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21世纪,是知识经济迅速发展的时代,是学习决定命运的时代.在这样的时代里,学习和培训成为个人和组织的共同需要.加强对员工的培训,可以帮助企业形成核心竞争力,获得竞争优势.下面就企业如何认识对于员工的培训,以及应该选择何种有效的培训方法,如何评估培训效果阐述笔者的个人观点.  相似文献   

企业的竞争归根到底是人才的竞争。只有拥有适合企业发展需要的人才,企业才可能在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。因此,有计划地组织企业员工学习和训练,是企业能否持续发展的重要课题。本文从企业员工培训的重要性出发,详尽分析了我国企业员工培训的现状和存在的问题,针对存在的问题提出相应的对策建议,以期能对开展企业员工培训工作具有实践参考价值。  相似文献   

武建 《职业》2011,(33):79-80
培训效果评估是指系统地收集有关培训项目的必要的描述性和评判性信息的过程,通过运用科学的测量工具来评价培训目标的达成度,以帮助做出选择、使用和修改培训项目的决策。培训效果评估是培训流程中的关键组成部分,只有通过评估,企业才能了解培训活动是否达到了预期的目标,并通过培训项目的改进来提高员工个人以及组织的整体绩效。  相似文献   

在历年的“福布斯最佳雇主”“培训杂志125强”“名人纪念堂”中,记录了优秀企业对人才的管理经,本文据此结合企业员工培训,为您揭示企业如何才能提高员工的敬业度。  相似文献   

吴应霞 《职业》2014,(6):112-113
杭州市轻工高级技工学校在对杭州各行业50多家中小制造企业员工的培训中,实践了多种员工培训的方法,积累了不少经验教训。本文重点介绍该学校在企业员工培训中从培训组织方、培训实施方入手,明确双方在开展培训过程中的每项工作,构建出校企融合培训模式,确保企业员工培训质量的做法。  相似文献   

在互联网技术飞速发展、移动通讯设备广泛普及的背景下,微商作为一种新型的商业模式应运而生。微商以其发展速度快、应变能力强的特点迅速发展壮大,对实体经济也产生了重要的影响。但是由于网络的高度灵活性,使得员工招聘与培训成为关系到微商企业生存与发展的重要因素,因此,结合微商企业的工作特点分析其员工招聘与培训的需求、模式和存在的问题,对于运用网络技术完善微商企业的员工招聘与培训工作具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

目前我国中小企业员工培训效果不佳,如何才能探索出一条卓有成效的、适合自身实际的发展道路?制定合理的培训计划、采用科学先进的培训方法、提高员工参与培训的积极性、健全培训评估机制,将是中小企业成功培训员工的必然选择.  相似文献   

薛青 《职业》2013,(23):184-184
近年来,随着社会上商业竞争的加剧,企业逐渐认识到人才的重要和学习的重要。人才是一个企业最重要的资产,不断提升员工整体素质、满足职位对员工技能的要求是创建一个学习型企业以及企业在市场竞争中立于不败之地的法宝。文章分析了当前企业培训中存在的问题及产生的原因,并提出了增强培训效果的相关建议。  相似文献   

王国荣  李忠山 《职业》2017,(11):35-36
高技能人才是企业的重要人才储备,但企业员工参加培训的积极性并不高,其重要原因是缺乏有效的激励机制.本文认为,转变员工参加培训的观念,建立企业技能员工培训激励体系是解决问题,改变现状的重要途径.  相似文献   

当今企业市场竞争力的核心要素之一是人才的竞争,或称之为是员工技能素质的竞争。职工技能培训教育是企业经营管理中的有机组成部分,职工培训教育机构担负着为企业培训教育员工的责任,本文据此探讨企业职工技能培训教育如何求取更好的成效的问题。  相似文献   

李林 《现代交际》2010,(1):85-86
导游语言技能是导游员必备的基本技能之一,导游语言的训练在导游员培训中占据举足轻重的地位。本文针对导游语言的“书面谈话语”的基本特点及目前导游语言训练中存在的一些状况,寻求导游语言的训练方法,将导游语言课堂训练方法进行了丰富和完善,为培养更多更为优秀的导游员提供途径。  相似文献   

Family therapy skills are an essential tool when working with young children and their families, yet accessing family therapy training and supervision in workplace settings has become more difficult. Skills enhancement may be obtained through formal training in accredited courses, a costly undertaking, in which clinicians most often carry the entire cost for the training. In this paper, we propose that specific family therapy skills relevant to working with families of young children can be developed within a peer group format. The peer training described in this paper is extremely cost effective, easy to set up, specifically tailored to our unique training needs and the characteristics of the population of families we are working with. Further, the training allows us to develop fresh and creative ways of skills acquisition, our own ‘curriculum’, with flexible use of training techniques, depending on our particular needs at a given time. We conclude with some of the disadvantages of the model and propose ideas for future development.  相似文献   

