Alchian and Allen result in an n -good world, providing an alternative explanation that is more cogent in situations where the two goods (for example $500 and $5 wines) are not close substitutes.  相似文献   


Through the use of posed vignettes in a telephone survey, we investigate the construction of heroes. We examine the extent to which respondents attribute hero status to three potential 9/11 and “war on terrorism” heroes: Todd Beamer, Army Private Jessica Lynch, and President George W. Bush. Findings suggest the importance of the extraordinary nature and the rarity of action(s) performed by heroes in the attribution of hero status; the role of class, status, and party in the attribution process; and the moral consideration of what should be done in each posed vignette. In addition, the study indicates the utility of attribution theory for the sociological examination of heroism and the viability of normative constructs in examining heroic behavior.  相似文献   

Market reforms and newfound prosperity in Vietnam have been accompanied by ritual revival and an attention to the moral dimensions of political-economic transition. As revolutionary fervour fades, villagers struggle to reconcile long-standing beliefs about cong (merit), with both wartime losses and post-war opportunities. In one Red River Delta community, villagers have reinvented the pre-war institution of chu te (master of the high sacrifices), to serve as moral exemplar for the village. In this paper, the life story of the newly appointed chu te provides a framework for the examination of a larger process of moral transformation in Vietnam.  相似文献   

Extensive literature has provided evidence of the organic nature of the Internet as a domain for different sorts of activities. Most policy making regarding the Internet, however, has focused on its economic dimensions (e.g. e-commerce, copyrights, privacy) while taking timid steps when it comes to its cultural and social dimensions. We propose a more comprehensive approach for global policy making on the Internet by looking retrospectively at processes that led to the creation of urban parks, and examining those processes in light of public goods theory. We conducted historical and theoretical analyses to show that, in the same way urban parks define spaces that mediate between different functions of the city, it is possible to define buffer spaces within the Internet that mediate between competing spheres of activity. As a complex phenomenon involving infrastructure, applications, and content, the Internet possesses features that can be located at different points between purely private and purely public goods. This fact parallels the growing attention that public goods theorists are paying to non-economic factors to explain the provisions of goods under circumstances that do not easily fit supply/demand laws. We argue that urban parks, as hybrid public goods, offer a reference for the design of policies that harmonize competing interests because they are spaces justified by manifold rationales (economic, political, social and cultural). As parks offer possibilities for spontaneous re-appropriations of the city as a cohesive entity (i.e. something beyond a disconnected collection of populations), defining similar multi-purpose spaces on the Internet would facilitate coexistence of competing and complementary behaviours by allowing users to re-appropriate this technology as a comprehensive entity beyond a mere aggregation of transactions and interests.  相似文献   

Linguists have studied many iconic phenomena in language and generalized some iconicity principles. It is believed that in term of literary genres, poetry has the richest presence of iconicity. This paper analyzed the significance of iconicity theory in poetry translation and attempts to explore poetry translation in the light of iconicity theory, using some iconicity principles.  相似文献   

徐红映 《社会学评论》2022,10(1):165-180
乡规民约历来是乡村治理的重要机制,新中国成立以来,乡村治理格局发生了深刻变迁,在现实情境的推进过程中,这类非正式规范正遭遇有效性不足的挑战.本研究以社会资本理论作为分析框架,结合对宁波市的调研,提出农村社会传统型社会资本的流失和现代型社会资本的缺位,是乡规民约难以发挥效用的症结所在.同时,研究认为挖掘乡规民约的治理效能,近期需要依靠政府的力量,通过顶层设计和资源要素下沉,依靠传统型社会资本的治理资源,实现政府主动建构秩序与社会自身自发秩序的耦合.从长远看,构建现代型社会资本,培育基层治理内生力,是发挥乡规民约这类基层治理制度效用的关键所在.  相似文献   

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