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We have reviewed disaster management research papers published in major operations management, management science, operations research, supply chain management and transportation/logistics journals. In reviewing these studies, our objective is to assess and present the macro level “architectural blue print” of disaster management research with the hope that it will attract new researchers and motivate established researchers to contribute to this important field. The secondary objective is to bring this disaster research to the attention of disaster administrators so that disasters are managed more efficiently and more effectively. We have mapped the disaster management research on the following five attributes of a disaster: (1) Disaster Management Function (decision‐making process, prevention and mitigation, evacuation, humanitarian logistics, casualty management, and recovery and restoration), (2) Time of Disaster (before, during and after), (3) Type of Disaster (accidents, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, landslides, terrorism and wildfires etc.), (4) Data Type (Field and Archival data, Real data and Hypothetical data), and (5) Data Analysis Technique (bidding models, decision analysis, expert systems, fuzzy system analysis, game theory, heuristics, mathematical programming, network flow models, queueing theory, simulation and statistical analysis). We have done cross tabulations of data among these five parameters to gain greater insights into disaster research. Recommendations for future research are provided.  相似文献   

管理研究与管理实践脱节最近引起研究者的强烈关注。它是指管理研究所得出的发现,或发展出来的理论并没有在具体实践之中得到有效应用。论文将其归纳为无关型、超脱型、应用型、传递型、落后型五种类型的脱节,并对脱节的原因进行了深入分析。我们认为,建立合理的管理研究成果评价机制、进行以问题和变革驱动的情境化研究、综合运用多种研究范式、成立跨学科的研究机构、建立有效的科学研究共同体、建立学术知识转化机制、强化研究的规范性,将是弥合管理研究与实践距离的有效对策。  相似文献   

文豪  陈芳芸 《管理科学》2002,15(3):63-66
首先指出我国企业知识产权管理目前存在的问题,然后从行为和制度两个方面对这些问题产生的原因进行分析,并提出相应的政策建议及对策,即加强和完善知识产权管理的相关制度,加大知识产权管理的知识供给,同时企业自身也要采取相应的对策和行动.  相似文献   

本文针对突发水灾害应急管理中的多主体合作问题进行了探讨。运用博弈论和数值仿真方法,引入合作效用概念,基于收益不确定下的蜈蚣博弈实验模型构建了突发水灾害应急管理中异质性主体的合作行为博弈模型;在此基础上深入探讨了合作效用变量对突发水灾害应急管理中达成合作可能性的影响;并通过算例进行了数值分析。  相似文献   

孙继伟 《管理学报》2009,6(9):1143-1149
用归纳推理法、演绎推理法和矛盾分析法等方法,从理论的来源与去向、应用链、实践者感知、时空适用性4个方面提出了界定脱节的依据,深入分析了导致脱节的外因与内因,提出并论证了"管理学应用链偏长"、"管理学研究者客户迷失"、"存在价值与替代价值两维评价"、"引用者、读者、使用者三类指标"等重要论断.  相似文献   

Rio Yonson  Ilan Noy 《Risk analysis》2020,40(2):254-275
How can a government prioritize disaster risk management policies across regions and types of interventions? Using an economic model to assess welfare risk and resilience to disasters, this article systematically tackles the questions: (1) How much asset and welfare risks does each region in the Philippines face from riverine flood disasters? (2) How resilient is each region to riverine flood disasters? (3) What are, per region, the possible interventions to strengthen resilience to riverine flood disasters and what will be their measured benefit? We study the regions of the Philippines to demonstrate the channels through which macroeconomic asset and output losses from disasters translate to consumption and welfare losses at the micro-economic level. Apart from the regional prioritizations, we identify a menu of policy options ranked according to their level of effectiveness in increasing resilience and reducing welfare risk from riverine floods. The ranking of priorities varies for different regions when their level of expected value at risk is different. This suggests that there are region-specific conditions and drivers that need to be integrated into considerations and policy decisions, so that these are effectively addressed.  相似文献   

公司财务舞弊成因及治理综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
财务舞弊现象能否存在是上市公司、会计师事务所和政府监管部门各力量综合博弈的结果.从经济学角度看,对上市公司来说,当舞弊预期收益人于其预期舞弊成本时就会选择舞弊;对会计师事务所来说,当其"出卖"审计意见的预期收益人于预期成本时,就会选择"出卖".但若放在道德的角度看事情并非必然如此.当一个人的道德力量大于非道德力量时,他会选择社会许可的方式去追求自身的最大利益,他会放弃非道德方式所能带来的巨额收益.本文在综述各专家学者关于财务舞弊成因及治理的基础上,提出"以德治弊"与"以法治弊"相结合的新理念.  相似文献   

