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The dominance or influence of metropolitan centers in the developing country of Turkey, as measured by gradients of population characteristics (population density, percent urban, sex ratio, percent over five years of age, and percent literate) by distance from the nearest metropolitan center for 1960 and 1965, is found to decrease sharply from the central zone to the next zone (25–49 kilometers from the center), and then change very little with increasing distance from the center, for both urban and rural populations. None of several alternative mathematical models describes the form of the influence of metropolitan centers on the population characteristics of their hinterlands very well, but the best fitting models suggest that population density declines by distance according to an exponential function to the base e, percent urban declines according to a function to the one-fourth power, sex ratio declines for about 100 kilometers and then increases according to a quadratic function, and percent under six years increases and percent literate declines according to a linear function. These results suggest that dominance of a metropolitan center over its hinterland beyond 25 or 50 kilometers in Turkey is not very strong, possibly because of the relatively poorly developed transportation and communication systems. Although metropolitan dominance in Turkey in 1960 and 1965 seems to diminish more sharply with distance and to extend less far from the metropolitan center than in developed countries or than it may as Turkey develops economically and technologically in the future, additional comparative data over time in Turkey and in developed countries at the same time are needed for a rigorous test of this apparent finding.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the pattern of residential segregation of status groups in Puerto Rico’s three metropolitan areas. The findings showed that in all three areas: (1) as the social status distance between groups increases so too does the degree of dissimilarity of their residential distributions; (2) the status groups most residentially segregated are those at the top and at the bottom of the status pyramid; (3) the pattern of residential centralization of status groups for Ponce and Mayaguez are such that the highest status groups are the most centralized while the lowest status groups are the most decentralized, but in San Juan it is the highest status groups that are the most decentralized and the lowest status groups that are the most centralized. The data are from the 1960 census. Indicators of status employed are education, occupation, and income. Differences in findings about centralization between San Juan and the other cities are explained in terms of differential economic development.  相似文献   

The postwar Swedish housing standard has been raised considerably. But there were also unforeseen and undesired side effects in the form of increasing segregation. Between 1965–1975 a great number of rental apartments were built in the periphery of the metropolitan areas. They originally received an overrepresentation of the poor, immigrants, social welfare recipients, and members of the working class. Today these areas face long distances, increasing deterioration and the lower socioeconomic level of their population is accentuated. The following wave of rebuilding in the central metropolitan areas also reinforced residential segregation. As the dwellings became larger and totally modern, the rents rose. Ownership forms often changed to tenant-owned dwellings which drove up the prices of tenant-owned dwellings. The older working-class population was replaced by wealthy families with middle-class backgrounds. The rebuilding in the city centers has in all likelihood been the motor in the overall relocations and migrations of the metropolitan populations during the 1980s. The movement of the middle-class towards the centers corresponds to an increased concentration of workers and various resource-weak groups on the peripheries. This analysis uses a new large micro data base integrating Swedish census and level-of-living survey data on individuals, households and neighbourhoods.Housing segregation has not been seen as a very serious problem in Sweden. Attention has primarily been aimed at providing spatial and modern dwellings for everyone. The construction of housing was explosive through the middle of the 1970s, and it has been supported by substantial general subsidies. Today, Sweden, together with Norway, has Europe's highest and most evenly distributed housing standard. Overcrowding and unmodern housing have for all practical purposes been abolished.  相似文献   

设市的战略布局与我国城市化的地区差异   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈晅 《人口学刊》2002,(2):22-27
城市化是一个极其复杂的过程 ,其影响机制很多 ,但是我国政府干预是城市化地区差异产生的一个非常重要的因素。政府通过干预经济产生地区差异 ,间接影响城市化发展 ;通过干预城市设置 ,进行设市战略布局的调整 ,直接影响我国城市化水平地区差异  相似文献   

Two interrelated issues have increasingly occupied the attention of the courts, as judges, lawyers and expert witnesses wrestle with the issue of school desegregation and mandatory busing. The first of these issues concerns the extent to which there are causal relationships between schools and housing patterns, while the second issue revolves around the impact of mandatory busing on white flight (either as population relocation or public school abandonment). The courts have chosen to accept the tenuous argument of a causative relationship between schools and housing and to downplay the considerable impacts of their court orders requiring mandatory busing. These court orders have directly influenced population distributions and may affect population redistribution in the future.  相似文献   