易娜 《职业时空》2012,(3):117-119
护理专业的语文教学工作要主动适应护理专业需求,结合受体特征,不仅培育学生的语文运用能力和人文情怀,还须培育学生的职业素养,建设有护理专业特色的中职语文教学体系。以现有语文教材为载体,将护理专业所需能力要求嵌入语文教学中去,并结合专业特色将日常应用文、护理应用文的写作纳入语文课堂的训练之中。语文课应加强学生的口语训练,以培养合格适用的护理人才为根本目的,通过系统的课堂实训,保证学生掌握护士工作所必需的基本口语表达技能。  相似文献   

Problem gambling is a common, highly destructive disorder which is often overlooked by clinicians. Levels of clinical training, clinical experience, and professional competence for providing clinical services for problem gambling were examined in a survey of 181 clinical psychologists working in the Veterans Healthcare Administration (VHA). The results suggest that the majority of clinical psychologists have little or no formal training and little or no past or current clinical experience in the treatment of disordered gambling, nor do they see themselves as competent to evaluate or treat patients with disordered gambling. Most have not referred patients for treatment of problem gambling and do not know of a competent provider to whom they can refer. There is an identifiable subgroup, representing 9% of respondents, who do have more training, provide services, and see themselves as competent to provide care for patients with problem gambling. The amount of formal training is positively correlated with care provided and self-ratings of competence. Despite the lack of training and experience, most respondents expressed interest in receiving additional training. These data suggest that to improve rates of diagnosis and treatment of patients with problem gambling in mental health settings, additional training needs to be made available for mental health providers as a group, with specialized training for clinicians interested in specializing in this area.  相似文献   

曲红 《职业时空》2012,(8):69-71,74
总结了美国、法国、日本警察培训模式的特点、课程体系、教学内容等特色,并分析了当前我国警察培训模式的利弊,从课程设置、教学模式、师资队伍建设三方面提出了完善我国警察培训模式的构想。  相似文献   

针对廊坊市教育培训市场,通过对相关培训机构单位采用实地调查、座谈调研和专家采访的方式,挖掘行业特征,分析困难问题,力求反映廊坊市教育培训市场发展状况、发展特点、存在问题,并在此基础上,从理论上提出廊坊市教育培训行业长期发展的基本思路和政策建议。  相似文献   

The French state‐levy system of ongoing training at work has not provided greater access for women than the laissez‐faire British system. While headlines figures suggest that women receive more training than men in Britain and that the gap has also closed for well‐qualified women in France, qualitative analysis shows that this does not indicate greater gender equity. The societal effect approach is useful for cross‐national comparison within the sphere of economic organization but must be combined with analysis of the gender order to account for differences and similarities in social reproduction. The case of the insurance industry provides detailed empirical evidence of the issues underlying this, particularly women's availability for ongoing training at work. The situation of women in each country is inextricably linked to a complex interdependence of a multitude of variables, some of which are similar, such as the workings of patriarchy, and some of which are different, such as state configurations of childcare infrastructure.  相似文献   

介绍了工程技术训练中心数控设备与教学的概况,以及科研项目对机械加工的需求及其特点。分析表明,工程训练中心与科研团队存在巨大的合作前景,可以在改善教学的同时推进科研项目的进展。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to examine psychiatrists' knowledge of the child protection process and their attitudes toward child protection training. An anonymous questionnaire survey was sent out to all psychiatric staff in a large psychiatric hospital. The response rate was 72 per cent. Fifty‐seven per cent of respondents had never attended child protection training and 16 per cent thought that it was of no relevance to their position. Significant differences in self‐rated knowledge were identified between those who had attended training and those who had not. Variations in the availability and quality of child protection training may result in psychiatrists not attaining the core knowledge required in order to work effectively as part of the child protection process. Hospital management should work towards prioritising and disseminating local child protection policies and procedures more effectively and consider routine child protection training as part of any new staff induction. The Royal College of Psychiatrists should consider inclusion of child protection in junior staff education programmes and as part of the MRCPsych examination curriculum. Likewise, consideration should be given to enhancing the status of child protection training in continuing professional development programmes for career‐grade psychiatric staff. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

从护理人才市场需求出发,依据紧缺护理岗位市场调研结果,提出通过建构特色明显的课程体系,优化组合现有实验设备和教学力量,实现后期分流培养,重点向院前急救护理、康复护理、老年护理方向培养,为提高就业竞争力,拓宽就业渠道提供了新思路。  相似文献   

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