城市灾害应急目标管理及动态管理模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据城市灾害应急目标管理工作的实际需要,提出了城市应急目标管理的概念,从城市灾害预防、安全保障和应急救援三个方面,构建城市灾害应急目标管理的框架结构体系,提出了城市应急目标动态管理模型,并运用动态管理的方法,实现城市灾害应急目标的自我管理和自我完善,以达到城市应急管理目标的实现.  相似文献   

孙继伟  巫景飞 《管理学报》2009,6(12):1588-1596
管理学研究者应认清自己的客户是谁,为客户创造价值。管理学研究者的客户有同行客户和实践客户2类,对管理学研究成果评价的优先次序依次是:实践客户、同行客户、专业机构。典型的客户迷失有抛弃客户型、客户倒置型、两头踏空型3种。管理学界3种迷失都相当严重,这加剧了管理学脱离实践和学术不端两大问题。解决客户迷失问题的出路是,认清研究成果的价值排序,改革学术评价体系,不再片面强调刊物等级指标,而是以“使用者、读者、引用者”为核心,按照研究者的自我定位分类进行评价。  相似文献   

流程管理:中外差异及成因分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
黄解宇  岳澎 《管理学报》2005,2(2):184-189
流程管理是20世纪90年代出现的新的管理思想和管理方法.今天在欧美先进国家这一思想和方法已经走向成熟和完善,并逐渐取代传统的职能管理在企业中得到普遍的应用,而在我国流程管理则处于起步阶段,与发达国家相比存在较大的差异,主要表现在思想认识、发展历程、发展现状、实施范围、发展动因、实施平台6个方面.造成这些差异的成因可以从整体经济水平、信息技术水平、对外开放度、文化与法律软环境的不同4个方面得到说明.  相似文献   

This article compares different strategies for handling low‐ and medium‐level nuclear waste buried in a retired potassium mine in Germany (Asse II) that faces significant risk of uncontrollable brine intrusion and, hence, long‐term groundwater contamination. We survey the policy process that has resulted in the identification of three possible so‐called decommissioning options: complete backfilling, relocation of the waste to deeper levels in the mine, and retrieval. The selection of a decommissioning strategy must compare expected investment costs with expected social damage costs (economic, environmental, and health damage costs) caused by flooding and subsequent groundwater contamination. We apply a cost minimization approach that accounts for the uncertainty regarding the stability of the rock formation and the risk of an uncontrollable brine intrusion. Since economic and health impacts stretch out into the far future, we examine the impact of different discounting methods and rates. Due to parameter uncertainty, we conduct a sensitivity analysis concerning key assumptions. We find that retrieval, the currently preferred option by policymakers, has the lowest expected social damage costs for low discount rates. However, this advantage is overcompensated by higher expected investment costs. Considering all costs, backfilling is the best option for all discounting scenarios considered.  相似文献   

Kyoo‐Man Ha 《Risk analysis》2016,36(6):1262-1276
This article tests the hypothesis that “if redundancy‐oriented management has negative aspects, then it could be facilitated by gene‐therapy‐oriented management.” Negative aspects include disadvantages, misjudgments, or miscalculations. The article provides a newly revised principle of disaster management by studying gene‐therapy‐oriented management. Based on qualitative analysis, redundancy‐oriented and gene‐therapy‐oriented management are analyzed via five variables: governments, business, volunteers, households, and the international community. The article is valuable because an analytical frame on gene‐therapy‐oriented management is systematically reconceptualized for the field of disaster management via three elements: unhealthy proteins (problems or failed measures), a vector (new or modified solutions), and target cells (positive outcomes). In accepting the hypothesis, the key tenet is that stakeholders have to assist the progress of redundancy‐oriented management with gene‐therapy‐oriented management by paying attention to the genes of each disaster.  相似文献   

我国私募基金成因和管理对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
私募基金是一种追求高风险高回报的基金,具有专家理财、投资者理性、成熟度高等特点.本文重点分析了我国私募基金的成因,在此基础上探讨其管理对策,指出我国政府应该有计划有步骤有限制地发展私募基金,将其引导到我国的高科技产业和新兴产业中,既发挥私募基金的积极性,又适当转移风险,使其对我国经济的健康发展发挥作用.  相似文献   