目前,城市计生工作正面临许多问题,原有的管理手段和方法也不适应。必须建立适应城市计划生育特点的新组织机构和专业工作队伍,建立相应的经常性工作机制和督查机制,突出优质服务,倡导知情选择,才能开创城市计划生育工作的新局面。  相似文献   

In the years of plenty, funds were available to experiment widely with different ways to offer services for urban dependents. Services sprang up everywhere, but the net effect in many cities was a piecemeal and largely ineffective delivery system. In the coming lean years, we can expect a more parsimonious distribution of services, but at the same time the need for services may increase in response to worsening conditions in urban areas. This paper considers the implications of this situation, with a particular emphasis on the provision of services for alcohol abusers.An earlier version of this paper was delivered at the 1982 Association of American Geographers annual meeting in San Antonio, Texas (April 27th, 1982). The paper, which was part of a special session co-sponsored by the Urban Geography and the Political Geography Specialty Groups, was entitled The Delivery of Urban Public Services: Implications of Current Federal Policy.  相似文献   

This study conceptually and empirically extends a study by Wotanis and McMillan in which the authors claimed that female video producers are underrepresented on YouTube and receive much more negative (including hostile and sexist) feedback than male YouTubers. Using quantitative content analysis, this study supported the claim of female underrepresentation. Among the top 100 most subscribed YouTube channels in nine different countries (N = 900 channels), with a statistically significant proportion of only 25%, female video producers were strongly underrepresented. Additionally, a second content analysis of N = 2,400 video comments directly replicated the original study’s main quantitative results. This analysis confirmed that the popular female US comedy YouTuber Jenna Mourey (“JennaMarbles”) received much more negative (including hostile and sexist) feedback than her male counterpart Ryan Higa (“nigahiga”). However, a third content analysis of N = 6,000 video comments from five other pairs of comparable comedy YouTubers did not reveal that women’s videos generally attract a larger number of negative video comments. Possibly, women attract more negative comments only if they display their sexuality (like Jenna Mourey) or address feminist topics, but not if they conform to gender role expectations. Future research directions and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

I examine the effect of improved sanitation on child health in urban Bangladesh to assess the relative importance of household versus neighborhood characteristics and of adult latrine usage versus safe disposal of children’s feces. Using fixed-effects regression, I calculate the change in weight-for-height in 153 children as a function of changes in latrine usage in the surrounding community. The use of longitudinal data allows children to act as their own controls, a stumbling point of many other sanitation evaluation studies using cross-sectional or case–control methods. Results provide strong evidence that children’s toileting matters more than adult toileting behavior in creating a safe, hygienic environment and reducing diarrheal disease. I conclude that investments in sanitation improvements offer important externalities, and that sanitation programs must encourage the safe disposal of children’s feces in order to produce maximum health gains.  相似文献   

This article focuses on components of change in out-migration and destination-propensity rates of metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas. The results indicate that changes in subgroup-specific rates were the driving force behind the changing patterns between and within these two areas. Composition effects played a secondary role, mainly counteracting the negative impact of changing rates. Although the rate of change in out-migration from metropolitan areas has been reduced and out-migration from nonmetropolitan areas declined during the most recent period, the propensity to select metropolitan areas increased over the period studied. Finally, rate-specific changes vary by age and education, indicating a change in migration's impact on population composition at origin and destination.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代上海市流动人口动力机制新探   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
徐玮  宁越敏 《人口研究》2005,29(6):47-55
改革开放以来,我国大规模的人口流动呈现出波浪推进之势,引起了各方的关注。作为中国经济中心的上海,在此过程中的流动人口现象更为显著,1988年为106万,至1993年达历史上峰值为251万人,此后到1997年间有所下降。根据2000年11月1日的第五次人口普查资料显示,全市外来流入人口总量达到387·11万人,其中居住半年以上的占79%。2003年8月1日的流动人口抽样调查的数据表明,上海的流动人口数已达498·79万人,其中居住半年以上的占76·8%(见表1)。表1主要年份外来流动人口调查数据万人年份1988年1993年1997年2000年2003年(外来)流动人口总量106 251 …  相似文献   