《Risk analysis》2018,38(7):1422-1443
Current approaches to risk management place insufficient emphasis on the system knowledge available to the assessor, particularly in respect of the dynamic behavior of the system under threat, the role of human agents (HAs), and the knowledge available to those agents. In this article, we address the second of these issues. We are concerned with a class of systems containing HAs playing a variety of roles as significant system elements—as decisionmakers, cognitive agents, or implementers—that is, human activity systems. Within this family of HAS, we focus on safety and mission‐critical systems, referring to this subclass as critical human activity systems (CHASs). Identification of the role and contribution of these human elements to a system is a nontrivial problem whether in an engineering context, or, as is the case here, in a wider social and public context. Frequently, they are treated as standing apart from the system in design or policy terms. Regardless of the process of policy definition followed, analysis of the risk and threats to such a CHAS requires a holistic approach, since the effect of undesirable, uninformed, or erroneous actions on the part of the human elements is both potentially significant to the system output and inextricably bound together with the nonhuman elements of the system. We present a procedure for identifying the potential threats and risks emerging from the roles and activity of those HAs, using the 2014 flooding in southwestern England and the Thames Valley as a contemporary example.  相似文献   

Occasionally, published articles must be retracted to protect the integrity of the scientific record. Recently, The Leadership Quarterly retracted several articles. In this editorial, we describe why these retractions were warranted and the process leading to them. The key considerations giving rise to retractions, that is, accuracy in describing method and accuracy in describing results, are noted. The actions that authors must take to ensure their articles are not subject to retraction are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes quantitatively the design of the Ocean Ranger off-shore oil drilling rig that capsized and sank on February 15, 1982 off the coast of Canada. A review of the actual disaster is also included based on evidence gathered by the Canadian Royal Commission. The risk analysis includes the construction of a failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) table, a fault tree, and a quantitative evaluation including common cause failure of the rig components. In the case of the Ocean Ranger ballast control system, it was shown that the analysis was able both to successfully model the catastrophic system failure of the portholes, the actual system failure mode, and identify a common cause failure mode of the pump system. This study represents an application of reliability and risk techniques to the oil services industry.  相似文献   

This article provides a new technique for quantitatively characterizing the progress of recovery operations in the aftermath of a disaster event. The approach extends previous research on measuring dynamic, or adaptive, disaster resilience by developing a robust approach for characterizing nonlinear disaster recovery. In doing so, it enables a more accurate mathematical representation of different categories of recovery behavior and provides support for a much broader application of existing theory. Because the new approach inherits the ability to compare the relative behavior of multiple scenarios simultaneously, it also can serve as the basis for analytically comparing the expected performance of different plans for recovery operations. Practical application of the technique is demonstrated and discussed in the context of recovering electrical power after Hurricane Sandy struck the New York metropolitan area.  相似文献   

Increasing concern for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction is driving the need for more accurate and sophisticated tools of analysis to protect populations. Standards of analysis that can normalize measurements under various contexts are particularly valuable in the global arena of disaster management. One concern that may benefit from normalizing is the analysis of disaster loss trends. Previous studies have used a combination of inflation, wealth, and societal factors in their normalization of disaster loss methodologies. This study examines the various normalization methods in previous research and applies a selection of eight formulae to 50 years of disaster data in South Korea. The results show both decreasing and increasing trends in disaster damage losses based on the methods, but there are curious biases under the results that may be artifacts of Korea's unique experiences in economic development. The conclusion discusses how the case of Korea may help to clarify the optimal normalization methodology for other countries.  相似文献   

汶川地震发生之后,救灾款物源源不断送往灾区,但最近在救灾款物使用过程中却暴露出一些问题.因此,为确保救灾款物管理有效、合理使用,有必要对救灾款物审计.笔者试从救灾款物审计的背景与意义、问题及应对策略3方面对救灾款物审计做了全新的梳理和探讨.  相似文献   

Floro E. Caroleo 《LABOUR》1990,4(1):125-146
Abstract. Recent studies on the causes that bring about the increase in unemployment rates of the Mezzogiorno area and Italy are mainly based upon demographic and social causes. The aim of this study is to verify if they can be also influenced by economic factors. Through a dynamic model with partial adaptive hypothesis, some ways by which demand affects the differences of regional unemployment rates has been tested. In this respect it has been considered whether variations in economic activity can lead to different growth rates of regional production owing to the different industrial structures; whether the employers are influenced by local factors in varying the occupation when the production increases, and finally in which way the regional unemployment rate depends on the excess of desired, over effective, labour demand. Data base are from 1959 to 1976, and the unemployment rate is referred only to unemployed workers that is the better proxy of the unemployment connected with the economic cycle. The results show a slight reactiveness to demand, both in industrial labour demand and supply in the Mezzogiorno.  相似文献   

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