C. Jack Tucker 《Demography》1976,13(4):435-443
Data from the 1975 Current Population Survey confirm that, during 1970–1975, there was a reversal of the traditional net migration stream between metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas in the United States. During this period, there was net in-migration of 1,600,000 persons to nonmetropolitan areas, in contrast to net out-migration of 350,000 persons from these areas in 1965–1970. Reversal was caused by a 12 percent decrease in the number of nonmetropolitan out-migrants and a 23 percent increase in the number of SMSA residents moving to nonmetropolitan territory over 1965–1970 levels. While some changes in the size of migration streams were due to changes in age structures and population bases in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas, they were caused primarily by real shifts in outmigration propensities at practically all ages in both areas.  相似文献   

This paper examines two crucial aspects of the assimilation experience of ethnic minority immigrants in the United Kingdom. It explores the determinants of their English language (speaking) fluency and the key role such skills play in their occupational success. Our sample is derived from the Fourth National Survey of Ethnic Minorities undertaken in 1994. Uniquely this data contains an interviewer-assessed measure of English language fluency. Importantly, we also attempt to control for possible endogeneity bias in the estimates of the effect of language fluency on occupational success. We find that fluency is associated with significantly higher mean hourly occupational wages. Received: 26 November 1999/Accepted: 03 August 2000  相似文献   

In this study, using the statistical models recently introduced by Goodman, we analyze the reasons why individuals choose the car or public transportation for the journey to work and draw out some of the implications of our analysis for public policy. Building on the work of Schnore, we develop a model in which both structural and individual variables are interrelated and show that the structural contexts within which individuals make decisions about their choice are crucial. We also show that, while status differentials are largely accounted for by income differences, male preferences for the automobile tend not to be due either to the structural variables or to income differences. Our findings suggest that present policies designed to induce people to shift to public transportation for the journey to work are not likely to be effective, since they do nothing to alter present cost differentials between the two modes.  相似文献   

杨林  朱小林 《西北人口》2002,(2):63-64,F003
城市贫困已成为我国现今城市发展中的一个突出问题。本文在对贫困相关概念界定的基础上,通过对我国西部地区城市贫困现状的分析,揭示出其产生和扩大的深刻原因并由此提出一系列可供选择的政策建议。  相似文献   

While the populations of the Central Asian successor states are extremely heterogeneous on many indicators, the issue of rural or urban residence is consistently important in terms of differentials in population growth, socio-economic status and public health. In this paper I focus on rural population trends in Kazakhstan, Kyrghyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. I explore the relatively disadvantaged position of rural inhabitants as well as regional variations within the rural population. The differentials in fertility and mortality rates and the large projected population increases indicate that future policy interventions and data collection efforts should incorporate a specific focus on rural areas.  相似文献   

William H. Frey 《Demography》1979,16(2):219-237
Increased migration to the sunbelt and the metropolitan-nonmetropolitan "turnaround" represent departures from long-standing redistribution trends. Although these patterns have been examined from a number of perspectives, their consequences for individual metropolitan areas have not yet been brought to light. In the present study, stream-disaggregated data for the late 1950s and late 1960s are employed to assess the impact of recent migration on the sizes and compositions of white populations in thirty-one large metropolitan areas. Most large northern SMSAs have been experiencing the "new" migration patterns since the late 1950s. They have incurred net out-movements of whites to both metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas. In their exchanges with nonmetropolitan areas, however, they have managed to retain greater numbers of college graduates and professional workers. Southern and western SMSAs did not sustain losses to nonmetropolitan areas during either period. They did appear to gain both total and high status population as a result of interregional metropolitan redistribution.  相似文献   

许涛 《南方人口》2012,27(3):49-56
芝加哥学派对城市社区的形成发展做出了经典的生态学解释,但是却把人类行为等同于生物活动,将人类降低到生物层次,忽视了人类的社会文化属性。本文通过广州地区非洲商人聚集区的形成和发展过程,说明了城市社区的形成是一个饱含经济、文化、宗教与情感因素影响的过程,同时也对非洲商人聚集区的形成机制进行了分析。研究表明,非洲商人聚集区的形成表现为两个方面,一是非洲人口的增长,二是空间的拓展。聚集区的发展过程划分为类聚和分化两种机制,与城市空间发展相同的地方在于,聚集区商贸空间的拓展,先是同质化经营促使商贸空间的拓展,然后才出现商贸的专业化经营,换句话说,是资源的类聚达到一定程度后才出现分化。与一般城市区域发展不同的地方在于,聚集区人口的类聚和分化不是前后相继的两个过程,而是几乎同时出现的,呈现的形态是,类聚中有分化,分化中有类聚。  相似文献   

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